361 research outputs found


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Miquel EDO, Luigi Pirandell

    El paper de la cartografia en la difusió de la ciència

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    Les contribucions principals de la cartografia a la difusió de la ciència són bàsicament dues. La primera és la pròpia de la disciplina, és a dir, la confecció de mapes detallats i mètricament correctes (isomorfs espacials) de la superfície terrestre. Es pot considerar que aquest objectiu històric s'ha assolit amb plenitud al segle XX. A més, la realització de mapes al llarg de la història, al mateix temps que intentava subministrar documents fiables de la superfície terrestre, ha contribuït a forjar la imatge del món. La segona aportació cabdal es basa en el caràcter de canal de comunicació dels mapes, sobretot dels temàtics. Com a mitjà de comunicació, els mapes presenten un codi propi universal, els trets principals del qual s'analitzen aquí. La implantació dels símbols cartogràfics, les variables visuals que intervenen en el disseny de la simbologia i el comportament perceptiu d'aquestes, configuren la gramàtica bàsica del llenguatge cartogràfic.Two are the main contribution of Cartography to the spreading of science. In the first place, the discipline in itself, that is, the making of maps of the Earth surface in a detailed and metrically correct way (spatial isomorph). This historical goal has been definitively achieved in the 20th Century. Moreover, while trying to provide reliable documents about the earth surface, throughout history the making of maps has also helped to shape the image of the world. The second essential contribution is based on the nature of maps as a mean of communication, especially as regard the thematic ones. As a mean of communication, maps provide their own universal code, of which its main features we analyse here. The types of cartographic symbols, the visual variables present in the design of symbology, and their perceptive rules provide the essential grammar of the cartographic language

    El paper de la Cartografia en la difusió de la ciència

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    Les contribucions principals de la cartografia a la difusió de la ciència són bàsicament dues. La primera és la pròpia de la disciplina, és a dir, la confecció de mapes detallats i mètricament correctes (isomorfs espacials) de la superfície terrestre. Es pot considerar que aquest objectiu històric s'ha assolit amb plenitud al segle XX. A més, la realització de mapes al llarg de la història, al mateix temps que intentava subministrar documents fiables de la superfície terrestre, ha contribuït a forjar la imatge del món. La segona aportació cabdal es basa en el caràcter de canal de comunicació dels mapes, sobretot dels temàtics. Com a mitjà de comunicació, els mapes presenten un codi propi universal, els trets principals del qual s'analitzen aquí. La implantació dels símbols cartogràfics, les variables visuals que intervenen en el disseny de la simbologia i el comportament perceptiu d'aquestes, configuren la gramàtica bàsica del llenguatge cartogràfic

    Evaluación de acaricidas para el control de Tetranychus urticae “Araña Roja” en el cultivo de Musa x paradisiaca “Banano” en finca Nueva Esmeralda, Santo Domingo, Suchitepéquez.

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    The research was developed through the Supervised Professional Exercise (EPS) carried out in the Nueva Esmeralda farm in the San Mauricio, Santo Domingo, Suchitepéquez subdivision and as a general objective was to evaluate miticides for the control of the red spider T. urticae in the crop. of banana M. x paradisiaca. In order to achieve the objectives, field data collection, interviews, cabinet information collection were carried out and immersion in the field was essential to obtain the results presented in this investigation. The Nueva Esmeralda farm requested to analyze the behavior of the red spider T. urticae, because it is a pest that is affecting the banana crop M. x paradisiaca, therefore in this investigation the following objectives were set to counteract the damage from the same; evaluate acaricides for the control of the red spider plague T. urticae in the cultivation of M. x paradisiaca; compare the climatic variables temperature and relative humidity that influence the population of red spider T. urticae; to evaluate the efficiency of the acaricides for the control of the red spider mite T. urticae under controlled conditions and to compare the variable cost of the acaricides in banana M. x paradisiaca

    Sustainability-Based Framework Development and Specification for Coal Phase-out Policy: Just Transition and Sustainability Requirements in the Canadian Context

