420 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Sensing with Metal Oxides

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    The effective sensing of hydrogen peroxide is important for a variety of reasons. It can be utilized as a diagnostic tool for diseases like asthma; also, the sensing can be utilized in pharmaceutical and food production for quality control. The use of silver oxide nanoparticles with varying morphologies has not been investigated as a sensing agent for hydrogen peroxide in the past. The particles’ properties and ability to oxidize and reduce hydrogen peroxide suggest that they will be effective to create a sensitive sensor. The silver oxide particles were prepared through chemical reduction using varying molar ratios of reactants. The varying ratios created three different particle shapes: hexapod, octahedral, and cubic. A three electrode system was to evaluate electrochemical properties, and the working electrode was coated with the silver oxide particles. Current response, detection limit, and electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were done to gauge the effectiveness of the sensor, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), Zeta potential, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to characterize the particles. The use of these particles has shown positive results for a sensor, with very high sensitivity and a good detection limit. The hexapods gave more response than the octahedral which gave more response than the cubic particles. The low stability suggests a new coating method must be investigated, but overall, the very high sensitivity of the silver oxide particles would be useful for aforementioned applications of hydrogen peroxide sensing

    Redistribución de planta y su influencia en la productividad en el Molino Sol de Pacasmayo S.A.C. – ciudad de Dios, 2022

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la redistribución de planta en la productividad en el Molino Sol de Pacasmayo S.A.C. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, con un enfo que cuantitativo y de diseño pre experimental donde se analizó el comportamiento de la productividad producto de la redistribución de planta tanto en el pre test y también en el post test. La población la conformaron las áreas del proceso de pilado que tiene el molino. Los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de datos fueron Guía de observación de los factores de la problemática, Ficha de registro de Ficha de registro, un formato de relación de actividades, huincha y cronómetro. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el software SPSS, con un nivel de significancia de 0.002 (P<0.050) mediante la prueba no paramétrica Wilcoxon. Se concluye que la redistribución de planta mejora la productividad de la empresa Molino Sol de Pacasmayo S.A.C. en un 11.18%

    Differences in Quadriceps Activation During Return-to-play in Lower Body Resistance-Trained Females

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    Muscular activation in the quadriceps is indicative of proper muscular function, which is the sole determinant of a return-to-play assessment. Specifically, the activation within the knee extensors is essential to the evaluation of ACL tears. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to bilaterally compare muscular activation of the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), and rectus femoris (RF) during isokinetic knee extensions across velocities. METHODS: 8 lower-body resistance-trained females (n=8; age= 19 ±1, height= 169.06 ±3.85 cm, weight= 64.46 ±4.76 kg) completed this study. Using an isokinetic dynamometer, subjects performed continuous isokinetic knee extensions at velocities of 60°/sec, 180°/sec, and 240°/sec. Three separate 4-pin surface electromyography (EMG) sensors were used to record activation within the VL, VM, and RF during the protocol. Average root mean squared (RMS) values were calculated via manual editing techniques across the contractions at all three velocities. A three-way mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) (velocity [60°/sec v 180°/sec v 240°/sec] x muscle [VL v VM v RF] x leg [dominant v non-dominant]) was used to compare average RMS values during the differing velocities. RESULTS: There were no significant velocity x muscle x leg interactions (p\u3e0.05) in the RMS values. However, when collapsed by muscle and leg, there was a significant main effect (p\u3c0.05) for muscle activation at each separate velocity. CONCLUSION: These could be due to evaluation and EPOC windows during manual editing techniques, which account for potential electromechanical delays and onset of torque production

    Impacto del marketing digital en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego distrito de Trujillo semestre 2017-10

