19 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja Penyandang Cacat Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

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    The understanding of the community for people with whom diffability has always been considered an inability someone physically so that diffability regarded as sick people who always need help and comfort to the aid for both in terms of their education as well as a job. Now the condition is changed in the priesthood there any intervention from the government that very glows amber metal out of the field of labor affairs so that this superior wisdom whose is issued by a government but how much broad, not only legal aspects that deals with a working relationship and calm but before and after a working relationship. This concept in an obscure manner accommodated in act number 13 the year 2003 on manpower regarding. Diffability must be viewed as a social inability that anyone can participate to protect the minorities, of course, the social approach is the main road that could be pursued. Here is required legal protection for diffability people so that diffability people can find a legal certainty that rights for a people with the diffability KEYWORDS: Legal Protection, Workers, People with Dasabilities

    Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram Akun @Mr.creampuff Sebagai Promosi Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan

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    Mr.creampuff is a sus cake food manufacturer established on January 22, 2014. Mr.creampuff introduces and uses Instagram as a promotional medium to attract the attention of its customers. Owner Mr.creampuff himself introduced his product through instagram at the beginning of 2014, through the promotion with instagram the business owner Mr.creampuff many profits from the results of the seller. Then there is a big enough opportunity to start selling the product that is done both offline and online through media instagram. In 2015 the demand from enthusiasts Mr.creampuff quite a lot, this cake producers have a lot of consumers and every day they receive orders from customers by using delivery or take away. In the end there stood a shop on the eagle street in early 2016.The purpose of this study is To determine the utilization of media instagram as a medium of communication in the promotion of sales, media utilization instagram as a marketing medium in sales promotion and know the use of social media instagram as a media binis in sales. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive analysis. This research uses four person informant, owner Mr.creampuff, 2 employees of Mr.creampuff and 1 user who menfollow account Mr.creampuff selected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data validity technique used in this research is triangulation and extension of participation.The results obtained show that social media instagram can to facilitate communicate with the public or customers, From these features can make users of social media like to use the application and simplify for marketing and Able to give impact to attract many new visitors who are interested and may be will be a regular visitor in instagram account of the online business.proses promotion is getting a lot of profits and sales did not need to spend at al

    Al-Khawarizmi Serta Kontribusinya Untuk Perkembangan Sains Modern

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    The current development of science is the result of the knowledge development carried out by previous scientists, including Al-Khwarizmi. One of the Muslim scientists who lived during the Abbasid era. He is a leading Muslim scientist who made many contributions to human civilization. As a great figure of his time, Al-Khwarizmi produced many monumental works. This article discusses Al-Khwarizmi's biography and his contribution to the development of science in the modern era. To obtain this information, researchers conducted a literature review related to the topic. The results of the literature review show that Al-Khwarizmi made many contributions and thoughts in the fields of mathematics and astronomy which are very helpful for the benefit and development of science in the modern era

    Improvement of speaking skills through the use of Arabic as an introduction language

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    Many Arabic learning strategies have been used to improve speaking skills. However, it turns out that not every learning strategy has succeeded in increasing speaking skills. This paper aims to understand (1) the contribution of using Arabic as the language of instruction, (2) the process of increasing student's speaking skills after attending lectures using Arabic as an introduction, and (3) analyzing efforts to improve the quality of lectures. So far, this aspect has not been paid attention to in existing studies. This research approach is qualitative with a case study model. The research data is collected through interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis starts from data collection, data description, and data reduction, then verification in detail. The results showed that students benefited from using Arabic as the language of instruction, namely the addition of new vocabulary and terms, mastery of sentence structures, and the courage to express themselves in Arabic. Improving speaking skills is characterized by increased self-confidence, fluency in speaking, and more information to support speaking skills. The need to improve the quality of lectures by squeezing and the leader motivates the lecturers to use Arabic as the language of instruction, provides many opportunities for students to be active, and Arabicization of linguistic terms is needed. The conclusion is that Arabic as an introduction to lectures can improve students' speaking skills. This article provides suggestions on the effective use of Arabic as a strategy for learning speaking skills

    The effectiveness of distance Arabic learning for Indonesian speakers using YouTube channels

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    Learning Arabic online is faced with several problems, including the ineffective use of learning media. This study aims to describe the tendency of Arabic learners through the Dars Arabi YouTube channel video media, and the relationship between the learner's propensity and the variables of gender, age, and educational background channel users Dars Arabi. This study uses a descriptive statistical method. The sample selection was taken randomly as many as 160 people from a population of around 17,800 YouTube channel subscribers Dars Arabi. This study's findings indicate that the tendency of online Arabic learners is at a moderate average level. This study also shows no statistically significant difference between trends in YouTube channel users and the variables of gender, educational background, and users' age. This study's conclusion shows the importance of using YouTube media in learning Arabic with content that is fun and can be enjoyed by all groups of society in a relaxed manner

    The effectiveness of animated video on social science learning outcomes and activeness in elementary school students

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    Animated video learning media is a tool that can be used in various learning models to improve the quality of learning. However, there are still many social studies teachers who have not utilized animated videos in social studies learning to increase student activity and learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of animated videos on the activity and social studies learning outcomes of elementary school students. The method used is a descriptive quantitative approach with an experimental design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample of 42 students and 1 teacher. Data collection techniques through questionnaires in the form of pre-test and post-test statements with a Likert scale of 5 to assess student activity and learning outcomes. Data analysis used a paired sample t-test to determine whether there was an influence between the two variables assisted by the SPSS Version 26 program. The results showed that the use of animated videos in social studies learning was stated to be effective so that learning activities took place optimally and were able to improve activeness and student learning outcomes

    The quality improvement of interaction indicators in Arabic language learning for higher education

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    The success of learning Arabic is largely determined by the quality of interaction in learning. This article aims to describe (1) Increasing speaking skills through Arabic learning interactions, (2) Increasing cooperation through learning interactions, and (3) Increasing solidarity through learning interactions. So far, this aspect has been neglected in existing studies. This research approach is qualitative with the type of case study research. The research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis starts from data collection to concluding. The results showed that the improvement of speaking skills was carried out by selecting interesting topics, using familiar vocabulary among students, and giving them motivation. In terms of increasing cooperation, this is done by giving joint assignments, joint corrections, making videos, and playing roles. Meanwhile, in the context of increasing solidarity, the activities carried out are by instilling a sense of brotherhood, group work, and giving responsibility to help each other

    The quality improvement of interaction indicators in Arabic language learning for higher education

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    The quality of interaction in learning primarily determines the success of learning Arabic. This article aims to describe (1) Increasing speaking skills through Arabic learning interactions, (2) Increasing cooperation through learning interactions, and (3) Increasing solidarity through learning interactions. So far, this aspect has been neglected in existing studies.This research approach is qualitative with the type of case study research. The research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using the analysis model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana are data collection, condensation, displaying and concluding. The results showed that the improvement of speaking skills was carried out by selecting interesting topics, using familiar vocabulary among students, and giving them motivation. This is done by giving joint assignments, joint corrections, making videos, and playing roles in terms of increasing cooperation. Meanwhile, in the context of increasing solidarity, the activities carried out are by instilling a sense of brotherhood, group work, and giving responsibility to help each othe

    الكفاءة التعليمية لمعلمي اللغة العربية ومحاولة ضمان الجودة (QUALITY ASSURANCE) على كفاءتهم التعليمية في جامعة السلطان شريف قاسم الإسلامية الحكومية رياو

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    مستخلص البحث الكفاءة التعليمية هي الكفاءة في عملية التعلم التي يحتاجها المعلم في إدارة التعلم. وتتكون الكفاءة التعليمية للمعلم من ‌الكفاءة في تصميم التعليم، والكفاءة في القيام بعملية التعليم، ‌والكفاءة في القيام بتقويم عملية التعليم، والكفاءة في استفادة البحوث العلمية وتطوير التكنولوجي لترقية جودة أداء عملية التعليم. لجنة ضمان الجودة هي الوحدة العملية لمجال الكلية التي ترعى على تنفيذ سلسلة الأنشطة أحدها تتعلق بدورها على الكفاءة التعليمية لمعلمي اللغة العربية من أجل إنتاج نوعية الخريجين حسب الحاجة والتوقع والعملاء رضا. هذا البحث يهدف إلى إكتشاف الكفاءة التعليمية لمعلمي اللغة العربية في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة السلطان شريف قاسم الإسلامية الحكومية رياو ودور ضمان الجودة لمعلمي اللغة العربية على كفاءتهم التعليمية بتركيز على؛ أولا، الكفاءة في تصميم التعليم، والكفاءة في القيام بعملية التعليم، ‌والكفاءة في القيام بتقويم عملية التعليم، والكفاءة في استفادة البحوث العلمية وتطوير التكنولوجي لترقية جودة أداء عملية التعليم. وثانيا، الواجبات الرئيسية لضمان الجودة من خلال نشر إستمارة التقرير الأكاديمي وإثراء كفاءة المعلمي من خلال خريطة الطرق لقسم تعليم اللغة العربية. هذا البحث هو البحث بالمدخل النوعي على المنهج الوصفي الطبيعي. ووالأساليب المستخدمة في جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلة شبه المنظمة والمنظمة والملاحظة الظاهرة والغامضة و ودراسة الوثائق. وتتكون تحليل البيانات في هذا البحث بالأسلوب التفاعلي على فكرة ميلس وهوبتمان منها جمع البيانات، وفرز البيانات، عرض البيانات، وأخذ الإستنتاج. وقد توصل الباحث إلى نتائج البحث التالية هي؛ (1) أن الكفاءة التعليمية لدى معلمي اللغة العربية في جامعة السلطان شريف قاسم الإسلامية الحكومية رياو تتأثر بوسائل التعليمية الموجودة ونظامها، وبهذه تدافع أربع الكفاءات على الكفاءة التعليمية. (2) لجنة ضمان الجودة لمجال الكلية قامت بتنفيذ الواجبات ووظاءيفها الشدة منها؛ أولا، القيام بتوزيع التقرير الأكادمي لتحصل على المعلومات عن الكفاءة التعليمية لدى معلمي اللغة العربية في جامة السلطان شريف قاسم الإسلامية الحكومية رياو من خلال طلابهم وقسم تعليم اللغة العربية. وثانيا، تكميل وتحسين الكفاءة التعليمية لمعلمي اللغة العربية كما وردت في خريطة الطرق لقسم تعليم اللغة العربية سنة 2014 - 2017 ABSTRACT The pedagogic competence is the ability in the learning process that is necessary for a lecturer as an educator in the management of learning. The pedagogic competence of the lecturer consists of the ability to design the learning, the ability to implement the learning process, the ability of evaluate process and learning outcomes, and the ability to utilize the research results to improve the quality of learning. Quality Assurance Committee (KPM) is a work unit at the faculty level that serves to carry out a series of activities which one of them encourages the improvement of pedagogic ability of lecturers so as to produce the quality of graduates, according to the needs, expectations, satisfaction customers. Based on the aforementioned reasons, this aim to describe to reveal the pedagogic competence of lecturers and role of KPM in Arabic Language Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Riau, focusing on: first, ability to design learning, ability to implement learning process, process and learning process Ability to utilize research results to improve the quality of learning; second, the main task of quality assurance by publishing academic report form and enrichment to lecturer through strategic program of Arabic education. This research is qualitative descriptive naturalistic research. The data are collected with technique of semistructure and structure interview, explicit and secret observation, and documentation study. The data analysis used in this research are Miles and Huberman type’s by starting