54 research outputs found

    Política de reinserción y funciones del trabajo en las prisiones. (El caso de Cataluña)

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    The penitentiary policy in relation to the work struggles between two options. On the one hand, the work like part of an integral policy is conceived, combined with other re-educations measures. And, on the other hand, the work is conceived as a form of return of the social damages caused by the delinquent. The work has positive functions in the rehabilitation and social reintegration of the prisoners. The work has important functions for the learning in the structuring of the daily life in the jails, the arrangement of the time within them and in the construction of the subjectivity of the prisoners, since the work improves the self-esteem.La política penitenciaria en relación al trabajo se debate entre dos opciones: por un lado, se concibe el trabajo como parte de una política integral, combinada con otras medidas reeducadoras, y, por otro lado, se concibe el trabajo como una forma de devolución de los daños sociales ocasionados por el delincuente. El trabajo tiene funciones positivas en la rehabilitación y reinserción social de los presos. El trabajo tiene importantes funciones para el aprendizaje y la estructuración de la vida cotidiana en las cárceles, en la ordenación del tiempo dentro de ellas y en la construcción de la subjetividad de los presos. El trabajo mejora la autoestima

    Numerical modelling of orthogonal cutting: Influence of cutting conditions and separation criterion

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    6 pages, 5 figures.-- Issue title: "EURODYMAT 2006 - 8th International Conference on Mehanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading" (Dijon, France, Sep 11-15, 2006).Chip formation is a high strain rate process studied with analytical and numerical models. Analytical models have the advantage of a small calculation time, however, they are often based on some assumptions which are difficult to verify. Finite element modelling (FEM) of chip formation process provides more details on the chip process formation, such as plastic strain, strain rate or stress fields. FEM can be used to improve the analytical models' assumptions. There is still a wide dispersion of formulations and numerical parameters adopted in order to obtain accurate results in numerical models. In the Lagrangian approach, it is of crucial importance to establish realistic criteria for element deletion, allowing chip separation from original workpiece. In the arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation no element deletion is needed. This work is focused in modelization of orthogonal cutting. A comparison between both numerical approaches, Lagrangian and ALE is shown. The effects of geometrical parameters, erosion criterion and cutting speed are evaluated. Comparisons between numerical and theoretical results are performed, and the results obtained from the numerical approach are used as an input of analytical model, improving its accuracy."Program of Creation and Consolidation of Research Teams" University Carlos III of Madrid (2005).Publicad

    Numerical modelling of femur fracture and experimental validation using bone simulant

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    [EN] Bone fracture pattern prediction is still a challenge and an active field of research. The main goal of this article is to present a combined methodology (experimental and numerical) for femur fracture onset analysis. Experimental work includes the characterization of the mechanical properties and fracture testing on a bone simulant. The numerical work focuses on the development of a model whose material properties are provided by the characterization tests. The fracture location and the early stages of the crack propagation are modelled using the extended finite element method and the model is validated by fracture tests developed in the experimental work. It is shown that the accuracy of the numerical results strongly depends on a proper bone behaviour characterization.The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER operation program for funding the Projects DPI2013-46641-R, RTC-2015-3887-8 and the Generalitat Valenciana through the Project Prometeo/2016/007.Marco, M.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Larraínzar, R.; Caeiro, JR.; Miguélez, MH. (2017). Numerical modelling of femur fracture and experimental validation using bone simulant. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 45(10):2395-2408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-017-1877-6S23952408451

    Residual stresses in orthogonal cutting of metals: the effect of thermo-mechanical coupling parameters and of friction

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    21 pages, 13 figures.The generation of residual stresses in orthogonal machining is analysed by using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) finite element approach. It is shown that a substantial level of tensile residual stresses can be obtained in the vicinity of the machined surface without any contribution of thermal effects. This motivates the development of a parametric study to analyse the effects of the thermomechanical coupling parameters on residual stresses. The roles of thermal expansion, of thermal softening and of the Taylor-Quinney coefficient (controlling the heat generated by plastic flow) are considered separately. The influence of friction is also analysed by assuming dry cutting conditions and a Coulomb friction law. The friction coefficient has a complex effect by controlling heat generation (frictional heating) along the tool rake and clearance faces and the propensity for the chip to stick to the tool. Geometrical effects such as the tool rake angle and the tool edge radius are also discussed.The authors are indebted, for the financial support of this work, to the Ministry of Science and Education of Spain (under project DPI2005-08018) and to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and University Carlos III of Madrid (under project CCG07-UC3M/DPI-3396).Publicad

