3,314 research outputs found

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    An approximation to the prediction of the summery emergence of "Ochlerotatus caspius" (Diptera: Culicidae) based on the relationship between degree-days accumulations and adult captures

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    Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) (Diptera, Culicidae) es el culícido más abundante durante el verano en las marismas de Huelva. Este estudio demuestra que la relación entre capturas de adultos, convertidas en probit, y la acumulación de temperatura o número de días-grado, convenientemente adaptada mediante a una transformación logarítmica, muestra ser signifi cativamente lineal para cada generación de este mosquito a lo largo de cada verano. Además, si se procesan todos los datos disponibles de todos los años considerados en el estudio se obtiene una alta correlación lineal y, en consecuencia, las ecuaciones resultantes poseen valor predictivo. Los resultados de la validación de los pronósticos que se extraen de las rectas de regresión log-probit, permiten que se puedan considerar estas rectas como una herramienta más de cara a aumentar la efi cacia de los programas de control integrado que se llevan a cabo en esta zona.Predicción de la emergencia estival de Ochlerotatus caspius (Diptera: Culicidae) basada en la relación entre la acumulación de días-grado y la captura de adultos. Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) (Diptera, Culicidae) es el culícido más abundante durante el verano en las marismas de Huelva. Este estudio demuestra que la relación entre capturas de adultos, convertidas en probit, y la acumulación de temperatura o número de días-grado, convenientemente adaptada mediante a una transformación logarítmica, muestra ser signifi cativamente lineal para cada generación de este mosquito a lo largo de cada verano. Además, si se procesan todos los datos disponibles de todos los años considerados en el estudio se obtiene una alta correlación lineal y, en consecuencia, las ecuaciones resultantes poseen valor predictivo. Los resultados de la validación de los pronósticos que se extraen de las rectas de regresión log-probit, permiten que se puedan considerar estas rectas como una herramienta más de cara a aumentar la efi cacia de los programas de control integrado que se llevan a cabo en esta zona

    Análisis del crecimiento de la levadura Candida utilis en un biorreactor tambor rotatorio continuo

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    La fermentación en estado sólido en biorreactores continuosha sido muy poco estudiada. Este modo de operaciónpuede ser una oportunidad para resolver los problemasde transferencia de calor que se presentan eneste tipo de fermentación. El objetivo de este trabajo esanalizar el crecimiento de la levadura Candida utilis en unbiorreactor tambor rotatorio continuo a partir de la influenciadel tiempo de residencia de las partículas y del flujoespecífico de aire. En este caso fue simulado el crecimientode la levadura Candida uitilis sobre bagazo de caña deazúcar. El modelo predice que se obtienen buenos resultadospara un biorreactor de 2 m de diámetro y 20 m delongitud, con un tiempo de residencia de 10 h y un flujoespecífico de aire aproximadamente igual a 2 L/(kg min)

    Short assessment test by phonological awareness P.E.C.O.

