29 research outputs found
Luminescence of sapphire single crystals irradiated with high-power ion beams
Optical absorption, photo- and cathodoluminescence of a sapphire single crystal (α-Al 2 O 3 ) exposed to pulsed nanosecond radiation with high-power ion beams C + /H + with an energy of 300 keV and energy density 0.5-1.5 J/cm 2 were first investigated in this work. It was found that under ion irradiation accompanied by heating of sapphire up to melting, the formation of F-type centers and their aggregates associated with oxygen vacancies was observed in the crystals under study. These centers have luminescence bands at 330, 410 and 500 nm which depend on the type and wavelength of the optical excitation. The appearance of a new PL emission at 435 nm, presumably associated with a complex vacancy-impurity defect, was also observed in the photoluminescence spectra. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work was supported by the initiative scientific project № 16.5186.2017/8.9 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Experiments on ion irradiation of sapphire was done at the KIPT as a part of the state task
New materials for the electromechanical and acoustoelectric transducers
The technology for creation of the polymer-microsized piezoelectriccomposite substrate is developed by employing the electric gas dis-charge plasma method. It is determined experimentally that as aresult of the nano-structurization of the volume of the polymer-pie-zoceramic composite close to the surface it is Young and piezo-modulus as well as the mechanical quality and electromechanicalcoupling coefficients and the dielectric constant has been increased,whereas, tangent losses are decreased depending on the type of thenanoparticle and its volume rate
Luminescent Properties of Nanostructured Al2O3 Ceramics Irradiated with C+/H+ Pulsed Ion Beams
The luminescent properties of nanostructured α-Al2O3 ceramics irradiated with C+/H+ pulsed ion beams have been studied. The relationship between changes in the TL properties of ceramics and the formation of radiation defects under irradiation is discussed
Coronavirus infection (COVID-19): ocular manifestations. clinical case
The article describes a clinical case of keratouveitis with hypertension in a patient with COVID-19 coronavirus infection.В статье рассмотрен клинический случай развития кератоувеита с гипертензией у пациента на фоне коронавирусной инфекцией COVID-1
Исследование роли полиморфных вариантов генов цитокинов в развитии бронхиальной астмы в Республике Башкортостан
Summary. Asthma is one of the most common, severe and debilitating multifactorial diseases resulting from complex interaction between genes and environ mental factors. The aim of the present work was to analyze the association between cytokine gene polymorphisms and development of asthma in population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. A total of 638 patients with asthma and 366 healthy individuals were recruited in our investigation. In summary, the study of cytokine gene polymorphisms and genegene interaction suggested an important role of TNFA, IL4, CCL11 and IL13 genepolymorphisms in the development of asthma in Bashkortostan population.Резюме. Бронхиальная астма (БА) является одним из наиболее распространенных, тяжелых и инвалидизирующих многофакторных заболеваний, развивающихся при тесном взаимодействии генетических и средовых факторов риска. Целью настоящей работы явился анализ ассоциации полиморфных вариантов генов цитокинов с развитием бронхиальной астмы в Республике Башкортостан. Материалом для исследования служили образцы ДНК 638 неродственных индивидов, больных БА, и 366 практически здоровых индивидов контрольной группы. Проведенное исследование полиморфных вариантов генов цитокинов (IL4, IL4RA, IL1B, IL1RA, IL10, IL13, CCL11, TNFA) и межгенных взаимодействий показало, что полиморфные варианты генов цитокинов TNFA, IL4, CCL11 и IL13 вносят вклад в формирование генетической предрасположенности к БА в Республике Башкортостан
Комплаентность и персистентность у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой с позиции офтальмолога
PURPOSE: Determination of key factors of non-compliance for treatment and duration of recommendations accomplishment in accordance with doctor’s instructions and associated with time from therapy start to its discontinuation (persistence) in patients with glaucoma by assessment of personal opinion of ophthalmologists with different amount of experience.METHODS: 509 queries of medical professionals (631 doctors) from Russia and other 6 countries were included into the study. All doctors’ queries were grouped according to the duration of their work experience, place of work — depending on medical care type (ambulatory or inpatient) and by hospital propriety type (state or private). Data collection method: online survey. The significance of the 32 selected compliance factors was assessed by the ball system from 10 (maximum significant factor) to 1 (minimally significant factor). Analysis program Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA).RESULTS: Data analysis allowed determining medium terms for continued application of recommended therapy depending on patients group. Persistency of low-compliant patients was considered a period of continued following of recommendations from 15 up to 27.5 days per year, high-compliant — 180-300 days per year. Doctors’ opinion depended on time in professional and place of work. Study results allowed recognizing percent’s of “low-compliant”, “mediumcompliant” and “high-compliant” patients. Following patients compliance factors were assessed as well: factors directly associated with treatment, factors, associated with patient’s condition, factors of behavioral compliance and social compliance. Moreover, trial results displayed difference in opinion of medical specialists depending on the duration of their work experience, place of work and clinic type.CONCLUSION: Study groups divided by the amount of healthcare experience showed no difference in patients compliance apprehension. Percentage of low-compliant patients was 20 [10; 30] %; medium-compliant — 30 [20; 45] and high-compliant — 50 [30; 60]% in all groups. A longer duration of healthcare experience corresponded with higher persistence requirements. Low-compliant patients followed recommendations for up to 20 days per year [7; 60]; medium-compliant — for 90 [20; 200] and lowcompliant — 200 [40; 350]. Primary factors for non-compliancy in all groups were defined as follows: absence of motivation; complicated instillation regimen influencing daily activities; absence of contact with attending physician; low information level concerning condition; age; side effects; medication price; laziness; family history of glaucoma. Factors of behavioral compliance were considered the most important in all groups — 75%.ЦЕЛЬ. Определение ключевых факторов нарушения приверженности к лечению (комплаентности) и продолжительности в выполнении назначений по времени от начала терапии до ее прекращения (персистентности) у пациентов с глаукомой при изучении субъективного мнения врачей-офтальмологов с разным стажем и местом работы.МЕТОДЫ. В исследование были включены 509 анкет от 631 врача из России и 6 стран СНГ. Все анкеты врачей были разделены на группы в зависимости от их стажа и места работы, вида собственности лечебно-профилактического учреждения (государственной или частной) и формы оказания медицинской помощи (амбулаторной или стационарной). Метод сбора данных: онлайн-анкетирование. Значимость 32 отобранных факторов комплаентности оценивалась по балльной системе от 10 (максимально значимого фактора) до 1 (минимально значимого фактора). Программа анализа: Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., США).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Анализ данных позволил получить средние сроки непрерывного соблюдения назначенной терапии в зависимости от принадлежности участников анкетирования к той или иной группе. Персистентность (период непрерывного соблюдения рекомендаций) низкокомплаентных пациентов составила от 15 до 27,5 дней в году, высококомплаентных — от 180 до 300 дней в году. Мнение врачей зависело от стажа и места их работы. Выявлены доли «низкокомплаентных», «среднекомплаентных» и «высококомплаентных» пациентов. Проанализированы конкретные факторы приверженности пациентов к соблюдению рекомендаций, связанные непосредственно с лечением, состоянием пациента, особенности поведенческой и социальной комплаентности. Результаты исследования показали различия мнений практикующих врачей в зависимости от стажа, места работы и вида лечебного учреждения.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. В анализируемых группах врачей, разделенных по стажу работы, разница в представлениях о комплаентности пациентов не выявлена. Доля «низкокомплаентных» пациентов составляет в среднем 20% [10; 30], «среднекомплаентных» — 30% [20; 45] и «высококомплаентных» — 50% [30; 60]. Чем больше стаж, тем более высокие требования предъявляются врачами к соблюдению рекомендаций. Предполагается, что «низкокомплаентные» пациенты соблюдают рекомендации в течение 20 [7; 60] дней в году, «среднекомплаентные» — 90 [20; 200], «высококомплаентные» — 200 [40; 350]. Ведущими факторами нарушения комплаентности во всех группах являются: отсутствие мотивации, сложный режим инстилляций, отсутствие контакта с врачом, низкая степень информированности о заболевании, возраст, забывчивость, наличие побочных эффектов, стоимость, лень, семейный анамнез глаукомы. На первом месте во всех группах отмечают факторы поведенческой комплаентности — до 75%
Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of different regimens of maintenance chemotherapy after the first line of treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.Materials and methods. We performed retrospective analyses of the data from 432 patients from 17 clinics in 14 regions of the Russian Federation who started systemic therapy for metastatic cancer in 2013. The main inclusion criterion was objective response or stabilization after the first 16 weeks of first-line therapy. Four groups of patients were compared, depending on the nature of maintenance therapy: those receiving fluoropyrimidines, a combination of fluoropyrimidines with bevacizumab, monotherapy of bevacizumab and monotherapy of anti-EGFR antibodies. The main criteria for assesment of the effectiveness of treatment were progression-free survival and overall survival. The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS 20.0 sof tware package.Results. Maintenance therapy after completion of the first 16 weeks of the 1st line of chemotherapy was administered in 126 patients, most of them were treated with fluoropyrimidines (53.1 %). The median overall survival in the maintenance group was 27 versus 21 months in the observation group, p=0.01, HR=0.78 (95 % CI 0.6–1.02) Median progression-free survival in the maintenance group was 11 vs 7 months in the observation group (p<0.001, HR=0.6, 95 % CI 0.5–0.8). The worst results of progression-free survival were observed in the group with monotherapy of bevacizumab – median was 10 months versus 12 months in the fluoropyrimidine monotherapy group, 10 months for the combination of fluoropyrimidine with bevacizumab and 14 months for monotherapy of the anti-EGFR (p=0,9, HR=1.0, 95 % CI 0.9–1.2).Conclusions. There were no statistical differences in survival with different regimens of maintenance therapy. Monotherapy of bevacizumab in maintenance treatment was associated with the worst sur vival rates.