152 research outputs found


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    Permukiman kumuh merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah sebagai akibat dari urbanisasi, permukiman kumuh biasanya terbentuk di tempat yang tidak sesuai peruntukkan sebagai permukiman, misalnya permukiman yang terdapat di wilayah rawan bencana seperti banjir rob serta permukiman yang terdapat pada bantaran sungai yang termasuk permukiman kumuh dan liar. Munculnya permukiman kumuh di bantaran sungai ini disebabkan karena kurangnya lahan untuk bermukim dan mahalnya harga lahan di perkotaan. Salah satu permukiman kumuh yang terdapat di Kota Semarang adalah di Kecamatan Gayamsari. Seperti pada kawasan bantaran sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Kota Semarang dan sungai-sungai lainnya yang melewati Kecamatan Gayamsari sudah terbentuk menjadi kawasan permukiman yang seharusnya tidak diperuntukkan sebagai kawasan permukiman. Dampak dari adanya permukiman kumuh di kawasan bantaran sungai adalah merusak keindahan kota dan disfungsi sungai. Hal-hal tersebut yang merupakan permasalahan yang menjadikan terbentuknya permukiman kumuh di Kecamatan Gayamsari Kota Semarang yang tidak hanya terbentuk permukiman di kawasan bantaran sungai namun juga kawasan lain di sekitar sungai yang merupakan kawasan non bantaran sungai

    Controlling the morphology and outgrowth of nerve and neuroglial cells: The effect of surface topography

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    Unlike other tissue types, like epithelial tissue, which consist of cells with a much more homogeneous structure and function, the nervous tissue spans in a complex multilayer environment whose topographical features display a large spectrum of morphologies and size scales. Traditional cell cultures, which are based on two-dimensional cell-adhesive culture dishes or coverslips, are lacking topographical cues and mainly simulate the biochemical microenvironment of the cells. With the emergence of micro- and nano-fabrication techniques new types of cell culture platforms are developed, where the effect of various topographical cues on cellular morphology, proliferation and differentiation, can be studied. Different approaches (regarding the material, fabrication technique, topographical charactertistics, etc.) have been implemented. The present review paper aims at reviewing the existing body of literature on the use of artificial micro- and nano-topographical features to control neuronal morphology, outgrowth and neural network topology. The cell responses from phenomenology to investigation of the underlying mechanisms- on the different topographies, including both deterministic and random ones, are summarized

    Colloidal Assemblies of Oriented Maghemite Nanocrystals and their NMR Relaxometric Properties

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    Elevated-temperature polyol-based colloidal-chemistry approach allows for the development of size-tunable (50 and 86 nm) assemblies of maghemite iso-oriented nanocrystals, with enhanced magnetization. 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometric experiments show that the ferrimagnetic cluster-like colloidal entities exhibit a remarkable enhancement (4 to 5 times) in the transverse relaxivity, if compared to that of the superparamagnetic contrast agent Endorem, over an extended frequency range (1-60 MHz). The marked increase of the transverse relaxivity r2 at a clinical magnetic field strength (1.41 T), which is 405.1 and 508.3 mM-1 s-1 for small and large assemblies respectively, allows to relate the observed response to the raised intra-aggregate magnetic material volume fraction. Furthermore, cell tests with murine fibroblast culture medium confirmed the cell viability in presence of the clusters. We discuss the NMR dispersion profiles on the basis of relaxivity models to highlight the magneto-structural characteristics of the materials for improved T2-weighted magnetic resonance images.Comment: Includes supporting informatio

    Serum levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in non-pregnant women, during pregnancy, labour and abortion.

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    Disturbance of the cytokine equilibrium has been accused for many pathological disorders. Microbial infections, autoimmune diseases, graft rejection have been correlated to over- or under-production of specific cytokines which are produced as responder molecules to the various immune stimuli. The sole naturally occurring immune reaction in the organism is developed during the gestational period where, despite the presence of a semi-allogeneic graft, maternal immunoreactivity is driven to support fetal growth. The successful embryo development has been attributed to the important intervention of cytokines where some have been characterized as indispensable and others deleterious to fetal growth. However, the physiological levels of many factors during the gestational process have not been determined. Thus, in the present study we have measured and established the values of IL-1alpha, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, GM-CSF, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma during all phases of human pregnancy (first, second and third trimester of pregnancy, labour, abortions of the first trimester) as well as in the non-pregnant control state. This is an attempt to assess serum protein concentrations and present the physiological levels of these cytokines at certain time intervals providing thus a diagnostic advantage in pregnancy cases where the mother cannot immunologically support the fetus. Exploitation of this knowledge and further research may be useful for therapeutic interventions in the future

    Evaluation of a postdischarge coronary artery disease management program

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    ObjectivesWe conducted a demonstration project to assess the value of a nurse practitioner (NP) based coronary artery disease management (CAD‐DM) program for patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or percutaneous coronary intervention.MethodsPatients were recruited to attend three 1‐h monthly visits. The intervention included assessment of clinical symptoms and guideline‐based treatments; education regarding CAD/ACS; review of nutrition, exercise, and appropriate referrals; and recognition of significant symptoms and emergency response.ResultsTwo hundred thirteen (84.5%) completed the program. Physician approval for patient participation was 99%. Average age was 63 ± 11 years, 70% were male, and 89% white. At baseline, 61% (n = 133) had one or more cardiopulmonary symptoms, which declined to 30% at 12 weeks, p < .001. Sixty‐nine percent attended cardiac rehabilitation or an exercise consult. Compared to the initial assessment, an additional 20% were at low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol < 70 mg/dL (p = .04), an additional 35% met exercise goals (p < .0001), and there was an improvement in the mental (baseline 49.7 vs. 12 weeks 53, p = .0015) and physical components (44 vs. 48, p = .002) of the SF‐12 health survey.ConclusionThis NP‐based CAD‐DM program was well received and participants demonstrated improvement in physical and mental health, and increased compliance with recommended lifestyle changes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112261/1/jaan12201.pd

