12,923 research outputs found

    Peran Komite Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah

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    One form of actualization in Indonesian education was the establishment of a body called School Committee that replaced the existence of the Education Organizing Body (BP3), stipulated through the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 044/U/2002 dated April l2, 2002. The name of BP3 was changed to the School Committee due to the need for full community involvement in improving the quality of education. One of the objectives of the school committee is to increase the responsibility and participation of the community in the implementation of education in the education unit. In this present study, the focuses were on the process and the mechanism of the formation of the madrasah (Islamic school) committee organization, the planning carried out by the madrasah committee in improving the quality of madrasah education, and the implementation of the madrasah committee programs in improving the quality of education in Aceh Besar District. This study employed qualitative research methods. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Findings showed that the process and the mechanism in forming the madrasah committee in Aceh Besar District were based on the decision of the Ministry of Education on the establishment of community-based organizations, including by mutual deliberations or meetings held every 3 years in a transparent, accountable, and democratic manner, and by involving the community as an education unit partner. Further, the planning of the madrasah committee in improving the quality of madrasah education was carried out by establishing the structure of the committee and holding regular meetings with madrasahs and the community every three months or at the end of each semester, and also by preparing and organizing religious and national holidays together with other madrasahs. In addition, the madrasah committee programs were well implemented in Aceh Besar, as seen from the involvement of all elements from both madrasahs as the organizers of the activities and the community as the provider of advice and input. The programs included the religious and extracurricular programs in collaboration with the sub-districts and district of Aceh Besar

    Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Melalui Model Problem Based Learning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi kelas terutama keaktifan siswa selama proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi matriks dengan menggunakan model problem based learning pada pembelajaran mode daring. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas dan dianalisis menggunakan metode statistika deskriptif. Data tentang keaktifan siswa dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan data tentang hasil belajar siswa diperoleh melalui tes tertulis setelah proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model problem based learning dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa dan hasil belajar siswa secara signifikanThis study aims to improve classroom conditions, especially student activeness during the learning process and student learning outcomes on matrix material using a problem-based learning model in online mode learning. This research design used a classroom action research design and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Data about student activeness were collected through observation sheets during the learning process and data on student learning outcomes were obtained through written tests after the learning process took place. The results of this study indicate that using a problem-based learning model can significantly improve student learning activity and student learning outcomes


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    Education is an effort which is done by people to develop their self competence through a process of learning. Teacher certification program in Indonesia mandated by the Law Number 14, year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers (or the so called Teachers Law) is an effort by Indonesian government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Certified teachers are believed to perform better than teachers who have not been certified. People assume that they have enough competencies in teaching. In fact, many teachers do not follow the process of teacher certification program fairly. There are some cases of deceit done by the teacher certification program participants. However, the finding suggests no impact of the certification on student’s performance, it may confirm some concerns that the certification’s objective is not oriented to teacher’s performance, but more to their living standard, as reflected by their student’s achievement that does not make any progress.  Therefore, we need to create a better solution on how to improve the teacher certification program. Such improvement in the system can be developed by experts in greater detail but in any case, they need to have characteristics, at the fullest extent, of a performance-based system

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS Peserta Didik Tentang Perbedaan Iklim Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Gallery Walk di Kelas IV SDN 015/X Kuala Lagan Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

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    This study aims to describe and obtain information on improving social studies learning outcomes through the Gallery Walk type cooperative learning model. This research is classroom action research consisting of two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. Each meeting consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students at SDN 015/X Kuala Lagan, totaling 14 people. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, and documentation. Data were analyzed using percentages and data reduction. The results showed that the Gallery Walk learning model could improve social studies learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SDN 015/X Kuala Lagan by giving praise

    Efektifitas Dakwah Fardiyah dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Remaja di Desa Bubun Lamba Kecamatan Anggeraja Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Efektivitas Dakwah Fardiyah Dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Remaja Di Desa Bubun Lamba Kecamatan Anggeraja Kabupaten Enrekang. Dibimbing oleh Muhammad Ali Bakri dan Sudir Koadhi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memaparkan tentang tentang akhlak remaja serta pembinaan akhlak tersebut dengan menggunakan dakwah fardiyah serta mengetahui Efektivitasnya. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Bubun Lamba Kecamatan Anggeraja kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan, berlangsung selama kurang lebih 2 bulan mulai dari februari sampai maret 2022. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan dakwah fardiyah dalam pembinaan akhlak remaja di desa adalah dengan melakukan, persiapan dan perencanaan berupa, persiapan materi, taaruf, menyusun program kerja baru kemudian memberi memahami, motivasi, dan membentuk kecenderungan, melakukan motivasi dalam hal ini remaja. Persiapan yang perlu dilakukan adalah persiapan mental, dan penampilan. Dalam proses ta’aruf dilakukan dengan tidak terlalu membahas perihal keagamaan untuk mengetahui karakter mad’u dengan melakukan perbincangan singkat di dalamnya yang bertujuan untuk membuat remaja merasa nyaman terhadap dai. Program kerja yang dilakukan adalah bersilaturrahim, masuk ke dalam dunia mad’u dengan cara ikut dalam kegiatan mereka contohnya olahraga, melakukan aktivitas dakwah dengan cara memberi pemahaman, motivasi, serta membentuk kecenderungan, memberi motivasi dalam hal ini adalah motivasi keislaman. Penggunaan dakwah fardiyah dalam pembinaan akhlak remaja dianggap efektif karena menimbulkan terjalinnya hubungan antara da'i dan remaja, lebih mudah diterima di kalangan remaja, respon remaja lebih besar dari pada dakwah kepada jamaah, serta dinilai mampu membuat akhlak remaja di desa Bubun Lamba berubah menjadi lebih baik