Цель. Оценить эффективность различных режимов поддерживающей терапии после окончания первой линии лечения больных метастатическим раком толстой кишки.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ индивидуальных карт 432 пациентов 17 клиник 14 регионов РФ, которые начали терапию по поводу метастатического рака в 2013 г. Основным критерием отбора в исследование являлось отсутствие прогрессирования в течение первых 16 нед. терапии первой линии. Проведено сравнение четырех групп пациентов в зависимости от характера поддерживающей терапии: получавших фторпиримидины, комбинацию фторпиримидинов с бевацизумабом, бевацизумаб в монорежиме и анти-EGFR антитела. Основными критериями оценки эффективности лечения считались выживаемость без прогрессирования и общая выживаемость. Статистический анализ проводился в пакете программ SPSS 20.0.Результаты. Поддерживающая терапия после завершения первой линии лечения была назначена 126 пациентам, большинству проводилась терапия фторпиримидинами (53,1 %). Медиана продолжительности жизни в группе поддерживающей терапии составила 27 мес. против 21 мес. в группе наблюдения (р=0,01, ОР=0,78, 95 % ДИ 0,6–1,02). Медиана выживаемости без прогрессирования – 11 против 7 мес. (p<0,001, ОР=0,6, 95 % ДИ 0,5–0,8). Наихудшие результаты выживаемости без прогрессирования наблюдались в группе поддерживающего лечения мототерапии бевацизумабом: медиана 10 мес. против 12 мес. в группе монотерапии фторпиримидинами, 10 мес. в группе комбинации фторпиримидинов с бевацизумабом и 14 мес. в группе монотерапии анти-EGFR антителами (р=0,9, ОР=1,0, 95 % ДИ 0,9–1,2).Выводы. Не получено статистических различий в выживаемости при применении различных режимов поддерживающей терапии. Монотерапия бевацизумабом в поддерживающем лечении была ассоциирована с наименьшими показателями выживаемости пациентов
Avicenna as a Great Philosopher of Medieval Science
This article explores the life and creative heritage of one of the prominent thinkers of the Islamic world, the medieval East, philosopher, scientist, founder of medicine Abu Ali ibn Sina. In modern philosophical debates of East and West, Avicennas ideas occupy a significant place in the scientific world. Avicennas work contains invaluable ideas about the moral and physical education of the individual. The authors of the article reflect on the role and significance of philosophical thought, Avicennas works in the process of educating todays youth on the basis of Eastern traditions and moral heritage
Optimization of medical care for patients with ectopic pregnancy at the prehospital stage
To date, throughout the world, a gold standard for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy has been recognized as a study of serum at β-hCG in combination with transvaginal echography. Ectopic pregnancy takes the first place among gynecological diseases in terms of the number of diagnostic errors, especially at an early stage. Purpose of the study. Analyze the defects in the provision of medical care to patients with ectopic pregnancy at an outpatient and outpatient stage and develop an optimized approach for providing primary care to patients with ectopic pregnancy. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 194 patients with confirmed ectopic pregnancy according to medical records and a prospective analysis of the quality of care in 332 patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy, taking into account the identified defects according to the optimized approach. Results. Using an optimized approach in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, it is possible to increase the efficiency of diagnosis on the first visit from 27,1% to 76,1%, and significantly improves the quality of primary care
Conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil in hydrothermal catalytic system
© 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The products of hydrothermal catalytic conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil at temperatures of 210, 250, and 300°C in a closed system with different amounts of water in the presence of the natural catalyst iron oxide (hematite) have been studied. It has been shown that the degradation of high-molecular-mass components of the extra-heavy oil, such as benzene- and alcohol-benzene-extractable resins and asphaltenes, leads to a generation of new light fractions that were absent in the initial crude oil. A difference between the oil components in stability to the conversion processes has been shown. The most significant changes are observed for the reduction in the amount of alcohol-benzene resins, which is accompanied by an increase in aromaticity and the extent of oxidation. In asphaltenes, the concentration of free radicals (R) increases and the concentration of tetravalent vanadium (V+4) decreases, changes that are accompanied by enhancement of structure carbonization and a reduction in their molecular mass. It has been shown that coking includes the step of formation of asphaltenes followed by the conversion of a part of them into high-carbon-content toluene-insoluble substance of the carbene and carboid type, which precipitate together with coke from the petroleum disperse system when a certain concentration is reached. Changes in the structure of the hematite catalyst has been also revealed