1,802 research outputs found

    Application of Semi-Empirical Ventilation Models in A Mediterranean Greenhouse with Opposing Thermal and Wind Effects. Use of Non-Constant Cd (Pressure Drop Coefficient Through the Vents) and Cw (Wind Effect Coefficient)

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    The present work analyses the natural ventilation of a multi-span greenhouse with one roof vent and two side vents by means of sonic anemometry. Opening the roof vent to windward, one side vent to leeward, and the other side vents to windward (this last vent obstructed by another greenhouse), causes opposing thermal GT (m3 s−1) and wind effects Gw (m3 s−1), as outside air entering the greenhouse through the roof vent circulates downward, contrary to natural convection due to the thermal effect. In our case, the ventilation rate RM (h−1) in a naturally ventilated greenhouse fits a second order polynomial with wind velocity uo (RM = 0.37 uo2 + 0.03 uo + 0.75; R2 = 0.99). The opposing wind and thermal effects mean that ventilation models based on Bernoulli’s equation must be modified in order to add or subtract their effects accordingly—Model 1, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent pressure fields GM1=√(∣∣G2T±G2w∣∣) , or Model 2, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent fluxes GM2=|GT±Gw| . A linear relationship has been obtained, which allows us to estimate the discharge coefficient of the side vents (CdVS) and roof vent (CdWR) as a function of uo [CdVS = 0.028 uo + 0.028 (R2 = 0.92); CdWR = 0.036 uo + 0.040 (R2 = 0.96)]. The wind effect coefficient Cw was determined by applying models M1 and M2 proved not to remain constant for the different experiments, but varied according to the ratio uo/∆Tio0.5 or δ [CwM1 = exp(−2.693 + 1.160/δ) (R2 = 0.94); CwM2 = exp(−2.128 + 1.264/δ) (R2 = 0.98)]

    Controversy about the Spanish court in Luis Vélez de Guevara’s short plays: playwright and literary subject

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    Las miserias del cortesano, la queja del servidor o la petición de mercedes están presentes en una amplia nómina de autores áureos que retratan la corte como un ambiente tóxico, en una continua querella que pone en evidencia las penurias de su vivir diario, del hambre y de otras desventuras de este mundo, propiciadas sobre todo por la codicia y la ambición. Este topos literario ya tenía eco en la Antigüedad Clásica, pero para el trabajo que nos ocupa interesa su desarrollo en la literatura anticortesana del siglo XVII, al ser la etapa en la que vivió el dramaturgo Luis Vélez de Guevara (1579-1644). El teatro barroco tuvo un interesante componente de crítica, al ser considerado un poderoso vehículo de transmisión de ideas y, por ello, resultaría un medio idóneo para denunciar esta situación que pudo, con gran probabilidad, recoger las experiencias personales y, por consiguiente, la verdadera cara de la corte.The courtier’s misery, the servant’s complaint or the petition of favours are present in a wide list of Golden Age authors that portray the court as a toxic environment, in a continuous quarrel that evinces the dearths of daily life, hunger and other misadventures of this world, mainly promoted by greed and ambition. This literary motif already echoed in Classical Antiquity, but, for the research that concerns us, we will focus on its development in 17th century anti-courtly literature, since it was the period when the playwright Luis Vélez de Guevara (1579-1644) lived. The Baroque theater had an interesting component of criticism, as it was considered a powerful tool for the transmission of ideas and, therefore, it would be an ideal way to denounce this situation that they could, most probably, personally live and, consequently, report the real face of the court.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-095664-B-C2

    An Evolutionary Computational Approach for the Problem of Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch in Microgrids under Several Operation Modes

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    In the last decades, new types of generation technologies have emerged and have been gradually integrated into the existing power systems, moving their classical architectures to distributed systems. Despite the positive features associated to this paradigm, new problems arise such as coordination and uncertainty. In this framework, microgrids constitute an effective solution to deal with the coordination and operation of these distributed energy resources. This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to address the combined problem of Unit Commitment (UC) and Economic Dispatch (ED). With this end, a model of a microgrid is introduced together with all the control variables and physical constraints. To optimally operate the microgrid, three operation modes are introduced. The first two attend to optimize economical and environmental factors, while the last operation mode considers the errors induced by the uncertainties in the demand forecasting. Therefore, it achieves a robust design that guarantees the power supply for different confidence levels. Finally, the algorithm was applied to an example scenario to illustrate its performance. The achieved simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TEC2016-80242-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad PCIN-2015-043Universidad de Sevilla Programa propio de I+D+

