267 research outputs found

    Efeito do probiótico na evolução da inflamação granulomatosa e hematologia de tilápias do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus.

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    A atividade probiótica de um suplemento comercial composto de três microorganismos, (3x108 UFC), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2x108 UFC) e Aspergillus oryzae (4x106 UFC), foi avaliada através da inclusão de níveis do suplemento na dieta alimentar de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus).Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    miRiadne : a web tool for consistent integration of miRNA nomenclature

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    The miRBase is the official miRNA repository which keeps the annotation updated on newly discovered miRNAs: it is also used as a reference for the design of miRNA profiling platforms. Nomenclature ambiguities generated by loosely updated platforms and design errors lead to incompatibilities among platforms, even from the same vendor. Published miRNA lists are thus generated with different profiling platforms that refer to diverse and not updated annotations. This greatly compromises searches, comparisons and analyses that rely on miRNA names only without taking into account the mature sequences, which is particularly critic when such analyses are carried over automatically. In this paper we introduce miRiadne, a web tool to harmonize miRNA nomenclature, which takes into account the original miRBase versions from 10 up to 21, and annotations of 40 common profiling platforms from nine brands that we manually curated. miRiadne uses the miRNA mature sequence to link miRBase versions and/or platforms to prevent nomenclature ambiguities. miRiadne was designed to simplify and support biologists and bioinformaticians in re-annotating their own miRNA lists and/or data sets. As Ariadne helped Theseus in escaping the mythological maze, miRiadne will help the miRNA researcher in escaping the nomenclature maze. miRiadne is freely accessible from the URL http://www.miriadne.org

    Total leukocyte counts methods in fish, Oreochromis niloticus

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    Haematological investigation is animportant part of disease diagnosis. The techniquesused for mammals are generally applicable forfishes with slight modification. The presence ofnucleated erythrocytes and thrombocytes in fishmay cause some confusion in the identification ofblood cells, mainly in total leukocytes count. Thiswork evaluated two different methods (direct andindirect) of leukocytes counting. Specimens oftilapia were divided randomly into four groups of 48fish each. Each group was further randomized intothree replicate experiments of 16 fish per replicatein 40 L aquarium and maintained for 10 days. Counting of leukocytes in peripheral blood wasdetermined in six fishes per group at the times: 0,3, 7 and 10 days. The direct method in Neubauerchamber showed a large dispersion of data inregard to the average, the opposite was observedin indirect method determined in blood smears thatshowed more homogeneity among groups. Due tothis factor the indirect method can be consideredmore accurate than the direct method for countingleukocytes in fishes.O estudo da hematologia é consideradouma importante ferramenta para o processode diagnóstico de doenças. As técnicas usadas emmamíferos são amplamente aplicadas em peixes,no entanto com algumas modificações. A presençade eritrócitos nucleados e trombócitos em peixespode causar dificuldade na identificação das célulassangüíneas, principalmente na contagem deleucócitos totais. A presente pesquisa foi realizadacom o objetivo de avaliar duas metodologias (diretae indireta) de quantificação de leucócitos. Espécimesde tilápia foram divididos ao acaso em quatrogrupos de 48 peixes cada. Cada grupo foi divididoem três réplicas experimentais com 16 animais porréplica em aquários de 40 L e mantidos por 10 dias.A quantificação dos leucócitos foi determinada em6 animais por grupo nos tempos: 0, 3, 7 e 10 dias. Ametodologia direta em câmara de Neubauer apresentougrande oscilação dos dados com relação àmédia, o oposto tendo sido observado na metodologiaindireta realizada em extensões sanguíneas,que apresentou maior homogeneidade entre osgrupos. Devido a este fator a metodologia indiretapode ser considerada mais confiável que a metodologiadireta para quantificação de leucócitos empeixes

    Refração por retinoscopia em cães

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    Albarella future – zero carbon emission

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    Climate warming is setting requirements on research also in the agronomic and forest fields. The soil and vegetation are available as carbon sinks. Ecosystems under high exploitation lost part of their carbon. It is possible to recover this carbon from the air with natural processes and to return it to the land. Besides, global warming requires a change in mentality that moves into the replacement of fossil fuels with other energy sources. In this perspective, the island of Albarella, with its environment and economic activities, represents an attractive miniature model of the planet Earth. For this design, we estimated (Vensim simulation) the emissions and storage of CO2 equivalent of the whole island. Then, with the idea of acting on natural ecosystems to make them more active in carbon storage, we analyzed two vegetation series from the forest to the sea, one located in the nearby natural reserve of Porto Caleri, and one on the island of Albarella. The investigation concerns the soil carbon storage and the quality and quantity of populations of arthropods, bacteria, and fungi as well. The biodiversity of artificial environments resulted in higher than that of natural habitats, opening a debate. Acting in different ways on the substitution of fuels, we obtained scenarios with decreasing emissions, from consumerist without substitution of fuels, realistic with 15% of replacement by solar energy, and sustainable with zero use of fossil energy and all the island electricity produced through photovoltaic panels