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    El presente estudio se ha realizado con el propósito, de “Determinar el impacto del marketing digital en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, distrito de Trujillo, semestre 2017-10”. Con base en los antecedentes, marco teórico y estudio de la realidad problemática, se planteó la siguiente hipótesis: El marketing digital impacta de forma positiva en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración. Las dimensiones que conforman la variable independiente: marketing digital, son las 4F del marketing digital (flujo, funcionalidad, fidelización y feedback); y las dimensiones de la variable dependiente: demanda, son: precio, renta, servicios relacionados, gustos, y expectativas. Esta investigación, de tipo aplicada ex post facto, utilizó el diseño correlacional, empleando las técnicas de encuesta y entrevista. Para la encuesta, se hizo uso de un cuestionario compuesto por 21 items; y para la entrevista, se realizaron 4 preguntas al encargado del área de marketing digital y redes sociales. La población estuvo compuesta por 200 jóvenes, postulantes a la carrera de administración de la UPAO, de los cuales, se obtuvo una muestra estadística de 132 jóvenes, mediante el tipo de muestreo aleatorio simple. La hipótesis fue contrastada mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado. Finalmente, se concluyó que el marketing digital presenta un impacto positivo en la demanda de postulantes, en la medida que el marketing digital es bueno, la demanda también lo es, lo cual queda demostrado a través de la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado.The present research had the purpose of determinate the impact of digital marketing on the demand of applicants to the Antenor Orrego Private University Administration School, Trujillo, semester 2017-10. Based on the background, theoretical framework and the study of the problematic reality, the hypothesis set out was: Digital marketing impacts positively on the Administration School’s demand. The independent variable (digital marketing) dimensions were: the 4F of digital marketing: flow, functionality, fidelity and feedback; the dependent variable (demand) dimensions were: price, income, related services, tastes, and expectations. This ex post facto applied research used the correlational design, and the following techniques: survey and interview. The survey was formed by 21 items; and interview was formed by 4 questions asked by the digital marketing and social networks manager. The population was composed of 200 Administration School postulants, and the statistical sample was composed of 132 young people, chosen by simple random sampling. The hypothesis was tested using the chi-square test. Finally, it has been concluded that digital marketing had a positive impact on the demand of applicants, to the extent that digital marketing and demand are both good, which is demonstrated through the chi-square statistical test.Tesi

    A Bilateral Comparison of Overuse Shoulder Rotation in Overhead Throwing Athletes

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    Repetition of an unnatural movement may lead to skeletal muscle and/or connective tissue injury resulting in bilateral deficits. These discrepancies can be identified via the assessment of electromyographic activation and peak torque (PT) values during concentric internal and external rotation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the bilateral differences in PT output and root mean squared (RMS) values during isokinetic internal and external shoulder rotation with association to overuse injuries. METHODS: Six overhead throwing athletes (n=6, age=19 ± 1 year; height=181.8 ± 7.5 cm; weight= 85.1 ± 7.9 kg) completed bilateral isokinetic internal and external rotation of the shoulder using an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System 4) while seated in an upright position. Subjects completed three contractions on command through 90 degrees of external rotation and 30 degrees of internal rotation at 60°/sec, 120°/sec, and 180°/sec. Two separate four-pin surface electromyography (EMG) sensors were used to record activation in the anterior and posterior deltoids. The PT and RMS values were averaged across contractions of the three separate velocities and used for statistical comparisons. Three separate two-way mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVAs) (rotation [internal v external] x arm [dominant v non-dominant]) were used to compare PT at the chosen velocities. Two separate two-way mixed factorial ANOVAs (velocity [60°/sec v 120°/sec v 180°/sec] x arm [dominant v non-dominant]) were used to compare RMS values at the chosen velocities for each muscle. RESULTS: For PT, there were no significant rotation x arm interaction (p\u3e0.01). However, when collapsed by arm there was a significant main effect for rotation (p0.05). CONCLUSION: Greater internal PT production during low velocity contractions is expected as torque and angular velocity are inversely proportional. Comparisons between internal and external PT is significant as overhead throwing mechanics require more proficiency in internal rotation than external rotation. Additionally, non-significant bilateral comparison may suggest that the subjects have been well trained to overcome expected deficiencies with overuse in sports specific tasks

    Development and Metrological Characterization of a Multi-sensor Device for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring

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    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), which affects people's health, comfort, well-being and productivity, combines thermal, visual, acoustic and air quality conditions. This work deals with design, development and metrological characterization of a low-cost multi-sensor device that is able to detect the quality conditions of indoor environments for IEQ purposes. The device, hereafter referred as PROMET&O (PROactive Monitoring for indoor EnvironmenTal quality & cOmfort) embeds a set of low-cost sensors that measure air temperature and relative humidity, illuminance, sound pressure level, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter, formaldehyde, and nitrogen dioxide. The basic architecture of the device is described and the design criteria that are related to the measurement requirements are highlighted. Particular attention has been paid towards the traceability assurance of the measurements provided by PROMET&O by means of specifically conceived calibration procedures, which have been tailored to the requirements of each measurement quantity. The calibration is based on the comparison to reference standards following commonly employed or ad-hoc developed technical procedures. The defined calibration procedures can be applied both for the single sensors and for the set of sensors integrated in the multi-sensor case. For the latter, the effects of the percentage of permeable case surface and the sensors allocation are also investigated. A preliminary uncertainty evaluation of the proposed multi-sensor device is reported for the carbon dioxide and the illuminance sensors taking the defined calibration procedures into account

