19 research outputs found

    Beyond the border of the athlete-centered approach: a model to understand runners' performance

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    Our purpose is to move beyond the borders of the athlete-centered approach by examining the runners' environment interplay as a key factor for performance. Based on the ecological systems theory, the micro-level (intrapersonal, interpersonal, and training characteristics), meso-level (a direct association with athletes is not observed, but the environment plays an influence on the relationships built at the micro-level), and macro-level (contextual features that influence athletic systems) were theorized and contextualized as important factors for the expression of different outcomes, including performance and participation. We also conceptualized the microtime, mesotime, and macrotime as a constraint. Through this model, we aimed to provide applications and conclusions about how this conceptual model provides advances in the scientific research field. By understanding how environmental factors influence their performance, runners can make informed decisions about where and how to train and compete. Furthermore, by recognizing the role of culture and social context in shaping runners' experiences and outcomes, we can work toward creating a more equitable and supportive running culture for all

    InTrack project - Theoretical framework, design, and methods: A study protocol

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    Sports performance is the result of a complex interaction between individual and environmental factors. The purpose of this paper is to explain the methods used in the InTrack Project, a cross-sectional and cross-cultural project developed to investigate the variance in the performance of runners from different countries and to understand whether the differences in the performance can be explained by micro-level (athletes characteristics and proximal environment), meso-level (the distal environment that plays a relevant role on the relationships established at micro-level), and the macro-level (environmental features that shape countries characteristics). The sample will be comprised of runners, of both sexes, from four countries. Data collection will be performed in two steps: i) Individual information and ii) Country-level information. At the individual level, data will be obtained from an online survey. At the country level, characteristics data will be obtained from the secondary data available (demographic, social, and economic variables). Statistical procedures expected to be used include multilevel analysis, latent class analysis, addictive and multiplicative interaction in regression models. This wealth of information is of relevance to fill gaps regarding the existence of variables to connect different levels of information, and to provide scientific support about environmental characteristics important to predict runners' performance within and between countries

    Percepciones de estudiantes de máster en Educación Física acerca de los materiales autoconstruidos. Una mirada desde la teoría construccionista de Papert

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    La evidencia acerca del empleo de materiales autoconstruidos con uso pedagógico entre el alumnado de primaria, secundaria y formación inicial delprofesorado ha apuntado consecuencias positivas. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, esta investigación no se ha conectado a ningún marco teórico ni dirigido hacia los estudiantes del Máster de Profesorado. El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo fue analizar las creencias y actitudes de un grupo de estudiantes portugueses del máster de enseñanza respecto al uso de los materiales autoconstruidos en clase de Educación Física, interpretando los resultados a la luz de la Teoría Construccionista de Papert. Una muestra de 98 estudiantes (59varones y 39 mujeres) cumplimentó un cuestionario ad-hoc antes y después de asistir a un curso de formación centrado en el abordaje de la hibridación de modelos de enseñanza deportiva y material autoconstruido. La valoración de la experiencia resultó positiva y las comparaciones pretest-postest mostraron mejoras relativas a la contribución de los materiales autoconstruidos para activar al discente, abordar la interdisciplinaridad, su potencialidad en actividades extraescolares y la evaluación. La idea imperante en la perspectiva construccionista de facultar a los aprendices para que asuman su propio proceso de construcción de conocimiento tomó forma mediante la creación de sus propios móviles e implementos. Los estudiantes del máster declararon haber reforzado la construcción de su conocimiento interior tras generar artefactos en ambientes de aprendizaje social, y haber aumentado su interés y motivación. La experiencia parece despertar actitudes positivas hacia su empleo de cara al ejercicio profesional

    The Constructionist Theory of Learning in Teacher Education. Perspectives from students and teachers through quantitative and qualitative research

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    Se presenta una investigación sobre la teoría Construccionista del Aprendizaje en formación del profesorado. Se utilizaron dos técnicas de recogida de información: cuantitativa (encuesta) y cualitativa (entrevista) para intentar entender mejor su complejidad. 41 universitarios portugueses que cursaban la misma asignatura de Grado y el profesor que la impartía accedieron a participar. El análisis de los resultados mostró que los participantes valoran positivamente la construcción y el uso de materiales para el desarrollo de su formación académica y para su labor profesional futura. Estos resultados son similares a los encontrados en muestras de universitarios españoles, lo que refuerza la bondad de la Teoría Construccionista del Aprendizaje en formación docente.The article presents a study on the usage of the Constructionist Theory of learning in Teacher Education. Two different assessment procedures were used: quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) to try to understand the complexity of the problem. 41 Portuguese university students enrolled in the same curricular subject and their teacher agreed to participate. Results showed that the participants positively valued the construction and usage of materials for their academic development and for their professional career. These results are similar to previous results obtained in Spanish university students, which reinforces the positive effects of the Construccionist Theory of Learning in Teacher Education.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granad

    Dermatophytosis Caused by Microsporum canis in a Free-Living Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus).

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    Background: Chrysocyon brachyurus is a South American wild canid considered a species near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is classified as vulnerable in the National List of Endangered Species. With the increase of the contact between domestic animals, human population and wild animals, there was a greater exposure of the maned wolf to pathogens. Due to the importance of its conservation, the knowledge of emerging infectious diseases that affect this species becomes essential. This report aims to describe the first diagnosed case of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis in a maned wolf.Case: A free-living female maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), approximately 60 days old, was rescued with presence of alopecia, non-pruritic lesions, one of circular shape located in the nasal plane and the other with signs of scaling and crusts in the region of the left pina. The animal was active, in good general condition and without other significantchanges to clinical examination. Skin scraping was performed for mycological culture of both lesions. Fungal growth on Sabouraud’s agar identified Microsporum canis. Topical therapy with ketoconazole ointment and cleaning of lesions with 0.2% chlorhexidine was instituted. After 20 days of treatment, remission of clinical signs and repilation of affected areas were observed. New mycological cultures of both areas were carried out, which were negative for Microsporum canis.Discussion: Although Microsporum canis is described as causing dermatophytosis in several animal species, it has apparently not yet been reported in maned wolves. Microsporum canis is one of the most isolated zoophilic dermatophytes in domestic cats and is also cited in reports of symptomatic wild felids, such as tigers, in which it has been identified as either the only agent of infection or in association with Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The occurrence is also high in domestic dogs. In the wild canids, Microsporum gypseum has been described in the gray wolf, Trichophyton mentagrophytes in wild foxes, and Microsporum canis in red fox, among others. The finding of zoophilic and geophilic dermatophyte fungi in healthy, free-living and captive wild animals confirms their role as carriers, probable reservoirs and disseminators of these organisms in the environment, and the potential risk they represent as causes of zoonoses. Zoophilic dermatophytes are usually transmitted by contact between individuals and contaminated fomites. In the case of M. canis in the red fox the contact was an asymptomatic domestic cat. In the present case the transmission was not determined, since the animal was rescued from the wild. Regarding the age group, young animals are more susceptible to dermatophytes than adults, probably related to the greater immunity of adults due to previous contacts or even the immaturity of the immune system of the young. The dermatophytosis diagnosis is generally based on anamnesis, physical examination of the lesion, Wood’s lamp examination, microscopic skin scraping, fungal culture, or even histology and PCR tests. In the present case, the final diagnosis was based upon by fungal culture in Sabouraud agar, which allowed to identify the dermatophyte species and,thus, the possible source of infection. Dermatophyte infections can be treated with systemic or topical antifungal medications. Because it was a young animal, it was chosen in the present case only for topical use, which proved to be adequate, probably due to the action of the drug in the areas of alopecia skin and the improvement of the systemic condition of theanimal. Knowing that the maned wolf is considered as a vulnerable species, it is important to know the diseases that affect this species, in order to carry out, when necessary, disease monitoring programs, preventive and therapies, which is essential for its preservation.Keywords: wild animal, disease, skin, dermatophyte

    Beyond the border of the athlete-centered approach: a model to understand runners' performance

