35 research outputs found


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    The government has a function to protect its people, including managing the disaster. The purpose of government in natural disaster management is a function that is expected to be carried out with full commitment. Disaster management is an activity carried out comprehensively, and there is a need for active stakeholder involvement. Pangandaran Regency is a disaster-prone area in West Java Province. This article aims to describe the mitigation launched by the Pangandaran Regency government to reduce disaster risk. The method used is qualitative, which uses observation data collection techniques, literature studies, and interviews with informants consisting of government and community elements. Pangandaran Regency has been stretched to get out of the tsunami disaster that had occurred. Even mitigation efforts have been carried out with the involvement of various stakeholders in the Pangandaran Regency. With mitigation, disaster risk reduction can be made. Therefore the government should make efforts to overcome disaster risk through the Mitigation Program by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD/Badan Penanggulanan Bencana Daerah). Disaster mitigation in Pangandaran Regency consists of two types: Mitigation with a Structural approach and Non-Structural approach. A structural approach is focusing on physical development, such as the construction of temporary evacuation sites or the construction of an early warning system (EAS). Non-structural mitigation carried out in the form of non-physical development, such as disaster education to school children and also to the community through activities carried out by mothers. Disaster training is given to private parties so that they can understand their role when disaster strikes

    Analisis Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Presfektif Collective Action (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Cariu Kabupaten Bogor)

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    In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are affected by health, economic and social aspects. With the existence of a government policy regarding large-scale social restrictions to break the chain of the virus but it creates new problems in the community. Starting from the existing problems, social actions or social activities can help overcome covid-19. Collective actions taken by the community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic are small things that can help overcome problems in the community. Community collective action in the form of preventive, curative and promotive actions. Collective preventive action is to distribute masks, hand sanitizers, and spray disinfectants. Collective action in a curative manner, namely by providing social assistance, working on the waqf land and fish ponds, then the visiting neighbor program. Collective action in a promotive manner, namely by disseminating information related to Covid-19 to the public and also by making a handbag made by a cariu student forum from betel leaf. Collective action fosters empathic norms and attitudes in society. Collective action works best when free riding is avoided. The large number of illegal riders made the collective action not maximal. Collective action will also run well if data data and information are well available. Collective action can work well if social capital in the form of a sense of belonging, human values, and empathy grows in individuals

    Research Trends in Collaborative Governance: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Collaborative Governance terms become a phenomenon in the private sector and the public sector. Collaborative Governance is conceptualized as public governance in decision-making processes and actions that involve actors from government and other sectors. Collaborative development Governance plays an important role in solving public problems, especially on economic and environmental issues. The method used in seeing the development of the concept Collaborative Governance is carried out using the bibliometric analysis method. This research provides knowledge and makes recommendations for journal readers and writers who can become references by adjusting the issues chosen. This research highlights the trend of research collaborative Governance is seen from the authors and journals that have written the most regarding collaborative concepts governance. The results of this study indicate the writing of articles about the concept collaborative Governance fluctuates every year. The biggest contributor to concept thinking collaborative governance seen from the highest number of citations namely Kirk Emerson a researcher from the University of Arizona. Collaborative governance as a concept from 2020 to 2023 has trending contextual issues related to Covid-19, air pollution, cities, environmental governance and urban development. The productivity of international journals is related to the concept collaborative governance namely the Journal of Public Research Administration


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    ABSTRACT. Pagerwangi Village is an area prone to natural disasters in West Bandung Regency. Also the geographical location is entered in the red-fault zone of the Lembang. So in the predictions will be one of the affected areas due to the tectonic earthquakes originating from the fault of the Lembang. Disaster management programs have been conducted by the Government along with other parties such as educational institutions and community groups. The study aims to analyse how the implementation of disaster mitigation through a functional structural approach or social balance theory of Talcott Parsons. The approach used on this studies is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that there were barriers in the system of functional structural approaches to disaster mitigation in the area of the Pagerwangi village of the four aspects namely integration, adaptation, latency and goal attaintment. These obstacles occur from one aspect, which affects other aspects