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    Following the Paris Agreement and the commitment to the NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) by its members, Canada has reinforced the engagement with a decrease of fossil fuel consumption through a federal policy to phase-out coal by 2030. This thesis analyzes the necessary sustainability criteria reliant on socio-ecological and economic aspects to assess national coal phase-out policy with particular attention to the Canadian case. The research discusses the specification of essential sustainability-based criteria for national coal phase-out policy with just transition and sustainability requirements and integrates other specific sustainability criteria, illuminated by the Canadian case study. The proposed sustainability framework for coal phase-out policy instruments brings to light the necessity of an integrative approach, embedding essential issues for sustainable national climate change policy such as equity and just transition principles in alliance with environmental requirements. This research identifies the benefits of an integrative and robust sustainability framework to promote environmental progress and equity for transition processes to a low carbon economy. This thesis work aims to answer three central research questions: Firstly, what specific requirements are needed to ensure a coal phase-out policy is aligned with contributions to sustainability, with particular attention to climate change mitigation and just transition? Secondly, what can be learned from coal phase-out experiences already implemented globally in terms of strategies and tools applied, challenges, barriers, and drivers for coal phase-out? Thirdly, how can the characteristics of the Canadian design and implementation of coal phase-out policy inform the development and specification of a sustainability-based framework for informing national coal phase-out policies? To address these questions, the thesis builds on Gibson et al.'s (2005) sustainability assessment framework and adapts it to coal phase-out policies. The resulting framework comprises five key categories: socio-ecological system integrity and compliance with fundamental climate change mitigation objectives, livelihood sufficiency, affordability, equity, and opportunity, social dialogue, participatory decision-making, and democratic governance, Adaptability, precaution, and monitoring for long-term sustainability, and Governance accountability, inter-jurisdictional collaboration, and government support. The framework is tested through application to the Canadian case study, which not only validates and enhances its criteria but also provides context-specific insights. The study emphasizes multi-level governance, inclusive engagement, transition fuel challenges, community vulnerability, and establishment of governance bodies as crucial aspects in coal phase-out policy. In conclusion, this research contributes a holistic sustainability-based framework for assessing and guiding coal phase-out policies. Its application to the Canadian case underscores its practical value while acknowledging the need for context-specific adaptation. By promoting an integrated approach that encompasses social, economic, and environmental dimensions, the framework offers a pathway towards sustainable and equitable coal phase-out, essential for a low carbon future

    La capacitación como estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias de las mujeres en el aprendizaje de la educación no formal: Estudio realizado con el grupo de mujeres que integran el consorcio del Cantón Chuk Muk del municipio de Santiago Atitlán, Sololá

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    La investigación sobre “La capacitación como estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias en el aprendizaje de la educación no formal”. Investigó acerca de la incidencia lograda, las estrategias, los tipos que reciben, sus principales aportes en el alcance de competencias en el aprendizaje de la educación no formal, útil a su desarrollo personal de las mujeres socias del consorcio del Cantón Chuk Muk del municipio de Santiago Atitlán, Sololá. Además de la observación de estudios anteriores similares que aportaron conocimiento enriquecedor, al marco teórico en materia de capacitación, aprendizaje, competencias y educación no formal. También, fundamento legal que son parte importante en el andamiaje del estudio como los artículos constitucionales, leyes, reglamentos que regulan la investigación. Por consiguiente la metodología para lograr los objetivos planteados con un enfoque cualitativo y un tipo de investigación descriptivo, que por medio de encuestas, observación y un diagnóstico para dar respuesta a los mismos de una muestra no probabilística elegida a conveniencia por las características del grupo de estudio. Finalmente, las estrategias que utiliza la institución para alcanzar sus objetivos son eficientes, porque sus integrantes se han beneficiado por los conocimientos transmitidos a las diferentes asociaciones que forman parte del consorcio, la capacitación desempeña un papel fundamental en el alcance de las competencias del aprendizaje de la educación no formal por la variedad de aportes que esta le da a los grupos beneficiados

    Proyecto de intervención urbana en la plaza Monumento de las Américas y tres ejes viales de la ciudad de Cuilapa, Santa Rosa.

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    Planifica la renovación urbana de la 1a Avenida y de la 2a Avenida de Cuilapa, para crear los espacios, que permitan la participación ciudadana, con su mobiliario urbano, sus área jardinizadas, y su espacios verdes, con caminamientos. Sin perder la relación con los espacios patrimoniales y su recuperación. Desarrolla soluciones para la circulación peatonal, la vehicular, y la circulación de bicicletas, que contribuya en el logro de un espacio más humano

    Comments on the Causation of Malignant Mesothelioma: Rebutting the False Concept That Recent Exposures to Asbestos Do Not Contribute to Causation of Mesothelioma

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    Background: European asbestos manufacturers and their expert witnesses have advanced the claim that recent exposures to asbestos are not of significance in the causation of malignant mesothelioma. They argue that in cases of prolonged exposure to asbestos only the earliest exposures contribute to mesothelioma induction. Methods: The Collegium Ramazzini examined this claim and compared it with the findings of the Epidemiology and Public Health Working Group of the Second Italian Consensus Conference on Pleural Mesothelioma. This independent Working Group noted that earlier exposures are more effective in inducing mesothelioma, but that subsequent exposures also contribute and cannot be excluded. They found convincing evidence to support the conclusion that mesothelioma incidence is proportional to cumulative asbestos exposure. Conclusion: The Collegium Ramazzini concludes that risk of malignant mesothelioma is proportional to cumulative exposure to asbestos in which all exposures - early as well as late - contribute to the totality of risk. The Collegium Ramazzini rejects as false and scientifically unfounded the notion that only the earliest exposures to asbestos contribute to mesothelioma induction