837 research outputs found

    Ach Brito : the acquisition of Saboaria & Perfumaria Confiança

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    Ach Brito is a successful family-­‐owned company founded in 1887 in Oporto responsible for the production of about 40,000 soaps among other products per day that are commercialize in the national and international markets. On the last day of 2008, this traditional firm acquired Saboaria e Perfumaria Confiança. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to explain the synergies and changes occurred during the past three years, as they were rivals for 100 years with similar products in the same segments (mass-­‐ market and premium/luxury) Ach Brito, a familiar firm that struggles to assume a leadership position in the competitive soap market, is an interesting case for management students in its acquisition challenges of the rival Confiança. Due to the guidance of teaching notes, case study, literature review and market research divisions, teachers could use this case as class discussion by explaining some topics (brand positioning, product, price, place and promotion) in the field of Marketing Strategy.A Ach Brito é uma empresa familiar bem sucedida fundada em 1887 na cidade do Porto e é responsável pela produção de cerca de 40,000 sabonetes, entre outros produtos, por dia que depois são comercializados no mercado nacional ou a nível internacional. No último dia de 2008, esta empresa adquiriu a Saboria e Perfumaria Confiança. Nesse sentido, o objectivo da tese é de explicar as mudanças e sinergias criadas nos últimos três anos, dado que a Ach Brito e a Confiança eram rivais há mais de 100 anos com produtos similares nos mesmos segmentos (mass-­‐market and premium). Ach Brito, como empresa familiar que tenta assumir uma posição de liderança no competitivo mercado de sabonetes, é um caso interessante para alunos de gestão, devido ao seu desafio ao adquirir a rival Confiança. Devido à ajuda das teaching notes, case study, revisão literária e market research, os professores podem usar este caso para discussão em aula ao explicarem alguns tópicos (posicionamento de marcas, produto, preço, canais de distribuição e promoção) na área do Marketing Estratégico

    Ecoliteracia e literatura para a infância: quando a relação com o ambiente toma conta dos livros

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    O artigo apresenta, de forma elementar, uma conceção de ecoliteracia, as virtualidades da literatura infantil para a promover e um breve historial de publicações sobre a temática em Portugal.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Viajando da cidade para o campo: representações de cenários urbanos e rurais em dois livros ilustrados portugueses

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    Research has shown that Nature is frequently found as an important element in children’s literature. Despite being depicted in a rather superfi cial and stereotypical way and touched by humanity, it is usually represented as a fun, harmonious and even idyllic component of the story. This construction of the natural world depends on the power of language to create scenarios, shaping the way Nature is perceived, merging the aesthetic, recreational and pedagogical dimensions of children’s literature. The objective of this study is to identify how these dimensions intersect and how the theme of ecoliteracy is dealt with by focusing on two main perspectives: (a) linguistic perspective: resorting to the principles of the identifi cation of frames and their interpretative repertoire; (b) literary and semiotic perspective: establishing text-picture relationships and dynamics according to the postmodern theories on picturebooks. In order to do this, the study focuses on two children’s picturebooks published in 2009, which tell stories of car journeys involving families travelling from an urban setting to a rural one. These two picturebooks represent various forms of subjective appropriation of space and promote ecoliteracy through the relationship between the child protagonists and the surrounding environment.A investigação mostra que a natureza é presença frequente na literatura infantojuvenil e que é habitualmente confi gurada como uma entidade prazerosa, harmoniosa e até idílica, ainda que superfi cial, humanizada e estereotipada. Esta construção do mundo natural repousa sobre o poder da linguagem verbal para criar realidade, moldando a forma como a natureza é percecionada, fundindo as dimensões estética, lúdica e pedagógica da literatura para crianças e jovens. Este estudo objetiva identifi car as linhas de intersecção destas dimensões, mais especifi camente a questão da ecoliteracia, adotando duas perspetivas fundamentais: (a) uma perspetiva linguística, recorrendo à identifi cação de quadros conceptuais e ao reportório interpretativo nos quais estes são constituí- dos; (b) uma perspetiva literária e semiótica, estabelecendo relações e dinâmicas texto-imagem, segundo teoria pós-modernas de abordagem do livro ilustrado (álbum). Para cumprir o seu objetivo, este estudo analisa dois livros (álbuns) para crianças publicados em 2009 que apresentam narrativas de viagens de carro em família de áreas urbanas para áreas rurais. Estes dois livros representam diversas formas de apropriação subjetiva do espaço, no quadro da relação entre as crianças e o meio na sociedade contemporânea e ambos promovem a ecoliteracia dos leitores.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, UM (FCT R&D 317

