3,038 research outputs found

    Separación conyugal: consecuencias y reacciones postdivorcio de los hijos

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    [Resumen] Los estudios de investigaciones acerca de los efectos de la separación y divorcio consideran la edad como uno de los factores de riesgo predictores del tipo de desórdenes provocados por la separación conyugal. En concreto, los más pequeños tienden a presentar desórdenes conductuales (p.e. conductas regresivas, comportamientos repetitivos, problemas de aprendizaje, dificultades escolares y de rendimiento o depresión), mientras que los mayores suelen manifestar problemas de competencia social (v. gr. comportamiento disruptivos de violencia, agresividad, aislamiento del grupo de iguales o déficits en las habilidades sociales). Sobre la base de estas diferencias mediadas por la edad concretamos las consecuencias y reacciones que los niños experimentan ante la situación de separación y cómo condicionan el desarrollo evolutivo. A partir de ahí diseñaremos un programa para subsanar el déficit metacognitivo de los padres en relación a las pautas conductuales anómalas que pueden ser derivadas de un mal ajuste post-divorcio, esperando mediante la implantación del problema evitar, en la medida de 10 posible, las consecuencias y reacciones negativas de la separación en los menores

    ¿Podemos cazar ranas? : Calidad de los argumentos de alumnado de primaria y desempeño cognitivo en el estudio de una charca

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    Este trabajo es parte de un estudio longitudinal a lo largo de tres cursos, 4º a 6º de primaria. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la calidad de la argumentación de alumnos y alumnas de 4º de primaria en un contexto de toma de decisiones sobre qué estudiar, cómo estudiarlo y cómo comportarse en el campo y su relación con el uso de conocimientos de biología. Es un estudio de aula y la toma de datos incluye grabaciones en audio de las clases (en alguna sesión en video) y la participación observante. Los resultados muestran a) que la rúbrica propuesta permite evaluar la calidad de los argumentos; b) que existe en este grupo correspondencia entre la competencia argumentativa, la capacidad de justifi car posiciones, y el desempeño cognitivo, el uso de esquemas y categorías de conocimientos. Se discuten implicaciones para el diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje que promueven la argumentación.This work is part of a longitudinal study over three years, from 4th to 6th Grade in primary school. This paper focuses on the quality of the arguments of 4th Grade students (9 to10 years of age) while taking decisions about what to study, how to study it and how to behave on a field trip and their relationships to the use of knowledge. The results show a) that the proposed instrument is useful to assess the quality of the arguments; b) that in this group there is a correspondence between the argumentative competence, the ability to justify positions and the cognitive performance, the use of knowledge schemata and categories. Implications for the design of learning environments promoting argumentation are discussed

    Habilidades parentales en procesos de separación: desarrollo evolutivo de los menores y perfiles educativos

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    [Resumen] Para un adecuado ajuste de los menores a la separación, se hace necesario que los progenitores tomen conciencia y conozcan en mayor profundidad determinados elementos de su comportamiento y del de sus hijos en el proceso de ajuste a la nueva situación. Por todo esto, diseñamos un programa orientado a formar a los padres poniendo en relación el desarrollo evolutivo de los menores con los distintos perfiles educativos. En concreto, el objetivo perseguido es el conocimiento por parte de los padres de que los desajustes que provoca la separación son diferentes para cada estadio evolutivo de los menores. Asimismo, la identificación de los progenitores con alguno de los perfiles educativos expuestos, permite a los mismos comprender en qué medida sus pautas normativas afectan a la adaptación de los hijos a la nueva situación postdivorcio, además de ofrecerles un modelo educativo óptimo para imitar: el estilo asertivo. De la ejecución de este programa se espera una minimización de los desajustes de los menores a causa de la separación parental, mediante una mejora en las habilidades educativas

    Citizen Action as a Driving Force of Change. The Meninas of Canido, Art in the Street as an Urban Dynamizer

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    The austerity policies imposed by the government in the wake of the 2007 crisis have deteriorated the welfare state and limited neighborhood recovery. Considering the inability and inefficiency on the part of administrations to carry out improvement actions in neighborhoods, it is the neighborhood action itself that has carried out a series of resilient social innovations to reverse the dynamics. In this article, we will analyze the Canido neighborhood in Ferrol, a city in north-western Spain. Canido is traditional neighborhood that was experiencing a high degree of physical and social deterioration, until a cultural initiative called “Meninas of Canido,” promoted by one of its artist neighbors, recovered its identity and revitalized it from a physical, social, and economic point of view. Currently, the Meninas of Canido has become one of the most important urban art events in Spain and has receives international recognition. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact that this action has had in the neighborhood. For this, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with the local administration, neighborhood association, the precursors of this idea, merchants, and some residents in general, in order to perceive the reception and evolution of this action.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) New Models for Governing Cities and Intervention in Urban Spaces in the Post-Crisis Period (CSO2016-75236-C2-1-R).S

    The Lessons of Public–Private Collaboration for Energy Regeneration in a Spanish City. The Case of Txantrea Neighbourhood (Pamplona)

