Pusat Jurnal Mahasiswa UIN Ar-Raniry
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    191 research outputs found

    Komparasi Pemikiran Abdullah Nasih Ulwan dan Jodi Gold Terhadap Gaya Pengasuhan Anak Usia Dini di Era Digital

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    This study aims to analyze the thought of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan as an educational figure of the 20th century and Jodi Gold as a pschiatrist of the 21st century about early parenting styles in the digital age as well as to analyse the comparisons of both, related to the way they view technology and the recommended response for parents in dealing with the inevitable technology. The method of research used is qualitative, if reviewed according to the location of the research then belongs to the library research, data collected from the primary sources such as the book Tarbiyatul Aulad Child Education in Islam by Abdullah Nashih Ulwan and Screen-Smart Parenting by Jodi Gold, as well as other credible references that related to research variables. Once the data is collected, it is analyzed using the content analysis method. Research results in the finding that there are some similarities between the two characters in viewing technology, but mostly different, Abdullah Nashih Ulwan tends to view technology negatively, instead Jodi Gold sees that most of technology is positive for early childhood. The conclusion is that unhindered technological developments should be fully controlled by parents for early childhood so that they can be a positive consumption and a medium of grinding between parents and early children who are in great need of friends, attention and affection to understand the world

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tebu melalui Fermentasi Menjadi Bioetanol Sebagai Energi Alrenatif Rumah Tangga

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    Bioetanol merupakan bahan bakar yang berbahan baku tumbuh-tumbuhan. Bahan baku untuk proses produksi bioetanol yaitu gula, pati, dan selulosa. Pembentukan senyawa Bioetanol (C2H5OH) dilakukan dengan cara proses enzimatik dan fermentasi. Tumbuhan yang memiliki kadar karbohidrat tinggi seperti tebu, nira, aren, sorgum, ubi kayu, jambu mete (limbah jambu mete), garut, batang pisang, ubi jalar, jagung, bonggol jagung, jerami berpotensi menghasilkan bioetanol. Dalam penelitian ini berorientasi pada pemanfaatan limbah ampas tebu di dari dan kulit pisang  digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan bioetanol. Hal dikarenakan bahan tersebut memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi dan berpotensi sebagai energi alternatif diolah menjadi bioetanol. Bahan karbohidrat yang cukup tinggi dapat dikonversi menjadi glukosa. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui informasi terhadap %v/v etanol yang dihasilkan ketika dilakukan penambahan ragi tape (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) pada saat fermentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembuatan bioetanol dari limbah biomassa ampas tebu dengan variasi waktu fermentasi dan waktu hidrolisis  yaitu untuk sampel ampas tebu dengan fermentasi hari ke-3 dan waktu hidrolisis 15 menit menghasilkan 4 mL destilat Bioetanol. Hari ke 5 dengan waktu hidrolisis 20 menit menghasilkan 6 mL, Pada hari ke 6 dan ke 7 dengan waktu hidrolisis 25 menit menghasilkan 10 mL Bioetanol

    Baitul Mal dan Kontribusinya terhadap Pendidikan Anak Yatim dan Fakir Miskin di Kota Subulussalam (Studi Pada Baitul Mal Kota Subulussalam)

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    The aims of this research are: (1) To find out the contribution made by Baitul Mal Kota Subulussalam to the Religious Education of orphans and the poor; (2) To find out the What programs are carried out by the Baitul Mal of Subulussalam City to help Islamic education for orphans and the poor; (3) To find out the What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of Baitul Mal Kota Subulussalam in distributing zakat for the Islamic religious education program for orphans and the poor. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documents. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data display, and conclusions or verification. The findings of this research are the contributions made by Baitul Mal Kota Subulussalam: providing compensation in the form of educational scholarships, assisting with operations for Islamic boarding schools, religious teachers, mosques/mushallas, and other da'wah institutions so that it is easy to implement Islamic religious education in a social environment, forming assisted groups for productive businesses through Al-Qord financing. Forming social movements such as compensation for orphans and dhuafa, assistance with basic needs, and free breakfast on Fridays (Blessing Fridays). Providing medical assistance to the poor in the form of medical expenses, accommodation, and others. Factors inhibiting the contribution of Baitul Mal Kota Subulussalam are the low awareness of the community, the lack of awareness of paying zakat from the community is one of the obstacles in managing zakat funds so that they can be efficient in the economy

