40 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Drug Delivery and Efficacy of Ciprofloxacin-Loaded Povidone Foils and Nanofiber Mats in a Wound-Infection Model Based on Ex Vivo Human Skin

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    Topical treatment of wound infections is often a challenge due to limited drug availability at the site of infection. Topical drug delivery is an attractive option for reducing systemic side effects, provided that a more selective and sustained local drug delivery is achieved. In this study, a poorly water-soluble antibiotic, ciprofloxacin, was loaded on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-based foils and nanofiber mats using acetic acid as a solubilizer. Drug delivery kinetics, local toxicity, and antimicrobial activity were tested on an ex vivo wound model based on full-thickness human skin. Wounds of 5 mm in diameter were created on 1.5 × 1.5 cm skin blocks and treated with the investigated materials. While nanofiber mats reached the highest amount of delivered drug after 6 h, foils rapidly achieved a maximum drug concentration and maintained it over 24 h. The treatment had no effect on the overall skin metabolic activity but influenced the wound healing process, as observed using histological analysis. Both delivery systems were efficient in preventing the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in ex vivo human skin. Interestingly, foils loaded with 500 µg of ciprofloxacin accomplished the complete eradication of biofilm infections with 1 × 109 bacteria/wound. We conclude that antimicrobial-loaded resorbable PVP foils and nanofiber mats are promising delivery systems for the prevention or topical treatment of infected wounds

    Effects of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and Their Conditioned Medium in a Human Ex Vivo Wound Model

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    Adult stem cells have been extensively investigated for tissue repair therapies. Adiposederived stem cells (ASCs) were shown to improve wound healing by promoting re-epithelialization and vascularization as well as modulating the inflammatory immune response. In this study, we used ex vivo human skin cultured in a six-well plate with trans-well inserts as a model for superficial wounds. Standardized wounds were created and treated with allogeneic ASCs, ASCs conditioned medium (ASC-CM), or cell culture medium (DMEM) supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS). Skin viability (XTT test), histology (hematoxylin and eosin, H and E), beta-catenin expression as well as inflammatory mediators and growth factors were monitored over 12 days of skin culture. We observed only a moderate time-dependent decrease in skin metabolic activity while skin morphology was preserved, and re-epithelialization occurred at the wound edges. An increase in beta-catenin expression was observed in the newly formed epithelia, especially in the samples treated with ASC-CM. In general, increased growth factors and inflammatory mediators, e.g., hepatocytes growth factor (HGF), platelet-derived growth factor subunit AA (PDGF-AA), IL-1 proportional to, IL-7, TNF-proportional to, and IL-10, were observed over the incubation time. Interestingly, different expression profiles were observed for the different treatments. Samples treated with ASC-CM significantly increased the levels of inflammatory cytokines and PDGF-AA with respect to control, whereas the treatment with ASCs in DMEM with 10% FCS resulted in significantly increased levels of fibroblast growth factor-basic (FGF-basic) and moderate increases of immunomodulatory cytokines. These results confirm that the wound microenvironment can influence the type of mediators secreted by ASCs and the mode as to how they improve the wound healing process. Comparative investigations with pre-activated ASCs will elucidate further aspects of the wound healing mechanism and improve the protocols of ACS application

    Dermal Delivery of the High-Molecular-Weight Drug Tacrolimus by Means of Polyglycerol-Based Nanogels

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    Polyglycerol-based thermoresponsive nanogels (tNGs) have been shown to have excellent skin hydration properties and to be valuable delivery systems for sustained release of drugs into skin. In this study, we compared the skin penetration of tacrolimus formulated in tNGs with a commercial 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. The penetration of the drug was investigated in ex vivo abdominal and breast skin, while different methods for skin barrier disruption were investigated to improve skin permeability or simulate inflammatory conditions with compromised skin barrier. The amount of penetrated tacrolimus was measured in skin extracts by liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), whereas the inflammatory markers IL-6 and IL-8 were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Higher amounts of tacrolimus penetrated in breast as compared to abdominal skin or in barrier-disrupted as compared to intact skin, confirming that the stratum corneum is the main barrier for tacrolimus skin penetration. The anti-proliferative effect of the penetrated drug was measured in skin tissue/Jurkat cells co-cultures. Interestingly, tNGs exhibited similar anti-proliferative effects as the 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. We conclude that polyglycerol-based nanogels represent an interesting alternative to paraffin-based formulations for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions

    Comparing the effects of three different multilayer dressings for pressure ulcer prevention on sacral skin after prolonged loading: An exploratory crossover trial

