7,190 research outputs found

    Integración de Puentes Térmicos en Programas de Simulación Dinámica de Edificios mediante el Método del Muro Equivalente

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    Libro de actas completo disponible en :http://repositorio.bib.upct.es:8080/dspace/handle/10317/4709Los puentes térmicos son zonas de la envolvente de un edificio en las que se produce una transmisión preferencial de calor cuya causa es una heterogeneidad geométrica o material. Los programas más utilizados de simulación energética de edificios, como DOE-2 [1] o EnergyPlus [2], se basan en una hipótesis unidimensional para modelar la transmisión de calor en los cerramientos. No obstante, evaluar la transferencia de calor en los puentes térmicos implica resolver un problema de conducción bi- o tridimensional en régimen transitorio. Es posible utilizar herramientas especializadas como Voltra [3] o HEAT2 [4], pero no son generalmente aplicables a simulaciones estacionales, debido a su alto coste computacional. Se hace necesario un paso intermedio que conecte las simulaciones globales de edificios con los modelos detallados de puentes térmicos. Una de las aproximaciones más prácticas es la del “muro equivalente”, que consiste en identificar los parámetros de un muro multicapa ficticio, de forma que su respuesta dinámica sea muy próxima a la del elemento real, que tiene efectos 2D o 3D. Esta identificación de parámetros se puede llevar a cabo mediante diversos métodos. En este trabajo se aplica el método de identificación propuesto por Kosny [5] para obtener muros equivalentes que representen los tipos más usuales de puentes térmicos presentes en la construcción residencial española.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implementation of "wiki" philosophy to the update of teaching material in the area of pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology

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    La Directiva 2005/36/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativa al reconocimiento decualificaciones profesionales, en su artículo 44, referente a la formación del farmacéutico, y la OrdenCIN/2137/2008, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitariosoficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de esta profesión, recogen conocimientos y competencias quedeben contemplarse en su formación académica. Muchos de ellos están directamente relacionadoscon los fármacos y con los medicamentos y, por tanto, estrechamente vinculados con el Área deConocimiento de “Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica”.Como profesores de esta Área desde hace muchos años, hemos apreciado la dificultad existente en lapreparación del material docente. Este hecho es debido a diversas razones. Entre ellas destacan: a)limitación de las fuentes documentales existentes sobre las propiedades físico-químicas ybiofarmacéuticas de muchos principios activos; b) escasez de textos concernientes a la fabricaciónconcreta de medicamentos; c) irrupción continua en el mercado de nuevos medicamentos, que implicaque muchos textos se queden desfasados; d) dispersión de los contenidos.Para intentar soslayar esta problemática, se han venido realizando diversas actividades docentes. Unade ellas, objeto de la presente comunicación, fue implantada en el curso 2009-10, para los alumnos de5º curso y se seguirá incluyendo en la programación docente para el próximo 2010-11. Está basada enel concepto “wiki”. Consiste en la elaboración, por parte de alumnos y profesores, de un espaciocomún, convenientemente organizado, donde todos aportan información para elaborar una granenciclopedia virtual sobre el medicamento.Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and Council on the recognition of professionalqualifications, section 44, concerning the formation of pharmacists, and the Order CIN/2137/2008,laying down the requirements for verification of official university degrees that prepare students towork in this profession, gather knowledge and skills to be covered in their education. Many of themare directly related to drugs and medicines and, therefore, closely linked to the Knowledge Area"Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology”.As teachers of this area for many years, we have appreciated the difficulty in preparing the teachingmaterial. This is due to various reasons. These include: a) limitation of existing documentary sourceson the physico-chemical and biopharmaceutical characteristics of many active ingredients. b) ashortage of texts concerning the specific manufacture of medicaments. c) continuous irruption in themarket for new drugs and dosage forms, which means that many texts become outdated. d)information dispersion.To circumvent this problem, various educational activities have being conducted. One of this, objectof the present communication, was introduced in 2009-10 for students in the 5th grade and still be included in the course program for the next 2010-11. It is based on the concept of "wiki". It consistsof establishing, by students and teachers, a common area, conveniently organized in which all provideinformation to develop a virtual encyclopedia of medicaments

