257 research outputs found

    Determination of cyclosporine concentration in bile

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    Tensile testing of cellulose based natural fibers for structural composite applications

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    A series of tensile tests were conducted on a Lloyd LRX tensile testing machine for numerous natural fibers deemed potential candidates for development in composite applications. The tensile tests were conducted on the fibers jute, kenaf, flax, abaca, sisal, hemp, and coir for samples exposed to moisture conditions of (1) room temperature and humidity, (2) 65% moisture content, (3) 90% moisture content, and (4) soaked fiber. These seven fibers were then tested for the four conditions and the mechanical properties of tensile strength, tensile strain to failure, and Young's modulus were calculated for the results. These results were then compared and verified with those from the literature, with some of the fibers showing distinctly promising potential. Additionally, a study on the effect of alkalization using 3% NaOH solution was carried out on flax, kenaf, abaca, and sisal to observe impact that this common fiber pre-treatment process has on fiber mechanical properties. The result of the investigation indicated that over treatment of natural fibers using NaOH could have a negative effect on the base fiber properties. It is consequently apparent that a treatment time of less than 10 min is sufficient to remove hemicelluloses and to give the optimum effect

    A CNN and LSTM-based Model for Creating Captions for Photos

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    Can a machine interpret an image's meaning with the same speed as the human brain when it is seen? This problem was heavily researched by computer vision specialists, who believed it to be unsolvable until recently. It is now possible to develop models that can generate captions for pictures because of advancements in deep learning techniques, accessibility to large datasets, and processing power. This will be accomplished by the Python-based implementation of the article's deep learning convolutional neural network technique and a particular kind of recurrent neural network. Here the proposed model uses CNN and LSTM methods to achieve desired tas

    Transcriptional responses of Arabidopsis thaliana plants to As (V) stress

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    Background Arsenic is toxic to plants and a common environmental pollutant. There is a strong chemical similarity between arsenate [As (V)] and phosphate (Pi). Whole genome oligonucleotide microarrays were employed to investigate the transcriptional responses of Arabidopsis thaliana plants to As (V) stress. Results Antioxidant-related genes (i.e. coding for superoxide dismutases and peroxidases) play prominent roles in response to arsenate. The microarray experiment revealed induction of chloroplast Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) (at2g28190), Cu/Zn SOD (at1g08830), as well as an SOD copper chaperone (at1g12520). On the other hand, Fe SODs were strongly repressed in response to As (V) stress. Non-parametric rank product statistics were used to detect differentially expressed genes. Arsenate stress resulted in the repression of numerous genes known to be induced by phosphate starvation. These observations were confirmed with qRT-PCR and SOD activity assays. Conclusion Microarray data suggest that As (V) induces genes involved in response to oxidative stress and represses transcription of genes induced by phosphate starvation. This study implicates As (V) as a phosphate mimic in the cell by repressing genes normally induced when available phosphate is scarce. Most importantly, these data reveal that arsenate stress affects the expression of several genes with little or unknown biological functions, thereby providing new putative gene targets for future research

    Development of three dimensional constitutive theories based on lower dimensional experimental data

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    Most three dimensional constitutive relations that have been developed to describe the behavior of bodies are correlated against one dimensional and two dimensional experiments. What is usually lost sight of is the fact that infinity of such three dimensional models may be able to explain these experiments that are lower dimensional. Recently, the notion of maximization of the rate of entropy production has been used to obtain constitutive relations based on the choice of the stored energy and rate of entropy production, etc. In this paper we show different choices for the manner in which the body stores energy and dissipates energy and satisfies the requirement of maximization of the rate of entropy production that leads to many three dimensional models. All of these models, in one dimension, reduce to the model proposed by Burgers to describe the viscoelastic behavior of bodies.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Corrugation Angle on Heat Transfer Studies of Viscous Fluids in Corrugated Plate Heat Exchangers

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    In the present investigation heat transfer studies are conducted in corrugated plate heat exchangers (PHEs) having three different corrugation angles of 300, 400 and 500. The plate heat exchangers have a length of 30 cm and a width of 10 cm with a spacing of 5 mm. Water and 20% glycerol solution are taken as test fluids and hot fluid is considered as heating medium. The wall temperatures are measured along the length of exchanger at seven different locations by means of thermocouples. The inlet and outlet temperatures of test fluid and hot fluid are measured by means of four more thermocouples. The experiments are conducted at a flowrate ranging from 0.5 lpm to 6 lpm with the test fluid. Film heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number are determined from the experimental data. These values are compared with different corrugation angles. The effects of corrugation angles on heat transfer rates are discussed

    Systemic Microvascular Dysfunction and Inflammation after Pulmonary Particulate Matter Exposure

