287 research outputs found

    El Cos molest en l'obra d'Epictet

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    The work by Epictetus shows a remarkable amount of allusions to unpleasant aspects of the human body. It deals with expressions which sometimes could be almost considered aischrologia and, on other occasions, they really are. Our contribution approaches this subject and asks which might be the origin of this practice. We suggest the use of those expressions describes the body in terms fitting with Epictetus’ stoic philosophy aimed to establish an inner separation between body and the right use of reason leading us into virtue. Furthermore his humble origin as a slave could help him in using unpleasant words without prejudices. Also Arrian could insist on that characteristic when transmitting Epictetus’ teachings

    Trabajos de adaptación a RDA para documentos cartográficos

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    La comunicación expone las razones por las que el sistema bibliotecario catalán realizará el cambio de normativa de catalogación, pasando de AACR2 a RDA, las fases en las que este cambio se realizará y qué trabajos comportará en el Catálogo Colectivo de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Catalunya (CCUC). Asimismo, se indican las principales novedades que afectarán al material cartográfico y se perfilan las líneas de futuro que deben permitir el completo desarrollo de las nuevas normas

    Intercultural communication between long-stay immigrants and Catalan Primary Care Nurses : a qualitative approach to rebalancing power

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    There is a gap between the preferences of immigrant patients and their experiences with intercultural communication. This study aims to explore the experiences and perspectives of long-stay immigrants on intercultural communication in encounters with primary care (PC) nurses. Participants were selected by purposive sampling at the Maresme Primary Care Center. A focus group and five in-depth interviews with long-stay immigrants from eight countries were carried out. Data collection was guided by a script previously validated by a group of experts. We conducted a qualitative analysis following Charmaz's approach, and data saturation was reached with 11 patients (one focus group and five interviews). Long-stay immigrants would like closer and more personalized communication exchanges with greater humanity, as well as polite and respectful manners as they perceive signs of an asymmetrical care relationship. Those who had negative communication experiences tried to justify some of the behaviors as a result of having free access to public health services. This is one of the few existing studies from the point of view of long-stay immigrants. Achieving effective intercultural communication requires a process of self-reflection, awareness-raising and commitment, both on a personal and institutional level, to eliminate the asymmetry in the nurse-patient relationship. Nurses should be trained in person-centered intercultural communication

    Biochemical interaction of twenty steroid derivatives with ribosomal protein kinase 4 S6 (RSK-4) surface using a theoretical model

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    Several genetic expressions have been involved in the development of cancer such as the expression of a ribosomal kinase S6 P90 (RSK-4). It is important to mention that some compounds such as LJH685, 2073047-06-8, and SL0101 can act as RSK-4 inhibitors; however, its interaction with the surface of RSK-4 is very confusing. The aim of this research was to evaluate the interaction of twenty-nine steroid derivatives (1 to 29) with of RSK-4 surface using 6rv2 protein, LJH685, 2073047-06-8 and SL0101 as theoretical tools in the Dockingserver program. The results showed differences in the aminoacid residues involved in the interaction of steroid derivatives with 6rv2 protein surface compared with LJH685, 2073047-06-8 and SL0101. Besides, the inhibition constant for steroid derivatives 1, 12, 14, 19 and 22 was lower compared to 2073047-06-8 drug. In conclusion, the steroid derivatives 1, 12, 14, 19 and 22 could be a good alternative as RSK-4 inhibitors to decrease cancer cells growth

    Air temperature in Barcelona metropolitan region from MODIS satellite and GIS data

