3,354 research outputs found

    A Structural Analysis of the European Monetary Union and its Effect on Greece in Light of the European Financial Crisis

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    The intent of this paper is to analyze the structural composition of the European Monetary Union and its implications for the European Financial Crisis, specifically with respect to Greece. This analysis will be driven by a trend analysis of several economic variables from 1999-2010. These variables range from the four requirements set under the Maastricht criteria, competitiveness indicators, and relative European trade balances, to international investment position. A quantitative and empirical analysis of this data finds that the Greek crisis was a result of structural issues with the EMU and the Greek government. The ECB’s inability to enforce the Maastricht Criteria and independent fiscal policy, as well as Greece’s inability to implement efficient fiscal and economic policy, resulted in growing imbalances within the Euro area, as well as a loss of competitiveness and irresponsible rise in sovereign debt for Greece. It is inferred that the EMU was ineffective in achieving its goals of integration; that Greece was not ready to join the EMU when it did; and therefore Greece as a Member State of the EMU was destined to fail

    Computer-Based Cognitive Retraining for Adults with Chronic Acquired Brain Injury: A Pilot Study

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of a computer-based cognitive retraining (CBCR) program on improving memory and attention deficits in individuals with a chronic acquired brain injury (ABI). Twelve adults with a chronic ABI demonstrating deficits in memory and attention were recruited from a convenience sample from the community. Using a quasi-experimental one-group pretest–posttest design, a significant improvement was found in both memory and attention scores postintervention using the cognitive screening tool. This study supported the effectiveness of CBCR programs in improving cognitive deficits in memory and attention in individuals with chronic ABI. Further research is recommended to validate these findings with a larger ABI population and to investigate transfer to improvement in occupational performance that supports daily living skills

    Predicting the Use of Campus Counseling Services for Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, and White Students: Problem Severity, Gender, and Generational Status

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    The purpose of the current study was to identify predictors of counseling center use among Asian, Latino/a, and White college students. Findings indicated that females and second generation students report the most severe difficulties. Problem severity and gender predicted counseling center use for White and Asian students, whereas only problem severity predicted use for Latino students. Generational status was not a significant predictor of use for any group

    The Impact of Asparagus Supply Chain Quality Management: An Empirical Research from Peru

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    The objective of the article is to show how quality tools help the management of the supply chain in the agricultural sector, in this way quality management of the supply chain will improve operating results in companies that produce asparagus. The company is located in Trujillo, Peru; where the managers of each area were interviewed to determine the practices that will be used in the agribusiness sector. Through the review of the literature, the practices that will be used are supplier relationship management, operations management, and human resources management, the right design and application of these practices will achieve improvements in operational results. The proposed model, Supply Chain Quality Management, is an innovative method that will have a positive impact on the agribusiness supply chain. In addition, quality management in the supply chain is an unusual topic to find in research. Finally, asparagus is a high consumption vegetable and this study provides a great value in increasing economic indicators and competitiveness within the industry

    Mentoring the Next Generation of Health Professionals: A Mentor-the-Mentor Approach

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    The purpose of this commentary is to share team-based mentoring strategies used for successful interdisciplinary research team productivity and sustainability. This commentary lists and describes the top ten considerations for building a productive mentor-the-mentor approach, inspired by the train-the-trainer method. The approach promotes reciprocal training and individualized experiences, while producing positive professional and personal outcomes. We pinpoint how relationship-building rooted in passion and clear communication, explicit expectations and regular celebrations, and routine paired with a bit of play enhances productivity and encourages future health professionals to emerge as leaders in the field

    Qualidade microbiológica de linguiças de frango do tipo frescal comercializadas no Distrito Federal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, 2018.A linguiça frescal é um dos embutidos cárneos mais consumidos pelos brasileiros e o aumento da produção e do consumo deste alimento chama a atenção para a segurança do mesmo. Assim, este trabalho apresenta a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de amostras de linguiça de frango frescal comercializadas no Distrito Federal. As análises realizadas foram: contagem total de bactérias mesófilas e psicrotróficas, determinação de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes, contagem de Staphylococcus aureus, pesquisa de Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp. e também identificação molecular de E. coli, Salmonella spp. e S. aureus. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que das oito amostras de linguiça de frango analisadas, três amostras (37,5%) estavam impróprias para o consumo pelo excesso de bactérias S. aureus. E a região gênica Nuc identificada através de PCR indicou que as bactérias S. aureus provenientes dessas amostras de linguiças de frango eram produtoras de enterotoxinas. A amostra 2 que já havia sido reprovada pelo excesso de bactérias S. aureus, também apresentou Salmonella spp. (confirmada geneticamente através da presença do gene invA). Com relação à qualidade higiênicossanitária, duas amostras deste estudo (amostras 7 e 8) apresentaram elevada contagem de microrganismos mesófilos de 7,27 e 7,18 log UFC/g, respectivamente. Essa quantidade elevada de microrganismos mesófilos, além de reduzir o tempo de prateleira desses produtos, também indica falta de higiene na manipulação durante o processo produtivo. A amostra 7 também apresentou condições insatisfatórias de higiene pelo elevado número de coliformes totais (3,04 log NMP/g). Apesar do baixo número de coliformes termotolerantes, a presença de E. coli foi detectada em quatro amostras de linguiças pela técnica de PCR. Os resultados obtidos revelam que o excesso de manipulação da linguiça frescal reduz a sua qualidade microbiológica, podendo torná-la um veículo para transmissão de S. aureus patogênica produtora de enterotoxinas.Fresh sausage is one of the most consumed meat foods for Brazilians and increasing the production and consumption of this food draws attention to the safety of it. Thus, this work presents the evaluation of the microbiological quality of fresh chicken sausage sold in the Federal District. The analyzes were: total counting of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, determination of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus count, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. research and also molecular identification of E. coli, Salmonella spp. and S. aureus. The results of the study showed that of the eight chicken sausage samples analyzed, three samples (37.5%) were unfit for consumption by excess of S. aureus bacteria. And the gene Nuc region identified by PCR indicated that the S. aureus bacteria from the chicken sausage samples were enterotoxin producers. Sample 2, which had already been rejected by the excess of S. aureus bacteria, also presented Salmonella spp. (genetically confirmed by the presence of the invA gene). Regarding sanitary hygienic quality, two samples from this study (samples 7 and 8) presented high counts of mesophilic microorganisms of 7.27 and 7.18 log CFU / g, respectively. Sample 7 also presented unsatisfactory hygiene conditions due to the high number of total coliforms (3.04 log NMP / g). Despite the low number of thermotolerant coliforms, the presence of E. coli was detected in four samples of sausages by the PCR technique. The results show that the excess handling of fresh sausage reduces its microbiological quality and can make it a vehicle for the transmission of pathogenic enterotoxin-producing S. aureus