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    Evidence suggests that preventive dressings applied on sacral skin help to prevent pressure ulcers. However, possible performance differences of different dressing types are unclear. An exploratory randomized crossover trial with intra-individual comparisons was conducted to compare the effects of three different multi-layer foam dressings (Mepilex Border Sacrum, ALLEVYN Life Sacrum and Optifoam Gentle Sacrum) compared to no dressing on the sacral skin. Healthy female volunteers (n = 12, mean age 72 years) wore three different dressings on their sacral skin for 3.5 hours while lying supine on a standard hospital mattress. At regular intervals, subjects performed standardized movements to enhance shear loads. Skin surface temperature, stratum corneum hydration, erythema, skin roughness and the interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) concentration per total protein were measured at baseline and after the lying periods. After 3.5 hours, the median skin temperature increased in all four groups between 3.0 degrees C and 3.8 degrees C with only minor differences between the no dressing and the dressing groups. Median stratum corneum hydration increased during the lying period in all groups with highest increases in the Optifoam Gentle Sacrum (7.3 arbitrary units) and no dressing group (7.0 arbitrary units). There was a median decrease of the mean roughness (Rz) in the Optifoam Gentle Sacrum group of -6.3 mu m but no relevant changes in the other groups. After loading, the erythema index was highest in the ALLEVYN Life Sacrum and no dressing groups. Highest releases of IL-1 alpha were observed in the ALLEVYN Life Sacrum and Optifoam Gentle Sacrum groups, in the Mepilex Border Sacrum group changes were minor. Study results indicate, that the application of preventive dressings on sacral skin during loading do not cause additional occlusion compared to loading without dressings when lying supine. Different dressings cause different cutaneous responses during loading

    A niche in the spotlight: Could external factors critically disturb hair follicle homeostasis and contribute to inflammatory hair follicle diseases?

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    The anatomy of the hair follicle and the dynamics of its barrier provide a special space for interactions between macromolecules and the underlying tissue. Translocation across the hair follicle epithelium and immune recognition has been confirmed for proteins, nucleic acids, engineered particles, virus particles and others. Tissue responses can be modulated by pro-inflammatory stimuli as demonstrated in penetration and transcutaneous immunization studies. Even under physiological conditions, hair follicle openings are filled with exogenous material ranging from macromolecules, engineered particles to natural particles including diverse communities of microbes. The exposed position of the infundibulum suggests that local inflammatory insults could disturb the finely tuned balance and may trigger downstream responses that initiate or facilitate local outbreaks of inflammatory hair diseases typically occurring in close spatial association with the infundibulum as observed in cicatricial alopecia. The question as to how microbial colonization or deposition of contaminants on the surface of the hair follicle epithelium interact with the barrier status under the influence of individual predisposition may help us understand local flare-ups of inflammatory hair diseases. Specifically, learning more about skin barrier alterations in the different types of inflammatory hair diseases and cross-talk with exogenous compounds could give new insights in this less explored aspect of hair follicle homeostasis. Such knowledge may not only be used to develop supportive measures to maintain a healthy scalp. It may have wider implications for our understanding on how external factors influence inflammation and immunological responses in the skin

    Redox-Responsive Nanocarrier for Controlled Release of Drugs in Inflammatory Skin Diseases

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    A synthetic route for redox-sensitive and non-sensitive core multi-shell (CMS) carriers with sizes below 20 nm and narrow molecular weight distributions was established. Cyclic voltammetric measurements were conducted characterizing the redox potentials of reduction-sensitive CMS while showcasing its reducibility through glutathione and tris(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine as a proof of concept. Measurements of reduction-initiated release of the model dye Nile red by time-dependent fluorescence spectroscopy showed a pronounced release for the redox-sensitive CMS nanocarrier (up to 90% within 24 h) while the non-sensitive nanocarriers showed no release in PBS. Penetration experiments using ex vivo human skin showed that the redox-sensitive CMS nanocarrier could deliver higher percentages of the loaded macrocyclic dye meso-tetra (m-hydroxyphenyl) porphyrin (mTHPP) to the skin as compared to the non-sensitive CMS nanocarrier. Encapsulation experiments showed that these CMS nanocarriers can encapsulate dyes or drugs with different molecular weights and hydrophobicity. A drug content of 1 to 6 wt% was achieved for the anti-inflammatory drugs dexamethasone and rapamycin as well as fluorescent dyes such as Nile red and porphyrins. These results show that redox-initiated drug release is a promising strategy to improve the topical drug delivery of macrolide drugs

    Probing the Penetration of Rapamycin by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy

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    Drug penetration in human skin ex vivo following a modification of skin barrier permeability is systematically investigated by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. Element-selective excitation is used in the O 1s regime for probing quantitatively the penetration of topically applied rapamycin in different formulations with a spatial resolution reaching <75 nm. The data were analyzed by a comparison of two methods: (i) two-photon energies employing the Beer–Lambert law and (ii) a singular value decomposition approach making use of the full spectral information in each pixel of the X-ray micrographs. The latter approach yields local drug concentrations more reliably and sensitively probed than the former. The present results from both approaches indicate that rapamycin is not observed within the stratum corneum of nontreated skin ex vivo, providing evidence for the observation that this high-molecular-weight drug inefficiently penetrates intact skin. However, rapamycin is observed to penetrate more efficiently the stratum corneum when modifications of the skin barrier are induced by the topical pretreatment with the serine protease trypsin for variable time periods ranging from 2 to 16 h. After the longest exposure time to serine protease, the drug is even found in the viable epidermis. High-resolution micrographs indicate that the lipophilic drug preferably associates with corneocytes, while signals found in the intercellular lipid compartment were less pronounced. This result is discussed in comparison to previous work obtained from low-molecular-weight lipophilic drugs as well as polymer nanocarriers, which were found to penetrate the intact stratum corneum exclusively via the lipid layers between the corneocytes. Also, the role of the tight junction barrier in the stratum granulosum is briefly discussed with respect to modifications of the skin barrier induced by enhanced serine protease activity, a phenomenon of clinical relevance in a range of inflammatory skin disorders

    Topical Delivery of Tofacitinib in Dermatology: The Promise of a Novel Therapeutic Class Using Biodegradable Dendritic Polyglycerol Sulfates

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    Inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and alopecia areata, occur when the regulatory tolerance of the innate immune system is disrupted, resulting in the activation of the Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) inflammatory signaling pathway by interleukin 6 (IL-6) and other key inflammatory cytokines. JAK inhibitors, such as tofacitinib, bind to these enzymes which are coupled to receptors on cell surfaces and block the transcription of inflammatory cytokine-induced genes. The first topical applications are being marketed, yet insufficient effects regarding indications, such as alopecia areata, suggest that improved delivery technologies could help increase the efficacy. In this study, we used sulfated dendritic polyglycerol with caprolactone segments integrated in its backbone (dPGS-PCL), with a molecular weight of 54 kDa, as a degradable carrier to load and solubilize the hydrophobic drug tofacitinib (TFB). TFB loaded in dPGS-PCL (dPGS-PCL@TFB), at a 11 w/w% loading capacity in aqueous solution, showed in an ex-vivo human skin model better penetration than free TFB in a 30:70 (v/v) ethanol/water mixture. We also investigated the anti-inflammatory efficacy of dPGS-PCL@TFB (0.5 w/w%), dPGS-PCL, and free TFB in the water/ethanol mixture by measuring their effects on IL-6 and IL-8 release, and STAT3 and STAT5 activation in ex vivo skin models of simulated inflamed human skin. Our results suggest that dPGS-PCL@TFB reduces the activation of STAT3 and STAT5 by increasing the penetration of the tofacitinib. However, no statistically significant differences with respect to the inhibition of IL-6 and IL-8 were observed in this short incubation time

    Characterization of an Ex Vivo Skin Model for the Assessment of Dexamethasone-Loaded Core Multishell-Nanocarriers

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    Standard experimental set-ups for the assessment of skin penetration are typically performed on skin explants with an intact skin barrier or after a partial mechanical or chemical perturbation of the stratum corneum, but they do not take into account biochemical changes. Among the various pathological alterations in inflamed skin, aberrant serine protease (SP) activity directly affects the biochemical environment in the superficial compartments, which interact with topically applied formulations. It further impacts the skin barrier structure and is a key regulator of inflammatory mediators. Herein, we used short-term cultures of ex vivo human skin treated with trypsin and plasmin as inflammatory stimuli to assess the penetration and biological effects of the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone (DXM), encapsulated in core multishell-nanocarriers (CMS-NC), when compared to a standard cream formulation. Despite a high interindividual variability, the combined pretreatment of the skin resulted in an average 2.5-fold increase of the transepidermal water loss and swelling of the epidermis, as assessed by optical coherence tomography, as well as in a moderate increase of a broad spectrum of proinflammatory mediators of clinical relevance. The topical application of DXM-loaded CMS-NC or DXM standard cream revealed an increased penetration into SP-treated skin when compared to untreated control skin with an intact barrier. Both formulations, however, delivered sufficient amounts of DXM to effectively suppress the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP). In conclusion, we suggest that the herein presented ex vivo inflammatory skin model is functional and could improve the selection of promising drug delivery strategies for anti-inflammatory compounds at early stages of development. View Full-Tex

    Signs of the legal regulation of bodies supporting enforcement of economic and other courts in the Soviet period

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    У статті визначено характерні ознаки правового регулювання діяльності органів, що забезпечували виконання рішень арбітражних та інших судів у радянський період. Названо основні нормативні акти радянського періоду. Виділено характеристики, що можна буде використати при модернізації сучасного українського законодавства.Typical signs of legal regulation of the authorities activities, which ensured enforcement of decisions arbitration and other courts in the Soviet period, have been identified in the article. The basic regulations acts of the Soviet period were identified. Characteristics, that can be used in modernization Ukrainian modern legislation, were allocated