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    The metropolitan region of Barcelona (BMR) is one of the most densely populated areas in the Mediterranean countries. The estimation of air temperature at a short scale from satellite measurements would contribute to a better understanding of the varied and complex spatial distribution of temperatures in BMR. This estimation would be a first step to study several patterns of the thermometric regime affecting population life quality and health. Taking advantage of MODIS data, air temperature measurements at 48 thermometric stations along the year 2015, together with their geographic and topographic data, multiple regression analyses have permitted to obtain fine spatial distributions (pixels of 1 km2) of minimum, mean and maximum daily air temperatures. Previous to the multiple regression, Pearson coefficients and principal component analysis offer a first overview of the relevance of the variables on the empiric temperatures. The most relevant variables on the multiple regression process at annual and seasonal scale are land surface temperatures, latitude, longitude and calendar day. At a monthly scale, altitude (maximum temperature) and continentality (cold months for minimum and hot months for maximum temperatures) are also relevant. The best fits between empiric temperatures and those derived from the multiple regression processes have square regression coefficients within the range (0.92–0.96) for the annual case, (0.70–0.92) at seasonal scale and (0.52–0.87) at monthly scale. The root mean square error varies from 1.5 to 2.0 °C (annual case), from 1.3 to 2.0 °C (seasonal scale) and from 1.2 to 2.1 °C (monthly scale). In agreement with these regression coefficients and mean square errors, the obtained spatial distribution of temperatures is of notable quality. As an outstanding application, the detection of several urban heat islands on different conurbations within BMR along the Mediterranean coast becomes possible.Postprint (author's final draft

    Phosphorylation of transcription factor specificity protein 4 is increased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of first-episode psychosis

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    BACKGROUND: Altered expression of transcription factor specificity protein 4 (SP4) has been found in the postmortem brain of patients with psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Reduced levels of SP4 protein have recently been reported in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in first-episode psychosis. Also, SP4 levels are modulated by lithium treatment in cultured neurons. Phosphorylation of SP4 at S770 is increased in the cerebellum of bipolar disorder subjects and upon inhibition of NMDA receptor signaling in cultured neurons. The aim of this study was to investigate whether SP4 S770 phosphorylation is increased in lymphocytes of first-episode psychosis patients and the effect of lithium treatment on this phosphorylation. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of S770 phosphorylation relative to total SP4 immunoreactivity using specific antibodies in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in first-episode psychosis patients (n = 14, treated with lithium or not) and matched healthy controls (n = 14) by immunoblot was designed. We also determined the effects of the prescribed drugs lithium, olanzapine or valproic acid on SP4 phosphorylation in rat primary cultured cerebellar granule neurons. RESULTS: We found that SP4 S770 phosphorylation was significantly increased in lymphocytes in first-episode psychosis compared to controls and decreased in patients treated with lithium compared to patients who did not receive lithium. Moreover, incubation with lithium but not olanzapine or valproic acid reduced SP4 phosphorylation in rat cultured cerebellar granule neurons. CONCLUSIONS: The findings presented here indicate that SP4 S770 phosphorylation is increased in lymphocytes in first-episode psychosis which may be reduced by lithium treatment in patients. Moreover, our study shows lithium treatment prevents this phosphorylation in vitro in neurons. This pilot study suggests that S770 SP4 phosphorylation could be a peripheral biomarker of psychosis, and may be regulated by lithium treatment in first-episode psychosis

    The direct and indirect effects of COVID‐19 pandemic in a real‐life hematological setting

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    Background: Clinical outcomes of novel coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) in onco-hematological patients are unknown. When compared to non-immunocompromised patients, onco-hematological patients seem to have higher mortality rates. Aims: We describe the characteristics and outcomes of a consecutive cohort of 24 onco-hematological patients with COVID-19 during the first month of the pandemic. We also describe variations in healthcare resource utilization within our hematology department. Methods and results: Data from patients between the first month of the pandemic were retrospectively collected. Clinical and logistic data were also collected and compared with the average values from the prior 3 months of activity. Prevalence of COVID-19 in our hematological population was 0.4%. Baseline characteristics were as follows: male sex: 83%, lymphoid diseases: 46%, median age: 69 (22-82) years. Median follow-up in survivors was 14 (9-28) days and inpatient mortality rate was 46%. Average time to moderate/severe respiratory insufficiency and death were 3 (1-10) and 10 (3-18) days, respectively. Only 1 out of every 12 patients who developed moderate to severe respiratory insufficiency recovered. Upon univariate analysis, the following factors were associated with higher mortality: age ≥ 70 years (P = .01) and D-dimer ≥900 mcg/L (P = .04). With respect to indirect effects during the COVID-19 pandemic, and when compared with the prior 3 months of activity, inpatient mortality (excluding patients with COVID-19 included in the study) increased by 56%. This was associated with a more frequent use of vasoactive drugs (+300%) and advanced respiratory support (+133%) in the hematology ward. In the outpatient setting, there was a reduction in initial visits (-55%) and chemotherapy sessions (-19%). A significant increase in phone visits was reported (+581%). Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic is associated with elevated mortality in hematological patients. Negative indirect effects are also evident within this setting

