73 research outputs found

    Effect of Water Temperature to Survival and Development of Larvae of Two Local Aedes Aegypti Strains

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      Global warming has been reported in last decades. Chang-es in average Earth’s temperature may affect the physiology of many insect species, especially the ones which act as a human disease vec-tor, like Aedes aegypti. In this study, the effect of increasing water temperature on physiological components related to development period, sex ratio, and body size of two distinctively strains, VCRU (Vector Control Research Unit) and Pangandaran. Thirty larvae of each strain kept inside distilled water with the temperature of 25°C, 27°C, 30°C, 33°C, 35°C, 40°C which replicated three times. Observa-tions were conducted until all larvae metamorphed into adults or all larvae dead. Development rate and time were analyzed by frequency dependent mean. The result showed that the optimum temperature for larvae development of VCRU strain was 27-30°C with a survival rate of 84% while it was 30°C for Pangandaran strain, with the surviv-al rate of 83%. Larvae of both strains showed 100% mortality rate when kept inside a container with water temperature exceed 33°C. Both strains showed the highest and the lowest male:female ratio at similar water temperature which were 33°C and 30°C, respec-tivelly. Highest and lowest ratio of VCRU was 1.25 and 0.6, respec-tively, while it was 1.4 and 0.6 for Pangandaran. In general, larvae lived in increasing water temperature showed reducing wing width.

    Study on Sex Determination and Impact of Sex Ratio to Reproduction Success in Black Soldier Fly

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    Black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens) is an insect spe-cies utilized as the converter of organic wastes into biomass applicable as a potential replacement of protein and lipid sources of animal feed and other industrial use. The limiting factor for the sus-tainability of this activity is the number of eggs produced as all processes started from the egg. Variable of quality of the substrate eaten during the larval stage and the proportion of males and fe-males are among the decisive factors for egg production. The pur-poses of this study were to understand the impact of the substrate to the production of a particular sex, to developed a simple method by comparing the weight and size of the pupae to distinguished between male and female, and to find the best sex ratio to produce the highest number of eggs. In this study, two types of substrates (balance proportion of macronutrient and high in protein and lipid were applied as feeding material for larvae. The weight and length of each pupa produced were measured and the pupae kept inside separated containers to find the morphological differences between male and female pupae. Adult insects produced from pupae then used for study on the effect of sex ratio on reproduction success. The adults kept inside 1 x 1 x 1 m screen cages with 3 groups of sex ratio (male : female) which were 50%:50% (P1), 60%:40% (P2), and 40%:60% (P3). The probability of sex was analyzed by logistic regression while the number of eggs estimated by the weight of the egg batch. The result showed substrate used in this study is not affect the sex ratio of adult flies, weight of pupae as the best predictor for sex of the adult flies, and the best ratio of male and female for egg production was 40:60.

    Rancangan Mini Ekosistem bagi Budi Daya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dan Tanaman Genjer (Limnocharis flava) di dalam Ember yang Dilengkapi dengan Sistem Peringatan Amonia

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    Environmental conditions and fish stocking density in tilapia cultivation (Oreochromis niloticus) are important factors in determining the success of the cultivation process and supporting optimal fish growth. This study used four treatments, namely A, B, C, and D, for 3, 5, 7, and 9 fish, respectively. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of raccoon tail plants (Ceratophyllum demersum) and genjer plants (Limnocharis flava) on tilapia mortality, determine the ratio of feed conversion and the effect on ammonia concentrations, determine the effect of ammonia concentrations on the productivity of genjer plants, determine the warning system modeling on ammonia concentrations, as well as calculate mass and energy balance in the cultivation system of tilapia and genjer. The result is that the planting of raccoon tails and genjer in the system significantly affects tilapia mortality. The average value of feed conversion ratio from treatments A, B, C, and D were 1.75; 1.36; 3.51; and 2.87, respectively. The effect is significant and directly proportional to ammonia concentration and genjer productivity. The ammonia warning system modeling is in the form of linear equations, namely y = 0.2085x - 0.0193 with R2 = 0.9692. This system's balance of mass and energy can be divided into three subsystems, namely, fish acclimatization, fish cultivation, and genjer cultivation.   Keywords: ammonia, genjer, modelling, tilapi

    Peranan Kombinasi Pakan Limbah Organik terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Nutrisi Larva Lalat Tentara Hitam (Hermetia Illucens)

