99 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature, relative humidity and light on conidial germination of oak powdery mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. et Maubl.) under controlled conditions

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    The influence of temperature, humidity and light on the conidial germination and germ tube elongation of oak powdery mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. et Maubl.) was studied in controlled conditions. The maximal germ tube length was attained at 25°C, whereas at lower and higher than optimal temperatures, germ tube growth was significantly lower. Germ tubes begin to develop at all values of relative humidity (10-100%), reaching the maximum length at 90%. The development of germ tubes was the most intense in full light and the lowest in total darkness. The artificial infection of floating leaves showed that an increasing age had an inhibitory effect on the mycelium development and spore formation. Since conidia play a crucial role in powdery mildew epidemiology, it is of particular importance to elucidate the influence of environmental factors in the complex relations that exist between the plant and its pathogen

    Analysis of implementation of the method skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn

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    Uvod: Novorođenčad male telesne mase na rođenju (MTM) čine heterogenu grupu sa visokim mortalitetetom i morbiditetom, čak i u razvijenim zemljama. Često neophodna hospitalizacija uzrok je separacije majke i novorođenčeta, sa brojnim posledicama, poput prolongiranog stresa i majke i novorođenčeta, sa hiperaktiv-nošću hipotalamo-hipofizno-adrenalne osovine novorođenčeta koja dugo perzistira, sa zdravstvenim i neurorazvojnim posledicama, narušavanjem roditeljske uloge i afektivne vezanosti majka-dete, pojavom depresivnosti i anksioznosti majke. Prve publikacije o kontinuiranoj Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) metodi dokazuju smanjenje mortaliteta, incidence teških infekcija, bolje napredovanje novorođen-čadi, što dovodi do primene metode i u razvijenim zemljama. U razvijenim zemljama zastupljena je intermitentna KMC ili „kontakt koža-na-kožu“ (KKK), usmerena prvenstveno na prevenciju/smanjenje posledica separacije majke i novorođenčeta. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se kod novorođenčadi MTM na rođenju ispita uticaj primene KKK metode kasnog tipa, u odnosu na: Napredovanje u telesnoj masi (TM), porast telesne dužine (TD), porast obima glave (OG), učestalost teških bolničkih infekcija, dužinu hospitalizacije i zastupljenost dojenja, u poređenju sa standardnom negom; Procenu nivoa stresa, određivanjem nivoa salivarnog kortizola kod majke i novorođenčeta pre i nakon primene prve, i pre i nakon primene pete KKK seanse; Procenu stepena depresivnosti i anksioznosti majke, odnosa sa roditeljima i trauma u detinjstvu, analizom odgovarajućih psiholoških upitnika pre i po završetku primene KKK metode. Materijal i metode: U prospektivnu studiju su uključena novorođenčad MTM, po redosledu prijema i na osnovu definisanih kriterijuma. Na osnovu mogućnosti primene KKK metode 200 novorođenčadi je razvrstano u 2 grupe, od po 100. KKK grupu su činila novorođena deca čije su majke hospitalizovane u Institutu i kod koje je primena KKK metode bila moguća, a SN grupu novorođenčad kod kojih zbog otsustva majke primena KKK metode nije bila moguća, pa su bila na standardnom režimu nege...Introduction: Low birth weight newborns (LBW) make up a heterogeneous group with high mortality and morbidity rates, even in developed countries. It often happens that the necessary hospitalization is the cause of separation between a mother and a newborn, with numerous consequences, like prolonged stress of both the mother and the infant, with hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of the newborn, which persists for a long time, having health and neuro-developmental consequences, disruption of the parental role and affective mother-child bond, onset of depression and anxiety in the mother. The first publications on continuous Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) have evidenced reduction in the mortality rate, incidence of serious infections, better thriving of newborns, which has given rise to the implementation of the method in developed countries as well. In developed countries, intermittent KMC or skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is practiced, primarily focused on prevention/mitigation of consequences of separation between a mother and a newborn. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of the implementation of the SSC method of late type in LBW newborns, relative to: The thriving in body weight (BW), increase of body length (BL), increase of head circumference (HC), incidence of serious hospital-acquired infections, the length of hospital stay and breastfeeding, compared to the standard care; Assessment of the stress level, by determining the salivary cortisol level in a mother and a newborn prior to and after the implementation of the first, and prior to and after the implementation of the fifth SSC séance; Assessment of depression and anxiety levels of a mother, the relationship with parents and traumas in childhood, by the analysis of relevant psychological questionnaires prior to and upon completion of the implementation of the SSC method..

