199 research outputs found
Notas sobre la flora acuática de Ciudad Real
MEDINA, L., GARCÍA RÍO, R. & DRAPER, D. 2002. Notas sobre la flora acuática de Ciudad Real. Bot. Complutensis 26: 53-58. Se comentan 4 plantas hidrófilas, especies raras o amenazadas en Castilla-La Mancha, recolectadas en la provincia de Ciudad Real. Se cita por segunda vez Marsilea batardae en la provincia y se amplía el área de distibución de Butomus umbellatus, Hydrocotyle vulgaris y Marsilea strigosa.MEDINA, L., GARCÍA RÍO, R. & DRAPER, D. 2002. Notes on Ciudad Real aquatic flora. Bot. Complutensis 26: 53-58. Four aquatic plants, all of them rare or threathened species in Castilla-La Mancha, have been collected in Ciudad Real province. Marsilea batardae is recorded for the second time for the province and the distribution area of Butomus umbellatus, Hydrocotyle vulgaris and Marsilea strigosa is extended
Frequency and distribution of HPV genotypes in 800 genital samples of Ecuadorian men and women from the city of Guayaquil
Even though there are data published on HPV epidemiology in Ecuador, the distribution of genotypes in Guayaquil, the largest city in the country, has not been previously determined in a study including including both, men and women. The present study aimed to determine the distribution of 37 HPV genotypes in genital samples from Ecuadorian men and women living in the city of Guayaquil. Genital samples included in daily diagnostic routine were analyzed by the 37 HPV GenoArray Diagnostic Kit (Hybribio® Ltd., Sheung Wan, Hong Kong). The relative frequency of detectable genotypes was determined. HPV relative frequency according to sample characteristics, including sex and age groups, was compared using c2 test. From the 800 samples (400 men and 400 women), 411 (51.38%) were positive for HPV DNA. The obtained frequency was higher among samples from men (253/400 or 63.25%) in comparison to samples from women (158/400 or 39.50%), with a p value <0.05. Samples from men showed a higher frequency of HPV genotypes 6, 16, 18 and 11, while among samples from women genotypes 39, 16, 6 and 58 were the most frequent. Considering male and female samples together, genotypes 6, 16, 39 and 11 presented the highest frequencies. HPV DNA was detected in half of the studied samples, with a higher frequency among samples from men. Genotype 39 was the most frequent among women, and ranked third when samples from men and women are analyzed together
Estudi de l'estabilitat tèrmica de l'espinel·la NiCo2O4 mesoporosa
Els materials mesoporos (amb una mida controlada de porus entre els 2 i 50 nm) tenen com a tret diferencial la seva gran superfície específica, la qual els fa aptes per a aplicacions molt diverses. L'espinel·la de NiCo2O4 és aplicable com a sensor de gasos, com a catalitzador de les reaccions d'evolució i reducció d'oxigen o com a elèctrode en electrosíntesi inorgànica i orgànica. Hom preveu que l'obtenció de NiCo2O4 mesoporós podria ampliar el ventall d'aplicacions d'aquest material o millorar les prestacions de les ja existents. L'objectiu del projecte és el de determinar el rang de temperatures d'ús dels dispositius que incorporin l'espinel·la de NiCo2O4 mesoporosa. Per tal d'analitzar l'estabilitat tèrmica d'aquest material, es realitza un procés de síntesi complet de mostres d'aquestes característiques. S'inicia un procés d'obtenció de nanomotlles de sílice amb mesoestructura SBA-15 i KIT-6 pel mètode de soft-templating. Aquests templates es validen per TEM i EDX i són els emprats per a la síntesi de mostres de NiCo2O4 per hard-templating. Un cop sintetitzades les mostres de NiCo2O4 SBA-15 i KIT-6, es procedeix a validar la qualitat de la seva mesoestructura per TEM, i la seva composició química per EDX i de fases per XRD. Aquestes dues mostres as-prepared passen a ser sotmeses a un seguit de tractaments tèrmics a temperatures de 400ºC, 450ºC, 500ºC, 550ºC i 600ºC. Això permetrà observar per TEM el col·lapse de la mesoestructura i per XRD serà possible detectar i quantificar la segregació de NiO que podria malmetre les propietats del material en qualsevol de les seves aplicacions. Segons l'aparició d'aquests dos efectes negatius, es determinarà una temperatura crítica de funcionalitat del NiCo2O4 mesoporós. També es farà una anàlisi termogravimètrica dels precursors emprats per a la síntesi del NiCo2O4 confinats en templates de sílice: nitrat de cobalt i nitrat de níquel per separat, i una mescla d'ambdós amb proporcions 0,5:1 Ni(II):Co(II). Es podrà observar en quines temperatures tenen lloc el processos físicoquímics patits per aquests precursors, quan té lloc la formació dels òxids pertinents i com afecta la presència dels nanomotlles a cada un d'ells. Finalment, aquest projecte també incideix en l'estudi de la reproductibilitat per hard-templating de l'espinel·la de FeCo2O4, un material força desconegut en format mesoporós. I la caracterització de les mostres as-prepared per TEM, EDX i XRD
Exclusive fish oil lipid emulsion rescue strategy improves cholestasis in neonates on partially fish oil-based lipid emulsion: a pilot study
Resolution of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease has been identified in infants
receiving SMOFlipid™ or a 100% fish oil lipid emulsion (FOLE). However, the effect of FOLE is
unknown when the previous emulsion received is a mixed lipid emulsion containing fish oil. This
observational pilot study reports data regarding the use of Omegaven™ after the diagnosis of
cholestasis while receiving SMOFlipid™. We conducted a retrospective review of medical charts of
neonates in which a partially fish oil-based lipid emulsion was replaced by a fish oil lipid emulsion at
1 g/kg/day due to cholestasis. Thirty-eight infants (92.1% preterm, being 44.7% born below 28 weeks’
gestation), received FOLE. Birth weight was 1390 (743.0; 2298) grams. The age that cholestasis
diagnosed was 15.0 (10.0; 24.8) days. The fish oil emulsion was administered for 38.5 (11.2; 51.8) days.