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    Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada identifikasi kelembagaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan air dikawasan kaki Gunung Manglayang. Latar belakang penelitian ini bahwa sudah banyak sumber mata air yangdikelola dan dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah daerah/lokal, kelompok masyarakat baik dalam pengelolaan sumbermata air atau kelompok masyarakat yang memanfaatkan air tersebut, kemudian swasta yang memiliki kepentingandalam pengelolaan air tersebut. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan mengambilinforman dari stakeholder yang terlibat dari pengelolaan air yang bersumber dari Kaki Gunung Manglayanghingga pemanfaatannya yang berada di daerah Ujung Berung Kota Bandung. Maka dari itu dari penelitian inidiharapkan akan teridentifikasi dan tersusun model kelembagaan masyarakat yang berbasiskan partisipasi dalampengelolaan air. Secara keseluruhan model yang ada di daerah Manglayang mengenai pengelolaan air bersih cukupberagam. Hal ini dikarenakan penyebab pembentukan kelompok serta partisipasi masyarakat yang berbeda-beda.Jika melihat model di Desa Melatiwangi, kelompok terbentuk diprakarsai oleh pemerintah kabupaten denganmenggunakan modal yang cukup besar. Sedangkan bentuk lainnya kelompok terbentuk dengan intensitas kecil dantidak besar hingga banyak melibatkan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Model Kelembagaan, Partisipasi, Pengelolaan Ai


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    Skripsi ini berupaya menyajikan hasil penelitian yang menggambarkan bagaimana Efektivitas Program Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata di Kabupaten Ciamis (Studi Pada Objek Wisata Situ Lengkong). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya penurunan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Ciamis dari sektor pariwisata setelah Pangandaran memisahkan diri menjadi Daerah Otonomi Baru. Dengan begitu maka Pemerintah Kabupaten Ciamis memfokuskan Program Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata di Situ Lengkong sebagai objek wisata yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan dari tahun 2014-2015. Setelah pelaksanaan program ternyata jumlah PAD yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2015 hanya mencapai 35,99 % dari yang ditargetkan. Temuan tersebut merupakan suatu masalah dari pelaksanaan program tersebut yang disebabkan karena tidak efektifnya program tersebut. Teori yang digunakan yakni teori Efektivitas Program dari Kettner, Moroney dan Martin (2008), beliau mengemukakan bahwa untuk menilai efektivitas program dapat diukur dari Upaya, Efisiensi Biaya, Hasil, Efektivitas Biaya, dan Dampak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif serta pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan melalui studi kepustakaan serta studi lapangan yang berupa observasi non-partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Pengujian kredibilitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik, kemudian data-data tersebut direduksi, disajikan, dan ditarik simpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nyatanya pelaksanaan program tersebut belum efektif dalam mencapai tujuannya yakni capaian PAD sesuai target. Belum efektifnya program disebabkan oleh adanya keterbatasan upaya-upaya dan anggaran dalam mengembangkan Situ Lengkong sesuai kebutuhan dilapangan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kabupaten Ciamis. ABSTRACT This paper seeks to present the results of research that describes how the Tourism Destination Development Program Effectiveness in Ciamis (A Study of Situ Lengkong Attractions). This research is based on the fact of declined in local revenue (PAD) Ciamis District of the tourism sector after the Pangandaran separates into New Autonomous Region. However, the Government of Ciamis district development program focusing on the tourism destination attraction Situ Lengkong as the most visited by tourists from the years 2014-2015. After the implementation of the program turned out to be the amount of revenue generated in 2015 reached only 35.99% of the target. The findings indicate the ineffectiveness of the program. The theory used is the effectiveness theory of the program by Kettner, Moroney and Martin (2008), he argued that in order to assess the effectiveness of the program can be measured by Effort, Cost Efficiency, Results, Cost Effectiveness, and Impact. This research is conducted by using descriptive and qualitative approach. Data obtained through literature and field studies in the form of non-participatory observation, indepth interview, and documentation. Testing the credibility of the data using triangulation of sources and triangulation techniques, then the data is reduced, presented, and the conclusions were drawn. Based on the results of research, in fact, the implementation of the program has not been effective in achieving its objectives of local revenue target. The ineffectiveness of the program due to the limitations of efforts and budgets in developing Situ Lengkong according to the needs in the field by the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Ciamis District

