4,276 research outputs found
Programas de moda na televisão fechada tamanho único: da moda da passarela para a vida real
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar quais os artifícios usados pela
equipe do programa Tamanho Único, do canal por assinatura GNT, para mostrar
como aplicar nos visuais do cotidiano as tendências mostradas nas semanas de
moda ao redor de mundo. O estudo de caso do assunto foi feito a partir de
observação direta do programa e de entrevistas com as apresentadoras do mesmo,
bem como três participantes do quadro sobre consultoria de moda. Para ter
compreensão mais ampla do programa, apresentou-se como funciona a televisão
por assinatura e a segmentação da programação nos canais; como as celebridades
se tornam influência de estilo e comportamento para os telespectadores; de que
modo ocorre a construção de um look; e, finalmente, houve a análise dos episódios
do Tamanho Único. A análise foi complementada com as entrevistas, que permitem
uma visão mais aprofundada do objeto estudado
Discurso, poder e identidade nas pré-eleições dos EUA de 2016: uma análise dos discursos políticos de Hillary Clinton e Donald Trump no Twitter
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o discurso político, na rede social
Twitter, dos principais candidatos à presidência dos Estados Unidos nas eleições de
2016: Hillary Clinton e Donald Trump. Busca-se comparar o discurso da
representante do Partido Democrata e do representante do Partido Republicano e
quais textos mais repercutem entre os internautas. A análise de discurso foi feita a
partir da coleta de dados da conta de cada um deles no Twitter, via ferramentas de
monitoramento. Nota-se que a conta de cada candidato, embora exista desde antes
das eleições, vem sendo usada atualmente apenas com viés eleitoral. Hillary e
Trump falam para públicos distintos, mas ambos criticam um ao outro e usam frases
de efeito para se apresentarem como os melhores sucessores do atual presidente
norte-americano, Barack Obama. Os dois, inclusive, usam termos em comum –
como “América” — para mobilizar os eleitores e leva-los às urnas. No entanto,
enquanto Hillary apresenta seus projetos de campanha e posta frases de incentivo
aos eleitores, Trump foca em apontar os problemas do país e ressaltar que é quem
pode solucioná-los. O discurso de ambos no Twitter evidencia como o discurso
político nas redes sociais é mais dinâmico que nas mídias tradicionais,
principalmente pelo fato de as interações com os potenciais eleitores – seguidores –
se dar em tempo real e possibilitar a mobilização on-line para a vida política
Intention to use new mobile payment systems: a comparative analysis of SMS and NFC payments
The rapid growth of mobile technology among the world’s population
has led many companies to attempt to exploit mobile devices as
an additional tool in the business of sales. In this sense, the main
objective of our study resides in comparing the factors that determine
the acceptance by consumers of the SMS (Short Message Service)
and NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile payment systems as
examples of means of future payment. The model used in our research
applies the classic variables of the Technology Acceptance Model, as
well as that of Perceived Security, a model deriving from the review
of the major relevant recent literature. The results achieved in this
study demonstrate that there are differences in the factors that
determine the acceptance in each of the systems, as well as the level
of the Intention to Use. Finally, we highlight the main implications for
management and cite some strategies to reinforce this new business
in the context of new technical developments
Mobile Payment Adoption in the Age of Digital Transformation: The Case of Apple Pay
Current developments in information technology and communications, as well as the
significant transformations the business world is being forced to make, are generating an opportunity
for widespread acceptance of mobile payments. The present research analyzes the intention to use the
Apple Pay mobile payment system, as well as contextualizing and evaluating the different antecedents
of its use. To carry out the research, 539 users were invited to respond to an online questionnaire,
and an analysis of structural equation modeling was used. The results indicate that perceived value
is the variable that most influences the intention to use the proposed payment system, followed by
perception of utility and risk. This work has important implications for companies in the sector
Flood Risk Assessment in Housing under an Urban Development Scheme Simulating Water Flow in Plains
Floods are increasingly occurring around the world more often, this implies analysing the risks connected to both human health and the environment, and to infrastructure and properties. The objective is to establish areas susceptible to flooding and their impact on the population through the effects on the unit of analysis “housing”. To simulate the floods and map the affected areas, the FluBiDi 2D model was used. Two conditions for one urban zone analysed within the Mexico Valley were compared: (a) with the current hydraulic infrastructure and (b) with the application of rectification of channels. The available information was the discharge getting into the catchment and the total of homes in 2015. Projections for 20-year and 50-year planning horizon were considered, and for the 50 years, an evaluation of a non-structural measure was applied. Results show that under the current infrastructure, the flood simulated had a flow depth of 20 cm, decreasing to 5 cm average with rectification of channels, and a decrement of 45% of the cost of housing risk. Applying the both structural and non-structural measures, the cost of vulnerable housing was reduced until 94%, thus, this a trustworthy tool for decision-making in urban developments