    Air Temperature in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona from the Surface Temperature MODIS and Topo Geographic Data

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    La Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB), es una de las áreas del Mediterráneo más densamente pobladas. Por ello, tiene mucho interés conocer con detalle la temperatura del aire, ya que, en situaciones extremas, como olas de frío o de calor, puede afectar a la salud y calidad de vida de la población. Puesto que el número de estaciones termométricas que hay en la actualidad es insuficiente para realizar una interpolación óptima, se opta por estimar la temperatura del aire a partir de la temperatura en superficie, proporcionada por el satélite MODIS, y de otras variables como los índices de vegetación y de edificación y variables topogeográficas. Para ello se ha realizado la Regresión Múltiple en la que las variables dependientes son la temperatura mínima, media y máxima diaria del aire de 48 estaciones termométricas. Las variables independientes de la regresión son: las temperaturas en superficie de día y de noche, los índices de vegetación NDVI y de edificación NDBI, todas ellas correspondientes al año 2015, y variables topogeográficas como la latitud, longitud, distancia al mar, altitud, pendiente y orientación. Además, también se ha tenido en cuenta el día del calendario.  De los resultados obtenidos en la regresión múltiple se deduce que las variables que más importancia tienen en la ecuación son: la temperatura en superficie nocturna, la latitud, la longitud y día del calendario, para el caso de la temperatura mínima; las temperaturas nocturna y diurna en superficie para la temperatura media, y las temperaturas nocturna y diurna en superficie, la latitud, la longitud y la altitud, para la temperatura máxima. Los coeficientes de regresión al cuadrado obtenidos son de 0.92 para la temperatura mínima y la máxima y de 0.96 para la temperatura media. Los errores cuadráticos medios obtenidos son de 1.93 ºC para la temperatura mínima, de 1.96 ºC para la temperatura media y de 2.04 ºC para la máxima.  A partir de la regresión múltiple se puede representar la distribución espacial de temperatura diaria de la RMB con una resolución de 1 km2, que es la que proporciona el satélite MODIS. La Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB), és una de les àrees del Mediterrani més densament poblades. Per això, té molt interès conèixer amb detall la temperatura de l'aire, ja que, en situacions extremes, com onades de fred o de calor, pot afectar la salut i qualitat de vida de la població. Ja que el nombre d'estacions termomètriques que hi ha actualment és insuficient per a realitzar una interpolació òptima, s'opta per estimar la temperatura de l'aire a partir de la temperatura en superfície, proporcionada pel satèl·lit MODIS, i d'altres variables com els índexs de vegetació i d'edificació i variables topo geogràfiques. Per a això s'ha realitzat la Regressió Múltiple a la que les variables dependents són la temperatura mínima, mitjana i màxima diària de l'aire de 48 estacions termomètriques. Les variables independents de la regressió són: les temperatures en superfície de dia i de nit, els índexs de vegetació NDVI i d'edificació NDBI, totes elles corresponents a l'any 2015, i variables topo geogràfiques com la latitud, longitud, distància al mar, altitud, pendent i orientació. A més, també s'ha tingut en compte el dia del calendari. Dels resultats obtinguts en la regressió múltiple es dedueix que les variables que més importància tenen en l'equació són: la temperatura en superfície nocturna, la latitud, la longitud i dia del calendari, per al cas de la temperatura mínima; les temperatures nocturna i diürna en superfície per a la temperatura mitjana, i les temperatures nocturna i diürna en superfície, la latitud, la longitud i l'altitud, per a la temperatura màxima. Els coeficients de regressió al quadrat obtinguts són de 0.92 per a la temperatura mínima i la màxima i de 0.96 per a la temperatura mitjana. Els errors quadràtics mitjans obtinguts són de 1.93 ºC per a la temperatura mínima, d'1.96 ºC per a la temperatura mitjana i de 2.04 ºC per a la màxima. A partir de la regressió múltiple es pot representar la distribució espacial de temperatura diària de l'RMB amb una resolució d'1 km2, que és la que proporciona el satèl·lit MODIS.The Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB), is one of the most densely populated areas of the Mediterranean. Therefore, it is very interesting to know in detail the air temperature, since in extreme situations, such as cold or heat waves, it can affect the health and life quality of the population. Since the number of thermometric stations currently available is insufficient for optimal spatial interpolation, we choose to estimate the air temperature based on the surface temperature provided by the MODIS satellite, and other variables such as the indices of vegetation and building and topo geographic variables. For this purpose, Multiple Regression has been performed, taking as dependent variables the minimum, mean and maximum daily air temperatures of 48 thermometric stations. The independent variables of the regression are: the day and night surface temperatures, the NDVI and NDBI indices, all of them corresponding to the year 2015, and topo geographic variables such as latitude, longitude, distance to the sea, altitude, slope and orientation. In addition, the calendar day has also been taken into account. From the results obtained in the multiple regression, it can be deduced that the most important variables in the equation are: the temperature at night, latitude, longitude and calendar day, for the case of the minimum temperature; the night and day temperatures on the surface for the average temperature, and the night and day temperatures on the surface, latitude, longitude and altitude, for the maximum temperature. The squared regression coefficients obtained are 0.92 for the minimum and maximum temperature and 0.96 for the average temperature. The average square errors obtained are 1.93 ºC for the minimum temperature, 1.96 ºC for the average temperature and 2.04 ºC for the maximum. After applying the multiple linear regressions, the spatial distribution of the daily temperature of the RMB can be represented with a resolution of 1 km2, which is the provided by the MODIS satellite.Peer Reviewe