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    El objetivo de este este trabajo es obtener una versión abreviada del conocimiento fonológico a partir de la prueba P.E.C.O. manteniendo una validez adecuada. Entendemos por conocimiento fonológico la habilidad para tomar conciencia y manipular los elementos más simples del lenguaje oral como son las sílabas (conocimiento silábico) y los fonemas (conocimiento fonémico). Un adecuado desarrollo del conocimiento fonológico junto con otras habilidades como la velocidad de denominación son fundamentales para la adquisición del principio alfabético, y por tanto para aprender a leer y a escribir en un idioma transparente como el español. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se toma la muestra original de tipificación (N=240) formada por alumnos y alumnas de habla española de educación infantil de 5 años (mediana de edad de 5 años y 9 meses) y se utiliza el análisis de regresión múltiple (método de pasos sucesivos) para obtener un modelo de regresión que maximiza una predicción ajustada con nueve ítems. A partir de los resultados se obtuvo una versión abreviada y representativa de la prueba original, que contiene ítems variados en cuanto al tipo de tareas (identificación, adición y omisión) con garantías de predecir el rendimiento en conocimiento fonológico de los alumnos en tres niveles: alto, medio y bajoThe objective of this work is to obtain an abridged version of phonological awareness from the test P.E.C.O. maintaining adequate validity. We understand phonemic awareness skills to become aware and manipulate the simplest elements of spoken language such as syllables (syllabic knowledge) and phonemes (phonemic awareness). Proper development of phonological awareness along with other skills such as naming speed are essential for the acquisition of the alphabetic principle, and thus to learn to read and write in a transparent language such as Spanish. To conduct the study, the original sample typing (N = 240) formed by students from Spanish-speaking child education of 5 years (median age of 5 years and 9 months) is taken and used analysis multiple regression (stepwise method) to obtain a regression model that maximizes an adjusted prediction nine items. From the results an abbreviated and representative version of the original test, containing various items in the type of tasks (identification, addition and omission) guarantees to predict performance in phonological awareness of students in three levels was obtained: high, medium and lo

    Determinación del mercado objetivo y la demanda insatisfecha, cuando no se dispone de estadísticas

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    The business plan and / or feasibility study represents the best investment alternative, with a level of return greater than the opportunity cost of capital. When the return of the project is greater than the opportunity cost, means sustaining the flow of benefits of the project, with the determination of unmet demand and an efficient performance of the project, and consequently, determine the unmet demand is a key element to show the feasibility of the project. There is not always available statistics for the market research of new business opportunities, in this sense, we have developed this methodology, based on a case study for the determination of the target market and unmet when there are no statistics.El plan de negocios y/o proyecto de factibilidad representa la mejor alternativa de inversión con un nivel de rentabilidad mayor al costo de oportunidad del capital. Para que el retorno del proyecto sea mayor al costo de oportunidad, esto significa sustentar los flujos de beneficios que ofrece el proyecto, con la determinación de la demanda insatisfecha y un desempeño eficiente del negocio; consecuentemente, determinar la demanda insatisfecha es un elemento clave para demostrar la factibilidad del proyecto. No siempre se dispone de estadísticas para el estudio de mercado de nuevas oportunidades de negocios; en tal sentido, se ha preparado esta metodología, con base en un estudio de caso para la determinación del mercado objetivo y demanda insatisfecha cuando no se dispone de estadísticas

    Cohort profile: the multigeneration Respiratory Health in Northern Europe, Spain and Australia (RHINESSA) cohort