    Memahami Retorika Laporan Csr Pt Kaltim Prima Coal 2012 Melalui Analisis Framing

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    Dewasa ini perusahaan dituntut untuk tidak lagi hanya berorientasi pada profit , namun juga pada aspek sosial dan lingkungan . Bergulirnya berbagai macam kasus eksternalitas negatif yang merugikan masyarakat dan lingkungan melahirkan kecaman dan mendorong masyarakat menuntut ekspektasi bisnis perusahaan berubah haluan untuk juga memedulikan aspek sosial dan lingkungan. Ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap perusahaan yang peduli pada sosial dan lingkungan lamban laun kian meningkat. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh temuan Lembaga Manajemen PPM Indonesia tahun 2006 dalam Maulida (2013) bahwa selain kualitas dan merek yang menjadi perhatian utama konsumen dalam menyeleksi hingga membeli produk, tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan juga menjadi pertimbangan penting konsumen dalam berbelanja. Sehingga tak dapat dielakkan aktivitas CSR dapat mendongkrak reputasi positif perusahaan di mata stakeholder . Salah satu media pengungkapan kinerja aktivitas CSR perusahaan adalah melalui penyajian laporan CSR. Laporan CSR begitu penting adanya sebab melalui pelaporan tersebut, stakeholder menjadi mahfum atas segala upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan dalam mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan, kemudian stakehloder juga dapat menggunakan informasi tersebut dalam mengambil keputusan. Laporan CSR pun dapat menjadi ajang evaluasi dan perbaikan kinerja perusahaan pada aspek sosial dan lingkungan. Laporan CSR adalah salah satu produk konstruksi realitas . Kandungan laporan CSR hampir sepenuhnya berisi tutur cerita perusahaan yang berupa narasi. Tak ayal jika laporan CSR pun mengandung retorika baik yang bersifat positif ataupun negatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami retorika laporan CSR PT KPC dengan menggunakan analisis framing dan pendekatan penelitian paradigma konstruktivisme

    Upside-Down Preference in the Forskolin-Induced In Vitro Differentiation of 50B11 Sensory Neurons: A Morphological Investigation by Label-Free Non-Linear Microscopy

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    In this study, we revealed a peculiar morphological feature of 50B11 nociceptive sensory neurons in in vitro culture related to the forskolin-induced differentiation of these cells growing upside-down on cover glass supports. Multi-photon non-linear microscopy was applied to monitor increased neurite arborization and elongation. Under live and unstained conditions, second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy could monitor microtubule organization inside the cells while also correlating with the detection of cellular multi-photon autofluorescence, probably derived from mitochondria metabolites. Although the differentiated cells of each compartment did not differ significantly in tubulin or multi-photon autofluorescence contents, the upturned neurons were more elongated, presenting a higher length/width cellular ratio and longer neurites, indicative of differentiated cells. SHG originating from the axons' microtubules represented a proper tool to study neurons' inverted culture in live conditions without exogenous staining. This work represents the first instance of examining neuronal cell lines growing and differentiated in an upside-down orientation, allowing a possible improvement of 50B11 as a model in physiology studies of sensory neurons in peripheric nervous system disease (e.g., Fabry disease, Friedreich ataxia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth, porphyria, type 1 diabetes, Guillain-Barre syndrome in children) and analgesic drug screening

    Cell Patterning via Laser Micro/nano Structured Silicon Surfaces

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    The surface topography of biomaterials can have an important impact on cellular adhesion, growth and proliferation. Apart from the overall roughness, the detailed morphological features, at all length scales, significantly affect the cell-biomaterial interactions in a plethora of applications including structural implants, tissue engineering scaffolds and biosensors. In this study, we present a simple, one-step direct laser patterning technique to fabricate nanoripples and dual-rough hierarchical micro/nano structures to control SW10 cell attachment and migration. It is shown that, depending on the laser processing conditions, distinct cell-philic or cell-repellant patterned areas can be attained with a desired motif. We envisage that our technique could enable spatial patterning of cells in a controllable manner, giving rise to advanced capabilities in cell biology research

    Response of NIH 3T3 fibroblast cells on laser-induced periodic surface structures on a 15×(Ti/Zr)/Si multilayer system

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    Ultrafast laser processing with the formation of periodic surface nanostructures on the 15×(Ti/Zr)/Si multilayers is studied in order to the improve cell response. A novel nanocomposite structure in the form of 15x(Ti/Zr)/Si multilayer thin films, with satisfying mechanical properties and moderate biocompatibility, was deposited by ion sputtering on an Si substrate. The multilayer 15×(Ti/Zr)/Si thin films were modified by femtosecond laser pulses in air to induce the following modifications: (i) mixing of components inside of the multilayer structures, (ii) the formation of an ultrathin oxide layer at the surfaces, and (iii) surface nano-texturing with the creation of laser-induced periodic surface structure (LIPSS). The focus of this study was an examination of the novel Ti/Zr multilayer thin films in order to create a surface texture with suitable composition and structure for cell integration. Using the SEM and confocal microscopies of the laser-modified Ti/Zr surfaces with seeded cell culture (NIH 3T3 fibroblasts), it was found that cell adhesion and growth depend on the surface composition and morphological patterns. These results indicated a good proliferation of cells after two and four days with some tendency of the cell orientation along the LIPSSs. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