    Urban and rural landscapes in Portuguese picture story books : reification and perceptions

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    We have chosen to study a collection of three books published by the Metropolitan Lisbon Area with the purpose to disseminate the natural and cultural surroundings of the Portuguese capital. The selected books combine pedagogical intentionality and aesthetic dimension, recreating the adventures of a girl in natural Portuguese landscapes. The main character visits different natural scenarios and discovers all sort of new special places. With a scientific review, the books emphasize, without losing their literary quality, the environmental diversity of the area, which determinates its specificity. History, geography, geology and biology intersect with magic and wonderful and propose a different way of looking at reality. As we will seek to prove, these books represent, in an original way, various forms of personal and subjective appropriation of space, particularly concerning natural landscape, thereby stimulating a variety of readings and interpretations. Both text and images depict, in their own language and style, the relationship between children and environmentEste estudio se centra en una colección de tres volúmenes publicados por el Área Metropolitana de Lisboa con el objetivo de difundir el medio natural y cultural que rodea a la capital portuguesa. Los libros seleccionados combinan intencionalidad pedagógica y dimensión estética a través de la narración de las aventuras de un niño que transcurren en pleno paisaje natural. El protagonista visita diferentes escenarios naturales y descubre una gran variedad de espacios únicos. Desde una cuidadosa revisión científica, en los libros se destaca, sin perder su calidad literaria, la diversidad y riqueza ambiental de un espacio particular y único. La historia, la geografía, la geología y la biología se cruzan con la magia y lo maravilloso para proponer una manera diferente de observar la realidad. El estudio tratará de demostrar cómo estos libros representan de una manera muy original, la apropiación personal y subjetiva del espacio, en particular del paisaje natural, lo que permite una variedad de lecturas e interpretaciones. Texto e imágenes recrean en su estilo y lenguaje específico, la relación del niño con el medio ambiente.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Slikovnica: s onu stranu odnosa riječi i slike

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    The purpose of this paper is to present picturebooks as a special format instead of a literary genre, due to the growing relevance of book design and peritextual elements in defining the characteristics of this art form. The creative investment in the peritexts has implications in the construction of the message and in the reading process, creating an original artefact. The paper also describes different types of picturebooks and explores the influence of the picturebook format on other genres, underlining its importance in contemporary Portuguese publishing.Zbog sve veće važnosti knjiškoga dizajna i peritekstnih sastavnica u isticanju osobina slikovnice kao umjetničke forme, u radu se ona predstavlja kao poseban format, a ne kao književni žanr. Kreativni ulog u različite oblike periteksta utječe na tvorbu poruke i na stvaranje izvornoga artefakta u procesu čitanja slikovnice. Također se opisuju različiti tipovi slikovnica i istražuje utjecaj slikovničkoga formata na druge žanrove, pri čem se ističe i njegova važnost za suvremeno portugalsko izdavaštvo

