43 research outputs found

    Design of PCF-SPR for Early Detection of Skin Cancer Infected Cells

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    In this work, we carried out a numerical investigation of the PCF-SPR biosensor for the early detection of infected skin cancer cells and healthy cells. The study was conducted using the COMSOL Multiphysics-based FEM method. The dielectric material used in this PCF design is fused silica, while the plasmonic material is gold. The study was conducted to test the effect of the thickness of the plasmonic layer and the size of the air hole diameter on the PCF-SPR. It was found that the larger the diameter of the air hole in the proposed sensor gives a smaller confinement loss value, while the thicker the plasmonic material used also gives a small confinement loss value. The proposed PCF-SPR has a wavelength sensitivity in detecting skin cancer-infected cells of 7000 nm/RIU. These results indicate that the proposed sensor has a good performance in detecting cells infected with skin cancer.Pada pekerjaan ini kami melakukan investigasi numerik biosensor PCF-SPR dalam mendeteksi sel terinfeksi sel kanker kulit dan sel sehat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode FEM berbasis COMSOL Multiphysics. Bahan dielektrik yang digunakan dalam rancangan PCF ini adalah fused silika, sedangkan bahan plasmonicnya adalahnya emas. Penelitian dilakukan uji pengaruh ketebalan lapisan plasmonic dan ukuran diameter hole udara pada PCF-SPR. Ditemukan bahwa semakin besar diameter hole udara pada sensor yang diusulkan memberikan nilai confinement loss yang semakin kecil, sedangkan semakin tebal bahan plasmonic yang digunakan memberikan juga nilai confinement loss yang kecil. PCF-SPR yang diusulkan memiliki sensitifitas panjang gelombang dalam mendeteksi sel terinfeksi kanker kulit sebesar 7000 nm/RIU. Dari hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa sensor yang diusulkan memiliki kinerja yang baik dalam mendeteksi sel terinfeksi kanker kulit

    An Optimum Design Sapphire-Fiber Bragg Grating for High-Temperature Sensing

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    Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have limitations in measuring high and extreme temperatures because in general FBG sensors are made of silica fiber, which at high temperatures can interfere with the mechanical performance of the materials. In this paper, we propose an S-FBG (Sapphire Fiber Bragg Grating) sensor which is resistant to extreme environmental influences and high temperatures. By developing S-FBG to measure high temperatures, it is found that S-FBG has high sensitivity, every 10C change is obtained and the Bragg wavelength shifts as far as 30.24 nm, this result is greatly influenced by the thermo-optic coefficient, and the coefficient of expansion-thermal. The design also evaluates the Gaussian apodization profile to improve sensor accuracy in monitoring temperature

    Social Competence Analysis of Science Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the social competence of science teachers. It was conducted in 22 SMP Negeri Dumai City with a population of 86 science teachers in public junior high schools. The research sample was 71 science teachers calculated using the Slovin formula at an error rate of 0.05%. The instrument used in data collection was a questionnaire that was pre-tested to 30 science teachers (15 science teachers at SMPN Dumai City and 15 science teachers at SMPN Duri). From the 30 items of the questionnaire statement that were tested, the validity of each item was calculated with the product moment correlation with the help of the SPSS version 23, 29 valid items were obtained. Calculation of instrument reliability using the Cronbach Alpha formula was obtained 0.931 very reliable category. Furthermore, the social competence questionnaire instrument for science teachers who had met the validity and reliability requirements was used to collect data for the research sample of 71 science teachers at public junior high schools in the city of Dumai. The results of descriptive data analysis showed that the social competence of science teachers at the Dumai City Junior High School was 54.90% (39 science teachers) in the medium category, 25.30% (18 science teachers) who had high category competence and 19.70% (14 science teachers) out of 71 science teachers in the low category. Thus, the social competence of science teachers in Dumai City Junior High School is mostly in the medium category

    Analisis Metode C5.0 Untuk Penyediaan Lapangan Pekerjaan Di Kelurahan Sidorejo Hilir