with data collection, data reduction, and deduction. There are some findings as follows; (1) The Pedagogic Competence Lecturer of Arabic Language Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau is very influenced by the prevailing facilities and system, so it influences on four pedagogic components, both Ability to design learning, Ability to implement learning process, Ability to assess process and learning outcomes, And Ability to utilize the results of research to improve the quality of learning. (2) The Quality Assurance Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau has maximized its duties and functions through a work program consisting of: First, Provision of academic report form by collecting information through students and functioning program to know the development of pedagogic competence of lecturer of Arabic Language Education. Second, enriching the lecturers through the PBA Strategic Program as outlined in the Strategic Education Strategy Roadmap 2014 - 2017 ABSTRAK Kompetensi pedagogik adalah kemampuan dalam proses belajar menagajar yang diperlukan bagi seorang dosen sebagai pendidik dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran. Ukuran kompetensi pedagogik dosen terdiri dari kemampuan merancang pembelajaran, kemampuan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, kemampuan menilai proses dan hasil pembelajaran, dan kemampuan memanfaatkan hasil penelitian untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Komite Penjaminan Mutu (KPM) adalah satuan kerja di tingkat fakultas yang berfungsi untuk melaksanakan rangkaian kegiatan yang salah satunya memiliki peran terhadap kemampuan pedagogik dosen sehingga mampu menghasilkan mutu lulusan, sesuai kebutuhan, harapan, kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kompetensi pedagogik dosen dan usaha KPM pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Riau, dengan fokus pada: pertama, Kemampuan merancang pembelajaran, kemampuan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, kemampuan menilia proses dan hasil pembelajaran, dan kemampuan memanfaatkan hasil penelitian untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, kedua, Tugas pokok penjamin mutu dengan menerbitkan form laporan akademik dan melakukan pengayaan kepada dosen melalui program strategis pendidikan bahasa arab. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif naturalistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara terstruktur dan semi terstruktur, observasi terus terang dan tersamar dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data menggunakan model Miles dan Hubermen yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Kompetensi pedagogik Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau sangat dipengaruhi oleh sarana prasaran dan system yang berlaku, sehingga berpengaruh pada empat komponen pedagogik, baik Kemampuan merancang pembelajaran, Kemampuan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, Kemampuan menilai proses dan hasil pembelajaran, dan Kemampuan memanfaatkan hasil penelitin untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. (2) Komite Penjaminan Mutu Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau telah memaksimalkan tugas dan fungsinya melalui program kerja yang terdiri dari: Pertama, Penyediaan form laporan akademik dengan menjaring informasi melalui mahasiswa dan memfungsikan prodi untuk mengetahui perkembangan kompetensi pedagogik dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Kedua, melakukan pengayaan kepada dosen melalui Program Strategis PBA yang dituangkan dalam Roadmap Program Strategis Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 2014 - 201