    Knowledge Organization and Terminology: application to Cork

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    This PhD thesis aims to prove the relevance of texts within the conceptual strand of terminological work. Our methodology serves to demonstrate how linguists can infer knowledge information from texts and subsequently systematise it, either through semiformal or formal representations. We mainly focus on the terminological analysis of specialised corpora resorting to semi-automatic tools for text analysis to systematise lexical-semantic relationships observed in specialised discourse context and subsequent modelling of the underlying conceptual system. The ultimate goal of this methodology is to propose a typology that can help lexicographers to write definitions. Based on the double dimension of Terminology, we hypothesise that text and logic modelling do not go hand in hand since the latter does not directly relate to the former. We highlight that knowledge and language are crucial for knowledge systematisation, albeit keeping in mind that they pertain to different levels of analysis, for they are not isomorphic. To meet our goals, we resorted to specialised texts produced within the industry of cork. These texts provide us with a test bed made of knowledge-rich data which enable us to demonstrate our deductive mechanisms employing the Aristotelian formula: X=Y+DC through the linguistic and conceptual analysis of the semi-automatically extracted textual data. To explore the corpus, we resorted to text mining strategies where regular expressions play a central role. The final goal of this study is to create a terminological resource for the cork industry, where two types of resources interlink, namely the CorkCorpus and the OntoCork. TermCork is a project that stems from the organisation of knowledge in the specialised field of cork. For that purpose, a terminological knowledge database is being developed to feed an e-dictionary. This e-dictionary is designed as a multilingual and multimodal product, where several resources, namely linguistic and conceptual ones are paired. OntoCork is a micro domain-ontology where the concepts are enriched with natural language definitions and complemented with images, either annotated with metainformation or enriched with hyperlinks to additional information, such as a lexicographic resource. This type of e-dictionary embodies what we consider a useful terminological tool in the current digital information society: accounting for its main features, along with an electronic format that can be integrated into the Semantic Web due to its interoperability data format. This aspect emphasises its contribution to reduce ambiguity as much as possible and to increase effective communication between experts of the domain, future experts, and language professionals.Cette thèse vise à prouver la pertinence des textes dans le volet conceptuel du travail terminologique. Notre méthodologie sert à démontrer comment les linguistes peuvent déduire des informations de connaissance à partir de textes et les systématiser par la suite, soit à travers des représentations semi-formelles ou formelles. Nous nous concentrons principalement sur l'analyse terminologique de corpus spécialisé faisant appel à des outils semi-automatiques d'analyse de texte pour systématiser les relations lexico-sémantiques observées dans un contexte de discours spécialisé et la modélisation ultérieure du système conceptuel sous-jacent. L’objectif de cette méthodologie est de proposer une typologie qui peut aider les lexicographes à rédiger des définitions. Sur la base de la double dimension de la terminologie, nous émettons l'hypothèse que la modélisation textuelle et logique ne va pas de pair puisque cette dernière n'est pas directement liée à la première. Nous soulignons que la connaissance et le langage sont essentiels pour la systématisation des connaissances, tout en gardant à l'esprit qu'ils appartiennent à différents niveaux d'analyse, car ils ne sont pas isomorphes. Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons eu recours à des textes spécialisés produits dans l'industrie du liège. Ces textes nous fournissent un banc d'essai constitué de données riches en connaissances qui nous permettent de démontrer nos mécanismes déductifs utilisant la formule aristotélicienne : X = Y + DC à travers l'analyse linguistique et conceptuelle des données textuelles extraites semi-automatiquement. Pour l'exploitation du corpus, nous avons recours à des stratégies de text mining où les expressions régulières jouent un rôle central. Le but de cette étude est de créer une ressource terminologique pour l'industrie du liège, où deux types de ressources sont liés, à savoir le CorkCorpus et l'OntoCork. TermCork est un projet qui découle de l'organisation des connaissances dans le domaine spécialisé du liège. À cette fin, une base de données de connaissances terminologiques est en cours de développement pour alimenter un dictionnaire électronique. Cet edictionnaire est conçu comme un produit multilingue et multimodal, où plusieurs ressources, à savoir linguistiques et conceptuelles, sont jumelées. OntoCork est une micro-ontologie de domaine où les concepts sont enrichis de définitions de langage naturel et complétés par des images, annotées avec des méta-informations ou enrichies d'hyperliens vers des informations supplémentaires. Ce type de dictionnaire électronique désigne ce que nous considérons comme un outil terminologique utile dans la société de l'information numérique actuelle : la prise en compte de ses principales caractéristiques, ainsi qu'un format électronique qui peut être intégré dans le Web sémantique en raison de son format de données d'interopérabilité. Cet aspect met l'accent sur sa contribution à réduire autant que possible l'ambiguïté et à accroître l'efficacité de la communication entre les experts du domaine, les futurs experts et les professionnels de la langue

    Ficção jovem adulto: a relevância dos bestsellers na construção de um cânone alternativo