    Persistent Overactive Cytotoxic Immune Response in a Spanish Cohort of Individuals With Long-COVID: Identification of Diagnostic Biomarkers

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    Long-COVID is a new emerging syndrome worldwide that is characterized by the persistence of unresolved signs and symptoms of COVID-19 more than 4 weeks after the infection and even after more than 12 weeks. The underlying mechanisms for Long-COVID are still undefined, but a sustained inflammatory response caused by the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in organ and tissue sanctuaries or resemblance with an autoimmune disease are within the most considered hypotheses. In this study, we analyzed the usefulness of several demographic, clinical, and immunological parameters as diagnostic biomarkers of Long-COVID in one cohort of Spanish individuals who presented signs and symptoms of this syndrome after 49 weeks post-infection, in comparison with individuals who recovered completely in the first 12 weeks after the infection. We determined that individuals with Long-COVID showed significantly increased levels of functional memory cells with high antiviral cytotoxic activity such as CD8+ TEMRA cells, CD8±TCRγδ+ cells, and NK cells with CD56+CD57+NKG2C+ phenotype. The persistence of these long-lasting cytotoxic populations was supported by enhanced levels of CD4+ Tregs and the expression of the exhaustion marker PD-1 on the surface of CD3+ T lymphocytes. With the use of these immune parameters and significant clinical features such as lethargy, pleuritic chest pain, and dermatological injuries, as well as demographic factors such as female gender and O+ blood type, a Random Forest algorithm predicted the assignment of the participants in the Long-COVID group with 100% accuracy. The definition of the most accurate diagnostic biomarkers could be helpful to detect the development of Long-COVID and to improve the clinical management of these patients.This work was supported by the Coordinated Research Activities at the National Center of Microbiology (CNM, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) (COV20_00679) to promote an integrated response against SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), which is coordinated by Dr Inmaculada Casas (WHO National Influenza Center of the CNM); a generous donation provided by Chiesi España, S.A.U. (Barcelona, Spain); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-110275RB-I00); and the Spanish AIDS Research Network RD16CIII/0002/0001 that is included in Acción Estratégica en Salud, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2016-2020, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, European Region Development Fund (ERDF). The work of ML-H and SR-M is financed by NIH grant R01AI143567. The work of MT is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20_00679). The work of LV is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI16CIII/00034-ISCIII-FEDER). The work of FR-M is financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-110275RB-I00).S