45 research outputs found

    Visceral Adipose Tissue Inflammatory Factors (TNF-Alpha, SOCS3) in Gestational Diabetes (GDM): Epigenetics as a Clue in GDM Pathophysiology

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    Gestational diabetes (GDM) is among the most challenging diseases in westernized countries, affecting mother and child, immediately and in later life. Obesity is a major risk factor for GDM. However, the impact visceral obesity and related epigenetics play for GDM etiopathogenesis have hardly been considered so far. Our recent findings within the prospective 'EaCH' cohort study of women with GDM or normal glucose tolerance (NGT), showed the role, critical factors of insulin resistance (i.e., adiponectin, insulin receptor) may have for GDM pathophysiology with epigenetically modified expression in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissues. Here we investigated the expression and promoter methylation of key inflammatory candidates, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in maternal adipose tissues collected during caesarian section (GDM, n = 19; NGT, n = 22). The mRNA expression of TNF-α and SOCS3 was significantly increased in VAT, but not in SAT, of GDM patients vs. NGT, accompanied by specific alterations of respective promoter methylation patterns. In conclusion, we propose a critical role of VAT and visceral obesity for the pathogenesis of GDM, with epigenetic alterations of the expression of inflammatory factors as a potential factor

    DNA methylation and expression of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene in the hypothalamus of three-week-old chickens show sex-specific differences

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    Increased availability and improved sequence annotation of the chicken (Gallus gallus f. domestica) genome have sparked interest in the bird as a model system to investigate translational embryonic development and health/disease outcomes. However, the epigenetics of this bird genome remain unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of gene expression and DNA methylation at the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene in the hypothalamus of 3-week-old chickens. POMC is a key player in the control of the stress response, food intake, and metabolism. DNA methylation of the promoter, CpG island, and gene body regions of POMC were measured. Our data illustrate the pattern, variability, and functionality of DNA methylation for POMC expression in the chicken. Our findings show correlation of methylation pattern and gene expression along with sex-specific differences in POMC. Overall, these novel data highlight the promising potential of the chicken as a model and also the need for breeders and researchers to consider sex ratios in their studies

    Maternal but Not Paternal High-Fat Diet (HFD) Exposure at Conception Predisposes for 'Diabesity' in Offspring Generations

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    While environmental epigenetics mainly focuses on xenobiotic endocrine disruptors, dietary composition might be one of the most important environmental exposures for epigenetic modifications, perhaps even for offspring generations. We performed a large-scale rat study on key phenotypic consequences from parental (F0) high-caloric, high-fat diet (HFD) food intake, precisely and specifically at mating/conception, focusing on 'diabesity' risk in first- (F1) and second- (F2) generation offspring of both sexes. F0 rats (maternal or paternal, respectively) received HFD overfeeding, starting six weeks prior to mating with normally fed control rats. The maternal side F1 offspring of both sexes developed a 'diabesity' predisposition throughout life (obesity, hyperleptinemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance), while no respective alterations occurred in the paternal side F1 offspring, neither in males nor in females. Mating the maternal side F1 females with control males under standard feeding conditions led, again, to a 'diabesity' predisposition in the F2 generation, which, however, was less pronounced than in the F1 generation. Our observations speak in favor of the critical impact of maternal but not paternal metabolism around the time frame of reproduction for offspring metabolic health over generations. Such fundamental phenotypic observations should be carefully considered in front of detailed molecular epigenetic approaches on eventual mechanisms

    Visceral adipose tissue alteration of PI3KR1 expression is associated with gestational diabetes but not promoter DNA methylation

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    Obesity and diabetes are at an epidemic rate, as well as growing incidences of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) which causes pregnancy risks, and harm in both maternal and child health. It remains unclear which molecular mechanisms are driving the functional differences between visceral and subcutaneous fat and how these types directly affect an individual's health outcome. Paired abdominal subcutaneous and omental visceral adipose tissue were collected from women with GDM (n = 20) and with normal glucose tolerance (NGT, n = 22) during planned caesarian section. Both groups had similar maternal age (average 32.5 years) and BMI at delivery (average 33.3 kg/m2). Adipose tissue mRNA expression analyses of insulin signalling genes: PI3KCA, PI3KR1, IRS1 and IRS2 showed significantly decreased PI3KR1 expression (-23%) in visceral fat in GDM with no association to promoter DNA methylation. Reduced visceral fat PI3KR1 expression appears to be a pathogenic factor in GDM but not through altered promoter methylation