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    In Portugal, the young adult (YA) fiction label (instead of youth literature) is quite recent and its use in bookshops and public libraries is not common yet, despite the success of specific authors, series and collections aimed at this particular audience. The French chain FNAC, present in several Portuguese cities, has created a specific area (both on physical bookshelves and on its digital platform) dedicated to YA literature (“jovem adulto”) and the Portuguese online bookshop WOOK has followed suit on its website. The creation of specific YA fiction bestseller lists allows us to identify the main trends (Cart, 2017) with respect to the publication and reading of these books, by including not only best-selling books but also the most popular authors. The purpose of this text is to analyse a set of YA novels systematically present on both of the abovementioned lists during the summer of 2018 in Portugal, reflecting on their themes, narrative structure, and linguistic style. The analysis includes peritexts, such as covers and layout, and epitexts, such as publisher recommendations and online reviews, in order to understand the relevance of paratextual elements in determining the success of bestsellers. This study will attempt to identify the main trends in contemporary YA publishing (Koss & Teale, 2009; Nilsen & Donelson, 2009; Wolf et al., 2010), including the relevance of movie and TV series adaptations, as well as social media influence, with respect to the creation of an alternative reading canon.Em Portugal, o rótulo de “ficção jovem adulto” (JA) (em vez de literatura juvenil) é bastante recente e a sua utilização em livrarias e bibliotecas públicas ainda não é frequente, apesar do sucesso de autores, séries e coleções específicas dirigidas a este público-alvo. A cadeia francesa FNAC, presente em várias cidades portuguesas, criou uma área específica (tanto em estantes físicas como na sua plataforma digital) dedicada à literatura juvenil (“jovem adulto”) e a livraria online portuguesa WOOK fez o mesmo no seu sítio na internet. A criação de listas específicas de bestsellers de ficção JA permite-nos identificar as principais tendências (Cart, 2017) no que diz respeito à publicação e leitura desses livros, incluindo não apenas os livros mais vendidos, mas também os autores mais populares. O objetivo deste texto é analisar um conjunto de romances JA sistematicamente presentes em ambas as listas acima mencionadas durante o verão de 2018 em Portugal, refletindo sobre os seus temas, estrutura narrativa e estilo linguístico. A análise inclui a análise dos peritextos, como capas e design gráfico, e epitextos, como recomendações de editores e resenhas online, com o objetivo de compreender a relevância dos elementos paratextuais na determinação do sucesso destes livros. Este estudo tentará identificar as principais tendências da edição contemporânea de JA (Koss & Teale, 2009; Nilsen & Donelson, 2009; Wolf et al., 2010), incluindo a relevância das adaptações de filmes e séries de TV, bem como a influência das redes sociais, no que diz respeito à criação de um cânone de leitura alternativo.publishe

    CESC : Centro de Estudos da Criança de la Universidade do Minho y el proyecto “Medio ambiente y ecoliteracia en la novísima Literatura Infantil y Juvenil”

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    En este texto se ofrecen las principales características del CESC – Centro de Estudos da Criança como unidad de investigación oficialmente reconocida en Portugal y se dan a conocer sus objetivos y principales líneas de estudio y de interés. Se destaca en el ámbito de los diferentes proyectos que desarrolla y acoge este centro, el proyecto “Ambiente e ecoliteracia na novíssima literatura para a infância”, por estar directamente relacionado con el universo de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.Neste texto apresentam-se as principais características do CESC – Centro de Estudos da Criança como unidade de investigação oficialmente reconhecida em Portugal e dão-se a conhecer os seus objetivos e principais linhas de investigação e de interesse. No âmbito dos vários projetos em curso no referido Centro, destaca-se o que tem por título “Ambiente e ecoliteracia na novíssima literatura para a infância”, por estar diretamente relacionado com o universo da Literatura Infantil e Juvenil.It’s our purpose to characterize the CESC - Centre for Child Studies as a research group officially recognized in Portugal, presenting its objectives and main lines of study and interest. Among several other projects in course, stands out the project “Environment and ecoliteracy in recent children’s literature”, directly connected to the world of children’s literature.ANILIJ - Asociación nacional en investigación de literatura infantil y juvenilFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho (unidade de investigação 317