    Implementation of "wiki" philosophy to the update of teaching material in the area of pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology

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    La Directiva 2005/36/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativa al reconocimiento de cualificaciones profesionales, en su artículo 44, referente a la formación del farmacéutico, y la Orden CIN/2137/2008, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitarios oficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de esta profesión, recogen conocimientos y competencias que deben contemplarse en su formación académica. Muchos de ellos están directamente relacionados con los fármacos y con los medicamentos y, por tanto, estrechamente vinculados con el Área de Conocimiento de “Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica”. Como profesores de esta Área desde hace muchos años, hemos apreciado la dificultad existente en la preparación del material docente. Este hecho es debido a diversas razones. Entre ellas destacan: a) limitación de las fuentes documentales existentes sobre las propiedades físico-químicas y biofarmacéuticas de muchos principios activos; b) escasez de textos concernientes a la fabricación concreta de medicamentos; c) irrupción continua en el mercado de nuevos medicamentos, que implica que muchos textos se queden desfasados; d) dispersión de los contenidos. Para intentar soslayar esta problemática, se han venido realizando diversas actividades docentes. Una de ellas, objeto de la presente comunicación, fue implantada en el curso 2009-10, para los alumnos de 5º curso y se seguirá incluyendo en la programación docente para el próximo 2010-11. Está basada en el concepto “wiki”. Consiste en la elaboración, por parte de alumnos y profesores, de un espacio común, convenientemente organizado, donde todos aportan información para elaborar una gran enciclopedia virtual sobre el medicamento.Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and Council on the recognition of professional qualifications, section 44, concerning the formation of pharmacists, and the Order CIN/2137/2008, laying down the requirements for verification of official university degrees that prepare students to work in this profession, gather knowledge and skills to be covered in their education. Many of them are directly related to drugs and medicines and, therefore, closely linked to the Knowledge Area "Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology”. As teachers of this area for many years, we have appreciated the difficulty in preparing the teaching material. This is due to various reasons. These include: a) limitation of existing documentary sources on the physico-chemical and biopharmaceutical characteristics of many active ingredients. b) a shortage of texts concerning the specific manufacture of medicaments. c) continuous irruption in the market for new drugs and dosage forms, which means that many texts become outdated. d) information dispersion. To circumvent this problem, various educational activities have being conducted. One of this, object of the present communication, was introduced in 2009-10 for students in the 5th grade and still be included in the course program for the next 2010-11. It is based on the concept of "wiki". It consists of establishing, by students and teachers, a common area, conveniently organized in which all provide information to develop a virtual encyclopedia of medicaments

    Genetic analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 from pigs affected with PMWS in Chile reveals intergenotypic recombination

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    Background: Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a very small, non-enveloped and icosahedral virus, with circular single stranded DNA genome. This virus is the most ubiquitous and persistent pathogen currently affecting the swine industry worldwide. PCV2 has been implicated as the major causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), a disease which is characterized by severe immunosuppressive effects in the porcine host. Worldwide PCV2 isolates have been classified into four different genotypes, PCV2a, PCV2b, PCV2c and PCVd. The goal of this work was to conduct the first phylogenetic analysis of PCV2 in Chile. Methods: PCV2 partial ORF2 sequences (462 nt) obtained from 29 clinical cases of PMWS in 22 Chilean intensive swine farms, covering over the 90% of the local pork-production, were analyzed. Results: 14% and 52% of sequences belonged to the genotypes PCV2a and PCV2b, respectively. Surprisingly, 34% of sequences were PCV2a/PCV2d recombinant viruses. Conclusions: Our findings suggested that a novel cluster of Chilean sequences emerged resulting from intergenotypic recombination between PCV2a and PCV2d

    Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia DR2 stars brighter than G = 18