    Transplante de membrana amniótica para tratamento de perfuração corneana em cão

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    Multigene panel testing increases the number of loci associated with gastric cancer predisposition

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    The main gene involved in gastric cancer (GC) predisposition is CDH1, the pathogenic variants of which are associated with diffuse-type gastric cancer (DGC) and lobular breast cancer (LBC). CDH1 only explains a fraction (10–50%) of patients suspected of DGC/LBC genetic predisposition. To identify novel susceptibility genes, thus improving the management of families at risk, we performed a multigene panel testing on selected patients. We searched for germline pathogenic variants in 94 cancer-related genes in 96 GC or LBC Italian patients with early-onset and/or family history of GC. We found CDH1 pathogenic variants in 10.4% of patients. In 11.5% of cases, we identified loss-of-function variants in BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, and ATM breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility genes, as well as in MSH2, PMS2, BMPR1A, PRF1, and BLM genes. In 78.1% of patients, we did not find any variants with clear-cut clinical significance; however, 37.3% of these cases harbored rare missense variants predicted to be damaging by bioinformatics tools. Multigene panel testing decreased the number of patients that would have otherwise remained genetically unexplained. Besides CDH1, our results demonstrated that GC pathogenic variants are distributed across a number of susceptibility genes and reinforced the emerging link between gastric and breast cancer predisposition.This research was supported by the Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) IRCCS, by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)—Dipartimenti di Eccellenza Program (2018–2022)—Department of Biology and Biotechnology L. Spallanzani, University of Pavia, and by the Dunia Beam Erasmus Mundus project (fellowship to R.A.K.)

    Efeito do maleato de timolol 0.5% na pressão intra-ocular de cães normais

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    Competição entre adubos fosfatados em milho (Zea mays L)

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    This paper relates the results of an experiment designed to study the comparative effects of several phosphates applied to corn crops. The following phosphates were applied to a latin square of 6x6: Latif (a rock phosphate), fospal, superphosphate, fertifos, hiperfosfato and serranafosfato (a fusion phosphate). The nutrients were employd at the rates of 200 kg of N (as Chilean nitrate), 200kg of K2O (as muriate of potash) and 200 kg of P205. To correct the acidity and to improve the poor physical conditions of the sandy soil studied limestone (450 kg/Ha) and cotton seed meal (900 kg/Ha) were added to all plots; liming was made one month in advance to the planting. In the second year, in the same place, the split-plot technique was used: half plot received only N and K20 whereas the other half received the same treatment as the year before. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first year, superphosphate of lime, produced better results than the other phosphates; there was no significant difference among fertifos, serranafosfato, and hiperfosfato but these phosphates proved to be superior to fospal and Latif; 2. in the second year, superphosphate, fertifos and serranafosfato produced practically the same effect, being better than hiperfosfato, fospal, and Latif which did not differ signicantly; 3. the increase in yield due to the reapplication of phosphates to the half plots was not advantageous under an economic point of view; however, it is interesting to note that the yield was still benefited in spite of the heavy doses of phosphates applied the year before

    De novo transcriptome profiling of highly purified human lymphocytes primary cells

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    To help better understand the role of long noncoding RNAs in the human immune system, we recently generated a comprehensive RNA-seq data set using 63 RNA samples from 13 subsets of T (CD4(+)\u2009naive, CD4(+)\u2009TH1, CD4(+)\u2009TH2, CD4(+)\u2009TH17, CD4(+)\u2009Treg, CD4(+)\u2009TCM, CD4(+)\u2009TEM, CD8(+)\u2009TCM, CD8(+)\u2009TEM, CD8(+)\u2009naive) and B (B naive, B memory, B CD5(+)) lymphocytes. There were five biological replicates for each subset except for CD8(+)\u2009TCM and B CD5(+)\u2009populations that included 4 replicates. RNA-Seq data were generated by an Illumina HiScanSQ sequencer using the TruSeq v3 Cluster kit. 2.192 billion of paired-ends reads, 2 7100\u2009bp, were sequenced and after filtering a total of about 1.7 billion reads were mapped. Using different de novo transcriptome reconstruction techniques over 500 previously unknown lincRNAs were identified. The current data set could be exploited to drive the functional characterization of lincRNAs, identify novel genes and regulatory networks associated with specific cells subsets of the human immune system