1,571 research outputs found

    Simple Approach to Special Polynomials: Laguerre, Hermite, Legendre, Tchebycheff, and Gegenbauer

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    Special polynomials: Laguerre, Hermite, Legendre, Tchebycheff and Gegenbauer are obtained through well-known linear algebra methods based on Sturm-Liouville theory. A matrix corresponding to the differential operator is found and its eigenvalues are obtained. The elements of the eigenvectors obtained correspond to each mentioned polynomial. This method contrasts in simplicity with standard methods based on solving the differential equation by means of power series, obtaining them through a generating function, using the Rodrigues formula for each polynomial, or by means of a contour integral

    Sobre la traducción y edición de literatura griega moderna y contemporánea en España (1993-2005)

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    In order to study the development of the Spanish reception of Modern and Contemporary Greek literature in the second half of the twentieth century and approach more fully the present-day state of the question, it is necessary to avoid a consideration of these five decades as if they constituted a homogeneous period. For the objectives of our study it is posible to distinguish three phases. The first covers the period from the first Spanish editions of the work of Casantsakis (1959) and the poetry of C.P. Cavafis (1962) to the death of the dictator and the beginning of the Spanish transition to democracy (1975). The second one covers the years from 1976 (first publication of Cavafy’s 154 canon poems a few months after Franco´s death) to 1992, an emblematic year in the recent history of Spain. The third phase goes from 1993 to 2005, year in which Liber, the International Book Fair in Madrid, was dedicated to Greece

    Efectes d’un entrenament planificat i controlat en minibàsquet (11 i 12 anys) sobre la potència anaeròbica

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    L’objectiu d’aquest treball ha estat avaluar els efectes que té, en nens, la participació en el programa d’entrenament esportiu dissenyat i controlat en minibàsquet, mitjançant l’índex de Korcek (GE, N = 12), sobre la potència anaeròbica en comparació amb un grup d’entrenament no planificat (GC, N = 12). El control del programa es va realitzar registrant la freqüència cardíaca mitjançant Sport Tester en les sessions d’entrenament i ajustant-ne la càrrega, segons l’índex de Korcek, als microcicles establerts en la planificació anual. El programa d’entrenament es va realitzar al llarg de set mesos, amb recollides de dades en dos moments diferents (primer mes i setè mes). La valoració de la potència anaeròbica es va estimar mitjançant la realització del test de Wingate en cicloergòmetre. Es van controlar les variables d’edat cronològica i biològica, pes, alçària, dos perímetres musculars, dos diàmetres ossis i tres plecs cutanis, i totes les variables van ser valorades seguint les normes establertes per l’“IWGK” i “GREC”. Els resultats mostren millores de la potència anaeròbica en el GE. Els components del GE presenten millores significatives en la resistència anaeròbica respecte del GC, i milloren de manera substancial l’índex de fatiga

    Diversity of N2-fixing cyanobacteria from Andalusian paddy fields and analysis of their potential as bioinoculants

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    The marshes of the Guadalquivir River contain the largest area of rice cultivation in Spain, where more than 40,000 ha are used every year for rice production. These wetland areas provide a perfect place for rice cultivation, and represent a unique aquaticterrestrial habitat that hold more wintering waterfowl than any other European wetland. Paddies require large amounts nitrogen and phosphorus for their growth, development and production. Though, flooded conditions used for rice cultivation drastically diminish efficiency inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, being only 30–40% used by the plant, and in some cases even less. Large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers are dissolved in the surface water and lost, causing environmental pollution and health problems due to losses through N2O and NO volatilization, denitrification, and leaching (Ishii et al., 2011)

    Total replacement of recycled aggregate and treated wastewater: concrete recycling in extremis

