79 research outputs found

    Root apoplastic barriers block Na+ transport to shoots in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Rice is an important crop that is very sensitive to salinity. However, some varieties differ greatly in this feature, making investigations of salinity tolerance mechanisms possible. The cultivar Pokkali is salinity tolerant and is known to have more extensive hydrophobic barriers in its roots than does IR20, a more sensitive cultivar. These barriers located in the root endodermis and exodermis prevent the direct entry of external fluid into the stele. However, it is known that in the case of rice, these barriers are bypassed by most of the Na+ that enters the shoot. Exposing plants to a moderate stress of 100 mM NaCl resulted in deposition of additional hydrophobic aliphatic suberin in both cultivars. The present study demonstrated that Pokkali roots have a lower permeability to water (measured using a pressure chamber) than those of IR20. Conditioning plants with 100 mM NaCl effectively reduced Na+ accumulation in the shoot and improved survival of the plants when they were subsequently subjected to a lethal stress of 200 mM NaCl. The Na+ accumulated during the conditioning period was rapidly released when the plants were returned to the control medium. It has been suggested that the location of the bypass flow is around young lateral roots, the early development of which disrupts the continuity of the endodermal and exodermal Casparian bands. However, in the present study, the observed increase in lateral root densities during stress in both cultivars did not correlate with bypass flow. Overall the data suggest that in rice roots Na+ bypass flow is reduced by the deposition of apoplastic barriers, leading to improved plant survival under salt stress

    ABCG Transporters Are Required for Suberin and Pollen Wall Extracellular Barriers in Arabidopsis

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    Effective regulation of water balance in plants requires localized extracellular barriers that control water and solute movement. We describe a clade of five Arabidopsis thaliana ABCG half-transporters that are required for synthesis of an effective suberin barrier in roots and seed coats (ABCG2, ABCG6, and ABCG20) and for synthesis of an intact pollen wall (ABCG1 and ABCG16). Seed coats of abcg2 abcg6 abcg20 triple mutant plants had increased permeability to tetrazolium red and decreased suberin content. The root system of triple mutant plants was more permeable to water and salts in a zone complementary to that affected by the Casparian strip. Suberin of mutant roots and seed coats had distorted lamellar structure and reduced proportions of aliphatic components. Root wax from the mutant was deficient in alkylhydroxycinnamate esters. These mutant plants also had few lateral roots and precocious secondary growth in primary roots. abcg1 abcg16 double mutants defective in the other two members of the clade had pollen with defects in the nexine layer of the tapetum-derived exine pollen wall and in the pollen-derived intine layer. Mutant pollen collapsed at the time of anther desiccation. These mutants reveal transport requirements for barrier synthesis as well as physiological and developmental consequences of barrier deficiency

    Strategies to acquire and use phosphorus in phosphorus-impoverished and fire-prone environments

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    Published online: 19 May 2022Background Unveiling the diversity of plant strategies to acquire and use phosphorus (P) is crucial to understand factors promoting their coexistence in hyperdiverse P-impoverished communities within fire-prone landscapes such as in cerrado (South America), fynbos (South Africa) and kwongan (Australia). Scope We explore the diversity of P-acquisition strategies, highlighting one that has received little attention: acquisition of P following fires that temporarily enrich soil with P. This strategy is expressed by fire ephemerals as well as fast-resprouting perennial shrubs. A plant’s leaf manganese concentration ([Mn]) provides significant clues on P-acquisition strategies. High leaf [Mn] indicates carboxylatereleasing P-acquisition strategies, but other exudates may play the same role as carboxylates in P acquisition. Intermediate leaf [Mn] suggests facilitation of P acquisition by P-mobilising neighbours, through release of carboxylates or functionally similar compounds. Very low leaf [Mn] indicates that carboxylates play no immediate role in P acquisition. Release of phosphatases also represents a P-mining strategy, mobilising organic P. Some species may express multiple strategies, depending on time since germination or since fire, or on position in the landscape. In severely P-impoverished landscapes, photosynthetic P-use efficiency converges among species. Efficient species exhibit rapid rates of photosynthesis at low leaf P concentrations. A high P-remobilisation efficiency from senescing organs is another way to use P efficiently, as is extended longevity of plant organs. Conclusions Many P-acquisition strategies coexist in P-impoverished landscapes, but P-use strategies tend to converge. Common strategies of which we know little are those expressed by ephemeral or perennial species that are the first to respond after a fire. We surmise that carboxylate-releasing P-mobilising strategies are far more widespread than envisaged so far, and likely expressed by species that accumulate metals, exemplified by Mn, metalloids, such as selenium, fluorine, in the form of fluoroacetate, or silicon. Some carboxylate-releasing strategies are likely important to consider when restoring sites in biodiverse regions as well as in cropping systems on P-impoverished or strongly P-sorbing soils, because some species may only be able to establish themselves next to neighbours that mobilise P.Hans Lambers, Patrícia de Britto Costa, Gregory R. Cawthray, Matthew D. Denton, Patrick M. Finnegan, Patrick E. Hayes, Rafael S. Oliveira, Simon C. Power, Kosala Ranathunge, Qi Shen, Xiao Wang, Hongtao Zhon

    Silicon enhances suberization and lignification in roots of rice (Oryza sativa)

