301 research outputs found

    Sensibilidad ética y su relación con el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de enfermería.

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    Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar la relación que existe entre la sensibilidad ética y el consumo de alcohol de los estudiantes de enfermería de una institución educativa privada de Monterrey, Nuevo León. El diseño del estudio fue descriptivo, correlacional. El tipo de muestreo fue censal en un momento en el tiempo. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 298 participantes. Se utilizó una Cédula de Datos Personales e Historia de Consumo de Alcohol y dos instrumentos: el Cuestionario de Sensibilidad Ética [MSQ] de Lutzén (2006) que obtuvo un coeficiente de confiabilidad de .71 y Cuestionario de Identificación de los Trastornos debidos al Consumo de Alcohol (AUDIT) de De la Fuente y Kershenobich (1992) que presentó una consistencia interna de .84. Se aplicó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov con corrección de Lillierfors y se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial no paramétrica: U de Mann-Whitney y el Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman. El estudio se apegó al Reglamento de la Ley General en Materia de Investigación para la Salud (1987). Contribución y Conclusión: edad de inicio de consumo de alcohol promedio fue de 16.1 años [DE=2.2] con un consumo de 4.4 bebidas por ocasión [DE=2.8]. La prevalencia global de consumo de alcohol fue de 80.5% con IC 95% [73-84], la prevalencia lápsica con 59.4% IC 95% [52-65], la prevalencia actual con el 40.6% con IC 95% [33-47] y la prevalencia instantánea fue de 24.5% con IC 95% [17-25]. El consumo de alcohol mostró diferencias significativas por sexo (χ²= 6.129, p= .047) el estudiante de enfermería del sexo femenino presentó mayor consumo sensato (42.5%) en comparación con el sexo masculino (37.2%). De igual manera el consumo dependiente fue mayor en el sexo femenino (27.6%) que el sexo masculino (14.0%). El consumo de alcohol dañino fue más alto en el sexo masculino (48.8%) que el sexo femenino (29.9%). No se encontraron diferencias significativas del consumo de alcohol por edad (χ²= 1.316, p= .518), escolaridad (χ²= 1.042, p= .594) y ocupación (χ²= 3.210, p= .201). Referente a la sensibilidad ética se encontraron diferencias significativas por sexo en la dimensión de carga moral (U= 9022.5, p= .015) por lo que los estudiantes que tienen entre 14 y 17 años de edad presentan mayor carga moral que los estudiantes de 18 a 39 años de edad. Se encontró una tendencia a la significancia en la dimensión de carga moral por ocupación (U= 7470.50, p= .057), mostrando mayor carga moral los participantes que solo estudian

    Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE): A Review of Current Knowledge

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    This literature review deals with Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE), a condition which is potentially fatal to infected animals and continues to threaten the rabbit production industry internationally. The documented history of the condition is reviewed, together with what is known regarding the aetiology of the disease and candidate organisms which appear to be associated with its onset, although cannot be implicated as being the causal agent. Approaches to reduce the incidence of the condition (combining both husbandry practices and nutritional considerations), together with potential post-onset treatments and management strategies are also discussed

    Current Advances in Detection and Treatment of Babesiosis

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    Babesiosis is a disease with a world-wide distribution affecting many species of mammals principally cattle and man. The major impact occurs in the cattle industry where bovine babesiosis has had a huge economic effect due to loss of meat and beef production of infected animals and death. Nowadays to those costs there must be added the high cost of tick control, disease detection, prevention and treatment. In almost a century and a quarter since the first report of the disease, the truth is: there is no a safe and efficient vaccine available, there are limited chemotherapeutic choices and few low-cost, reliable and fast detection methods. Detection and treatment of babesiosis are important tools to control babesiosis. Microscopy detection methods are still the cheapest and fastest methods used to identify Babesia parasites although their sensitivity and specificity are limited. Newer immunological methods are being developed and they offer faster, more sensitive and more specific options to conventional methods, although the direct immunological diagnoses of parasite antigens in host tissues are still missing. Detection methods based on nucleic acid identification and their amplification are the most sensitive and reliable techniques available today; importantly, most of those methodologies were developed before the genomics and bioinformatics era, which leaves ample room for optimization. For years, babesiosis treatment has been based on the use of very few drugs like imidocarb or diminazene aceturate. Recently, several pharmacological compounds were developed and evaluated, offering new options to control the disease. With the complete sequence of the Babesia bovis genome and the B. bigemina genome project in progress, the post-genomic era brings a new light on the development of diagnosis methods and new chemotherapy targets. In this review, we will present the current advances in detection and treatment of babesiosis in cattle and other animals, with additional reference to several apicomplexan parasites

    Historia Ambiental Colectiva y desde Abajo: Aplicaciones para la Resignificación Territorial en el Golfo de California