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    The epidemiologic association between pulmonary exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) and cardiovascular dysfunction is well known, but the systemic mechanisms that drive this effect remain unclear. We have previously shown that acute pulmonary exposure to PM impairs or abolishes endothelium-dependent arteriolar dilation in the rat spinotrapezius muscle. The purpose of this study was to further characterize the effect of pulmonary PM exposure on systemic microvascular function and to identify local inflammatory events that may contribute to these effects. Rats were intratracheally instilled with residual oil fly ash (ROFA) or titanium dioxide at 0.1 or 0.25 mg/rat 24 hr before measurement of pulmonary and systemic microvascular responses. In vivo microscopy of the spinotrapezius muscle was used to study systemic arteriolar responses to intraluminal infusion of the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 or iontophoretic abluminal application of the adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (PHE). Leukocyte rolling and adhesion were quantified in venules paired with the studied arterioles. Histologic techniques were used to assess pulmonary inflammation, characterize the adherence of leukocytes to systemic venules, verify the presence of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the systemic microvascular wall, and quantify systemic microvascular oxidative stress. In the lungs of rats exposed to ROFA or TiO(2), changes in some bronchoalveolar lavage markers of inflammation were noted, but an indication of cellular damage was not found. In rats exposed to 0.1 mg ROFA, focal alveolitis was evident, particularly at sites of particle deposition. Exposure to either ROFA or TiO(2) caused a dose-dependent impairment of endothelium-dependent arteriolar dilation. However, exposure to these particles did not affect microvascular constriction in response to PHE. ROFA and TiO(2) exposure significantly increased leukocyte rolling and adhesion in paired venules, and these cells were positively identified as polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs). In ROFA- and TiO(2)-exposed rats, MPO was found in PMNLs adhering to the systemic microvascular wall. Evidence suggests that some of this MPO had been deposited in the microvascular wall. There was also evidence for oxidative stress in the microvascular wall. These results indicate that after PM exposure, the impairment of endothelium-dependent dilation in the systemic microcirculation coincides with PMNL adhesion, MPO deposition, and local oxidative stress. Collectively, these microvascular observations are consistent with events that contribute to the disruption of the control of peripheral resistance and/or cardiac dysfunction associated with PM exposure

    Genetic load and transgenic mitigating genes in transgenic \u3ci\u3eBrassica rapa\u3c/i\u3e (field mustard) × \u3ci\u3eBrassica napus\u3c/i\u3e (oilseed rape) hybrid populations

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    Abstract Background One theoretical explanation for the relatively poor performance of Brassica rapa (weed) × Brassica napus (crop) transgenic hybrids suggests that hybridization imparts a negative genetic load. Consequently, in hybrids genetic load could overshadow any benefits of fitness enhancing transgenes and become the limiting factor in transgenic hybrid persistence. Two types of genetic load were analyzed in this study: random/linkage-derived genetic load, and directly incorporated genetic load using a transgenic mitigation (TM) strategy. In order to measure the effects of random genetic load, hybrid productivity (seed yield and biomass) was correlated with crop- and weed-specific AFLP genomic markers. This portion of the study was designed to answer whether or not weed × transgenic crop hybrids possessing more crop genes were less competitive than hybrids containing fewer crop genes. The effects of directly incorporated genetic load (TM) were analyzed through transgene persistence data. TM strategies are proposed to decrease transgene persistence if gene flow and subsequent transgene introgression to a wild host were to occur. Results In the absence of interspecific competition, transgenic weed × crop hybrids benefited from having more crop-specific alleles. There was a positive correlation between performance and number of B. napus crop-specific AFLP markers [seed yield vs. marker number (r = 0.54, P = 0.0003) and vegetative dry biomass vs. marker number (r = 0.44, P = 0.005)]. However under interspecific competition with wheat or more weed-like conditions (i.e. representing a situation where hybrid plants emerge as volunteer weeds in subsequent cropping systems), there was a positive correlation between the number of B. rapa weed-specific AFLP markers and seed yield (r = 0.70, P = 0.0001), although no such correlation was detected for vegetative biomass. When genetic load was directly incorporated into the hybrid genome, by inserting a fitness-mitigating dwarfing gene that that is beneficial for crops but deleterious for weeds (a transgene mitigation measure), there was a dramatic decrease in the number of transgenic hybrid progeny persisting in the population. Conclusion The effects of genetic load of crop and in some situations, weed alleles might be beneficial under certain environmental conditions. However, when genetic load was directly incorporated into transgenic events, e.g., using a TM construct, the number of transgenic hybrids and persistence in weedy genomic backgrounds was significantly decreased

    The Sources of Inflammatory Mediators in the Lung after Silica Exposure

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    The expression of 10 genes implicated in regulation of the inflammatory processes in the lung was studied after exposure of alveolar macrophages (AMs) to silica in vitro or in vivo. Exposure of AMs to silica in vitro up-regulated the messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of three genes [interleukin-6 (IL-6), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2)] without a concomitant increase in the protein levels. AMs isolated after intratracheal instillation of silica up-regulated mRNA levels of four additional genes [granulocyte/macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-1β, IL-10, and inducible nitric oxide synthase]. IL-6, MCP-1, and MIP-2 protein levels were elevated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Fibroblasts under basal culture conditions express much higher levels of IL-6 and GM-CSF compared with AMs. Coculture of AMs and alveolar type II cells, or coculture of AMs and lung fibroblasts, in contact cultures or Transwell chambers, revealed no synergistic effect. Therefore, such interaction does not explain the effects seen in vivo. Identification of the intercellular communication in vivo is still unresolved. However, fibroblasts appear to be an important source of inflammatory mediators in the lung

    Contract Farming, Ecological Change and the Transformations of Reciprocal Gendered Social Relations in Eastern India

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    Debates on gender and the commodification of land highlight the loss of land rights, intensification of demands on women’s labour, and decline in their decision-making control. Supported by ‘extra-economic forces’ of religious nationalism (Hindutva), such neoliberal interventions are producing new gender ideologies involving a subtle shift from relations of reciprocity to those of subordination. Using data from fine grained fieldwork in Koraput district, Odisha, we analyse the tensions and transformations created jointly by corporate interventions (contract farming of eucalyptus by the paper industry) and religious nationalism in the local landscape. We examine how these phenomena are reshaping relations of asymmetric mutuality between nature and society, and between men and women