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    Masalah pengangguran dan ketenagakerjaan sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah utama bagi negara-negara berkembang saat ini. Kedua masalah ini merupakan satu kesatuan yang keduanya menciptakan masalah dualisme permasalahan yang saling bertentangan antar satu dengan yang lainnya. Hal ini terjadi jika pemerintah tidak dapat memanfaatkan dan meminimalkan dampak yang nantinya akan ditimbulkan dari permasalahan tersebut dengan baik. namun jika pemerintah mampu memanfaatkan tenaga kerja dengan baik maka ini akan memeberikan dampak positif bagi pembangunan perekonomian negara. Demikian sebaliknya jika pemerintah tidak mampu memnfaatkan maka akan menjadi dampak negative bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian negara. Medan merupakan salah satu kota di provinsi Sumatera utara yang memiliki banyak permasalahan, salah satunya adalah pengangguran. pengangguran bedasarkan factor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pengangguran maka dibutuhkan metode data mining khususnya algoritma C5.0 Analisis algoritma C5.0 merupakan salah satu solusi pemecahan kasus yang sering digunakan dalam pemecahan masalah pada teknik klasifikasi. Keluaran dari algoritma C5.0 itu berupa sebuah decision tree layaknya teknik klasifikasi lain


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    This study aims to improve learning outcomes of students through a learning model of problem-based learning on the sub-theme energy and change. This research was conducted in class III SD Muhammadiyah 4 Bandung and against the background circumstances of students are lacking in learning outcomes in the learning because teachers still use the learning that is conventional, that is, by using the lecture method, so that the involvement of learners in the learning was minimal. By using the model of Problem Based Learning can improve learning outcomes of students, because, in this model, the students become the center in the process of learning, stimulating learners to think critically, and to deepen their knowledge about what they know and what they need to know to solve the problem. In addition to its model of problem-based learning can also increase the activity and learning outcomes of students, help, develop skills to solve problems, and develop the skills to communicate orally. The conclusions obtained from this study is that the use of the model of problem-based learning can improve learning outcomes of students. Thus, the application of learning model problem based learning in sub-theme energy and amendments can be used as an alternative method of learning to be applied in Elementary School

    Analisis Pemanfaatan e-Goverment sebagai Media Pelayanan Publik di Indonesia

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    The development of E-Government in Indonesia shows a decrease and increase every year. The indices that influence include the Online Service Index, the Telecommunication Infrastructure Index, the Human Capital Index. This paper aims to analyze the application of E-Government in Indonesia. This research uses data from a UN survey through the UN E-Government Knowledgebase. Based on the results of this study, the index of E-Government implementation in Indonesia has decreased and increased 0.4949 in 2012, 0.4487 in 2014, 0.4478 in 2016 and 0.5258 in 2018, which shows that the implementation of E-Government in Indonesia has decreased in the period 2012-2016 and an increase in the 2016-2018 period, which means that the Indonesian government began to improve E-Government in Indonesia.Perkembangan E-Government di Indonesia menunjukkan penurunan dan peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Indeks-indeks yang memengaruhi antara lain Online Service Index, Telecommunication Infrastructure Index, Human Capital Index. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan E-Government di Indonesia. Penilitian ini menggunakan data dari survei PBB melalui UN E-Government Knowledgebase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan indeks penerapan E-Government di Indonesia mengalami penurunan dan peningkatan 0.4949 pada tahun 2012, 0.4487 pada tahun 2014, 0.4478 pada tahun 2016, dan 0.5258 pada tahun 2018, yang menunjukkan bahwa penerapan E-Government di Indonesia mengalami penurunan pada periode 2012-2016 dan peningkatan pada periode 2016-2018, yang berarti bahwa pemerintah Indonesia mulai memperbaiki E-Government yang ada di Indonesia