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    Combining the precise parallaxes and optical photometry delivered by Gaia's second data release (Gaia DR2) with the photometric catalogues of PanSTARRS-1, 2MASS, and AllWISE, we derive Bayesian stellar parameters, distances, and extinctions for 265 million stars brighter than G=18. Because of the wide wavelength range used, our results substantially improve the accuracy and precision of previous extinction and effective temperature estimates. After cleaning our results for both unreliable input and output data, we retain 137 million stars, for which we achieve a median precision of 5% in distance, 0.20 mag in V-band extinction, and 245 K in effective temperature for G<14, degrading towards fainter magnitudes (12%, 0.20 mag, and 245 K at G=16; 16%, 0.23 mag, and 260 K at G=17, respectively). We find a very good agreement with the asteroseismic surface gravities and distances of 7000 stars in the Kepler, the K2-C3, and the K2-C6 fields, with stellar parameters from the APOGEE survey, as well as with distances to star clusters. Our results are available through the ADQL query interface of the Gaia mirror at the Leibniz-Institut f\"{u}r Astrophysik Potsdam (gaia.aip.de) and as binary tables at data.aip.de. As a first application, in this paper we provide distance- and extinction-corrected colour-magnitude diagrams, extinction maps as a function of distance, and extensive density maps, demonstrating the potential of our value-added dataset for mapping the three-dimensional structure of our Galaxy. In particular, we see a clear manifestation of the Galactic bar in the stellar density distributions, an observation that can almost be considered a direct imaging of the Galactic bar.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figures + appendix, accepted for publication in A&A. Data (doi:10.17876/gaia/dr.2/51) are available through ADQL queries at gaia.aip.d

    A cross-sectional study of Colombian University students’ self-perceived lifestyle

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    Background: The Fantastic Lifestyle Questionnaire was designed for enabling staff working in health sciences and physical activity (PA) areas to measure lifestyles (LS) in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the lifestyle in a sample of university students. Method: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study involving 5,921 subjects’ aged 18- to 30-years-old (3,471 females) from three Colombian cities. Was applied “Fantastic” instrument (that consists of 25 closed items on the lifestyle), translated to Spanish in versions of three and five answers. Results: Having a “good LS” was perceived by 57.4% of the females and 58.5% of the males; 14.0% of the females rating their LS as being “excellent” and males 19.3% (p  less than  0.001); 20.3% of the females and 36.6% of the males stated that they spent more than 20 min/day on PA (involving four or more times per week). Negative correlations between FANTASTIC score and weight (r = ?0.113; p  less than  0.01), body mass index (BMI) (r = ?0.152; p  less than  0.01) and waist circumference (r = ?0.178, p  less than  0.01) were observed regarding females, whilst the correlation concerning males was (r = ?0.143, p  less than  0.05) between Fantastic score and weight, (r = ?0.167 for BMI, p  less than  0.01) and (r = ?0.175, p  less than  0.01 for diastolic blood pressure). In spite of the students being evaluated referring to themselves as having a healthy LS (i.e. giving a self-perceived view of their LS), stated behaviour involving a health risk was observed in the domains concerning nutrition, PA and smoking. Conclusion: Specific diffusion, education and intervention action is thus suggested for motivating the adoption of healthy LS. © 2015, Ramírez-Vélez et al

    Detection and analysis of tumour biomarkers to strengthen the diagnosis of acute and chronic leukaemias