    Analisis Kinerja Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan di Kabupaten Situbondo Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Dampak  Pandemi Covid-19  juga berdampak pada usaha pengolahan hasil perikanan berupa penurunan permintaan atas ikan dan produk olahannya baik di pasar domestik maupun luar negeri. Hal ini menyebabkan over supply  tangkapan  ikan yang  menyebabkan harga ikan menurun sehingga mempengaruhi perekonomian nelayan dan pengusaha pengolahan ikan. Adanya kebijakan Pemberlakuan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB ) sebagai langkah untuk menghentikan penyebaran Covid-19 juga memperlambat arus distribusi ikan dan produk pengolahan ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja UKM pengolahan hasil perikanan  di kabupaten situbondo pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Impotrance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ini menunjukkan bahwa Pandemi Covid-19 telah memberikan implikasi pada menurunnya kinerja UKM pengolahan hasil perikanan di Kabupaten situbondo dengan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhinya adalah ketersediaan bahan baku (1),  produktivitas tenaga kerja (4), kuantitas produk yang dihasilkan (10) dan permintaan pasar (12). Menurunnya kinerja variabel-variabel tersebut berdampak pada ketidak mampuan  UKM pengolahan hasil perikanan menjaga keseimbangan antara persediaan dengan. Strategi meningkatkan kinerja UKM pengolahan hasil perikanan pada masa Pnademi Covid-19 adalah menerapkan manajemen persediaan dan permintaan yang baik dengan melakukan pengendalian produksi dan pasar yang juga baik. kata kunci : kinerja, pengolahan hasil perikanan, impotrance performance analysi


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    Lexicon plays a fundamental role in translation. A good and acceptable translation should successfully render the message of source language into target language by selecting appropriate lexicon. The incorrectly lexical choice will distort the message of the source language. This paper investigates the lexical errors found in the translation of Indonesian text into English text made by the fifth-semester students. The data collection was conducted by administering a translation test to the respondents of 30 students. The data were analyzed using error analysis method following 5 steps: elicitation, registering, identifying, categorizing, and evaluating. The analysis and interpretation found that the lexical distortions can be categorized into: omission, overinclusion, misselection, disordering, and blending. Misselection is found to be the most dominant error followed respectively by omission, misordering, overinclusion, and blending. The findings show that the main problem of the translation is the wrong selection of lexicon and can contribute to the evaluation teaching-learning process either theoretically or practically. As a result, the improvement of students’ translation quality requires students to practice more and more. In addition, the teaching of translation should be focused primarily on the selection of lexicon

    Pengaruh Secondary Aging Treatment terhadap Sifat Mekanik dan Surface Glossiness pada Aluminium Paduan 7003

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    As technology advances and the quality of life improves, there is a deep need that requires of aluminium alloy that bears high strength, high toughness, high surface glossiness, anti-corrosion, and high fatigue resistivity [2]. This study aims to investigate the effects of secondary aging treatment on the mechanical properties and Surface Glossiness of the 7003 aluminium alloy by using several equipment, including: confocal laser microscope, white light interferometer, gloss meter, micro Vickers hardness tester and tensile test machine. This research was conducted by experimental method by giving treatment on the aluminium alloy 7003 with some treatments, there are: aging treatment at 100˚C for 5 hours and then secondary aging treatment at several different temperatures at 150˚C, 175˚C and 200˚C for 9 hours respectively. Based on our experimental results, it obtained: After being aged at 100 ℃ for 5 hours and then secondary aged at 175℃ for 9 hours, the 7003 aluminium alloy obtained excellent mechanical properties, which can achieve the industrial requirements of Yield strength 320 MPa and Elongation 13% for 3C mobile phone products. The 7003 aluminium alloy after being anodizing treated could obtain excellent Surface Glossiness and oxidation layer. The present aluminium alloy can achieve Surface Glossiness better than 1200 GU and the thickness of oxidation layer exceed 10ÎŒm, which were suitable for 3C industrial applications