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    The beneficial element silicon (Si) may affect radial oxygen loss (ROL) of rice roots depending on suberization of the exodermis and lignification of sclerenchyma. Thus, the effect of Si nutrition on the oxidation power of rice roots, suberization and lignification was examined. In addition, Si-induced alterations of the transcript levels of 265 genes related to suberin and lignin synthesis were studied by custom-made microarray and quantitative Real Time-PCR. Without Si supply, the oxidation zone of 12 cm long adventitious roots extended along the entire root length but with Si supply the oxidation zone was restricted to 5 cm behind the root tip. This pattern coincided with enhanced suberization of the exodermis and lignification of sclerenchyma by Si supply. Suberization of the exodermis started, with and without Si supply, at 4–5 cm and 8–9 cm distance from the root tip (drt), respectively. Si significantly increased transcript abundance of 12 genes, while two genes had a reduced transcript level. A gene coding for a leucine-rich repeat protein exhibited a 25-fold higher transcript level with Si nutrition. Physiological, histochemical, and molecular-biological data showing that Si has an active impact on rice root anatomy and gene transcription is presented here

    Combined analysis of transcriptome and metabolite data reveals extensive differences between black and brown nearly-isogenic soybean (Glycine max) seed coats enabling the identification of pigment isogenes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>R </it>locus controls the color of pigmented soybean (<it>Glycine max</it>) seeds. However information about its control over seed coat biochemistry and gene expressions remains limited. The seed coats of nearly-isogenic black (<it>iRT</it>) and brown (<it>irT</it>) soybean (<it>Glycine max</it>) were known to differ by the presence or absence of anthocyanins, respectively, with genes for only a single enzyme (anthocyanidin synthase) found to be differentially expressed between isolines. We recently identified and characterized a UDP-glycose:flavonoid-3-<it>O</it>-glycosyltransferase (<it>UGT78K1</it>) from the seed coat of black (<it>iRT</it>) soybean with the aim to engineer seed coat color by suppression of an anthocyanin-specific gene. However, it remained to be investigated whether <it>UGT78K1 </it>was overexpressed with anthocyanin biosynthesis in the black (<it>iRT</it>) seed coat compared to the nearly-isogenic brown (<it>irT</it>) tissue.</p> <p>In this study, we performed a combined analysis of transcriptome and metabolite data to elucidate the control of the R locus over seed coat biochemistry and to identify pigment biosynthesis genes. Two differentially expressed late-stage anthocyanin biosynthesis isogenes were further characterized, as they may serve as useful targets for the manipulation of soybean grain color while minimizing the potential for unintended effects on the plant system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Metabolite composition differences were found to not be limited to anthocyanins, with specific proanthocyanidins, isoflavones, and phenylpropanoids present exclusively in the black (<it>iRT</it>) or the brown (<it>irT</it>) seed coat. A global analysis of gene expressions identified <it>UGT78K1 </it>and 19 other anthocyanin, (iso)flavonoid, and phenylpropanoid isogenes to be differentially expressed between isolines. A combined analysis of metabolite and gene expression data enabled the assignment of putative functions to biosynthesis and transport isogenes. The recombinant enzymes of two genes were validated to catalyze late-stage steps in anthocyanin biosynthesis <it>in vitro </it>and expression profiles of the corresponding genes were shown to parallel anthocyanin biosynthesis during black (<it>iRT</it>) seed coat development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Metabolite composition and gene expression differences between black (<it>iRT</it>) and brown (<it>irT</it>) seed coats are far more extensive than previously thought. Putative anthocyanin, proanthocyanidin, (iso)flavonoid, and phenylpropanoid isogenes were differentially-expressed between black (<it>iRT</it>) and brown (<it>irT</it>) seed coats, and <it>UGT78K2 </it>and <it>OMT5 </it>were validated to code UDP-glycose:flavonoid-3-<it>O</it>-glycosyltransferase and anthocyanin 3'-<it>O</it>-methyltransferase proteins <it>in vitro</it>, respectively. Duplicate gene copies for several enzymes were overexpressed in the black (<it>iRT</it>) seed coat suggesting more than one isogene may have to be silenced to engineer seed coat color using RNA interference.</p

    Salinity tolerance mechanisms in glycophytes: An overview with the central focus on rice plants

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    Apoplastic barriers, aquaporin gene expression and root and cell hydraulic conductivity in phosphate-limited sheepgrass plants

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    Mineral nutrient supply can affect the hydraulic property of roots. The aim of the present work on sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis L.) plants was to test whether any changes in root hydraulic conductivity (Lp; exudation analyses) in response to a growth-limiting supply of phosphate (P) are accompanied by changes in (1) cell Lp via measuring the cell pressure, (2) the aquaporin (AQP) gene expression by performing qPCR and (3) the formation of apoplastic barriers, by analyzing suberin lamella and Casparian bands via cross-sectional analyses in roots. Plants were grown hydroponically on complete nutrient solution, containing 250 mu M P, until they were 31-36 days old, and then kept for 2-3 weeks on either complete solution, or transferred on solution containing 2.5 mu M (low-P) or no added P (no-P). Phosphate treatments caused significant decreases in root and cell-Lp and AQP gene expression, while the formation of apoplastic barriers increased, particularly in lateral roots. Experiments using the AQP inhibitor mercury (Hg) suggested that a significant portion of radial root water uptake in sheepgrass occurs along a path involving AQPs, and that the Lp of this path is reduced under low- and no-P. It is concluded that a growth-limiting supply of phosphate causes parallel changes in (1) cell Lp and aquaporin gene expression (decrease) and (2) apoplastic barrier formation (increase), and that the two may combine to reduce root Lp. The reduction in root Lp, in turn, facilitates an increased root-to-shoot surface area ratio, which allocates resources to the root, sourcing the limiting nutrient