    أشكال التفاعل في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها في المستوى الجامعي:دراسة حالة بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج

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    مستخلص البحث ينعكس نجاح عملية تعليم اللغة العربية بوجود التفاعل التعليمي الجيد بين المعلم وطلابه، لأنه يساعد على تفهيم الطلاب بالمعلومات المنقولة عند عملية التعليم. وأهداف هذا البحث هي (1) وصف أنواع التفاعل في تعليم اللغة العربية، حيث التركيز على أنواع التواصل اللفظي وغير اللفظي التي يستخدمها المعلم في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية، (2) وصف طرائق تفعيل التفاعل التعليمي، (3) وصف طرائق معالجة تفاوت المعنى مع طلابه عند تعليم اللغة العربية لدى معلم اللغة العربية في المرحلة المتقدمة بالبرنامج المكثف لتعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج. واستخدم الباحث في هذا البحث المدخل الكيفي، والمنهج المستخدم هو منهج دراسة حالة معلم اللغة العربية في المرحلة المتقدمة بالبرنامج المكثف لتعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج. وأساليب جمع البيانات المستخدمة هي الملاحظة والمقابلة. وتم تحليل البيانات بتحليل الكيفي على رأي ميلس، وهوبرمان، وسلدنا، فيبدأ من جمع البيانات، ثم تركيزها، ثم عرضها، وثم أخذ الإستنتاج. وأما للتأكد من صدق نتائج البحث وثباتها، قام الباحث بالأمور الصدقي الداخلي، والصدق الخارجي، والثبات والموضوعية. أما نتائج هذا البحث فهي (1) أن أنواع التفاعل في تعليم اللغة العربية تنقسم إلى التواصل اللفظي والتواصل غير اللفظي كطرقة التواصل لشرح المعلومات. ويتم استخدام كل من التواصل اللفظي والتواصل غير اللفظي دائمًا بشكل متزامن. (2) وأن طرائق تفعيل التفاعل في تعليم اللغة العربية تعتمد على مجموعة من المساندة هي التصميم، والتنظيم، والشرح، والتحقيق، وتحويل الشفرة. (3) وأن طرائق معالجة تفاوت المعنى هي نوعان الأول، إعادة إرسال وتركيز التفاوت ومعناه، والثاني، التوجيهات وتركيز التفاوت وكل واحد منهما أنواع فرعية هي لغة الجسد، وقدرة التنبؤ، وتعديلات المدخلات، والإيضاح، والتكرار، واللغة المعدنية. النتيجة النظرية من هذا البحث هي أن وجود التواصل المناسب بين معلم اللغة العربية وطلابه في عملية التعليم يسهم في تفعيل فهم الطلاب بالمواد المدروسة. ABSTRACT The success of the Arabic language teaching process is reflected in the good educational interaction between the teacher and his students because it helps students understand the information conveyed during the education process. This research aimed at: (1) Describing the types of interaction in teaching the Arabic language, focusing on the types of verbal and non-verbal communication that the teacher uses in the process of teaching the Arabic language, (2) Describing of methods Arabic language teacher for activating educational interaction, (3) Describing of methods Arabic language teacher fr dealing with understanding negotiation of meaning with his students when teaching the language Arabic with an Arabic language teacher in the Program Khusus Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab at Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang. The researcher used in this research the qualitative approach, and the method used is a case study for advanced Arabic language teachers in the Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab at Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang. The methods of data collection used are observation and interview. A qualitative analysis analyzed the data according to the opinion of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. It begins by collecting the data, then condensing it, then displaying it, and then taking the conclusion. To ensure the research's validity and reliability, the researcher conducted matters of internal validity, external validity, consistency, and objectivity. This research's substantive findings are: (1) The types of interaction in teaching Arabic divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication as a method of communication to explain the information. Both verbal and nonverbal communication always used simultaneously. (2) The methods of activating interaction in teaching Arabic consists of scaffolding methods, including modelling, organizing, explaining, verifying, and code-switching. (3) The methods of dealing with understanding negotiation of meaning are two types: first, recast and meaning Focused Negotiation, and second, prompts and form Focused Negotiation, and each of them is sub-types: body language, predictability, input modifications, clarification, repetition, and metalinguistic. This research's theoretical finding is that the presence of appropriate communication between the Arabic language teacher and his students in the education process contributes to activating the students' understanding of the studied subjects. ABSTRAK Keberhasilan proses pengajaran bahasa Arab tercermin dari interaksi pendidikan yang baik antara dosen dan mahasiswanya karena hal tersebut membantu mahasiswa memahami informasi yang disampaikan selama pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis interaksi dalam pengajaran Bahasa Arab, dengan fokus pada jenis-jenis komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal yang digunakan dosen dalam proses pengajaran bahasa Arab (2) Mendeskripsikan metode dosen bahasa Arab untuk mengefektifkan interaksi pembelajaran, (3) Mendeskripsikan metode dosen Bahasa Arab untuk menangani pemahaman negosiasi makna dengan mahasiswa saat mengajar Bahasa Arab pada Program Khusus Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode yang digunakan berupa metode studi kasus terhadap dosen bahasa Arab tingkat atas pada Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif menurut Miles, Huberman dan Saldana. Ini dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data, mengkondensasinya, menyajikannya, dan mengambil kesimpulan. Untuk memastikan validitas dan reliabilitas penelitian, peneliti melakukan validitas internal, validitas eksternal, konsistensi dan objektivitas. Temuan substantif penelitian ini adalah: (1) Jenis-jenis interaksi dalam pengajaran bahasa Arab terbagi menjadi komunikasi verbal dan komunikasi non verbal, yang digunakan sebagai metode komunikasi untuk menjelaskan informasi. Baik komunikasi verbal maupun nonverbal selalu digunakan secara bersamaan. (2) Metode pengaktifan interaksi dalam pengajaran bahasa Arab terdiri dari metode scaffolding, meliputi pemodelan, pengorganisasian, penjelasan, verifikasi, dan alih kode. (3) Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Arab untuk menangani pemahaman negosiasi makna terbagi menjadi dua: pertama, menyusun kembali dan fokus memaknai megosiasi, dan kedua, memberi petunjuk dan fokus membentuk negosiasi, dan masing-masingnya memiliki sub-jenis yaitu: bahasa tubuh, prediktabilitas, modifikasi masukan, klarifikasi, pengulangan, dan metalinguistik. Temuan formal dari penelitian ini adalah komunikasi yang tepat antara dosen Bahasa Arab dan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran turut mengaktifkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah yang dipelajari