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H5N1 in Africa: A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis and Molecular Characterization of Isolates

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/H5N1 was first officially reported in Africa in early 2006. Since the first outbreak in Nigeria, this virus spread rapidly to other African countries. From its emergence to early 2008, 11 African countries experienced A/H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and human cases were also reported in three of these countries. At present, little is known of the epidemiology and molecular evolution of A/H5N1 viruses in Africa. We have generated 494 full gene sequences from 67 African isolates and applied molecular analysis tools to a total of 1,152 A/H5N1 sequences obtained from viruses isolated in Africa, Europe and the Middle East between 2006 and early 2008. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of the 8 gene viral segments confirmed that 3 distinct sublineages were introduced, which have persisted and spread across the continent over this 2-year period. Additionally, our molecular epidemiological studies highlighted the association between genetic clustering and area of origin in a majority of cases. Molecular signatures unique to strains isolated in selected areas also gave us a clearer picture of the spread of A/H5N1 viruses across the continent. Mutations described as typical of human influenza viruses in the genes coding for internal proteins or associated with host adaptation and increased resistance to antiviral drugs have also been detected in the genes coding for transmembrane proteins. These findings raise concern for the possible human health risk presented by viruses with these genetic properties and highlight the need for increased efforts to monitor the evolution of A/H5N1 viruses across the African continent. They further stress how imperative it is to implement sustainable control strategies to improve animal and public health at a global level

    Evidence of Infection by H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Healthy Wild Waterfowl

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    The potential existence of a wild bird reservoir for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been recently questioned by the spread and the persisting circulation of H5N1 HPAI viruses, responsible for concurrent outbreaks in migratory and domestic birds over Asia, Europe, and Africa. During a large-scale surveillance programme over Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, we detected avian influenza viruses of H5N2 subtype with a highly pathogenic (HP) viral genotype in healthy birds of two wild waterfowl species sampled in Nigeria. We monitored the survival and regional movements of one of the infected birds through satellite telemetry, providing a rare evidence of a non-lethal natural infection by an HP viral genotype in wild birds. Phylogenetic analysis of the H5N2 viruses revealed close genetic relationships with H5 viruses of low pathogenicity circulating in Eurasian wild and domestic ducks. In addition, genetic analysis did not reveal known gallinaceous poultry adaptive mutations, suggesting that the emergence of HP strains could have taken place in either wild or domestic ducks or in non-gallinaceous species. The presence of coexisting but genetically distinguishable avian influenza viruses with an HP viral genotype in two cohabiting species of wild waterfowl, with evidence of non-lethal infection at least in one species and without evidence of prior extensive circulation of the virus in domestic poultry, suggest that some strains with a potential high pathogenicity for poultry could be maintained in a community of wild waterfowl

    Replication and Transmission of H9N2 Influenza Viruses in Ferrets: Evaluation of Pandemic Potential

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    H9N2 avian influenza A viruses are endemic in poultry of many Eurasian countries and have caused repeated human infections in Asia since 1998. To evaluate the potential threat of H9N2 viruses to humans, we investigated the replication and transmission efficiency of H9N2 viruses in the ferret model. Five wild-type (WT) H9N2 viruses, isolated from different avian species from 1988 through 2003, were tested in vivo and found to replicate in ferrets. However these viruses achieved mild peak viral titers in nasal washes when compared to those observed with a human H3N2 virus. Two of these H9N2 viruses transmitted to direct contact ferrets, however no aerosol transmission was detected in the virus displaying the most efficient direct contact transmission. A leucine (Leu) residue at amino acid position 226 in the hemagglutinin (HA) receptor-binding site (RBS), responsible for human virus-like receptor specificity, was found to be important for the transmission of the H9N2 viruses in ferrets. In addition, an H9N2 avian-human reassortant virus, which contains the surface glycoprotein genes from an H9N2 virus and the six internal genes of a human H3N2 virus, showed enhanced replication and efficient transmission to direct contacts. Although no aerosol transmission was observed, the virus replicated in multiple respiratory tissues and induced clinical signs similar to those observed with the parental human H3N2 virus. Our results suggest that the establishment and prevalence of H9N2 viruses in poultry pose a significant threat for humans