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    From 2015 to October 2020, there were 95 recorded conflicts between humans and elephants in six sub-districts in Pidie District, Aceh province. One of the sub-districts in the Tangse sub-district is Paya Guci village, an area of ​​the Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT). Farmers in this area are very vulnerable to elephant disturbance, which causes economic losses and has adverse effects on human social life, culture, and survival. Lack of public understanding of ecology and behavior and efforts to mitigate conflicts between humans and elephants require training to increase knowledge, especially understanding how to prevent elephant disturbances by not killing, poisoning wisely, and trapping. The participatory discussion method was carried out for four days, from 2 to 4 December 2020, at the Paya Guci Transmigration Settlement Unit, Tangse District, Pidie Regency. This training uses the room method (delivery of material) and field practice. It can be said that the level of understanding of community members of the ecology, behavior, and habitat that elephants like is still low; after this activity, perceptions and attitudes that are compatible with the provisions of conservation emerge, how to control wiser elephants, so that a commitment is built to form a Care Community group jointly. Wildlife Conflict (MPKSL) at the village level. ---  Dalam kurun waktu tahun 2015 sampai dengan Oktober 2020 tercatat telah terjadi konflik antara manusia dengan gajah sebanyak 95 kali di enam kecamatan pada Kabupaten Pidie provinsi Aceh. Salah satu kecamatan adalah kecamatan Tangse desa Paya Guci yang merupakan kawasan Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT). Kelompok petani pada kawasan ini sangat rentan dengan gangguan gajah yang tidak hanya menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi namun juga mengakibatkan efek negatif kepada kehidupan sosial manusia, budaya dan pada keberlangsungan hidup. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap ekologi dan prilaku serta upaya mitigasi konflik antara manusia dan gajah, diperlukan pelatihan untuk peningkatan pemahaman khususnya pemahaman terhadap bagaimana   melakukan tehnik pencegahan terhadap gangguan gajah secara bijak dengan tidak membunuh, meracun dan menjerat. Metode diskusi partisipatif dilaksanakan selama 4 hari yaitu tanggal 2 sampai 4 desember 2020 bertempat di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi Paya Guci Kecamatan Tangse Kabupaten Pidie. Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode ruangan (penyampaian materi) dan praktek lapangan. Dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat pemahaman warga masyarakat terhadap ekologi, prilaku dan habitat yang disukai gajah masih rendah, setelah kegiatan tersebut muncul persepsi dan sikap yang bersuaian dengan ketentuan konservasi bagaiman tehnik penaggulangan gajah yang lebih bijak, sehingga terbangun komitmen untuk bersama-sama membentuk kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Konflik Satwa Liar (MPKSL) di tingkat gampung

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Posyandu Desa Tulus Rejo Berbasis Web

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    Posyandu yang selama ini menjadi ujung tombak bagi pengembangan kesehatanibu dan anak masih belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan seluruh masyarakat. Tujuan posyandusebagai program kesehatan bagi ibu dan anak serta meningkatnya derajat kesehatan anakuntuk menjamin proses tumbuh kembang secara optimal sehingga menjadi landasan bagipeningkatan kualitas manusia seutuhnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: membuat WebsitePosyandu Desa Tulus Rejo pada Posyandu Desa Tulus Rejo, yang diharapkan dapatmembantu dan mempermudah Kader dalam Membuat Laporan dan proses Pencatatan.Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah merancang Sistem Informasi posyandu Desa TulusRejo berbasis Web. Penulis menggunakan metode Waterfall yang dapat memberikangambaran input dan output yang jelas untuk satu tahap ke tahap selanjutnya. WebsitePosyandu Desa Tulus Rejo dirancang dengan menggunakan pendekatan terstruktur, sertapengujian menggunakan teknik Black Box Testing. Pembuatan sistem informasi termuatdalam laporan yang berjudul “Perancangan SIstem Informasi Posyandu Desa Tulus RejoBerbasis We

    Kualitas Visum Et Repertum Perlukaan di RSUD Dr.rm.pratomo Bagan Siapi-api Periode 1 Januari 2009 - 31 Desember 2013

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    The most frequent Visum et repertum (VeR) requested by investigators is VeR of injury. It is because 50-70% of cases that come to the Emergency Unit are injury cases. A good quality of VeR is required in view of its important role in litigation of a criminal offense. This study was aimed to understand the quality of VeR of injury in Dr.RM.Pratomo General Hospital of Bagan Siapi-api during 1 January 2009-31 December 2013. The research was an observational study using descriptive retrospective design. This study used Herkutanto's scoring method towards 13 VeR substances. Samples of this study were all data of VeR of injury that had fulfilled inclusion criteria. The total of samples were 48 samples of VeR. This study suggested that the highest number of living victims of injury cases was 29 victims (60,4%) in age group 22-40 years old with the most frequent sex was male as many as 36 victims (75%). The most frequent violence was sharp violence as many as 28 cases (58,3%) with the most frequent age group was 22-40 years old. The quality of VeR in preface was 71% (medium), in body part was 51,56% (medium) and in conclusion was 28,12% (poor). In general, quality of VeR of injury in RSUD Dr.RM.Pratomo General Hospital of Bagan Siapi-api during 1 january 2009-31 december 2013 was 39,46% that could be categorized as poor quality