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    The Gulf of California (GoC) is the only sea in the world managed by a single nation. It has 49% of the Mexican coastline and 50% of the national island territory. It is one of the five marine ecosystems with the highest productivity and biodiversity on the planet. In 2005, its protected natural areas were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list and possess numerous Ramsar Sites. It produces 70% of the national fisheries and its scenic beauty supports a diverse tourism industry. Faced with so many wonders, the historical reality of these region contrasts with the asymmetry of economic and political power since the 16th century. Its natural resources and its inhabitants have been exploited, with severe socio-ecological costs. This methodological proposal intends to make environmental history a tool for territorial redefinition and a tool for the fight for communities’ autonomy in the GoC. The collective construction of multiactoral and intercultural historical knowledge explores a collaborative way of making history from the sharing of different voices that provide an approach to their realities and that, in addition, enriches the knowledge around the biocultural diversity and socio-ecological problems of the GoC. It also makes visible the efforts of actors, communities and organizations that are struggling to break this asymmetry of power. To contextualize the need to make another story, first we synthetically present the story of the asymmetry of the GoC. In the second part we explain the two stages that support this proposal of collective and from below historiography that vindicates identity, strengthens roots and legitimizes the struggles in defense of our sea.El golfo de California (GdC) es el único mar en el mundo gestionado por una sola nación. Posee 49% de los litorales mexicanos y 50% del territorio insular nacional. Es uno de los cinco ecosistemas marinos con mayor productividad y biodiversidad del planeta. En 2005, sus áreas naturales protegidas fueron inscritas en la lista de Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO y alberga numerosos Sitios Ramsar. Produce 70% de la pesca nacional y su belleza paisajística sustenta una variada industria turística. Ante tantas maravillas contrasta la realidad histórica de una región en la que desde el siglo XVI prevalece la asimetría del poder económico y político. Se han explotado sus recursos y habitantes con severos costos socioecológicos. La propuesta metodológica que presentamos tiene la intención de hacer de la historia ambiental una herramienta para la resignificación territorial y la lucha por la autonomía de las comunidades del GdC. La construcción colectiva, multiactoral e intercultural, del conocimiento histórico explora una forma de hacer historia a partir de distintas voces que brindan un acercamiento a sus realidades, enriqueciendo el conocimiento en torno a la diversidad biocultural y las problemáticas socioecológicas del GdC. También permite visibilizar los esfuerzos de actores, comunidades y organizaciones que luchan por romper con esa asimetría del poder. Para contextualizar la necesidad de hacer otra historia, primero presentamos sintéticamente la historia de la asimetría del GdC. En el segundo apartado explicamos las dos etapas que sustentan esta propuesta de historiografía colectiva y desde abajo que reivindica la identidad, fortalece el arraigo y legitima las luchas en defensa de Nuestro mar

    Índice de percepción local de mejora del combate al rezago social: análisis de las centrales eólicas en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca

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    The aim of this study is to analyze how people struggle against social backwardness in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, in response to the installation of wind farms in the region. We rely on the holistic analytical dimensions proposed by Social Metabolism to quantify biophysical interactions between society and environmental, while making use of Geospatial Information Systems and data produced by Coneval and INEGI regarding social backwardness. We conclude that, in the region, the perception of improvement in the social backwardness index has not increased with the presence of these megaprojects, given that they do not mitigate ecosystem impacts or social backwardness.El objetivo de este artículo es proponer un nuevo índice local de percepción de mejora del combate al rezago social en la región del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, como resultado de la puesta en marcha de centrales eólicas. Nos apoyamos en las dimensiones analíticas holísticas propuestas por el Metabolismo Social para cuantificar las interacciones biofísicas entre sociedad y medio ambiente, en el uso de Sistemas de Información Geoespacial, así como en datos arrojados por el Coneval e INEGI respecto al rezago social. Concluimos que la percepción de mejora sobre este índice en la región no ha incrementado con la presencia de estos megaproyectos ya que estos no mitigan los impactos ecosistémicos ni coadyuvan al combate de tal fenómeno

    Toxic effects of Pseudanabaena tenuis (Cyanobacteria) on the cladocerans Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia

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    Some cyanobacteria can produce toxins that affect the aquatic biota and represent a human health risk. The cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena tenuis was isolated from the Valle de Bravo dam, and cultured in the laboratory under controlled conditions. We determined the acute toxic effects and performed a chronic (consumption) test in the cladocerans Daphnia magna (a reference test organism) and Ceriodaphnia dubia (a cosmopolitan species). To determine acute toxicity, three exposure ways were assayed: a) cell-free culture medium, b) crude cell extracts of the cyanobacterium after lysing, and c) aqueous extracts of P. tenuis phycobiliproteins. On the other hand, both cladocerans were fed P. tenuis, assessing the effects on survival and reproduction. For comparison, a control culture of both cladocerans was fed the green microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Exposure to the cell-free culture medium did not produce any mortality in either cladoceran, but the aqueous and crude extracts generated acute toxicity. D. magna and C. dubia were negatively affected when fed P. tenuis, since their survival, total progeny, average number of neonates per clutch, and the number of clutches decreased. C. dubia was more sensitive than D. magna, both in the acute toxicity tests and to the effects of P. tenuis consumption. Although most of the blooms around the world are dominated by cyanobacteria of the genus Microcystis, attention should be given to other species, such as P. tenuis, because, frequently, it is not recognized that smaller cyanobacteria could exceed the larger species in terms of biomass, and produce noxious biological effect