    Supercritical Water Oxidation of Phenol with Air. Experimental results and modelling

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    La oxidación hidrotérmica es una forma eficiente para tratar aguas residuales que contienen materia orgánica. Por sus propiedades especificas, el agua supercrítica asegura una alta conversión de una amplia gama de materias orgánicas en presencia de un oxidante. El propósito de este trabajo es desarrollar un modelo matemático para un reactor tubular de flujo continuo dedicado a oxidación hidrotérmica. Este reactor tiene una baja relación longitud-diámetro con una inyección de aire. El modelo matemático se basa en el supuesto de flujo pistón. Las ecuaciones que gobiernan el sistema son: balances de cantidad de momento, de masa, de especies y de energía. Según este modelo, los perfiles de temperatura y concentración de especies químicas se calculan a lo largo del reactor. Las predicciones numéricas del modelo se comparan con perfiles experimentales obtenidos en el caso de oxidación supercrítica de fenol. Estas comparaciones muestran un muy buen ajuste.Hydrothermal oxidation is an efficient and clean way for the treatment of wastewater containing organic matter. Because of its specific properties, supercritical water ensures high conversion of a wide range of organic load in the presence of an oxidant. The purpose of thiswork is to develop a mathematical model for a continuous flow tubular reactor devoted to hydrothermal oxidation. This reactor has a lowratio diameter length with one air injection. The mathematical model is based on plug flow assumption. The governing equations are: momentum, mass, species and energy balances. According to this model, the profiles of temperature and concentration of chemical species are computed along the reactor. The numerical predictions of the model are compared to experimental profiles obtained in the case of supercritical oxidation of phenol. These comparisons show very good agreement

    Asymmetric Addition and Cycloaddition Reactions with Ylidene-Five-Membered Heterocycles

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    Five-membered heterocycles bearing an exocyclic double bond have been successfully used as substrates in asymmetric addition and cycloaddition reactions. Ylidene-heterocycles are attractive substrates due to their high functionalization and the presence of an electrophilic conjugated exocyclic double bound that can participate in nucleophilic addition reactions as well as cycloaddition reactions, which may be triggered by the formation of aromatic intermediates or products in many cases. During the last decades, catalytic methodologies have been developed using ylidene-heterocycles as substrates in order to synthesize useful optically active heterocyclic derivatives. 4-Ylidene-pyrazol-5-ones, isoxazolin-5-ones, 2,3-dioxopyrrolidines, rhodanines, oxazolidindiones, Erlenmeyer-Ploch azlactones and 5-ylidene-thiazolones have been successfully used as substrates in asymmetric reactions. This review collects the powerful research in asymmetric addition and cycloaddition reactions where ylidene-five-membered heterocycles have been used

    Applications of Supercritical Water in Waste Treatment and Valorization: A Review

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    La presente revisión trata sobre aplicaciones de agua en condiciones subcríticas y supercríticas con un enfoque en el proceso de oxidación de agua supercrítica (GASC) como ejemplo de tecnologías de alta temperatura y presión. Comienza presentando las ventajas de las propiedades del agua cerca y más allá del punto crítico y las principales aplicaciones que las aprovechan. Luego, se presenta una revisión sobre la GASC desde la descripción del proceso, el mecanismo de reacción y la cinética hasta el diseño y modelado del reactor. También presenta los principales problemas y dificultades que retrasan la aplicación industrial de GASC, y resume los principales esfuerzos e investigaciones para superarlos para obtener un proceso seguro, eficiente y económico.The present review deals with water applications in sub and supercritical conditions with a focus on supercritical water oxidation process (SCWO) as an example of high temperature and pressure technologies. It starts by presenting the advantages of water properties near and beyond the critical point and the major applications exploiting them. Then, it presents a review on SCWO from the description of the process, the reaction mechanism and kinetics to reactor design and modeling. It also presents the main problems and difficulties that delay the SCWO industrial application, and summarizes the main efforts and research to overcome them for a safe, efficient and economic process

    Hydrogen Production by Catalytic Conversion of Olive Mill Wastewater in Supercritical Water