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    Our purpose is to move beyond the borders of the athlete-centered approach by examining the runners' environment interplay as a key factor for performance. Based on the ecological systems theory, the micro-level (intrapersonal, interpersonal, and training characteristics), meso-level (a direct association with athletes is not observed, but the environment plays an influence on the relationships built at the micro-level), and macro-level (contextual features that influence athletic systems) were theorized and contextualized as important factors for the expression of different outcomes, including performance and participation. We also conceptualized the microtime, mesotime, and macrotime as a constraint. Through this model, we aimed to provide applications and conclusions about how this conceptual model provides advances in the scientific research field. By understanding how environmental factors influence their performance, runners can make informed decisions about where and how to train and compete. Furthermore, by recognizing the role of culture and social context in shaping runners' experiences and outcomes, we can work toward creating a more equitable and supportive running culture for all

    Contributo para o estudo do treino de meio-fundo/fundo de atletas jovens em Portugal

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência do Desporto apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do PortoO meio-fundo e fundo (MFF) português tem vindo desde os anos 70 a afirmar-se no panorama do atletismo europeu e mundial, sendo exemplo disso os recentes Campeonatos da Europa realizados em Budapeste em Agosto de 1998. Não obstante, existe a convicção que estes êxitos são o corolário de esforços isolados levados a cabo por atletas, treinadores e respectivos clubes ou decorrendo de fenómenos puramente circunstanciais, não sendo, portanto, consequência de uma organização desportiva em profundidade, verdadeiramente concertada e pautada pela qualidade da formação desportiva proporcionada às crianças e jovens. Assim, esta dissertação tem como principal propósito investigar a forma como actualmente vem ocorrendo o processo de formação desportiva (treino e competição) dos jovens atletas (até ao escalão júnior) com aparente aptidão para as provas de MFF. Dado que, neste domínio, a investigação e consequente produção de documentos tem sido muito escassa, para podermos confrontar os nossos resultados, houve necessidade de se proceder a uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as principais orientações metodológicas e pedagógicas para preparação desportiva a longo prazo de crianças e jovens, bem como investigar retrospectivamente o processo de formação (treino e competição) seguido, quando jovens, pelos melhores atletas portugueses de MFF. Nesse sentido foram investigados 32 treinadores de jovens e 26 atletas de alta competição através de duas entrevistas semi-estruturadas de resposta aberta (respectivamente anexos A e B), previamente validadas de acordo com a literatura de referência. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e posteriormente transcritas e tratadas através da análise de conteúdo na sua função heurística. Os principais resultados e conclusões obtidos sobre o treino e a competição realizados durante o estádio de treino de base apresentam divergências importantes entre ambos os grupos, bem como relativamente aos consensos estabelecidos na revisão da literatura, para as eta ..

    Tándem : didáctica de la educación física

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analiza el potencial de los materiales autoconstruidos para la enseñanza del atletismo en educación física. Para ello, se presenta una pequeña propuesta ilustrada con fotografías y una serie de consideraciones didácticas, que servirán como recurso al profesorado que se anime con esta experiencia singular y enriquecedora.Biblioteca del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Representação dos alunos e professora acerca do valor educativo do Modelo de Educação Desportiva numa unidade didática de Atletismo

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    Este estudo teve como propósito examinar as perceções de uma professora de Educação Física e dos seus alunos em relação ao valor educativo do Modelo de Educação Desportiva, no desenvolvimento da competência motora, da literacia desportiva e do entusiasmo. O estudo foi aplicado numa unidade de Atletismo tendo participado uma professora com 19 anos de experiência em ensino e uma turma com 19 alunos do 6.º ano de escolaridade. No final da unidade foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a todos os participantes. O clima envolvente das tarefas de aprendizagem e o contexto de ensino autêntico e significativo foram percebidas como determinantes no desenvolvimento dos alunos enquanto desportistas competentes, literatos e entusiastas. A competência adquirida foi percebida como resultado do tempo mais longo concedido à unidade em relação às unidades mais tradicionais, bem como da autonomia crescente dos alunos na realização das tarefas, fruto do equilíbrio gerado entre inclusão e competição, o qual também promoveu a literacia desportiva. O entusiasmo resultou da interdependência das dinâmicas de trabalho cooperativo, da festividade fomentada pelo modelo/inerente/ implícita ao modelo e do clima motivacional gerado, com impacto substantivo no compromisso dos alunos para com a prática. Finalmente, a implementação do Modelo de Educação Desportiva ofereceu à docente um espaço de reflexão e desenvolvimento profissional