869 research outputs found

    Factors for analysing and improving performance of R&D in Malaysian universities

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    This paper presents a model for analysing and improving performance of R&D in Malaysian universities. There are various general models for R&D analysis, but none is specific for improving the performance of R&D in Malaysian universities. This research attempts to fill a gap in the body of knowledge with regard to developing countries by explicitly focusing on factors that are relevant for analysing and improving R&D performance in Malaysian universities.\ud The project's methodology essentially entails a deductive route to identify and progressively refine the factors that determine R&D performance. It is based on extensive literature study aimed at developing a model that is appropriate for researching and improving R&D in an emerging economy. The paper addresses the development of the model and the research project’s approach. This model will be applied in collecting data from surveys and a number of field studies. The results will be used to improve the model as well as recommending points of improvement for Malaysian universities

    Sterilization Study: Vasectomy and Tubectomy

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    Birth planning for a couple from the first and subsequent births can be arranged so that the welfare of the community increases and other undesirable things can be anticipated from afar. The methods include using contraception or prevention of pregnancy and family planning. Sterilization is to spay a man or woman by operating (in general) so as not to produce offspring. Sterilization for men (vasectomy) and women (tubectomy). Procedurally, vasectomy in men is relatively simpler than tubectomy while the procedure for tubectomy is a bit complicated and complex

    Hubungan Hukum Para Pihak dalam Peer To Peer Lending

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    The development of digital world has provided various services that are beneficial for the community, one of which is the presence of information technology-based lending and borrowing services or known as peer to peer lending. However, the current applicable regulations have not clearly explained the construction of the legal relations among the parties involved in peer to peer lending platform. Regarding the fact that some peer to peer lending services are similar to those of banks, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is required to affirm the construction of the legal relations among parties so as to create legal certainty. Based on this explanation, there is a question: how is the Legal Relation among the Parties involved in Peer To Peer Lending in terms of the Legal Certainty for these Parties. This study used a normative method. The results showed that peer to peer lending services providers are not banks that collect funds from the community and distribute them to the community. Therefore, the legal relation among the parties involved in peer to peer lending shall be differentiated from the legal relations among the parties involved in banking sector, especially in the business activities of distributing funds through credit or financing agreements. The legal certainty in peer to peer lending shall be fulfilled so that peer to peer lending business activities are not categorized as an illegal bank and so that this business is able to provide legal standing for all the parties

    Effect of Thermal Soak Time Towards Polyimide Based-Carbon Tubular Membrane

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    Tubular carbon membrane (TCM) was prepared form BTDA-TDI/MDI (P-84) polyimide (PI) has a main precursor that combines with nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) through controlled carbonization condition. Consideration of the thermal soaking time through the heating process is needed to maintain the proficiency of resultant TCM’s. Thermal soaking time of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes was investigated to study the gas properties of the final TCM’s. In the course of TCM’s separation, single gas permeation experiments of CO2 and N2 are performed to investigate the transport mechanism. The PI / NCC TCM’s developed at 120 min of thermal soak time from this study showed the most impressive CO2/N2 performance, selectivity of 66.32±2.18 respectively

    A Reflection on Women Attire in the Quran; a Study on Ayat Al-Hijāb

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    Hijab, jilbab or khimar known as a piece of garment which usually worn by Muslim women in order to obey their God. It becomes a symbol that shows their identity. Besides, Hijab has a particular meaning according to multiple perspectives which resulted variant styles and types of hijab in one community, with or without syari\u27ah compliance. Fashion trends also plays the role in modifying women attire and the issue about this seems more complicated since the guidelines were avoided. This paper will goes through the commentaries of Qur\u27an to examine the requirements of proper women attire as mentioned specifically on ayat al-hijab. It results that Qur\u27an already put some guidelines on proper attire for Muslim women such as: the garments used to cover body parts is must be long, wide and thick enough. Not being overdressed also included as a requirement

    Survei kesiapan guru reguler dalam mengajar siswa berkebutuhan khusus di SMP Negeri 7 Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan guru reguler dalam mengajar siswa berkebutuhan khusus di SMP Negeri 7 Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh guru yang mengajar di SMP Negeri 7 Samarinda dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 49 guru. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen angket.. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan persentase, dan bantuan SPSS Versi 23.  Berdasarkan hasil survei yang telah dilakukan peneliti, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar guru di SMP Negeri 7 Samarinda  sudah cukup siap dalam mengajar siswa berkebutuhan khusus, dengan frekuensi 37 orang pada kategori siap dan 8 orang belum siap. Hasil ini merupakan hal yang baik mengingat guru yang mengajar bukan berasal dari latar belakang Pendidikan Luar Biasa melainkan lulusan bidang pendidikan secara umum namun telah berusaha memenuhi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kesiapan mengajar anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada di SMP Negeri 7 Samarinda

    Issues on Women and Problems in Workplace From Islamic Point of View

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    Perkembangan zaman dan meningkatnya pergerakan ekonomi membuka peluang seluas-luasnya bagi perempuan untuk turut andil di dalamnya. Tenaga perempuan yang turut diberdayakan dalam berbagai sektor yang kemudian fenomena ini ternyata berdampak positif dan negative pada lini kehidupan lainnya seperti sisi ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan pembangunan. Islam sendiri memiliki jawaban atas kendala sosial yang disandarkan kepada keterlibatan perempuan di ranah publik. Maka kajian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan beberapa konflik yang terjadi ketika perempuan terjun ke dunia pekerjaan dan bagaimana Islam menyediakan aturan yang murni bertujuan untuk melindungi perempuan agar tetap berada pada fitrahnya namun tetap menyelarasi keperluan perempuan seiring berkembangnya zama

    Bentuk Pola Asuh Demokratis dalam Kedisiplinan Siswa SD

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    Parenting is the treatment of parents in order to meet the needs and educate the child in daily life. In a family, parents presence is of great significance for the development of a child\u27s personality, because the family is the first and most important environment which will give effect to some aspects of child development, including discipline of the. The students discipline is to give an understanding of what is good and bad. This article will describe democratic parenting the discipline of elementary students.Pola asuh adalah perlakuan orangtua dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dan mendidik anak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam sebuah keluarga, kehadiran orangtua sangatlah besar artinya bagi perkembangan kepribadian seorang anak, karena keluarga merupakan lingkungan pertama dan paling utama yang nantinya akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap beberapa aspek perkembangan anak, termasuk kedisiplinan siswa. Kedisiplinan pada siswa adalah memberikan pengertian akan mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Pada artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan bentuk pola asuh demokratis dalam kedisiplinan siswa SD