492 research outputs found

    Architectural reflection for software evolution

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    Software evolution is expensive. Lehman identifies several problems associated with it: Continuous adaptation, increasing complexity, continuing growth, and declining quality. This paper proposes that a reflective software engineering environment will address these problems by employing languages and techniques from the software architecture community. Creating a software system will involve manipulating a collection of views, including low-level code views and high-level architectural views which will be tied together using reflection. This coupling will allow the development environment to automatically identify inconsistencies between the views, and support software engineers in managing architectures during evolution. This paper proposes a research programme which will result in a software engineering environment which addresses problems of software evolution and the maintenance of consistency between architectural views of a software system

    Using automated source code analysis for software evolution

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    Software maintenance is one of the most expensive and time-consuming phases in the software life-cycle. The size and complexity of commercial applications probably present the greatest difficulty that maintainers face when making changes to their applications. As a result of the corresponding loss of understanding, business knowledge encapsulated within the system becomes fragmented, and any changes made as a result of new business initiatives become difficult to implement and hence may mean a loss of business opportunities. This paper outlines an approach to regaining understanding of software which has been used in the Release project at Durham University. This approach involves determining the calling structure of a program in terms of a call-graph, and from this call-graph extracting a dominance tree. Various problems which have been encountered during the construction of tools to perform this task are described

    An open source collaboration infrastructure for Calibre

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    The study of Free and Open Source (Libre) software and the benefits provided by its processes and products to collaborative software development has been somewhat ad hoc. Each project wishing to use tools and techniques drawn from Libre software conducts its own research, thus duplicating effort, consequently there is a lack of established community practice on which new projects can draw. Long-standing intuitive theories of Libre development lack empirical validation. The long-term goal is to provide a resource to guide the evolution of Libre-software projects, from inception to maturity. The CALIBRE project is a co-ordination action aiming to address these issues through its research, its wider educational goals, and with an open invitation to the community to contribute. To succeed, the CALIBRE project needs an effective technological infrastructure which must support internal and external collaboration, communication and contribution to the project. The requirements of CALIBRE are similar to those of a Libre software project; this suggests that adopting a SourceForge-style environment which will be incrementally enhanced with further specialised tools as the requirements become better understood will be a sensible strategy

    A design recording framework to facilitate knowledge sharing in collaborative software engineering

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    This paper describes an environment that allows a development team to share knowledge about software artefacts by recording decisions and rationales as well as supporting the team in formulating and maintaining design constraints. It explores the use of multi-dimensional design spaces for capturing various issues arising during development and presenting this meta-information using a network of views. It describes a framework to underlie the collaborative environment and shows the supporting architecture and its implementation. It addresses how the artefacts and their meta-information are captured in a non-invasive way and shows how an artefact repository is embedded to store and manage the artefacts

    An artefact repository to support distributed software engineering

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    The Open Source Component Artefact Repository (OSCAR) system is a component of the GENESIS platform designed to non-invasively inter-operate with work-flow management systems, development tools and existing repository systems to support a distributed software engineering team working collaboratively. Every artefact possesses a collection of associated meta-data, both standard and domain-specific presented as an XML document. Within OSCAR, artefacts are made aware of changes to related artefacts using notifications, allowing them to modify their own meta-data actively in contrast to other software repositories where users must perform all and any modifications, however trivial. This recording of events, including user interactions provides a complete picture of an artefact's life from creation to (eventual) retirement with the intention of supporting collaboration both amongst the members of the software engineering team and agents acting on their behalf

    An evaluation framework to drive future evolution of a research prototype

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    The Open Source Component Artefact Repository (OSCAR) requires evaluation to confirm its suitability as a development environment for distributed software engineers. The evaluation will take note of several factors including usability of OSCAR as a stand-alone system, scalability and maintainability of the system and novel features not provided by existing artefact management systems. Additionally, the evaluation design attempts to address some of the omissions (due to time constraints) from the industrial partner evaluations. This evaluation is intended to be a prelude to the evaluation of the awareness support being added to OSCAR; thus establishing a baseline to which the effects of awareness support may be compared

    Supporting collaboration within the eScience community

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    Collaboration is a core activity at the heart of large-scale co- operative scientific experimentation. In order to support the emergence of Grid-based scientific collaboration, new models of e-Science working methods are needed. Scientific collaboration involves production and manipulation of various artefacts. Based on work done in the software engineering field, this paper proposes models and tools which will support the representation and production of such artefacts. It is necessary to provide facilities to classify, organise, acquire, process, share, and reuse artefacts generated during collaborative working. The concept of a "design space" will be used to organise scientific design and the composition of experiments, and methods such as self-organising maps will be used to support the reuse of existing artefacts. It is proposed that this work can be carried out and evaluated in the UK e-Science community, using an "industry as laboratory" approach to the research, building on the knowledge, expertise, and experience of those directly involved in e-Science

    Active artefact management for distributed software engineering

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    We describe a software artefact repository that provides its contents with some awareness of their own creation. "Active" artefacts are distinguished from their passive counterparts by their enriched meta-data model which reflects the work-flow process that created them, the actors responsible, the actions taken to change the artefact, and various other pieces of organisational knowledge. This enriched view of an artefact is intended to support re-use of both software and the expertise gained when creating the software. Unlike other organisational knowledge systems, the meta-data is intrinsically part of the artefact and may be populated automatically from sources including existing data-format specific information, user supplied data and records of communication. Such a system is of increased importance in the world of "virtual teams" where transmission of vital organisational knowledge, at best difficult, is further constrained by the lack of direct contact between engineers and differing development cultures

    Communication and conflict issues in collaborative software research projects

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    The Open Source Component Artefact Repository (OS- CAR) was developed under the auspices of the GENESIS project to store data produced during the software development process. Significant problems were encountered during the course of the project in both the development itself and management of the project. The reasons for and potential solutions to these problems are examined with the intention of developing a set of guidelines to enable participants in other collaborative projects to avoid these pitfalls. We wish to make it clear that we attach no opprobrium to any of the participants in the GENESIS project as many of the issues we outline below have solutions only visible with hindsight. Instead, we seek to provide a fair-minded critique of our role and the mistakes we made in a fairly typical two-year EU research project, and to provide a set of recommendations for other similar projects, in order that they can (attempt to) avoid suffering similarly

    Open-source artefact management

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    This paper presents the GENESIS project, which aims to develop an open-source, light-weight, process-aware (and process-neutral) workflow management system. In particukar OSCAR, the artefact repository, is discussed. The requirements of a system for artefact management and storage are described, and the concept of active artefacts is explained. The software engineering methods which will be used in the project are described and some examples of the open-source tooles which may be used are described