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    Although the transformation of the energy model is a global problem, cities take on a leading role in the process as they are important consumers of energy resources. For years, local authorities have been implementing various energy saving initiatives. The transport and equipment renovation sectors, as well as the residential renovation sector, are the focus of the objectives of local strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this article we analyse the role of local government in the energy transition, its relationship with other public–private territorial agents, and the involvement of citizens in the design and implementation of their initiatives. To this end, we will focus on the case of Pamplona, a city in the north of Spain with a policy aimed at low-energy, renewable, decentralised, and sustainable restructuring. We will analyse the heating districts of its Txantrea neighbourhood. By means of qualitative information obtained through interviews, we will see how the project has been carried out, which actors participated, the problems encountered, and how it has impacted savings, the improvement of quality of life of the residents, and urban and energetic regeneration processesThis research was funded by the State Research Agency, Ministry of Science and Innovation Reference PID2019-108120RB-C31S

    Hot gas desulphurisation with dolomite sorbent in coal gasification

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    Gasification technologies are among the most promising electrical power generation options both from an environmental and efficiency point of view, as they allow efficient, environmentally-friendly use of national coal, as well as other carbonaceous materials mixed with coal, including high sulphur by-products.During gasification, sulphur is converted mainly into H2S and secondly into COS, and control of these has been researched using several H2S adsorbents. The aim of this paper was advanced removal of these compounds. Dolomite, which reacts with H2S to yield calcium sulphide, was chosen from among several earth-alkaline compounds for research due to its properties and low cost in reducing the presence of H2S in coal gasification. Tests were carried out using dolomite from Granada, Spain, with this sorbent used without blending and with amounts of 100 g and 150 g in each test. The dolomite was sulphurized using a mixture of gases that simulates the gasification gas. The influence of sulphurisation conditions such as gas velocity, bed length, grain size, gas temperature, and gas composition were investigated. The solid products obtained were characterised by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis. The behaviour of COS that normally accompanies H2S in gasification gases was investigated and found to follow a breakthrough curve similar to H2S, with equilibrium existing between the COS destroyed due to reaction with hydrogen and by hydrolysis and the COS formed by reaction of CO2 with H2S. Hence, its content in outlet gases is a function of the composition of this gas, especially in terms of CO2, H2S and H2O. The accelerating effect of sulphurised dolomite on the rate of the reverse water-shift reaction was demonstrated

    Glia envolvente olfatoria modificada genéticamente mediante introducción de telomerasa

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    Referencia OEPM: P200100909.-- Fecha de solicitud: 19/04/2001.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).La presente invención consiste en la utilización de la glía envolvente olfatoria modificada mediante introducción de telomerasa o de cualquier molécula o moléculas que ésta produce, bien sea sola o en combinación con otras estrategias reparadoras, para tratar lesiones del sistema nervioso de mamíferos, incluidos los primates.Peer reviewe

    Oxidation of the sulfudized dolomite produced in the desulfurization of the gasification gases.

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    Dolomite reacts with H2S to produce calcium sulphide and has been broadly investigated as a desulphurization agent due to its low-cost and favourable properties. Because CaS reacts with water or water vapour in the environment to regenerate hydrogen sulphide and, therefore, disposal is problematic and the chemical cannot be uses as a landfill material. One ofthe methods used to make this material inert is oxidation to convert calcium sulphide into calcium sulphate or calcium oxide. In our study, tests were carried out using dolomite from Granada, Spain, that was previously calcined and sulphurised at high temperature with a gas similar to that produced in gasification facilities. To approximate real-scale results, a relatively large amount of substance was used for each sample (100–150 g) and the samples were used in a fixed-bed position. The influence of different conditions, such as grain size, composition of the oxidation gas, gas velocity, bed length and temperature, was them investigated. The final solid products were characterised by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis and the CO2, SO2, H2S and COS concentrations in the gases produced during oxidation were analysed by gas chromatography. The results showed that the most influential factor was grain size and that the best oxidant was O2mixed with nitrogen. The presence of water vapour increases the residual concentration of CaS in the end product, butin creased the CaO content The higher the oxygen concentration and the higher the gas velocity, the lower the residual content ofCaS. CO2 used alone oxidises CaS to produce SO2 and COS, but at very low rates. It also produces some CS2.Water vapour used alone can also oxidise the CaS to produce H2S and SO2 but also at very low velocity. At higher oxidation temperature, between 700_C and 850 _C, lesser residual CaS is obtained in the oxidized product

    Notas sobre cartografía urbana histórica de España

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    La representación planimétrica de la ciudad se generaliza, en España, en los siglos XIX y XX. La guerra de la Independencia, en la que fueron frecuentes los sitios de ciudades, fue la causa del desarrollo de una extensa cartografía urbana. Entre 1847 y 1870, la publicación del Atlas de España y sus posesiones de Ultramar, de Francisco Coello, aparecido a la vez que el Diccionario Geográfico de Pascual Madoz, incluyó los planos de 223 ciudades y villas, la serie de cartografía urbana de España más homogénea del siglo XIX.La obligación establecida Por Real Decreto de 1846 de dotarse los municipios urbanos de plano geométrico, la legislación de ensanche y reforma interior, más la generalización de las "guías " urbanas, impulsaron la elaboración de planos de ciudades en los siglos XIX y XX. Finalmente, el impulso de los trabajos catastrales, desarrolló en la generalidad de las ciudades la cartografía parcelaria