    An Example of Passive Micromixer Desing, Simulation and Optimization

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    The paper presents the designing process of the passive micromixer. Design parameters of microfluidic channel’s geometry are optimized based on flow simulation results. CAD software Solid Works and application Flo Xpress are used for designing and simulation. Aim of presented student’s work is not connected to any actual research activities. However part of MSc Thesis shows outcome of student’s ability that is accomplished at Biomedical department. This is one of outcomes of BioEMIS TEMPUS project, and therefore the future work on this topic regarding practical implementation is not given here


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    The influence of the berry size on the skin anthocyanins content of the black wine grape varieties Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169), Merlot (clone 348) and Pinot noir (clone 115) was studied. Research was conducted in vineyard of Experimental estate “Radmilovac” and  in the laboratory of  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The aim of the research was the determination of an anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside on the berry skin. For all three varieties, berries were separated into three categories: small, medium and large. Based on the results, the goal was to compare the berry skin anthocyanin content of different sizes of berries. Determination of fertility coefficients, yield indicators, analysis of the composition and structure of clusters and berries and the content of sugars and total acids were performed regularly. The obtained results on the content anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside were expressed in mg/g skin fresh weight. Varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Pinot noir had an expected result, meaning that the highest anthocyanin content was recorded in the smallest berries (diameter < 7.5 mm). For the Merlot variety, the highest anthocyanin content was observed in the medium berries (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). The lowest anthocyanin content in varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot was obtained in the largest berries (diameter > 10.1 mm), which was the expected result, while in the Pinot noir variety the lowest anthocyanin content was registered in the medium category (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). Variety Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169) showed the highest anthocyanins content (average 6.871 mg/g fresh skin weigh), followed by Merlot variety, clone 348 (average 4.61 mg/g fresh skin weigh), whereas the lowest anthocyanin content was observed in Pinot noir, clone 115 (average 4.05 mg/g fresh skin weigh)

    Anthracosilicosis of the Zaječar coal basin - »Rtanj« coal mine

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    Rudnik kamenog uglja »Rtanj« nalazi se u klisurastoj dolini ispod planine Rtanj i grebena Kukuljaš u Istočnoj Srbiji, oko 4,5 km južno od železničke stanice Mirovo, na pruzi Zaječar-Paraćin, Ispitivanje pneumkonioza pokazalo je da u ovom rudniku ima obolelih od antrakosilikoze. Od 347 pregledanih rudara eksponovanih prašini, otkriven je 61 slučaj antrakosilikoze raznog stepena. U odnosu na celokupan broj uposlenih to iznosi 8%, ili 17,5% u odnosu na eksponovane radnike. Prosečan radni staž posle koga se dobija početna antrakosilikoza iznosi 6-10 godina. Antrakosilikoza odmaklijeg stepena dobija se posle 11-16 godina rada. Radni uslovi, stanje ishrane, uslovi stanovanja kao i higijenske prilike su loši, te ako se rad i dalje nastavi pod takvim uslovima, autori pretpostavljaju da će kroz 10 godina procenat obolelih od antrakosilikoze u ovom rudniku biti daleko veći i da će iznositi približno 45-50% rudara eksponovanih prašini. Pored ispitivanja pneumokonioza izvršena su sva higijenska i mikroklimatska merenja u rudniku, sa analizama slobodnog Si02 u jalovini i uglju. Ovaj iznosi u proseku 9,7-26% slobodnog Si02. Dati su kratak uvod u istorijat rudnika kao i najvažniji geološki podaci.The anthracite coal mine »Rtanj« is situated in the rocky valley at the foot of the mountain Rtanj and its ridge Kukuljaš in Eastern Serbia, 4,5 km to the south of the railway station Mirovo, on the railway line Zaječar-Paračin. Pneumoconiosis examination indicates that in this coal mine the anthracosilicosis has affected some workers. It has been discovered that out of 347 miners who are exposed to the dust, 61 has anthracosilicosis in different stages. In relation to the total number of workers, that number would amount to 8% od 17,5% in relation to the exposed workers who were examined. The average working time after which the incipient anthracosilicosis can develop is 6 to 10 years. A more developed stage of anthracosilicosis can be found after 11-16 years of work. The working conditions, food and housing conditions as well as sanitary conditions are bad in the mines examined, and if the workers continue to work under such conditions, the authors are of the opinion that in a 10-year period the percent of pneumoconiotics in this coal mine will be much higher, probably amounting to nearly 45-50% of the miners exposed. In addition to pneumoconiosis examination, all hygienic and microclimatic tests have been carried out in this mine, together with analyses of free Si02 in stone and coal- Free Si02 amounts in average to 9,7-26%. A short history of this mine and most important geological data are included as well