    DCOPF Contingency Analysis Including Phase Shifting Transformers

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    This work deals with a new formulation for the Direct Current Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF) including the corrective actions related to the phase shifting transformers. The formulation is based on the outage of generators and/or branches modelled as fictitious injections of active power. The inclusion of the sensitivities of the phase shifting transformer with respect to the injected powers is one of the novelties of this paper. By including the fictitious injections in the optimization problem, the injections are adjusted to the post-contingency state as a consequence of the corrective actions carried out by the DCOPF to bring the system back to its normal state. Consequently, when the analysis of contingencies is performed, the classical topological analysis and the subsequent analyses are avoided with this approach. The DCOPF includes as corrective control variables the rescheduling of active power generations, phase shifting transformers and, if required, permitted load shedding. The IEEE-RTS of 24 buses is used as benchmark network to assess the properties of the proposed approach.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Cooperation (Spain) ENE2011-24137Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Cooperation (Spain) ENE2011-27984Junta de Andalucía PO11-TEP741

    A new DC corrective OPF based on generator and branch outages modelled as fictitious nodal injections

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    This work deals with a new formulation for the direct current corrective optimal power flow. The formulation is based on the outage of generators and/or branches modelled as fictitious injections of active power. By including that fictitious injections in the optimization problem, the injections are adjusted to the post-contingency state as a consequence of the corrective actions carried out to bring the system back to its normal state. So, when the analysis of contingencies is performed, the classical topological analysis and the subsequent analyses are avoided with this approach. This new formulation uses the sensitivity matrix between branch power flows and powers injected in a power system. An important feature of this matrix is to remain constant during the Contingency Analysis performed for the generation-load scenario (base case) of each period of time to be analysed. The approach proposed is illustrated in the IEEE-RTS of 24buses. The results obtained in this distribution network demonstrate that the proposed methodology can assess the impact of contingencies with an acceptable accuracy and a short computation time.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant ENE2011-27984Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant ENE2010-18867Junta de Andalucía TEP-517

    Non surgical periodontal treatment in patients with gingivitis and moderate periodontitis. Biochemical and microbiological response

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    AbstractObjectiveTo ascertain inflammatory response through interleukin 1β presence and identify pathogenic microorganisms as possible immunological and microbiological markers in diagnosis and treatment non-surgical periodontal in patients with gingivitis and moderate chronic periodontitis in a sample of Mexican population.Material and methodsIn the present prospective cohort study, 18 patients with signs of gingivitis and 17 patients with moderate chronic periodontitis were selected. Samples of subgingival biofilm and of crevicular gingival fluid were collected. Interleukin 1β was quantified during the pre-treatment, post-treatment and maintenance phases of the non- surgical periodontal treatment. Continuous variables were analyzed with the Student test, as well as categorical variables which were analyzed with the Turkey-Kramer test. For independent groups the Pearson test was used.ResultsMicrobiological response variables showed that Porphyromonas gingivalis Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans significantly decreased in subjects with gingivitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Actinomyces ssp. decreased in cases. Biochemical response variables showed significant decrease in IL-1β concentration and total count in individuals with moderate chronic periodontitis in treatment maintenance phase. The same result applied to clinical response variables.ConclusionsThere is a decrease in Interleukine 1β levels with decrease in microflora. Interleukin 1β are sensitive markers for diagnosis of periodontal disease and assessment of its severity

    95 Diciembres, plegable informativo del estudiantado universitario pinareño

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    Introduction: the way in which we communicate is very important for the accomplishment or malfunction of companies or organizations. The Student University Federation in the center implements innovative procedures to correct the inaccuracy in the communicative process.Objective: to prepare a booklet to give information to Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences about the main processes and activities that the Student University Federation develops every month.Method: a technological development research was carried out during the month of September 2017 at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences. The target group was constituted by all the students of the university and a sample of 30 was chosen. A questionnaire was applied where the essential characteristics for the implementation of this product were identified.Results: lack of knowledge of the history of the organization was detected (86,7 %), poor or few information of the processes to be developed by the University Student Federation (90 %), minimum timely knowledge of the activities in which it was possible to participate (16,7 %) and how poor or expected the flow of information was assessed (93,3 %). All these results improved considerably after the application of the product.Conclusions: the assessment of the product was positive on the part of the users and even though the level of knowledge was not the most favorable, it has contributed to improve the students' opinion and the status of participation.Introducción: la forma en la que nos comunicamos es muy importante para el éxito o fracaso de las empresas u organizaciones. La Federación Estudiantil Universitaria en el centro implementa fórmulas cada vez más novedosas para subsanar errores del proceso comunicativo.Objetivo: confeccionar un plegable que informe al estudiantado universitario pinareño acerca de los principales procesos y actividades que desarrolla la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria cada mes. Método: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico durante el mes de septiembre de 2017 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar de Río. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los estudiantes de la universidad y se seleccionó una muestra de 30. Se aplicó un cuestionario donde se identificaron aspectos indispensables para la puesta en práctica del producto.Resultados: se detectó falta de conocimiento de la historia de la organización (86,7 %), mala o poca información de los procesos a desarrollar por la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (90 %), mínimo conocimiento oportuno de las actividades en que se podía participar (16,7 %), y se valoró como malo o regular el flujo de información (93,3 %). Todos estos resultados mejoraron considerablemente tras la aplicación del producto.Conclusiones: la valoración del producto fue positiva por parte de los usuarios y aunque el nivel de conocimiento no fue óptimo, ha contribuido a mejorar el estado opinático y participativo de los estudiantes

    Modelos avanzados para la gestión a largo plazo de sistemas lacustres y fluviales contaminados por accidentes nucleares

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    Un problema a largo plazo derivado de la contaminación radiactiva de áreas extensas tras un accidente nuclear grave, es el impacto sobre los sistemas lacustres y fluviales, receptores de la radiactividad arrastrada por la escorrentía desde sus cuencas hidráulicas. Este problema, junto con las posibles alternativas de gestión para reducir el impacto radiológico derivado del mismo, lo analizaba el sistema europeo MOIRA, desarrollado hace ya cerca de 20 años y cuyos modelos fueron validados frente a distintos escenarios reales (post-Chernóbil y otros). Recientemente, en el proyecto PREPARE del 7º Programa Marco europeo, se abordó la tarea de integrar dichos modelos en el sistema multiplataforma europeo de ayuda a la decisión en emergencias nucleares JRodos, para así complementar sus capacidades dotándole de nuevos módulos. Para lograr ese objetivo, ha sido necesario desarrollar varios elementos, reprogramando los modelos de MOIRA (lagos y ríos) en lenguaje FORTRAN, desarrollando módulos de interfaz con el usuario en lenguaje Java, creando módulos de trasvase de datos entre los modelos, la interfaz de usuario y el SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) de JRodos, e integrándolo plenamente en el sistema. Ello permite por ejemplo su acoplamiento inmediato con los modelos de dispersión atmosférica, trasvasando la información sobre contaminación de las cuencas hidráulicas, o la presentación de resultados conjunta con otros módulos. El resultado es que se ha dotado al sistema JRodos de la capacidad de modelar la evolución en el largo plazo (meses, años, décadas) de los radionucleidos más significativos (Cs-137 y Sr-90) en sistemas lacustres y fluviales, además de posibles medidas correctoras de la contaminación radiactiva en el agua, los sedimentos o los peces. Así mismo, el acoplamiento con el módulo FDMA (Aquatic Food Chain and Dose Module) de JRodos, facilita la predicción de dosis a través de las vías de exposición relacionadas con el agua dulce, y también la eficiencia de posibles medidas de protección de tipo restrictivo, tales como la prohibición de la pesca u otras. Los escenarios analizados, tanto reales como supuestos, han permitido comprobar la correcta implementación de estas nuevas capacidades en el sistema JRodos, disponibles desde la versión de febrero de 2017, y que se muestran brevemente en este trabajo