673 research outputs found

    Estimation of biomass density and carbon storage in the forests of Andhra Pradesh, India, with emphasis on their deforestation and degradation conditions

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    The current study evaluates the growing stock, biomass and carbon content of Andhra Pradesh state’s forest (India) along with its current status of forest degradation and loss. For this purpose, the study used the growing stock data collected by state forest department in 2010 for the calculation of biomass and carbon storage using the standard conversion and expansion factors given by IPCC. The analysis shows low biomass and carbon values for the state’s forest in comparison to the mean values recorded in different studies made for Andhra Pradesh. It is also observed to be lower when compared with the average carbon and biomass for Indian forests. Overall, the analysis showed degradation and loss of forest in the state, coupled with reduction in biomass and carbon sink

    Super-linear speed-up of a parallel multigrid Navier-Stokes solver on Flosolver

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    In parallel computing, scalability is an important issue and getting linear speed-ups is difficult for most codes. Super-linear speed up has been achieved on an eight-processor Flosolver system for a multigrid Navier-Stokes code. The physical problem solved, the parallelization method, the speed-ups obtained and possible explanations for this result are discussed here

    Is current forest landscape research approaches providing the right insights? Observations from India context

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    One of the major challenges in the current scenario for ecological conservation is to quantify the forest landscape in its spatio-temporal domain and understand further implications of those. While the detailed study of the forest ecosystems may provide insights into biodiversity, carrying capacity and productive nature, most of the studies are restricted to single time/event inventory and focused on assessment of tree diversity patterns. Through the adoption of geospatial technologies like remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS), though forest monitoring has been possible, the linkages to the biodiversity distribution and its patterns are still at an empirical level, thus supporting broad measures of protection and preservation without accounting for the local/regional variability.Towards this the paper discusses the lacuna in the current landscape research approaches in Indian scenario. Presents a framework to analyze the landscape structure at the, micro, meso and macro levels. Emphasize the need for the collection of spatio-temporal field data to analyze the change in biodiversity and their linked entities. The paper suggests the need for development of long term ecological area networks to understand the ecological processes, making the data open and improve collaborations among the organizations working in the similar domain to enhance the impact of the research works


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    This study contains of description and influence of the factors that influence consumer decision to use the Accumulated Balance Payment System (Pay later). This research uses descriptive and quantitative methods with analysis using Structural Equation Modeling and SmartPLS. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the variables Demographics, Orientations, and Psychographics have a positive and significant effect on the Consumer Consumer Payment Technology Use Decision. Based on the results the role of the closest family such as parents, husband, or wife in granting permission to use Pay later is very important. Companies need to implement the Familly Sharing Payment System in a consumer Pay later account. This is expected to provide ease of payment and get more users, provide solutions for family members who have not worked, and provide balanced restrictions and ease of payments that are integrated into one main account. Keywords: Pay later, Payment Technology, Accumulated Balance, Sharing Payment, Consumer DecisionPenelitian ini berisi kajian mengenai gambaran dan pengaruh dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen menggunakan Accumulated Balance Payment System atau Paylater. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskripstif dan kuantitatif dengan analisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling dan software SmartPLS. Sumber data yakni primer dan sekunder yang bersumber dari online maupun offline. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan variabel Demographics, Orientations, Psychographics berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Consumer Consumer Payment Technology Use Decission Decission. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pentingnya peranan keluarga terdekat seperti orang tua, suami atau istri dalam pemberian izin untuk mengunakan Paylater dalam berbelanja menggunakan Paylater. Perusahaan perlu melakukan penerapan Familly Sharing Payment System dalam akun Paylater. Hal ini diharapkan akan memberikan kemudahan pembayaran dan jangkauan pengguna yang lebih banyak, memberikan solusi bagi anggota keluarga yang belum bekerja, memberikan pembatasan kredit serta kemudahan pembayaran yang terintegrasi dalam satu akun utama. Kata Kunci: Bayar nanti, Teknologi Pembayaran, Akumulasi Saldo, Berbagi Pembayaran, Keputusan Konsume

    Intensi adopsi e-commerce dan aplikasi sistem akuntansi

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to analyze behavioral intention to conduct online selling and adopt accounting applications, and its effect on the actual use. The research was conducted from the planning and online selling processes through e-commerce platform to the preparation of financial reports by application to measure the intention to adopt and the actual usage of information technology. The study indicates that actual usage of accounting technology is influenced by intention to adopt, with the main factors consisting of the compatibility and observability of the technology. Complexity, relative advantage, and triability are not the obstacles to adopt the accounting technology as long as the technology is userfriendly and easy to observe. Awareness of the importance of accounting information system application and the difficulty of manual accounting processes is the driver of the intention to adopt accounting technology. There are good opportunities to increase digital literacy skills through technology diffusion, which is focused on transforming business technology along with material adjustments and eliminating inhibiting factors such as difficulties in accessing digital devices and their usage.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis minat melakukan online selling dan mengadopsi aplikasi akuntansi serta pengaruhnya terhadap penggunaan sebenarnya. Penelitian dilakukan dari proses perencanaan dan online selling pada platform e-commerce hingga penyusunan laporan keuangan yang menggunakan aplikasi untuk mengukur minat adopsi dan actual usage dari teknologi informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa actual usage teknologi akuntansi dipengaruhi oleh adanya minat untuk mengadopsi dengan faktor utama berupa kompatibilitas dan observabilitas dari teknologi akuntansinya. Faktor kompleksitas, keunggulan relatif, dan triability tidak menjadi halangan untuk mengadopsi penggunaan teknologi akuntansi selama sesuai dengan kondisi penggunanya dan mudah untuk diobservasi. Kesadaran terkait pentingnya adopsi teknologi akuntansi dan kesulitan proses akuntansi secara manual menjadi bagian dalam minat mengadopsi aplikasi sistem informasi akuntansi. Terdapat peluang yang baik untuk peningkatan kemampuan literasi digital melalui difusi teknologi yang berfokus pada transformasi teknologi bisnis disertai penyesuaian materi serta menghilangkan faktor penghambat seperti kesulitan akses pada perangkat digital dan pemanfaatannya

    On the true maximum order of a class of arithmetical functions

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