    Peranan Media Sosial Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Berkunjung Wisatawan Di Kota Sabang

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    One technology that is developing rapidly and is part of communication technology is social media. Among various social media currently available, the three most used social media are Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Facebook is the first social media that makes people in the world connected to each other and continues to develop its features so that it is difficult for old users to leave it. YouTube is a social media that allows someone to upload videos that they have for a long time. Instagram itself is popular because of its practical and simple way of using it. The aim of this research was to see how big a role social media plays in attracting tourists to visit Sabang City. This research was quantitative descriptive. The research method used was simple linear regression. The independent variable used was social media with the indicator being social media which is often used as promotional media such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, while the interest in visiting tourists to Sabang City was used as the dependent variable. The influence of social media in increasing tourist interest in the city of Sabang will be measured using the t test. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to tourists, both local and foreign. The research results show that the regression equation obtained is Y = 39.832 + 0.716X. The results of the t test show that the t count is 2,883, which means the t count is greater than the t table and shows the influence of social media on tourists' interest in visiting Sabang City. The coefficient of determination produces a figure of 12.7%, which shows that social media has an influence of 12.7% on tourist interest in visiting and the remaining 87.3% is influenced by other factors outside the model

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kecemasan terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X pada Pelajaran Fisika di SMA Inshafuddin Banda Aceh

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    Kecemasan bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, orang dewasa maupun remaja. Salah satu contoh kecemasan pada siswa adalah kecemasan akademik. Saat merasa cemas siswa akan melakukan hal-hal seperti perilaku menyimpang, kurangnya konsentrasi saat proses pembelajaran, sering mengeluh, perasaan was-was, sering ke toilet karena merasa tidak nyaman, jantung berdebar ketika akan menghadapi tugas, tidak percaya diri dalam menghadapi tuntutan akademik yang lebih tinggi dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh kecemasan terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X pada pelajaran fisika, melalui pendekatan kuantitatif,  populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Inshafuddin Banda Aceh. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Purpposive Sampling, yaitu dengan mengambil sampel pada siswa kelas X IPA I dan X IPA II yang berjumlah 68 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket kecemasan dan dokumentasi untuk hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran fisika. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar variabel menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear sederhana diperoleh hasil Fhitung = 7166,570 > Ftabel = 3,986 bahwa model regresi adalah linear, kemudian dilakukan uji korelasi r = -0,83. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis t dua arah sehingga diperoleh thitung > ttabel, dengan demikian Ha diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif signifikan antara kecemasan terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X pada pelajaran fisika di SMA Inshafuddin

    A Qualitative Research On English Speaking Programs At Islamic Boarding School

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    The purpose of this study is to identify students’ perception toward English speaking program, namely conversation and to find out the purpose of the programs implementation. Qualitative research method was used. Fifty students of two classes from the third grade were purposively taken for the sample of this study. To answer the research question” what are the students’ perception toward Islamic Boarding School speaking programs in improving their speaking skills ?” questionnaires were distributed to know the students’ perception the implemented speaking program. After collecting the data, the results of this study shows that the students had many kinds of perception toward the implemented speaking program. Fifty students had different points of view on the speaking activities that they participated. In this regard, most of students agreed that conversation activities improved their speaking skills and gave them a lot of benefit s in their learning even though a few number of them disagreed.  Generally, the purpose of speaking programs are: (a) to familiarize students to speak English, (b) to train students to speak fluently and confidently, (c) to give chance to students to practice  speaking and (4) to create a good environment  learning speaking in the target language. &nbsp