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    The amount of organic waste is increasing along with the increase in population. The problem of organic waste can be overcome by the bioconversion method using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens larvae. This study aims to analyze the effect of combination feed with differences on the major nutrient content on survival rate, growth rate, feed consumption, Waster Reduction Index (WRI), Efficiency of Conversion of Digested Feed (ECDF), and nutritional content of BSF larvae. The feed given are  fish offal (high in fat), tofu pulp (high in protein), and banana peel (high in hemicelulose) with a ratio of 2:1:1, 1:2:1, 1:1:2, and 1:1:1. Feed combination 1:1:2 has the highest value of growth rate (3.47 mg/larva/day), feed consumption (25,76%), WRI (0,42%/day), ECDF (12.91%) and survival rate (81,38%). BSF larvae is potential to be used as alternative animal feed because they contain high levels of protein.Jumlah limbah organik semakin bertambah seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk. Permasalahan limbah organik dapat diatasi dengan metode biokonversi menggunakan larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kombinasi pakan yang terdiri atas 3 jenis limbah organik dengan kandungan makronutrien berbeda terhadap laju pertumbuhan, konsumsi pakan, Waster Reduction Index (WRI), Efficiency of Conversion of Digested Feed (ECDF), dan tingkat kelulusan hidup, dan kandungan nutrisi larva BSF yang diberi pakan limbah organik. Pakan yang diberikan merupakan campuran limbah organik yaitu isi perut ikan (kaya akan lemak), ampas tahu (kaya akan protein), dan kulit pisang (kaya akan hemiselulosa) dengan perbandingan 2:1:1, 1:2:1, 1:1:2, dan 1:1:1. Kombinasi pakan 1:1:2 memiliki laju pertumbuhan (3,47 mg/larva/hari), konsumsi pakan (25,76%), WRI (0,42%/hari), ECDF (12,91%), dan tingkat kelulusan hidup (81,38%) tertinggi. Larva BSF berpotensi untuk dijadikan alternatif pakan ternak karena mengandung kadar protein yang cukup tinggi

    The Protective Effect of Propolis Nanoemulsion (NEP) Against UVB Irradiation Induced Photoaging in Human Dermal Fibroblast (HDF)

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    The skin damage induced by UV irradiation can cause photoaging as a consequence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Propolis is one of the most abundant natural product sources of polyphenols and derived from various plant resins collected by honeybees. This study aimed to determine the due administration of the propolis nanoemulsion (NEP) as an anti-photoaging by observing the concentration of intracellular ROS and lipid peroxides in human dermal fibroblast (HDF) by exposure to UVB. The cytotoxic of NEP was tested by the MTT assay, intracellular ROS was measured using the DCFDA assay, lipid peroxide products were analyzed by the TBARS assay and cell nuclei was observed by DAPI staining. PSA analysis revealed that the sizes of NEP were about 131.9 to 131 nm. The optimum concentration of NEP was 0,1μg / ml. ROS production in HDF treatment of NEP significantly decreases (p <0.05). Lipid peroxide products showed the same pattern as ROS concentration. The lipid peroxide concentration in the treatment NEP significantly decreases (p<0.05). In conclusion, the propolis in NEP acts as an antioxidant and has the potential to reduce the production of ROS and lipid peroxides caused by exposure to UVB


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    The increase in the number of the urban population in Indonesia raises several problems such as the increasing Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), the increasing number of poor people, and the threat to food security. These problems are certainly contrary to the goals to be achieved in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But on the other hand, there is also a phenomenon in urban Indonesia that has a positive impact on economic and social problems which means that it can also contribute to the achievement of the SDGs goals in Indonesia, namely the emergence of agricultural cultivation in urban areas or urban farming. This study aims to examine the contribution of urban farming in achieving the SDGs on the economic and social pillars, especially in goals 1 (No Poverty), goal 2 (No Hunger), goal 3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life), goal 5 (Gender Equality), and Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The results show that urban farming is able to increase income, provide easy access to healthy food, empower women and provide employment for urban communities. In other words, this urban farming activity makes a positive contribution to supporting the achievement of the SDGs, especially the goals of the economic and social pillars in Indonesia


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    The increase in the number of the urban population in Indonesia raises several problems such as the increasing Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), the increasing number of poor people, and the threat to food security. These problems are certainly contrary to the goals to be achieved in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But on the other hand, there is also a phenomenon in urban Indonesia that has a positive impact on economic and social problems which means that it can also contribute to the achievement of the SDGs goals in Indonesia, namely the emergence of agricultural cultivation in urban areas or urban farming. This study aims to examine the contribution of urban farming in achieving the SDGs on the economic and social pillars, especially in goals 1 (No Poverty), goal 2 (No Hunger), goal 3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life), goal 5 (Gender Equality), and Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The results show that urban farming is able to increase income, provide easy access to healthy food, empower women and provide employment for urban communities. In other words, this urban farming activity makes a positive contribution to supporting the achievement of the SDGs, especially the goals of the economic and social pillars in Indonesia


