406 research outputs found


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    Sturt;s Desert Pea (SDP) adalah suatu tanaman legum. Tanaman ini berpotensi sebagai tanaman bunga dalam pot, juga cocok pada pot-pot gantung dan bunga potong. Keberhasilan secara komersial sangat tergantung pada produksi yang konsisten dari tanaman yang berkualitas.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan kondisi lingkungan yang sesuai untuk produksi tanaman. Faktor lingkungan yang diteliti adalah temperatur. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperatur pada pembungaan, maka penelitian  dilakukan  dengan  mengatur  temperatur  pada  25°C  konstan,  temperatur  10°C  malam  dan  22°C  siang,  dan  perlakuan  ketiga tanaman  ditumbuhkan  pada  temperatur  18°C  malam  dan  30°C  siang.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  tanaman  yang ditumbuhkan pada temperatur 18°C malam dan 30°C siang menghasilkan bunga lebih banyak dari  perlakuan temperatur lainnya

    La re-privatizacion de YPF

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    Por una concepción moderna de la enseñanza de la física

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    In this paper it is suggested how to approach, from a modern viewpoint, some questions, which are usually worked in the Physics lessons. Some particular activities are proposed and discussed

    Respon Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.) Secara Hidroponik Terhadap Komposisi Media Tanam Dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair

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    The purpose of this research to evaluate the response of growth and yield of mustard plants invarious growing media composition. This research used a randomized block design (RAK) factorial design consisting of two factors. The first factor is the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (C) which consists of three levels ie : C1 (6 ml/l of water), C2 (8 ml/l of water) and C3 (10 ml/l of water) The second factor is variety of growing media composition (M) which consists of three levels ie : M1 (a mixture of sand + husk 1:2), M2 (sand + husk 2:1), and M3 (sand + husk 1:1). So there are 9 combinations of treatment and repeated three times so that there are 27 experimental units. The results showed the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer significant effect on the components of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, plant fresh weight, dry weight of the plant. The concentration of liquid organic fertilizer 10 ml/l of water provide higher yields than the concentration of 8 ml/l of waterand 6 ml/l of water. The treatment of a variety of growing media composition significant effect on the components of plant height, number of leaves, and plant fresh weight. Planting medium sand + husk 1:1 gave higher yields compared to planting medium sand + husk 1:2 and 2:1

    Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Post-neonatal Mortality in Florida

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    This policy-related study examines primary care delivery methods in reducing population health disparities. We use post- neonatal mortality as an indicator ofpopulation health within counties to study the effects ofusing contracted service providers compared to direct provision of primary care by county health departments in improving health equity. We analyzed post- neonatal mortality data collected annually between 1997 and 2006 from ten ofFlorida’s most populous counties (\u3e500,000). Using Poisson regression analyses with generalized estimating equations (GEE), we examined differences in post-neonatal mortality among racial and ethnic groups; and among counties and groups over time. The results show significant differences in post-neonatal mortality between Black and White groups in both counties that outsource county health department primary care services and also counties that do not outsource these services. After adjusting for low birth weight and age ofthe mother (\u3c 20 years), the post-neonatal mortality rate for black infants remains higher in outsourced counties but not in non- outsourced counties. The increase in disparity in post-neonatal mortality rates between black and white infants in outsourced counties compared to non-outsourced counties is also significant. Contracted service providers are being used with greater frequency to expand access to health services with the idea that they can improve health outcomes; however, these data show that all groups may not benefit equally under this mechanism ofservice delivery

    Malaria reemergence in the Peruvian Amazon region.

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    Epidemic malaria has rapidly emerged in Loreto Department, in the Peruvian Amazon region. Peru reports the second highest number of malaria cases in South America (after Brazil), most from Loreto. From 1992 to 1997, malaria increased 50-fold in Loreto but only fourfold in Peru. Plasmodium falciparum infection, which has increased at a faster rate than P. vivax infection in the last 3 years, became the dominant Plasmodium infection in the highest transmission areas in the 1997 rainy season. The vector Anopheles darlingi has also increased during this epidemic in Loreto. Moreover, chloroquine and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine drug-resistant P. falciparum strains have emerged, which require development of efficacious focal drug treatment schemes

    Enfoque centrado en soluciones para mejorar el bienestar psicológico en estudiantes del programa Beca 18 de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si el Enfoque Centrado en Soluciones aumenta el bienestar psicológico en Estudiantes del Programa Beca 18 de la Univeridad Privada del Norte de Trujillo mediante la aplicación de un programa cuasi-experimental con grupo experimental, grupo control, pre y post test. La población estuvo formada por los estudiantes de Beca 18 de dicha Universidad y la muestra por los 16 estudiantes que obtienen los puntajes más bajos en la escala de Bienestar Psicológico creada por Carol Ryff. Los resultados obtenidos entre pre y post en el grupo experimental son altamente significativos, a diferencia del grupo control, quienes no mostraron cambios significativos entre el pre y post test. Concluyendo que el Enfoque Centrado en Soluciones aumenta significativamente el Bienestar Psicológico en estudiantes del programa Beca 18 de la Universidad Privada del Norte de Trujillo.This research aims to determinewhether the solution-centric approachincreases psychological well-being in students of the program scholarship 18 of the private University of the northern Trujillo by means of the application ofa quasiexperimental program whith experimental group, control group, pre and post test. The population was formed by the students of scholarship 18 of that university and the sample by the 16 students who obtain the lowest scores on the psychological welfare scalecreated by Carol Ryff. The re sults obtained between pre and post in theexperimental group are hi ghlysignificant, unlike the control group, who showed no significant changes between the preand post test. Concluding that the solution-centric approach significantly increases psychoological well-being in students ofthe scholarship program 18 of theprivate University of northern Trujillo.Tesi

    La re-privatización de YPF

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    En esta presentación, procuraremos demostrar que la reestatización parcial de YPF no ha significado una reversión en esa orientación de fondo. Estamos, en cambio, ante una medida de crisis impuesta por el agotamiento de la política anterior, que se expresaba en el virtual desmantelamiento de la ex petrolera estatal, el declive de la producción interna y una crisis en ciernes de sector externo, como resultado de las importaciones crecientes de combustibles. En cualquier caso, la medida oficial no se inscribe en un viraje de la orientación social que ha llevado a esta crisis. Por el contrario, nos encontramos ante una nueva tentativa de rescate del régimen de las privatizaciones, ahora, a través de una reprivatización de la rama petrolera- gasífera. Una llave maestra de esa reprivatización es la convocatoria al capital extranjero para la explotación de los recursos no convencionales (shale gas), lo que se expresa en las tratativas en curso en torno del yacimiento neuquino de Vaca Muerta. La “reprivatización” en curso abrirá otra página de una historia extensa: la incapacidad de la burguesía nacional argentina y de sus gobiernos en emancipar al país.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació