175 research outputs found

    Methods to Support the Project Selection Problem With Non-Linear Portfolio Objectives, Time Sensitive Objectives, Time Sensitive Resource Constraints, and Modeling Inadequacies

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    The United States Air Force relies upon information production activities to gain insight regarding uncertainties affecting important system configuration and in-mission task execution decisions. Constrained resources that prevent the fulfillment of every information production request, multiple information requestors holding different temporal-sensitive objectives, non-constant marginal value preferences, and information-product aging factors that affect the value-of-information complicate the management of these activities. This dissertation reviews project selection research related to these issues and presents novel methods to address these complications. Quantitative experimentation results demonstrate these methods’ significance

    Redundant Mesh Trees for Robust Scalable Low-latency P2P Media Distribution

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    A redundant mesh (RMS) tree structure is proposed as a P2P network topology for reducing network latency. The RMS tree structure may enable low-latency network scalability through redundant connections within tree nodes, and a fully connected mesh cluster at each node of the tree structure. When compared to a traditional P2P or client-server network topology, bandwidth demands may be reduced at every node of the network. Thus, latent network capabilities may be utilized, and overall system latency may decrease


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    Cette recherche a pour but de décrire (1) les types de style et (2) les aspects de l’image dans les publicités de Renault sur l’internet. Le sujet de cette recherche est les textes dans les publicités de Renault. L’objet est les textes en forme de style et les aspects de l’image dans cette publicité. Les donneés sont tous les textes qui contiennent le style et l’aspect de l’image dans les publicités de Renault publiés de l’année 2011 à 2013 sur trois sites d’internet, ils sont (1) www.autotitre.com (2) www.turbo.fr (3) www.lareclame.fr. La méthode de lecture attentive est utilisée pour recueillir des donnés. Elle est continuée par la technique de la lecture attentive ou SBLC (technique d’observation sans participer au processus d’apparition de candidats de données) et la technique de note. Les types de style sont analysés par l’analyse componentielle, la méthode d’équivalence articulatoire, la méthode de distributionnelle avec la technique de l’expansion, de l’effacement, et de la substitution. Les aspects de l’image, ils sont analysés par la méthode d’équivalence réfférentiélle avec la technique de la segmentation de l’élement décisif ou PUP et la technique de la comparaison de l’élement essentiel ou HBS. La validité de donnée est assurée d’une façon sémantique qui est soutenue par l’expert judgement. Les résultats de la recherche montrent : 1) qu’il existe 8 styles dans les publicités de l’automobile Renault étant parues dans les sites www.autotire.com, www.turbo.fr, dan www.lareclame.fr, tels que la synecdoque (7 données), l’ellipse (6 données), la métonymie (3 données), l’antithèse (2 données), l’anaphore (1 donnée), la métaphore (1 donnée), la répétition (2 données), et la litote (1 donnée); 2) qu’il existe 5 aspects de l’imagerie dans les publicités de l’automobile Renault, tels que l’imagerie de la caractéristique de produit (9 données), l’imagerie du prix et de la qualité (9 données), l’imagerie de l’utilisation de produit (3 données), l’imagerie de la catégorie de produit (2 données), et l’imagerie des symboles culturels (2 données)

    Platelet autologous growth factors decrease the osteochondral regeneration capability of a collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffold in a sheep model

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    Background: Current research aims to develop innovative approaches to improve chondral and osteochondral regeneration. The objective of this study was to investigate the regenerative potential of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to enhance the repair process of a collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffold in osteochondral defects in a sheep model. Methods: PRP was added to a new, multi-layer gradient, nanocomposite scaffold that was obtained by nucleating collagen fibrils with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. Twenty-four osteochondral lesions were created in sheep femoral condyles. The animals were randomised to three treatment groups: scaffold, scaffold loaded with autologous PRP, and empty defect (control). The animals were sacrificed and evaluated six months after surgery. Results: Gross evaluation and histology of the specimens showed good integration of the chondral surface in both treatment groups. Significantly better bone regeneration and cartilage surface reconstruction were observed in the group treated with the scaffold alone. Incomplete bone regeneration and irregular cartilage surface integration were observed in the group treated with the scaffold where PRP was added. In the control group, no bone and cartilage defect healing occurred; defects were filled with fibrous tissue. Quantitative macroscopic and histological score evaluations confirmed the qualitative trends observed. Conclusions: The hydroxyapatite-collagen scaffold enhanced osteochondral lesion repair, but the combination with platelet growth factors did not have an additive effect; on the contrary, PRP administration had a negative effect on the results obtained by disturbing the regenerative process. In the scaffold + PRP group, highly amorphous cartilaginous repair tissue and poorly spatially organised underlying bone tissue were found