    TCT-530 Predictors and Clinical Outcomes Related to Door-in Door-out Times

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    Implementación del control interno en la gestión económica Cervecera Backus S.A.C. Huacho, 2016

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la implementación del control interno y su incidencia en la gestión económica en la empresa CERVECERA BACKUS S.A.C que nos permitió encontrar las evidencias necesarias para poder mejorar la situación económica de la empresa , se utilizó la metodología descriptiva y explicativa con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento cuestionario que nos permitió hacer un monitoreo y la revisión en las actividades que realiza la empresa. Se concluye que la implementación de un control interno incide favorablemente en un 73 % en la gestión económica de la empresa CERVECERA BACKUS S.A.C . Además que el 87 % nos dice que mejoraría con una implementación del sistema de control interno ya que se evidenciará si existen controles y el 67% de los trabajadores sostienen que no existe una coordinación entre las áreas de la empresa y que el control interno debe actuar en todas las áreas de la empresa para una buena gestión económica.Tesi

    Turismo comunitario: ¿Solución o problema?

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    El presente ensayo pretende exponer de formaconcisa los problemas y desventajas alos que se enfrentan las comunidades quese sienten interesadas en implementar un modelode turismo comunitario. Este modelo se ha planteadoen numerosas ocasiones como la solución alos problemas relacionados con post- conflicto,desempleo, desplazamiento y apropiación del patrimonio,entre otros. En numerosas ocasiones seha llegado a calificar al turismo como una “industriasin chimeneas”, el “nuevo petróleo” Sin embargo,algunas de las investigaciones de estudiosde caso que hasta el momento se han realizado,demuestran que las poblaciones que articulan actividadesturísticas en sus comunidades, se venexpuestas a grandes retos y, no siempre, logranllegar a punto de equilibrio con sus proyectos;entonces, ¿en que están fallando

    Relación entre conducta adictiva hacia los juegos de rol online masivos (MMORPG) y la expresión de las habilidades sociales (HHSS) en contextos no virtuales

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    En los últimos años, los jóvenes se han visto expuestos a nuevos tipos de entretenimientos tecnológicos, donde un inadecuado uso de éstos tienta contra la salud de los mismos. La presente investigación es de tipo correlacional transeccional y tiene como objetivo hallar el grado de relación existente entre la conducta adictiva hacia los Juegos de Rol online masivos (MMORPG) y la Expresión de las Habilidades Sociales (HHSS) en contextos no virtuales; para lo cual se trabajó con una muestra de grupos intactos, extraída del colegio Salesianos Don Bosco, donde se contó con la intervención de 247 jóvenes estudiantes del sexo masculino, pertenecientes al 4to (Cuarto) y 5to (Quinto) grado de secundaria, cuyas edades oscilan entre los 15 y 17 años. Para su evaluación se utilizaron tres instrumentos: “Encuesta de los MMORPGs” para delimitar a los que utilizan los MMORPGs de los que no; “Adapting Young’s Internet Addiction Test for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Users”, para detectar la conducta adictiva; y finalmente la “Escala Multidimensional de expresión social (EMES)”, para evaluar las habilidades sociales presentes en los voluntarios. Se obtuvo que la conducta adictiva a los MMORPGS se correlaciona de forma negativa y moderada con el componente motor de las habilidades sociales (r= -.428), por lo que a mayor conducta adictiva hacia los Juegos de Rol Online Masivos (MMORPGs) se presenta moderadamente menor expresión del componente motor de las habilidades sociales. Conjuntamente se encontró que el MMORPG preferido por los evaluados es el World of Warcraft, también se halló que la mayoría de los evaluados se consideran un buen jugador y que el desarrollo de su avatar es bueno.Tesi