    Optimized RNA isolation of FFPE uterine scar tissues for RNA expression analyses delineated by laser microdissection

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    ABSTRACT Samples for histological analyses are often formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and slide-mounted, which complicates RNA extraction for many downstream molecular applications. Furthermore, when the region of interest is extremely small due to isolation with lasermicrodissection (LMD), extracting RNA of adequate quality and quantity is difficult. We describe an optimized protocol for maximizing RNA output from FFPE tissue devised to identify and analyze gene expression of humanmaternal uterine scar tissue obtained fromuterotomy scars resulting from prior cesarean deliveries. Gomori trichrome staining allowed for region identification for LMD. Successful RNA isolation, reverse transcription and, importantly, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were performed. This report provides an optimized step-by-step protocol yielding sufficient RNA for qRT-PCR analyses from challenging tissue/LMD-FFPE samples. METHOD SUMMARY FFPE sample sections weremounted on glass slides and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A corresponding slide was stained according to Gomori trichrome for orientation. Regions of interest in HE-stained samples weremarked using lasermicrodissection (LMD) and subsequently scratched off the slide with a sterile scalpel. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were carried out, and quantitative real-time PCR with TaqMan probes was performed. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT We describe a protocol for maximized RNA output from FFPE tissue delineated by laser microdissection devised to analyze gene expression of human maternal uterine scar tissue obtained from uterotomy scars of prior cesarean deliveries

    Alterations of adiponectin gene expression and DNA methylation in adipose tissues and blood cells are associated with gestational diabetes and neonatal outcome

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    BACKGROUND: Adiponectin critically contributes to metabolic homeostasis, especially by insulin-sensitizing action. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is characterized by insulin resistance leading to materno-fetal hyperglycemia and detrimental birth outcomes. By investigating paired subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) as well as blood (cell) samples of GDM-affected (n = 25) vs. matched control (n = 30) mother-child dyads of the prospective "EaCH" cohort study, we addressed whether alterations of adiponectin plasma, mRNA, and DNA methylation levels are associated with GDM and offspring characteristics. RESULTS: Hypoadiponectinemia was present in women with GDM, even after adjustment for body mass index (BMI). This was accompanied by significantly decreased mRNA levels in both SAT and VAT (P < 0.05), independent of BMI. Maternal plasma adiponectin showed inverse relations with glucose and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (both P < 0.01). In parallel to reduced mRNA expression in GDM, significant (P < 0.05) yet small alterations in locus-specific DNA methylation were observed in maternal fat (~ 2%) and blood cells (~ 1%). While newborn adiponectin levels were similar between groups, DNA methylation in GDM offspring was variously altered (~ 1-4%; P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Reduced adiponectin seems to be a pathogenic co-factor in GDM, even independent of BMI, affecting materno-fetal metabolism. While altered maternal DNA methylation patterns appear rather marginally involved, functional, diagnostic, and/or predictive implications of cord blood DNA methylation should be further evaluated

    Uterine scars after caesarean delivery: From histology to the molecular and ultrastructural level

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    Uterine rupture during a trial of labor after caesarean delivery (CD) is a serious complication for mother and fetus. The lack of knowledge on histological features and molecular pathways of uterine wound healing has hindered research in this area from evolving over time. We analysed collagen content and turnover in uterine scars on a histological, molecular and ultrastructural level. Therefore, tissue samples from the lower uterine segment were obtained during CD from 16 pregnant women with at least one previous CD, from 16 pregnant women without previous CD, and from 16 non-pregnant premenopausal women after hysterectomy for a benign disease. Histomorphometrical collagen quantification showed, that the collagen content of the scar area in uterine wall specimens after previous CD was significantly higher than in the unscarred myometrium of the same women and the control groups. Quantitative real-time PCR of uterine scar tissue from FFPE samples delineated by laser microdissection yielded a significantly higher COL3A1 expression and a significantly lower COL1A2/COL3A1 ratio in scarred uteri than in samples from unscarred uteri. Histological collagen content and the expression of COL1A2 and COL3A1 were positively correlated, while COL1A2/COL3A1 ratio was negatively correlated with the histological collagen content. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a destroyed myometrial ultrastructure in uterine scars with increased collagen density. We conclude that the high collagen content in uterine scars results from an ongoing overexpression of collagen I and III. This is a proof of concept to enable further analyses of specific factors that mediate uterine wound healing