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    Purpose: The Respiratory Health in Northern Europe, Spain and Australia (RHINESSA) cohort was established to (1) investigate how exposures before conception and in previous generations influence health and disease, particularly allergies and respiratory health, (2) identify susceptible time windows and (3) explore underlying mechanisms. The ultimate aim is to facilitate efficient intervention strategies targeting multiple generations. Participants: RHINESSA includes study participants of multiple generations from ten study centres in Norway (1), Denmark (1), Sweden (3), Iceland (1), Estonia (1), Spain (2) and Australia (1). The RHINESSA core cohort, adult offspring generation 3 (G3), was first investigated in 2014-17 in a questionnaire study (N=8818, age 18-53 years) and a clinical study (subsample, n=1405). Their G2 parents participated in the population-based cohorts, European Community Respiratory Heath Survey and Respiratory Health In Northern Europe, followed since the early 1990s when they were 20-44 years old, at 8-10 years intervals. Study protocols are harmonised across generations. Findings to date Collected data include spirometry, skin prick tests, exhaled nitric oxide, anthropometrics, bioimpedance, blood pressure; questionnaire/interview data on respiratory/ general/reproductive health, indoor/outdoor environment, smoking, occupation, general characteristics and lifestyle; biobanked blood, urine, gingival fluid, skin swabs; measured specific and total IgE, DNA methylation, sex hormones and oral microbiome. Research results: suggest that parental environment years before conception, in particular, father’s exposures such as smoking and overweight, may be of key importance for asthma and lung function, and that there is an important susceptibility window in male prepuberty. Statistical analyses developed to approach causal inference suggest that these associations may be causal. DNA methylation studies suggest a mechanism for transfer of father’s exposures to offspring health and disease through impact on offspring DNA methylation. Future plans: Follow-up is planned at 5–8 years intervals, first in 2021-2023. Linkage with health registries contributes to follow-up of the cohort.Coordination of the RHINESSA study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (Grants No. 274767, 214123, 228174, 230 827 and 273838), ERC StG project BRuSH #804199, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 633 212 (the ALEC Study WP2), the Bergen Medical Research Foundation, and the Western Norwegian Regional Health Authorities (Grants No. 912011, 911 892 and 911631). Study centres have further received local funding from the following: Bergen: the above grants for study establishment and co- ordination, and, in addition, World University Network (REF and Sustainability grants), Norwegian Labour Inspection, the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association and Trond Mohn Foundation (Grant ID BFS2017TMT02). Albacete and Huelva: Sociedad Española de Patología Respiratoria (SEPAR) Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS PS09). Gøteborg, Umeå and Uppsala: the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association. Reykjavik: Iceland University. Melbourne: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grant ID1128450. Tartu: the Estonian Research Council (Grant No. PUT562). Århus: The Danish Wood Foundation (Grant No. 444508795), the Danish Working Environment Authority (Grant No. 20150067134), Aarhus University (PhD scholarship).The RHINE study received funding by Norwegian Research Council, Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, Danish Lung Association, Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, Vårdal Foundation for Health CareHealthcare Science and Allergy Research, Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association, Icelandic Research Council, and Estonian Science Foundation. The RHINE IV ongoing study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway project Life- GAP grant No. 300 765.Co- ordination of the ECRHS study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 633 212 (the ALEC study), the Medical Research Council (ECRHS III) and the European Commission FP5 and FP7 (ECRHS I and II). The ECRHS IV ongoing study in the ten RHINESSA study centres has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme projects EPHOR under grant agreement No. 874 703 and European Research Council (ERC) project BRuSH under grant agreement No. 804199, and from the Research Council of Norway grant No. 273 838. Funding agencies for ECRHS I, II and III are reported in online supplement.Coordination of the RHINESSA study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (Grants No. 274767, 214123, 228174, 230 827 and 273838), ERC StG project BRuSH #804199, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 633 212 (the ALEC Study WP2), the Bergen Medical Research Foundation, and the Western Norwegian Regional Health Authorities (Grants No. 912011, 911 892 and 911631). Study centres have further received local funding from the following: Bergen: the above grants for study establishment and co-ordination, and, in addition, World University Network (REF and Sustainability grants), Norwegian Labour Inspection, the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association and Trond Mohn Foundation (Grant ID BFS2017TMT02). Albacete and Huelva: Sociedad Española de Patología Respiratoria (SEPAR) Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS PS09). Gøteborg, Umeå and Uppsala: the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association. Reykjavik: Iceland University. Melbourne: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grant ID1128450. Tartu: the Estonian Research Council (Grant No. PUT562). Århus: The Danish Wood Foundation (Grant No. 444508795), the Danish Working Environment Authority (Grant No. 20150067134), Aarhus University (PhD scholarship).The RHINE study received funding by Norwegian Research Council, Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, Danish Lung Association, Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, Vårdal Foundation for Health CareHealthcare Science and Allergy Research, Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association, Icelandic Research Council, and Estonian Science Foundation. The RHINE IV ongoing study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway project Life-GAP grant No. 300 765.Co-ordination of the ECRHS study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 633 212 (the ALEC study), the Medical Research Council (ECRHS III) and the European Commission FP5 and FP7 (ECRHS I and II). The ECRHS IV ongoing study in the ten RHINESSA study centres has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme projects EPHOR under grant agreement No. 874 703 and European Research Council (ERC) project BRuSH under grant agreement No. 804199, and from the Research Council of Norway grant No. 273 838. Funding agencies for ECRHS I, II and III are reported in online supplement

    Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF in caregivers of people with dementia

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    Background: Caregivers of people with dementia may experience characteristic grief linked to present and anticipated losses before the physical death of the care recipient occurs, which is related to physical and mental health problems. The Marwit-Meuser Caregiver Inventory-Short Form (MM-CGI-SF) is an instrument that assesses this type of grief. Since there are no studies on an adaptation of the MM-CGI-SF to the Spanish population, the aim of the study was to evaluate its psychometric properties in a sample of caregivers of dementia patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The tool was translated and adapted into Spanish, which was administered to 250 caregivers of people with dementia in the province of Huelva, together with other related instruments. Descriptive statistics and internal consistency reliability were calculated using Cronbach's alpha, for the total questionnaire and for each subscale. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed and the Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF was correlated with the rest of the variables by calculating Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: 80.4% of the participants were female and had high levels of caregiver grief (x = 64.62, SD = 14.86). Cronbach's alpha for the general questionnaire was 0.927 and between 0.822-0.854 for its subscales. The fit values of the CFA were: x2 = 202.033, degrees of freedom = 121, x2 /df = 1.670, TLI = 0.954, CFI = 0.963, SRMR = 0.047, RMSEA = 0.052; and all the correlations were statistically significant. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF shows adequate psychometric properties. Thanks to this instrument, health professionals may measure caregiver grief, get closer to the reality of dementia care, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to manage this grief.The Spanish Ministry of Universities has supported the first author of this research through the University Teacher Training Programme, with reference number (FPU19/04001). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    Enseñar a leer a los alumnos con discapacidad intelectual: una reflexión sobre la práctica

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    En este trabajo se presenta una reflexión sobre la enseñanza de la lectura dirigida a los alumnos con discapacidad intelectual. Desde una perspectiva teórico-práctica, creemos que no existen métodos de lectura eficaces sólo para un determinado tipo de alumnos con discapacidad, o, al menos, consideramos que si el procedimiento es adecuado para el alumno con discapacidad, también lo puede ser para el resto. En todo caso, defendemos que la propia característica del alumno y del contexto, junto con la aplicabilidad de conocimientos que hoy se poseen sobre las etapas y los procesos de lectura y escritura, van a condicionar los logros


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    El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si un entrenamiento en habilidades de conocimiento fonológico facilita el aprendizaje lectoescritor en comparación con un grupo de control no entrenado, aunque iniciado en la enseñanza de la lectura y escritura durante el último nivel de Educación Infantil (cinco años). Fueron controladas algunas variables extrañas que pudieran afectar a las conclusiones de la investigación. Al finalizar el primer nivel de Educación Primaria, se midió el nivel de lectura y escritura en ambos grupos (experimental y  control). Los resultados señalan distintos efectos. En cuanto a la lectura, demuestran la inexistencia de diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos; mientras que en escritura, el grupo experimental obtiene mejor rendimiento al cometer menor número de errores. Finalmente, aportamos algunas orientaciones y propuestas didácticas.ABSTRACTThe objective of this work is to verify if a training in skills of phonological awareness facilitates the initial learning of the reading-writing in comparison with a group of not trained control, though initiated in the reading and writing during the last level of Infantile Education (five years old). There were controlled some strange variables that could concern the conclusions of the research. On having finished the first level of Primary Education, the level of reading and the writing in both groups (experimental and control). The results indicate different effects. As for the reading, they demonstrate that do not exist significant differences between both groups; whereas in writing, the experimental group obtains better performance on having committed minor number of mistakes. Finally, we provide some orientations and didactic propasals