    Efektivitas Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Animasi dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Indikator pembelajaran yang berkualitas salah satunya dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar yang dicapai siswa. Efektivitas media Pembelajaran dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar siswa, membuat suasana belajar lebih menyenangkan sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang efektif adalah media berbasis animasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui efektivitas media pembelajaran berbasis animasi dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian pre eksperimen. Desain penelitian pre eksperiment one group pre-test post-test. Populasi penelitian 25 siswa dan sampel 25 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar tes. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Tes. Analisa data menggunakan rumus distribusi frekuensi dan penentuan N-Gain. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terhadap efektivitas media pembelajaran berbasis animasi dengan nilai rata-rata N-Gain sebesar 0,3 artinya tergolong dalam kategori sedang

    Implementasi Rateb Siribee terhadap Akhlak Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Pondok Ulumul Quran Mardhatillah Tangga Besi Kota Subulussalam

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    Morals occupy an important position in human life, both as individuals, communities, and nations.  This article aims to find out how the implementation of Rateb Siribee on the morals of students at the Ulumul Quran Mardhatillah Islamic Boarding School Pondok Tangga Besi Kota Subulussalam. This type of research includes qualitative research. Primary data in this study are the results of interviews with several students and teachers at the Ulumul Qur'an Mardhatillah Islamic Boarding School Tangga Besi, Subulussalam District. Secondary data is obtained through a review of documentation derived from books, journals, related articles that become a foothold in the implementation of research. Data collection techniques in this study include observation, interviews, and documentation review. The data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis. The implementation of Rateb Siribe on the morals of Pasantren Ulumul Quran Tangga Besi Subulussalam City students is to educate students to become qualified individuals for their religion and nation. In particular, making students feel the existence of Allah directly in everyday life, then educating students in discipline, increasing worship and strengthening friendship. &nbsp

    Strategi Guru PAI dalam Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Siswa di SD Negeri Se-Kota Subulussalam

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    This study aims to investigate the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in learning the Qur'an in public elementary schools in Subulussalam City. This study involved PAI teachers as participants and elementary school students as research subjects. The method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. This study involved data collection through classroom observation, interviews with Islamic Religious Education teachers, and analysis of documents related to learning the Qur'an. The data collected was then analyzed using an inductive approach, by identifying the learning strategies used by PAI teachers and exploring their effectiveness in facilitating students' understanding and appreciation of the Qur'an. The results of the study show that there are various strategies used by PAI teachers in learning the Qur'an at SD Negeri Sekota Subulussalam. These strategies include using a variety of teaching materials, using interesting learning media, using information technology, using interactive discussion and question-and-answer methods, and giving assignments and projects related to the Qur'an. These strategies aim to facilitate students' understanding, appreciation, and practical application of the teachings of the Qur'an. Nevertheless, this study also identified several obstacles faced by Islamic Religious Education teachers in implementing Al-Qur'an learning strategies. These obstacles include limited time for learning, limited quality learning resources, and challenges in motivating students to study the Qur'an seriously

    Students' Interest In Investing In The Sharia Capital Market

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    The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) stated that youth, including students, have considerable potential to become stock investors. One of the main targets of capital market investors and Islamic capital markets is students. This study aims to determine whether knowledge, Socialization, and education influence the interest in investing in the Islamic capital market students of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh. This research is a quantitative study in which samples were taken from as many as 332 respondents using a probability sampling technique. This probability sampling technique includes several techniques, but the researcher chose the simple random sampling technique because the sample members from the population were taken randomly without regard to the strata in the population. The data type used is primary data, which distributes the questionnaire via Google Forms. The research data analysis method used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach and SmartPLS software's help. The results of this study indicate that the knowledge variable has a positive and significant effect on the interest in investing in the Islamic capital market. The socialization variable also has a positive and significant effect on the interest in investing in the Islamic capital market, and the education variable also has a positive and significant effect on the interest in investing in the Islamic capital market. Based on the R2 test, the influence exerted by the independent variables (knowledge, outreach, and education) on the dependent variable (intention to invest in the Islamic capital market) is 52.4%. In contrast, the rest is influenced by other variables not included in this study


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