    Intra-articular vs. systemic administration of etanercept in antigen-induced arthritis in the temporomandibular point. Part I: histological effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis in children causes alterations in craniomandibular growth. This abnormal growth may be prevented by an early anti-inflammatory intervention. We have previously shown that intra-articular (IA) corticosteroid reduces TMJ inflammation, but causes concurrent mandibular growth inhibition in young rabbits. Blockage of TNF-α has already proven its efficacy in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis not responding to standard therapy. In this paper we evaluate the effect of IA etanercept compared to subcutaneous etanercept in antigen-induced TMJ-arthritis in rabbits on histological changes using histomorphometry and stereology. This article presents the data and discussion on the anti-inflammatory effects of systemic and IA etanercept. In Part II the data on the effects of systemic and IA etanercept on facial growth are presented.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-two rabbits (10 weeks old) pre-sensitized with ovalbumin and locally induced inflammation in the temporomandibular joints were divided into three groups: a placebo group receiving IA saline injections in both joints one week after arthritis induction (n = 14), an IA etanercept group receiving 0.1 mg/kg etanercept per joint one week after arthritis induction (n = 14) and a systemic etanercept group receiving 0.8 mg/kg etanercept weekly throughout the 12-week study (n = 14). Arthritis was maintained by giving four inductions three weeks apart. Additional IA saline or etanercept injections were also given one week after the re-inductions. Histomorphometric and unbiased stereological methods (optical fractionator) were used to assess and estimate the inflammation in the joints.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The histomorphometry showed synovial proliferation in all groups. The plasma cell count obtained by the optical fractionator was significantly reduced when treating with systemic etanercept but not with IA etanercept. Semi-quantitative assessments of synovial proliferation and subsynovial inflammation also showed reduced inflammation in the systemic etanercept group. However, the thickness of the synovial lining and volume of the subsynovial connective tissue showed no differences between the groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An anti-inflammatory effect of systemic etanercept on the synovial tissues in the temporomandibular joint was shown. However, IA etanercept at the given dose had no significant effect on the severity of chronic inflammation on the parameters here tested in ovalbumin antigen-induced arthritis.</p

    Platelet rich plasma injection grafts for musculoskeletal injuries: a review

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    In Europe and the United States, there is an increasing prevalence of the use of autologous blood products to facilitate healing in a variety of applications. Recently, we have learned more about specific growth factors, which play a crucial role in the healing process. With that knowledge there is abundant enthusiasm in the application of concentrated platelets, which release a supra-maximal quantity of these growth factors to stimulate recovery in non-healing injuries. For 20 years, the application of autologous PRP has been safely used and documented in many fields including; orthopedics, sports medicine, dentistry, ENT, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, urology, wound healing, cosmetic, cardiothoracic, and maxillofacial surgery. This article introduces the reader to PRP therapy and reviews the current literature on this emerging treatment modality. In summary, PRP provides a promising alternative to surgery by promoting safe and natural healing. However, there are few controlled trials, and mostly anecdotal or case reports. Additionally the sample sizes are frequently small, limiting the generalization of the findings. Recently, there is emerging literature on the beneficial effects of PRP for chronic non-healing tendon injuries including lateral epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis and cartilage degeneration (Mishra and Pavelko, The American Journal of Sports Medicine 10(10):1–5, 2006; Barrett and Erredge, Podiatry Today 17:37–42, 2004). However, as clinical use increases, more controlled studies are needed to further understand this treatment


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