    Resonances in nitrobenzene probed by the electron attachment to neutral and by the photodetachment from anion

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    We probe resonances (transient anions) in nitrobenzene with the focus on the electron emission from these. Experimentally, we populate resonances in two ways: either by the impact of free electrons on the neutral molecule or by the photoexcitation of the bound molecular anion. These two excitation means lead to transient anions in different initial geometries. In both cases, the anions decay by electron emission and we record the electron spectra. Several types of emission are recognized, differing by the way in which the resulting molecule is vibrationally excited. In the excitation of specific vibrational modes, distinctly different modes are visible in electron collision and photodetachment experiments. The unspecific vibrational excitation, which leads to the emission of thermal electrons following the internal vibrational redistribution, shows similar features in both experiments. A model for the thermal emission based on a detailed balance principle agrees with the experimental findings very well. Finally, a similar behavior in the two experiments is also observed for a third type of electron emission, the vibrational autodetachment, which yields electrons with constant final energies over a broad range of excitation energies. The entrance channels for the vibrational autodetachment are examined in detail, and they point to a new mechanism involving a reverse valence to non-valence internal conversion

    Changes of stem water potential of grapevine cv. Frankovka (Vitis vinifera L.) in different crop load models Section 8 . Viticulture and Enology Changes of stem water potential of grapevine cv. Frankovka (Vitis vinifera L.) in different crop load models

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    Abstract Water status of grapevine, observed as stem water potential (Ψ stem ) have been investigated in field conditions on plants that were in different yields treatments. Plant water status was examined through the measurement of stem water potential (Ψ stem ) at the interval of 7 -10 days, from June to September. The research goal has been to monitor water status changes in the field conditions that might occur depending on the pruning strength. Numerous factors, from climatic to the various number of shoots and bunches, depending on the load variant, simultaneously influenced and possibly caused certain changes. Differences in yield were affected by leaving of 8 (v1), 16 (v2) and 24 (v3) winter buds per vine. Tree-year study showed that minimum values of stem water potential were recorded in the variant with 8 buds per vine, when the average yield was 2.03 kg per vine. The leaf area/crop weight was averagely 1.11 m 2 /kg in this variant. In case of the mentioned bud load, Ψ stem values ranged to -0.93 Mpa (July 15, 2004) and -0.65 MPa (July 27, 2006). These values indicated on unfavorable water status in v 1 than other two variants, in which the values are not decreased below -0.81 Mpa (22.7.2004) and -0.65Mpa (27.7.2006). The average yield in these variants were v 2 =3,4kg per vine and v 3 =4,8kg during the examined period. When statisticaly relevant differences were recorded among Ψ stem values of v 1 and the other two bud load variants, their values considerably approached critical values which indicating the commencement of stressful conditions due to water deficit