    Fast flame temperature estimation using a point diffraction interferometer and non-negative least square method

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    Some of the interferometry methods proposed for flame temperature measurements from its projection could be complex and demand so much computing time. Assuming a circular symmetric and smooth flame temperature distribution, it is possible to use a linear combination of Gaussian functions with weights constrained to non-negative values

    Semi-Huber Half Quadratic Function and Comparative Study of Some MRFs for Bayesian Image Restoration

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    The present work introduces an alternative method to deal with digital image restoration into a Bayesian framework, particularly, the use of a new half-quadratic function is proposed which performance is satisfactory compared with respect to some other functions in existing literature. The bayesian methodology is based on the prior knowledge of some information that allows an efficient modelling of the image acquisition process. The edge preservation of objects into the image while smoothing noise is necessary in an adequate model. Thus, we use a convexity criteria given by a semi-Huber function to obtain adequate weighting of the cost functions (half-quadratic) to be minimized. The principal objective when using Bayesian methods based on the Markov Random Fields (MRF) in the context of image processing is to eliminate those effects caused by the excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of image which are rich in contours or edges. A comparison between the new introduced scheme and other three existing schemes, for the cases of noise filtering and image deblurring, is presented. This collection of implemented methods is inspired of course on the use of MRFs such as the semi-Huber, the generalized Gaussian, the Welch, and Tukey potential functions with granularity control. The obtained results showed a satisfactory performance and the effectiveness of the proposed estimator with respect to other three estimators

    Mexican children’s social welfare according to international migration links: an approach

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    Since the start of the 21st century, a positive view of the effects of international migration on promotion of development of origin countries, especially regarding remittances, remains. The aim here is to examine the welfare indicators of children living in households with international migra- tion links. Based on data from the 2010 Population and Housing Census and descriptive statistics, social conditions that prevail in this population are reviewed, with one of the parents, or both, being present in the household. The results show that Mexican children face limitations concerning child labor, educational backwardness, non-attendance at school and food insufficiency, and that those living in households with migration links are more vulnerable. This means that the State should design public policies that con- sider the characteristics of this population in order to im- prove its social condition and development.Desde inicios del siglo XXI permanece una visión positiva de los efectos de la migración internacional en la promoción del desarrollo de los países de origen, especialmente de las remesas. El objetivo aquí es examinar los indicadores de bienestar de los niños que viven en hogares con vínculos migratorios internacionales. Con los datos del censo de población y vivienda de 2010 y con la estadística descriptiva se revisan las condiciones sociales que prevalecen en dicha población, cuando en el hogar está presente uno de los padres o ambos. Los resultados muestran que la niñez mexicana enfrenta limitaciones con respecto al trabajo infantil, el rezago educativo, la inasistencia escolar y la insuficiencia alimentaria, y que quienes viven en hogares con vínculos migratorios son más vulnerables. Lo que implica que el Estado debe diseñar políticas públicas que consideren las características de esta población para mejorar su condición social y de desarrollo

    Microcystins produced by filamentous cyanobacteria in urban lakes. A case study in Mexico City

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    Cyanobacterial blooms are of great importance because of the toxic effects that these microorganisms are able to induce, particularly on aquatic organisms. Microcystins (MCs) are the principal toxins biosynthesized by cyanobacteria and are powerful inhibitors of the protein phosphatases 1 and 2A. Zooplankton filter feeders such as cladocerans are directly affected by MCs as a result of ingestion of cyanobacteria or contact with intracellular products when cyanobacterial cells break up during and after blooms. A total of 17 strains of filamentous cyanobacteria isolated from three urban lakes in Mexico City were characterized using the microcystin synthetase region mcyA-Cd. Acute 48-h toxicity was evaluated in different strains using the cladoceran Daphnia magna and total microcystin content was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The mcyA-Cd region was amplified in 16 microcystin-producing strains; microcystins were detected in eight strains with values ranging from 0.1422 to 2.772 µg L-1. Nevertheless, all aqueous crude extracts induced acute toxicity in D. magna with LC50 values from 363.91 to 741.8 mg L-1 (dry weight). The toxicity observed in non-microcystin-producing strains may be induced by cyclic peptides other than microcystins (anabaenopeptins, microviridins and cyclamides). The results obtained warn of the toxigenic potential of filamentous cyanobacteria, since though Microcystis spp. is frequently predominant in blooms, other toxins and intracellular metabolites released by filamentous cyanobacteria may induce toxicity on aquatic organisms as well as humans