Effect of Aspirin on Cell Growth of Human MG-63 Osteosarcoma Line
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used in bone tissue repair treatment for their pharmacological action. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of aspirin, on osteoblast growth, using MG63 cell line as osteoblast model. MTT spectrophotometry results showed that 20, 100, and 1000 μM aspirin doses have an inhibitory effect on growth. Cell cycle analysis revealed that aspirin doses of 100 and 1000 μM arrest the cell cycle in phase GO/G1. Parallel apoptosis/necrosis studies showed no changes in comparison to control cells after treatment with 1 or 10 μM aspirin but a significantly increased percentage of cells in apoptosis at doses of 20, 100, and 1000 μM. We highlight that treatment of osteoblast-like cells with 1000 μM aspirin increased not only the percentage of cells in apoptosis but also the percentage of necrotic cells, which was not observed in aspirin treatments at lower doses
Neste trabalho, pretendemos analisar como os livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa do 8º ano da educação básica (EB) têm abordado o ensino da oralidade. Os pressupostos teóricos foram baseados em Antunes (2003), Cardoso (1999), Fávero (2003), Marcuschi (1997) e (2003), Pretti (1999), Ramos (1997) e Rojo (2000) e (2003). Foram analisados, então, três livros didáticos da EB que foram utilizados no ano de 2012 em escolas municipais de Teresina. Resultados apontam para a existência de um esforço por parte dos autores de livros didáticos em abordar a oralidade, embora eles não sejam suficientes para dar conta da complexidade dessa modalidade da língua
Effects on growth of human osteoblast-like cells of three nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: metamizole, dexketoprofen, and ketorolac
Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have adverse effects on bone tissue. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different doses of dexketoprofen, ketorolac, and metamizole on growth of the osteoblast MG63 cell line. 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide spectrophotometry results showed that MG63 cell growth was significantly inhibited after 24 hr of culture with doses of 10, 20, 100, or 1,000 µM of each NSAID and with doses of 0.1, 1, or 5 µM of dexketoprofen and ketorolac but not metamizole. Cell-cycle studies revealed that dexketoprofen and ketorolac treatments significantly arrested the cell cycle in phase G0/G1, increasing the percentage of cells in this phase. Apoptosis/necrosis studies showed significant changes versus control cells, with an increased percentage of cells in apoptosis after treatment with 10, 100, or 1,000 µM of metamizole and after treatment with 1, 10, 100, or 1,000 µM of dexketoprofen or ketorolac. In conclusion, treatment of osteoblast-like cells with high doses of the NSAIDs tested increased not only the percentage of cells in apoptosis but also the percentage of necrotic cells
Therapeutic doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit osteosarcoma MG-63 osteoblast-like celss maturation, viability, and biomineralization potential
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are frequently used to reduce pain and inflammation. However, their effect on bone metabolisms is not well known, and results in the literature are contradictory. The present study focusses on the effect of dexketoprofen, ketorolac, metamizole, and acetylsalicylic acid, at therapeutic doses, on different biochemical and phenotypic pathways in human osteoblast-like cells. Osteoblasts (MG-63 cell line) were incubated in culture medium with 1–10 M of dexketoprofen, ketorolac, metamizole, and acetylsalicylic acid. Flow cytometry was used to study antigenic profile and phagocytic activity. The osteoblastic differentiation was evaluated by mineralization and synthesis of collagen fibers by microscopy and alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) by spectrophotometric assay. Short-term treatment with therapeutic doses of NSAIDs modulated differentiation, antigenic profile, and phagocyte activity of osteoblast-like cells. The treatment reduced ALP synthesis and matrix mineralization. However, nonsignificant differences were observed on collagen syntheses after treatments. The percentage of CD54 expression was increased with all treatments. CD80, CD86, and HLA-DR showed a decreased expression, which depended on NSAID and the dose applied. The treatments also decreased phagocyte activity in this cellular population. The results of this paper provide evidences that NSAIDs inhibit the osteoblast differentiation process thus reducing their ability to produce new bone mineralized extracellular matrix.This study was supported by the BIO277 research group (Junta de Andalucía), by the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Granada and by the research group Brighton Studies in Tissue-mimicry and Aided Regeneration (BrightSTAR), School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton
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