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    La gasificación hidrotérmica se considera una tecnología prometedora para la conversión eficiente de residuos de biomasa húmeda en gas combustible. A diferencia de los métodos de gasificación convencionales, como la fermentación de metano o la gasificación térmica, la gasificación con agua supercrítica (GASC) produce un combustible gaseoso que no requiere un proceso de secado previo y tiene muchas ventajas desde el punto de vista energético, medioambiental y financiero. Este trabajo es particularmente valioso ya que estudia el aprovechamiento de residuos de biomasa reales; es decir, aguas residuales de almazara (alpechín) tratado con GASC tanto catalítico como no catalítico para producir hidrógeno. La creciente cantidad de alpechín se está convirtiendo en un grave problema medioambiental en los países productores de aceite de oliva. Se estudió el proceso SCWG de alpechín en un reactor discontinuo a 530 °C y 250 bar, y se evaluó el efecto de los catalizadores sobre el proceso en términos de conversión de biomasa (eliminación de DQO), rendimiento de gases (H2, CH4, CO2 y CO) y selectividad de H2. ​Hydrothermal gasification is considered to be a promising technology for the efficient conversion of wet biomass residues into fuel gas. Unlike conventional gasification methods, such as methane fermentation or thermal gasification, Supercritical Water Gasification (SCWG) produce a gas fuel, it does not require a previous drying process and it has many advantages from the energy, environmental and financial point of view. This work is particularly valuable since it studies the use of real biomass residues; i.e. Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW) treated with both catalytic and non-catalytic SCWG to produce hydrogen. The increasing amount of OMW is becoming a serious environmental problem in olive oil-producing countries. SCWG process of OMW in a batch reactor at 530 °C and 250 bar was studied, and the effect of the catalysts on the process was evaluated in terms of biomass conversion (COD removal), gases yields (H2, CH4, CO2 and CO) and H2 selectivity.Junta de Andalucía (proyecto P11-RNM-7048

    Hybridization of supercritical water oxidation and gasification processes at pilot plant scale

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    La combinación de OASC con GASC forma un sistema único que se ha probado en el presente estudio a escala de planta piloto utilizando un único reactor con un caudal de hasta 150 kg/h. En la primera sección del reactor tubular tiene lugar la OASC de una solución de etanol altamente concentrada, aumentando la temperatura. Luego, una solución de isopropanol es gasificado en la segunda sección para evitar mayores incrementos de temperatura y se produce hidrógeno. Se ha evaluado el efecto de diferentes caudales, la adición de diferentes cantidades de oxidante y la temperatura de precalentamiento de la alimentación de gasificación obteniendo un efluente gaseoso que contiene un 10,7% H2 y un 17,2% CH4 en las mejores condiciones que se han podido ensayar, aunque se obtendrían mejores resultados si los procesos pudieran llevarse a cabo en condiciones más extremas según las evidencias presentes en la bibliografía.The combination of SCWO with SCWG forms a unique system that has been tested in the present study at pilot plant scale using a single reactor with a flowrate of up to 150 kg/h. SCWO of a highly concentrated ethanol solution takes place in the first section of the tubular reactor, rising temperature. Then, an isopropanol solution is gasified into the second section to prevent any further increments of the temperature and producing hydrogen. The effect of different flowrates, the addition of different oxidant amounts and the preheating temperature of the gasification feed have been evaluated obtaining a gas effluent containing 10.7% H2 and 17.2% CH4 in the best conditions that have could tested, although better results would be obtained if processes could be carried out at more extreme conditions based on literature evidences.Programa FEDER 2014–2020 Junta de Andalucía (proyecto FEDER-UCA18–108297). Además Junta de Andalucía (proyectp P11–RNM-07048) así como a las empresas Abengoa Water y EMASESA

    Analysis of the Supercritical Water Gasification of Cellulose in a Continuous System Using Short Residence Times

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    Supercritical Water Gasification (SCWG) has the capacity to generate fuel gas effluent from wet biomass without previously having to dry the biomass. However, substantial efforts are still required to make it a feasible and competitive technology for hydrogen production. Biomass contains cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, so it is essential to understand their behavior in high-pressure systems in order to optimize hydrogen production. As the main component of biomass, cellulose has been extensively studied, and its decomposition has been carried out at both subcritical and supercritical conditions. Most previous works of this model compound were carried out in batch reactors, where reaction times normally take place in a few minutes. However, the present study demonstrates that gasification reactions can achieve efficiency levels of up to 100% in less than ten seconds. The effect of temperature (450-560 degrees C), the amount of oxidant (from no addition of oxidant to an excess over stoichiometric of 10%, n = 1.1), the initial concentration of organic matter (0.25-2 wt.%) and the addition of a catalyst on the SCWG of cellulose in a continuous tubular reactor at short residence times (from 6 to 10 s) have been studied in this work. Hydrogen yields close to 100% in the gas phase were obtained when operating under optimal conditions. Moreover, a validation of the experimental data has been conducted based on the theoretical data obtained from its kinetics