    Empowering Farmers to Encourage Social Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Banten Province

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    This research examined the efforts carried out by the Banten Provincial Government in empowering farmers to encourage social change during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Qualitative methods were used with an exploratory approach. Data were collected by interview and documentation methods. The results showed that the Banten Provincial Government tried to empower farmers by: providing support for food production in the form of seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural machinery; assisting agricultural production through “field school” activities that included providing education and direct field practice to farmer groups; and enabling farmers to actively participate in agricultural production activities through conducting continuous monitoring and evaluation of various assistance and activity programs that have been provided to farmers in need. These efforts to empower farmers led to an increase in food production in Banten Province, especially for rice commodities. Another impact was increased social changes experienced by farmers through the use of appropriate technology and agricultural mechanization, which encouraged agricultural production to become more efficient, thereby increasing the Banten Province farmer’s exchange rate. Farmer empowerment will have a major impact on food availability, especially during the pandemic, and therefore social changes for farmers in the use of agricultural technology are important. Keywords: empowerment, farmer, social chang


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    Wilayah Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi bencana alam di Kabupaten Sumedang. Beberapa tahun terakhir, Kecamatan Jatinangor telah mengalami beragam bencana terutama banjir dan longsor. Penanggulangan terhadap dampak bencana, baik di pencegahan maupun penanganan, telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah. Selain itu, masyarakat di desa-desa di Jatinangor juga terlibat dalam penanggulangan bencana, terutama di tahapan pra bencana, saat bencana, dan pasca bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penanggulangan bencana yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa di Kecamatan Jatinangor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis berdasarkan interpretasi dari data primer maupun sekunder. Adapun lokasi yang dipilih adalah Desa Cipacing, Desa Cileles, dan Desa Cikeruh. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari tiga tahapan penanggulangan bencana, yaitu pra bencana, saat bencana, dan pasca bencana, dapat diiketahui adanya peran yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa. Meskipun demikian, masyarakat masih belum memahami bahwa aktifitas yang mereka lakukan tersebut merupakan bentuk dari penanggulangan bencana. Dengan demikian, pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Sumedang dapat merancang program mengenai penguatan kapasitas masyarakat desa dalam penanggulangan bencana, baik di tahap pra bencana, saat bencana, maupun pasca bencana

    City growth and its impact on residential problems: A case study in the city of Jakarta

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    This study aims to examine housing and settlement problems, especially in the Jakarta area as a result of population growth which has caused a very large population by identifying the number of housing needs and housing deficits. This study takes the object of the city of Jakarta as a case study and focuses on the housing sector which includes 2731 residential neighborhoods (RW) where the city occupies an area of 664.01 km2. Studies show the cause of the problem is caused by relatively stable city growth with a growth rate of around 1% over the past 20 years, which is reflected in the number of families, which amount to 3,627,111 families, with a housing density of 5462 families/km2, living in 2,242,163 housing units. The findings show that another cause is the spread of slum settlements in the city, which total 445 RWs, which means 16.30% of the total RWs. The results of the research show that so far, the problem has not been resolved

    Organizational Network in the Development of Mamminasata Urban Areas, South Sulawesi Province

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    This research explains the organizational network in Mamminasata urban area,  South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The area was formally managed by the Mamminasata Metropolitan Development Agency (BKSPMM) since its establishment. The research used descriptive research method with qualitative approach through interviews and observation on the parties involved in  managing the development of Maminasata urban area. Furthermore, the data: strengthened by secondary data review of previous research results. Analyses also  combined with  data from relevant agencies. The results indicate that there is a fragmented organization network in terms of cooperation, coordination and communication amongs involved local governments in the development Mamminasata urban area, We would argue that the tendencies of respected local governments to express their own interests occurred due to the absence of cooperation and coordination mechanisms. Furthermore, ineffective communication amongs local governments led to the inconsistency of local development planning documents