15 research outputs found

    Effects of coastal eutrophication on the spawning grounds of the Baltic herring in the SW Archipelago of Finland

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    In the last 14 years, trapnet catches of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) have decreased drastically in the inner zones of the bays studied, but increased in the outer zones in the sea area of Turku, SW Finland. We deduce that the reasons for the decrease of catches have been eutrophication and sedimentation of the bays. The spawning grounds of the Baltic herring were studied by SCUBA-diving in the sea area of Turku in 1981-86. We studied 134 locations but found eggs in only 20 locations. Herring did not lay eggs on all suitable grounds, but regularly and intensively used some few locations from year to year. The most important spawning grounds were situated in the outer zones of the bays. We found eggs at 0-8 meters depth. In the inner parts of the bays, we did not find eggs with the exception of one shore, which is kept free of sediments by water currents. The spawning grounds comprised mainly sand and gravel. Most of them were covered by vegetation. Eggs were attached to Cladophora glomerata, Potamogeton perfoliatus, and red algae Furcellaria Jumbricalis and Phyllophora truncata. In the innermost zones of the bays the original littoral hard bottoms have changed to soft, muddy bottoms and consequently no eggs could be found there

    Chromatin organization regulates viral egress dynamics

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    Various types of DNA viruses are known to elicit the formation of a large nuclear viral replication compartment and marginalization of the cell chromatin. We used three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography, confocal and electron microscopy, combined with numerical modelling of capsid diffusion to analyse the molecular organization of chromatin in herpes simplex virus 1 infection and its effect on the transport of progeny viral capsids to the nuclear envelope. Our data showed that the formation of the viral replication compartment at late infection resulted in the enrichment of heterochromatin in the nuclear periphery accompanied by the compaction of chromatin. Random walk modelling of herpes simplex virus 1-sized particles in a three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography reconstruction of an infected cell nucleus demonstrated that the peripheral, compacted chromatin restricts viral capsid diffusion, but due to interchromatin channels capsids are able to reach the nuclear envelope, the site of their nuclear egress

    A strategy for research projects to impact standards and regulatory bodies: The approach of the EU-funded project MiWaveS

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a strategy, described via a process, which can help collaborative research projects impact standards and engage with regulatory bodies. The process is being successfully used by a running EU-funded project that is taken as a concrete example of how to link in a proper way innovation and pre-development activities to standards. The proposed methodology has a general validity and can be adopted by any other research project, working on new enabling technologies far ahead from market launch, aiming at the broadest possible deployment of such technologies and willing to impact effectively both the research and the industry ecosystems. © 2015 IEEE

    Spectacles contemporains, par le vicomte E. Melchior de Vogüé, de l’Académie française (Paris, Armand Colin, 1891)

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    Lefranc Abel. Spectacles contemporains, par le vicomte E. Melchior de Vogüé, de l’Académie française (Paris, Armand Colin, 1891). In: Revue internationale de l'enseignement, tome 21, Janvier-Juin 1891. pp. 406-407