    Cross-readings and ecoliteracy in children's pop-up books

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    El objetivo de este texto es analizar dos libros pop-up destinados a la infancia, escritos por Anouck Boisrobert y Louis Rigaud, titulados Popville (2009) y Dans la forêt du paresseux [En el bosque del perezoso] publicados por primera vez en 2009 y 2012, con textos de apoyo de la autoría de Joy Sorman y Sophie Strady, respectivamente. Estos libros se publicaron originalmente en Francia, en Hélium Éditions, pero pueden encontrarse ya traducidos en varios países occidentales y en muchos idiomas, incluyendo el catalán, holandés, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, portugués y castellano. Este artículo analiza el texto verbal de los libros antes citados, así como su elaborado componente visual, construído gracias a una sofisticada ingeniería del papel, con vistas a reflejar la forma en que estas publicaciones alcanzan su objetivo: el desarrollo de la consciencia ecológica de los lectores (Orr, 1992) a través de su implicación en el proceso de la lectura. Esta cuestión parece constituir una de las principales tendencias de la Literatura Infantil en las sociedades occidentales contemporáneas, transcendiendo el papel tradicional y casi omnipresente que la naturaleza desempeña como escenario de narrativas infantiles. The purpose of this text is to analyse two recently been published pop-up books aimed at children, by Anouck Boisrobert e Louis Rigaud, Popville (2009) and Dans la forêt du paresseux [Wake up, Sloth!, En el bosque del perezoso] (first published in 2009 and 2012, accompanied with texts by Joy Sorman and Sophie Strady, respectively). These books were published originally in France by Hélium Editions, but they can now be found in several western countries and in many languages (Catalan, French, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, at least). The objective is to analyse their verbal text and their visual aspects produced by a sophisticated paper engineered to question how they achieve what seems to be one of their goals, the promotion of the readers’ ecoliteracy (Orr, 1992) by his involvement in the reading process. This issue seems to be one of the main trends on children’s literature in western societies nowadays, transcending the traditional and almost omnipresent role of scenario that nature plays in many children’s narratives.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, da Universidade do Minho - UI 317 da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Critical Analysis of Literature Review

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    Purpose and Methodology/Approach: This paper follows a previous one focused on a bibliographic review of motivations, benefits and difficulties in implementing quality management systems (QMS) based on ISO 9001 standard (Saraiva et al, 2017). Controversial, conflicting and even contradictory, and/or non-consensual findings in same or different countries have suggested other dimensions were lacking. So, a further and critical analysis was deepened in order to identify possible flaws in dimensions of analysis and in methodological issues, which is the scope of this paper. Findings: Many research works were based on perceptions/opinions (eg. motivations, benefits, difficulties) and tangible results were missing, being conclusions built only on qualitative data. Quantitative data were not used to objectivize and validated qualitative findings. Physical or economic indicators rarely were presented. Researchers may not have asked for quantitative data or even ignore these aspects of organizational reality, or the organizations also do not have this type of data. It is hard to corroborate statements (from company’s managers) or findings (from researchers) without other objective evidences (examples are: motivations influence the QMS performance; cost reduction is a benefit; the biggest difficulties in implementation/certification of QMS are the excessive and complex (bureaucratic) documentation, the weak commitment to quality by management and staff, the high cost/scarce resources and the time spent with the additional tasks for the implementation process; organizations operating an ISO 9001 QMS show a better performance). Another matters such as the relative size of the certification phenomenon in each country or region and their economic and social development were generally unknown or were not taken into account. These contextual factors can distort findings. The scientific affiliation of researchers (eg. Industrial engineering, Management, Sociology, Organizational psychology) may also have implications for the research perspective and aspects that are privileged in analysis and conclusions. Research Limitation/implication: Additionally, other methodological issues can also be related to data collection instruments (eg. questionnaires to collect perceptions/opinions) are not the most appropriate for achieving some desired information or data processing does not validate conclusions. Thus, we will take into account in our future research these limitations we have identified in this one and strongly recommend to other researchers our conclusions. Originality/Value of paper:These reflections and findings suggest further and deeper work for research in QMS and other related topics, looking for those dimensions already identified as missing, and/or considering more dimensions, bearing in mind concerns that quality movement is losing popularity, because it does not appear to managers consistently with quantitative data proving contributions of quality to increase productivity and competitiveness. Finally, we raise methodological questions about research on these topics, and other dimensions of analysis are recommended