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    Million tons of construction and demolition waste (CDW) are generated every year around the world, and most of them are not adequately disposed, generating significant pollution on water, soil and air. Additionally, the use of freshwater in industrial processes, such as the production of cement, concrete manufacturing and curing for newly-built structures; has damaged the health of our freshwater ecosystems, reducing their volume and hindering their natural cycle of renovation. Therefore, the incorporation of recycled aggregate (RA) and treated wastewater (TW) as substitutes for the usual aggregates (UA) and freshwater, could generate significant environmental benefits. In this research, a comparative analysis of the experimental results of the properties of fresh and hardened concrete with different replacement percentage of UA for RA, is presented; and as an innovation the use TW. The results show that, regardless of the replacement percentage and use of treated wastewater, a concrete with RA and TW (recycled concrete in extremis, CRiE) had a satisfactory and acceptable or equivalent performance, not differing significantly from the performance of conventional concrete (CC), confirming that the use of RA for concrete building is feasible.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La administración del talento humano por competencias para el desarrollo de una cultura organizacional

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    Este ejercicio nos brindará elementos para la exploración de una organización sin ánimo de lucro interesada en el abordaje e intervención de diversas problemáticas que aquejan a poblaciones vulnerables, focalizando este análisis en el estado actual de las acciones, procesos y lineamientos establecidos para la administración del talento humano, evidenciando la necesidad de diseñar e implementar un modelo formal y estructurado que permita mitigar los impactos negativos presentes por la manera como se viene administrando el talento humano en la organización, buscando una postura conceptual y metodológica que responda a las características particulares del tipo de organización, de su estructura, de las proyecciones de crecimiento a corto, mediano y largo plazo, de la funcionalidad para su aplicación y sostenibilidad, por último, para llegar a proponer un modelo de desarrollo del talento humano basado en competencias, con un estructura, pasos definidos y establecidos, acciones definidas, tareas y responsables puntuales, para abonar el terreno para la conformación de la subdirección del talento humano en la organización

    Mutual fund trading and portfolio disclosures

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    This is the first study in a large European market which analyzes monthly portfolios to obtain evidence of equity fund trading around quarterly reports. A new portfolio-weight approach shows that managers disclose large-cap and well-known stocks with higher returns and hide the same return-loser stocks in the reporting months. A fund-size agency problem plays an important role in this window dressing evidence. Fund trading also shows that managers benefits from the January effect by buying small-cap stocks at the beginning of the year rather than causing this anomaly

    Efectos de un entrenamiento planificado y controlado en minibasket (11 y 12 años) sobre la potencia anaeróbica

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido evaluar los efectos que en niños tiene su participación en el programa de entrenamiento deportivo diseñado y controlado en minibasket mediante el Indice de Korcek (GE, N = 12), sobre la potencia anaeróbica en comparación con un grupo de entrenamiento no planificado (GC, N = 12). El control del programa se realizó registrando la frecuencia cardíaca mediante Sport Tester en las sesiones de entrenamiento y ajustando la carga del mismo según el Indice de Korcek a los microciclos establecidos en la planificación anual. El programa de entrenamiento se realizó a lo largo de 7 meses, con recogidas de datos en dos momentos diferentes (primer y séptimo mes). La valoración de la potencia anaeróbica se estimó mediante la realización del test de Wingate en cicloergómetro. Se controlaron las variables de edad cronológica y biológica, peso, talla, dos perímetros musculares, dos diámetros óseos y tres pliegues cutáneos, valorándose todas ellas siguiendo las normas establecidas por el IWGK y GREC. Los resultados muestran mejoras de la potencia anaeróbica en el GE. Los componentes del GE presentan mejoras significativas en la resistencia anaeróbica con respecto al GC, ‘mejorando sustancialmente el Indice de fatiga

    Descriptive analysis of viability of fuel saving in commercial aircraft through the application of photovoltaic cells

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    This paper presents the analysis of the technical feasibility to use a photovoltaic system to supply the electrical demand on two referential commercial aircraft, Airbus A340–300 and Cessna Conquest 441. The methodology approach comprises a process given by the selection of the photovoltaic technology, the calculation of the available solar radiation, the determination of the electrical demand, the layout definition of solar cells, the photovoltaic system capacity calculation, the estimation of the photovoltaic system weight, the estimation of fuel savings for photovoltaic system equipped aircrafts, and finally, the extrapolation of results to other aircrafts. The study concludes that the use of photovoltaic technology to supply power to the aircraft electrical system can result viable from the point of view of operational profitability, generating savings in fuel consumption. These fuel savings depend on the type of aircraft, the flying route and schedules of operation.El documento sera publicado en la versión impresa de la revista Volume 51, November 2015, Pages 138–15