    Betamethasone administration during pregnancy is associated with placental epigenetic changes with implications for inflammation

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    Background Glucocorticoids (GCs) play a pivotal role in fetal programming. Antenatal treatment with synthetic GCs (sGCs) in individuals in danger of preterm labor is common practice. Adverse short- and long-term effects of antenatal sGCs have been reported, but their effects on placental epigenetic characteristics have never been systematically studied in humans. Results We tested the association between exposure to the sGC betamethasone (BET) and placental DNA methylation (DNAm) in 52 exposed cases and 84 gestational-age-matched controls. We fine-mapped associated loci using targeted bisulfite sequencing. The association of placental DNAm with gene expression and co-expression analysis on implicated genes was performed in an independent cohort including 494 placentas. Exposure to BET was significantly associated with lower placenta DNAm at an enhancer of FKBP5. FKBP5 (FK506-binding protein 51) is a co-chaperone that modulates glucocorticoid receptor activity. Lower DNAm at this enhancer site was associated with higher expression of FKBP5 and a co-expressed gene module. This module is enriched for genes associated with preeclampsia and involved in inflammation and immune response. Conclusions Our findings suggest that BET exposure during pregnancy associates with few but lasting changes in placental DNAm and may promote a gene expression profile associated with placental dysfunction and increased inflammation. This may represent a pathway mediating GC-associated negative long-term consequences and health outcomes in offspring.Peer reviewe

    Targeted deletion of a 170-kb cluster of LINE-1 repeats and implications for regional control.

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    Approximately half the mammalian genome is composed of repetitive sequences, and accumulating evidence suggests that some may have an impact on genome function. Here, we characterized a large array class of repeats of long-interspersed elements (LINE-1). Although widely distributed in mammals, locations of such arrays are species specific. Using targeted deletion, we asked whether a 170-kb LINE-1 array located at a mouse imprinted domain might function as a modulator of local transcriptional control. The LINE-1 array is lamina associated in differentiated ES cells consistent with its AT-richness, and although imprinting occurs both proximally and distally to the array, active LINE-1 transcripts within the tract are biallelically expressed. Upon deletion of the array, no perturbation of imprinting was observed, and abnormal phenotypes were not detected in maternal or paternal heterozygous or homozygous mutant mice. The array does not shield nonimprinted genes in the vicinity from local imprinting control. Reduced neural expression of protein-coding genes observed upon paternal transmission of the deletion is likely due to the removal of a brain-specific enhancer embedded within the LINE array. Our findings suggest that presence of a 170-kb LINE-1 array reflects the tolerance of the site for repeat insertion rather than an important genomic function in normal development

    Reliability of a novel approach for reference-based cell type estimation in human placental DNA methylation studies

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    The placenta is a central organ during early development, influencing trajectories of health and disease. DNA methylation (DNAm) studies of human placenta improve our understanding of how its function relates to disease risk. However, DNAm studies can be biased by cell type heterogeneity, so it is essential to control for this in order to reduce confounding and increase precision. Computational cell type deconvolution approaches have proven to be very useful for this purpose. For human placenta, however, an assessment of the performance of these estimation methods is still lacking. Here, we examine the performance of a newly available reference-based cell type estimation approach and compare it to an often-used reference-free cell type estimation approach, namely RefFreeEWAS, in placental genome-wide DNAm samples taken at birth and from chorionic villus biopsies early in pregnancy using three independent studies comprising over 1000 samples. We found both reference-free and reference-based estimated cell type proportions to have predictive value for DNAm, however, reference-based cell type estimation outperformed reference-free estimation for the majority of data sets. Reference-based cell type estimations mirror previous histological knowledge on changes in cell type proportions through gestation. Further, CpGs whose variation in DNAm was largely explained by reference-based estimated cell type proportions were in the proximity of genes that are highly tissue-specific for placenta. This was not the case for reference-free estimated cell type proportions. We provide a list of these CpGs as a resource to help researchers to interpret results of existing studies and improve future DNAm studies of human placenta.Peer reviewe