    The electron number density of argon-nitrogen atmospheric pressure plasma

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    In this study, the influence of nitrogen gas addition on argon plasma electron number density was investigated. The plasma source is a wall stabilized direct current arc burning in argon at atmospheric pressure with continual water aerosol supply. To the argon gas carrying water aerosol a variable amounts (4, 8 and 11%) of nitrogen was added. The addition of the molecular gas was carried out by increasing the flow rate of the N2 and decreasing that of Ar, so that the total flow rate of the mixed gas was constant 2.7 Lmin-1. The arc was operating in the current intensity range 4 to 11 A. The electron number density was calculated from the measured Stark profiles of Hβ 486.13 nm spectral line at the arc axis, for different arc currents. The radial distribution of electron number density was obtained from the measured radial profiles of Hβ line. The addition of the molecular gas to the argon plasma resulted in considerable changes in electron number density.Physical chemistry 2012 : 11th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 2012

    Energy Scenarios for South Eastern Europe: A close look into the Western Balkans

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    "The Energy Scenarios for South East Europe" thematic seminar took place on the 15th of December 2015 in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was organized by Institute of Energy and Transport of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC-IET), hosted by the Energy Community Secretariat (ECS) and sponsored by the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG-NEAR) in the framework of the Travel Accommodation and Conference facility for Western Balkans and Turkey, a programme of dissemination activities organised by the Commission in the EU or the beneficiary country in connection with the enlargement process and the pre-accession strategy. The aim of the workshop was to bring together representatives from think tanks, scientific institutes, the academia and the private sector with government officials, the national statistical agencies and the local TSO representatives from the Western Balkan region to exchange views on potential energy technology deployment scenarios that could facilitate a low carbon development pathway for the enlargement countries, but also exchange on the methodologies utilized and identify challenges as well as potential pitfalls in this process. The workshop included three sessions of specific thematic focus. The first session provided the "regional picture" with forecasts on the development of the energy and power systems in the western Balkans. The second session discussed case studies on low carbon development trajectories for specific countries in the region; and the third session explored the role of particular technologies in this context. This report comprises of long abstracts from the workshop presentations and closes with a chapter on conclusions and recommendations that resulted from the discussion sessions

    The effect of the filter type on the quality of “shake flask” solubility determinations

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    Određivanje rastvorljivosti je važno u svim fazama razvoja leka. Dobijeni podaci se koriste za nalaženje potencijalnih lekova-kandidata, biofarmaceutsku klasifikciju i optimizaciju formulacije leka. Na merenje rastvorljivosti utiču različiti faktori: vreme mešanja, vreme sedimentacije, sastav pufera, temperatura, višak čvrste faze i tehnika odvajanja faza.[1] Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja vrste membrane filtera u procesu odvajanja faza pri određivanju rastvorljivosti „shake-flask“ metodom. Izabrani su polietar-sulfon (hidrofobni) i poliviniliden-fluorid (hidrofilni) filteri. Koncentracija je merena pomoću UV/Vis spektrofotometrije. Kao model supstance korišćeni su karvedilol (baza) i ibuprofen (kiselina). Minijaturizovanom „shake-flask“ metodom i optimizovanom metodom potenciometrijske titracije određene su i logP vrednosti. Pokazano je da rezultat određivanja rastvorljivosti može zavisiti od vrste membrane filtera koji se koristi za odvajanje filtrata nakon uspostavljanja ravnoteže u rastvoru tokom rastvaranja. Jačina uticaja zavisi od lipofilnosti i pKa vrednosti ispitavanog molekula kao i od pH vrednosti rastvora u kom se izvodi određivanje.Solubility determination is important in both early and development phase of drug research. This data is used to screen out drug-like candidates, biopharmaceutical classification and formulation optimization. Solubility measurements are influenced by several experimental factors: stirring and sedimentation time, composition of the aqueous buffer, temperature, amount of solid excess and the technique of phase-separation.1 The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of the filter type during phase separation on solubility determination. Polyether sulfone (hydrophobic) and polyvinylidene fluoride (hydrophilic) filters were chosen. The concentration was measured by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Carvedilol (base) and ibuprofen (acid) are used as a model compounds. LogP values were determined by miniaturized shake-flask method and by optimized potentiometric titration. It is shown that solubility data can be influenced by membrane filter type which is used for filtration, after the equilibrium is established during dissolution. Magnitude of this influence depends of lipophilicity and pKa value of molecule and a solution pH valu