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    Pada tahun 1998, kecamatan Cineam di kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, mengalami Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) malaria dengan jumlah kasus mencapai 800 kasus sehingga Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (PUSKESMAS) kecamatan Cineam berada pada stratifikasi High Case Incidence (HCI). Kondisi berbeda terjadi pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 dimana jumlah kasus yang terjadi adalah 15 dan 6 kasus, secara berurutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan KLB malaria tahun 1998. Metoda pengambilan data dengan (1) pencuplikan nyamuk Anopheles menggunakan CO2 Trap di 5 dari 10 desa pada kecamatan Cineam untuk mengetahui populasi nisbi dari nyamuk vektor malaria dan (2) wawancara dengan petugas pemberantasan penyakit menular (P2M) yang bertugas pada PUSKESMAS kecamatan Cineam saat KLB pada tahun 1998. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini, dari 320 individu nyamuk Anopheles yang ditangkap, terdapat empat jenis nyamuk Anopheles dengan tingkat dominansi, Anopheles vagus (33,13%), Anopheles aconitus (28,75%), Anopheles barbirostris (23,75%), dan Anopheles kochi (14,38%) dimana hanya An. aconitus dan An. barbirostris yang merupakan vektor malaria. Keberadaan nyamuk Anopheles ini didukung oleh faktor klimat serta keadaan lingkungan setempat yang menyediakan feeding place, resting place, dan breeding site bagi nyamuk Anopheles. Walaupun demikian, keberadaan populasi nyamuk Anopheles bukan merupakan faktor utama penyebab KLB malaria, melainkan rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat pada penyakit ini. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya tingkat prevalensi malaria yang sangat rendah (Low Case Incidence) yaitu pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 (sebesar 0,44‰ dan 0,18‰ secara berurutan) setelah dilakukan penanggulangan penyebaran malaria dalam bentuk penyuluhan pada warga sejak KLB pada tahun 1998

    Dynamics of Competitiveness and Efficiency of Rice Farming in Java Island, Indonesia

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    Rice is the major crop in Indonesia and the staple food for more than 90% of Indonesians. Given the vital role of rice, efforts to develop rice production are a priority, especially in solving farming efficiency problems. However, inefficiency is one of the major causes of low performance in Indonesian rice production. If farming has high competitiveness and efficiency, Indonesia is encouraged to be able to become an exporter of rice. As a result, national rice farming must continue to improve its competitiveness and efficiency. This study aims to determine the economic efficiency and competitiveness of rice farming in several provinces in Java, i.e., West Java, Central Java, and East Java. The data used in this study is PATANAS survey data obtained from the Center for Socio-Economic Studies and Agricultural Policy, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. This study used a quantitative analysis approach and analytical descriptive analysis. The level of competitiveness was analyzed using Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM), while the efficiency level was analyzed using the Stochastic Frontier Method (SFM). The results showed that rice farming in Java Island has a positive profit value on private and social prices. In addition, rice farming in all research locations has competitiveness as measured by indicators of comparative and competitive advantage as characterized by the coefficient values ​​of DRC (Domestic Resource Cost Ratio) and PCR (Private Cost Ratio), which are less than one in the study period 2007-2020. The result of a technical efficiency study shows the average technical efficiency of three provinces in Java is around 0.82, and the factor input that significantly increased the technical efficiency was land and intermediate input

    The Digestibility of Banana Peel and Testa coconut and Its Effects on the Growth and Mortality of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) at Constant Feeding Rates

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    Organic waste produced by economic activities may create health, aesthetic, and economic problems. One of the approaches applied to solve this problem is the utilization of decomposer macrofauna to decompose the waste. One of the decomposers with great potential is Black Soldier Fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) that can consume various types of organic wastes and converts it into biomass with high protein and lipid content. In this study, banana peels and coconut testa had been fed to the larvae at 200 mg/larvae/day as the objects that represented organic wastes with low fiber content and high fiber content respectively. The purpose of this study was to observe the growth and efficiency of BSF larvae in decomposing those wastes. The analysis was conducted on some parameters such as the growth and consumption rate, the efficiency of conversion of digested (ECD), waste reduction index, and mortality rate. The results showed that BSF larvae THAT consumed banana peel had a higher final weight (58.24 mg), growth rate, and consumption rate while the mortality rate was lower than BSF larvae that consumed coconut testa. The ECD of the larvae group that consumed banana peel was higher than the larvae group that consumed coconut testa. The waste reduction index of banana peel was higher than coconut testa (1.5 and 1.4, respectively). The larvae that consumed coconut testa had a longer pupation period (9±1,75 days) compared to the larvae that consumed banana peel. Based on this result, it can be concluded that the fiber content of organic waste affected the decomposition rate and growth of BSF larvae
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