In 73.7% (28/38) of the neonates, the cholestasis was resolved. In 34.2% (13/38), resolution happened
before FOLE discontinuation. In addition, in the rest of the neonates (15) in whom cholestasis
resolved, resolution occurred after FOLE discontinuation. Nine of the neonates died. In conclusion,
the use of a 100% fish oil-based emulsion in neonates afflicted with cholestasis developed while on a
partially fish oil-based emulsion is associated with a bilirubin decreas
Prácticas de responsabilidad social empresarial desde las áreas funcionales de gestión humana: análisis de resultados en cuatro empresas del suroccidente colombiano
El presente artículo contiene un análisis de resultados sobre cuatro estudios de casoelaborados con el objetivo de identificar y categorizar las prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial(RSE), orientadas desde las áreas funcionales de Gestión Humana hacia los trabajadoresde cuatro empresas del suroccidente colombiano. Los resultados provienen de una investigacióncualitativa y exploratoria finalizada por el Grupo Humanismo y Gestión de la Universidad del Valleen el 2010, como respuesta a una agenda de investigación incipiente sobre la vinculación de laRSE con los procesos de Gestión Humana en las organizaciones, particularmente en el contexto colombiano
Effect of dietary docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on the participation of vasodilator factors in aorta from orchidectomized rats
Benefits of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against cardiovascular diseases have
been reported. Vascular tone regulation is largely mediated by endothelial factors whose
release is modulated by sex hormones. Since the incidence of cardiovascular pathologies
has been correlated with decreased levels of sex hormones, the aim of this study was to
analyze whether a diet supplemented with the specific PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
could prevent vascular changes induced by an impaired gonadal function. For this purpose,
control and orchidectomized rats were fed with a standard diet supplemented with 5% (w/w)
sunflower oil or with 3% (w/w) sunflower oil plus 2% (w/w) DHA. The lipid profile, the blood
pressure, the production of prostanoids and nitric oxide (NO), and the redox status of biological
samples from control and orchidectomized rats, fed control or DHA-supplemented diet,
were analyzed. The vasodilator response and the contribution of NO, prostanoids and
hyperpolarizing mechanisms were also studied. The results showed that orchidectomy negatively
affected the lipid profile, increased the production of prostanoids and reactive oxygen
species (ROS), and decreased NO production and the antioxidant capacity, as well as
the participation of hyperpolarizing mechanisms in the vasodilator responses. The DHAsupplemented
diet of the orchidectomized rats decreased the release of prostanoids and
ROS, while increasing NO production and the antioxidant capacity, and it also improved the
lipid profile. Additionally, it restored the participation of hyperpolarizing mechanisms by activating
potassium. Since the modifications induced by the DHA-supplemented diet were
observed in the orchidectomized, but not in the healthy group, DHA seems to exert cardioprotective
effects in physiopathological situations in which vascular dysfunction existsThis study was supported by grants to MF
from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias
(PI1100406), Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/ABI-
2783, “INSPIRA1-CM”), Fondo Europeo de
Desarrollo Regional, and Centro de Estudios América
Latina (Grupo Santander-UAM)
PRIPARE: Integrating Privacy Best Practices into a Privacy Engineering Methodology
Data protection authorities worldwide have agreed on the value of considering privacy-by-design principles when developing privacy-friendly systems and software. However, on the technical plane, a profusion of privacy-oriented guidelines and approaches coexists, which provides partial solutions to the overall problem and aids engineers during different stages of the system development lifecycle. As a result, engineers find difficult to understand what they should do to make their systems abide by privacy by design, thus hindering the adoption of privacy engineering practices. This paper reviews existing best practices in the analysis and design stages of the system development lifecycle, introduces a systematic methodology for privacy engineering that merges and integrates them, leveraging their best features whilst addressing their weak points, and describes its alignment with current standardization efforts
Protective effect of quercetin on high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice is mediated by modulating intestinal microbiota imbalance and related gut-liver axis activation
60 p.Gut microbiota is involved in obesity, metabolic syndrome and the progression of
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It has been recently suggested that the
flavonoid quercetin may have the ability to modulate the intestinal microbiota
composition, suggesting a prebiotic capacity which highlights a great therapeutic
potential in NAFLD. The present study aims to investigate benefits of experimental
treatment with quercetin on gut microbial balance and related gut-liver axis activation in
a nutritional animal model of NAFLD associated to obesity. C57BL/6J mice were
challenged with high fat diet (HFD) supplemented or not with quercetin for 16 weeks.
HFD induced obesity, metabolic syndrome and the development of hepatic steatosis as
main hepatic histological finding. Increased accumulation of intrahepatic lipids was
associated with altered gene expression related to lipid metabolism, as a result of
deregulation of their major modulators. Quercetin supplementation decreased insulin
resistance and NAFLD activity score, by reducing the intrahepatic lipid accumulation
through its ability to modulate lipid metabolism gene expression, cytochrome P450 2E1
(CYP2E1)-dependent lipoperoxidation and related lipotoxicity. Microbiota composition
was determined via 16S ribosomal RNA Illumina next-generation sequencing.
Metagenomic studies revealed HFD-dependent differences at phylum, class and genus
levels leading to dysbiosis, characterized by an increase in Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes
ratio and in Gram-negative bacteria, and a dramatically increased detection of
Helicobacter genus. Dysbiosis was accompanied by endotoxemia, intestinal barrier
dysfunction and gut-liver axis alteration and subsequent inflammatory gene
overexpression. Dysbiosis-mediated toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4)-NF-B signaling
pathway activation was associated with inflammasome initiation response and reticulum
stress pathway induction. Quercetin reverted gut microbiota imbalance and related
endotoxemia-mediated TLR-4 pathway induction, with subsequent inhibition of
inflammasome response and reticulum stress pathway activation, leading to the
blockage of lipid metabolism gene expression deregulation. Our results support the
suitability of quercetin as a therapeutic approach for obesity-associated NAFLD via its
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and prebiotic integrative response.Gut microbiota is involved in obesity, metabolic syndrome and the progression of
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It has been recently suggested that the
flavonoid quercetin may have the ability to modulate the intestinal microbiota
composition, suggesting a prebiotic capacity which highlights a great therapeutic
potential in NAFLD. The present study aims to investigate benefits of experimental
treatment with quercetin on gut microbial balance and related gut-liver axis activation in
a nutritional animal model of NAFLD associated to obesity. C57BL/6J mice were
challenged with high fat diet (HFD) supplemented or not with quercetin for 16 weeks.
HFD induced obesity, metabolic syndrome and the development of hepatic steatosis as
main hepatic histological finding. Increased accumulation of intrahepatic lipids was
associated with altered gene expression related to lipid metabolism, as a result of
deregulation of their major modulators. Quercetin supplementation decreased insulin
resistance and NAFLD activity score, by reducing the intrahepatic lipid accumulation
through its ability to modulate lipid metabolism gene expression, cytochrome P450 2E1
(CYP2E1)-dependent lipoperoxidation and related lipotoxicity. Microbiota composition
was determined via 16S ribosomal RNA Illumina next-generation sequencing.
Metagenomic studies revealed HFD-dependent differences at phylum, class and genus
levels leading to dysbiosis, characterized by an increase in Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes
ratio and in Gram-negative bacteria, and a dramatically increased detection of
Helicobacter genus. Dysbiosis was accompanied by endotoxemia, intestinal barrier
dysfunction and gut-liver axis alteration and subsequent inflammatory gene
overexpression. Dysbiosis-mediated toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4)-NF-B signaling
pathway activation was associated with inflammasome initiation response and reticulum
stress pathway induction. Quercetin reverted gut microbiota imbalance and related
endotoxemia-mediated TLR-4 pathway induction, with subsequent inhibition of
inflammasome response and reticulum stress pathway activation, leading to the
blockage of lipid metabolism gene expression deregulation. Our results support the
suitability of quercetin as a therapeutic approach for obesity-associated NAFLD via its
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and prebiotic integrative respons
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