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    AbstractMolecular markers in leukaemia are essential to diagnose, establish prognosis factors and determine the correct treatment of patients; therefore, it is imperative to include molecular biology studies, so that, combined with cytomorphology and immunophenotyping studies, they constitute the differential diagnosis of these neoplasias. It is extremely important to implement a panel of molecular markers that allows us to detect oncogenes derived from chromosomal translocations, genes derived from epigenetic alterations and drug-resistant genes.A panel of molecular markers that included 11 genes derived from chromosomal translocations BCR-ABL major and minor breakpoints, E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4, TEL-AML1, PML-RARα, AML1-ETO was standardised; cancer testis antigens (CTA) derived from NY-ESO1 and MAGE-A3 epigenetic alterations and multi-drug-resistant genes ABCB1 and ABCG2. 30 patients diagnosed with leukaemia from Mexico's General Hospital (Hospital General de Mexico) were included. They suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML); bone marrow mononuclear cells were used, from which RNA was extracted for the synthesis of cDNA and RT-PCR for each of the markers. In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), BCR-ABL biomarkers expressed under 30% (3/10), E2A-PBX1 10% (1/10), ABC-B1 80% (8/10), and ABC-G2 60% (6/10). Patients with acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML) expressed 30% PML-RARα (3/10), 40% ABC-B1 (4/10), and 10% ABC-G2 (1/10). Lastly, in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), BCR-ABL was over 100% (10/10), ABC-B1 20% (2/10), and ABC-G2 50% (5/10). The presence of transcripts from chimeric genes minor BCR-ABL and E2A-PBX1 in ALL; PML-RARα in AML; and major BCR-ABL in CML, confirms the importance that the panel of molecular markers has in strengthening the diagnosis and prognosis of these conditions

    Propiedades fisicoquímicas de cereal pigmentado con polvo de tuna roja

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    La tuna roja posee actividad antioxidante y potencial como colorante en la industria alimentaria, sin embargo su uso puede provocar cambios fisicoquímicos en los productos que deben ser evaluados. 2.5, 5.0 y 7.5% de polvo de tuna fueron mezclados con sémola de maíz y procesados en un extrusor de doble tornillo a 22% de humedad, 100 ºC y 325 rpm. Evaluando en los cereales propiedades físicas (humedad, densidad, color, textura e índices: expansión y solubilidad y absorción de agua,) y propiedades químicas (contenidos de polifenoles, betacianinas y betaxantinas, actividad antioxidante). Se encontró que la humedad y el índice de solubilidad en agua no presentaron dependencia al contenido de polvo adicionado. La densidad aumentó al incrementar el contenido de polvo, mientras que los índices de expansión y de absorción de agua disminuyeron con el incremento de polvo adicionado. El incremento en el polvo causó disminución de L*, b*, croma* y h* sin embargo aumentó a* y la textura de los cereales. Así como de los contenidos de polifenoles y betalainas y actividad antioxidante

    Application of edible nanolaminate coatings with antimicrobial extract of Flourensia cernua to extend the shelf-life of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit

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    Supplementarymaterialrelatedtothisarticlecanbefound,inthe online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2018.12. 008.Edible coatings have potential to reduce postharvest losses of fruit such as tomato. In this study, the effects of nanolaminate coatings incorporated with extracts of Flourensia cernua, an endemic plant of the arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico, has been investigated. Ethanol extracts of F. cernua (FcE) were prepared and incorporated into polyelectrolyte solutions of alginate and chitosan. The nanolaminates were characterized by determining the zeta potential, contact angle and water vapor and oxygen permeabilities. Shelf-life analyses (20°C for 15 d) were carried out with uncoated fruit (UCF), nanolaminate coating (NL) and nanolaminate coating with FcE (NL+FcE). Physicochemical analyses, gas exchange rates of O2 and CO2 and ethylene production, as well as microbiological analyses of treated fruit were measured. Zeta potential and contact angle measurements confirmed the successful assembly of successive nanolayers of alginate and chitosan, as well as those with F. cernua. The nanolaminate coatings resulted in decreased permeabilities to water and O2. The best treatment of NL+FcE, extended the shelf-life of fruit by reducing weight loss and microbial growth, reducing gas exchange and ethylene production, and maintaining firmness and color. The NL+FcE treatment are an alternative to extend the shelf-life of tomato fruit.Author E. de J. Salas-Méndez thanks Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT, Mexico) for PhD fellowship support. Authors want to thank PhD Zlatina Genisheva for the proof reading of the manuscript and suggestions to the same; also, to:MaríaGuadalupe Moreno Esquivel, Edith E. Chaires Colunga, Olga L. Solís Hernández and M. Leticia Rodríguez González of the Phytochemistry Laboratory from Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, for their assistance in obtaining extracts and chemical composition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio