7 research outputs found

    Increased Production of Outer Membrane Vesicles by Salmonella Interferes with Complement-Mediated Innate Immune Attack

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    Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) enriched with bioactive proteins, toxins, and virulence factors play a critical role in host-pathogen and microbial interactions. The two-component system PhoP-PhoQ (PhoPQ) of Salmonella enterica orchestrates the remodeling of outer membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules and concomitantly upregulates OMV production. In this study, we document a novel use of nanoparticle tracking analysis to determine bacterial OMV size and number. Among the PhoPQ-activated genes tested,; pagC; expression had the most significant effect on the upregulation of OMV production. We provide the first evidence that PhoPQ-mediated upregulation of OMV production contributes to bacterial survival by interfering with complement activation. OMVs protected bacteria in a dose-dependent manner, and bacteria were highly susceptible to complement-mediated killing in their absence. OMVs from bacteria expressing PagC bound to complement component C3b in a dose-dependent manner and inactivated it by recruiting complement inhibitor Factor H. As we also found that Factor H binds to PagC, we propose that PagC interferes with complement-mediated killing of Salmonella in the following two steps: first by engaging Factor H, and second, through the production of PagC-enriched OMVs that divert and inactivate the complement away from the bacteria. Since PhoPQ activation occurs intracellularly, the resultant increase in PagC expression and OMV production is suggested to contribute to the local and systemic spread of Salmonella released from dying host cells that supports the infection of new cells.; IMPORTANCE; Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) mediate critical bacterium-bacterium and host-microbial interactions that influence pathogenesis through multiple mechanisms, including the elicitation of inflammatory responses, delivery of virulence factors, and enhancement of biofilm formation. As such, there is a growing interest in understanding the underlying mechanisms of OMV production. Recent studies have revealed that OMV biogenesis is a finely tuned physiological process that requires structural organization and selective sorting of outer membrane components into the vesicles. In Salmonella, outer membrane remodeling and OMV production are tightly regulated by its PhoPQ system. In this study, we demonstrate that PhoPQ-regulated OMV production plays a significant role in defense against host innate immune attack. PhoPQ-activated PagC expression recruits the complement inhibitor Factor H and degrades the active C3 component of complement. Our results provide valuable insight into the combination of tools and environmental signals that Salmonella employs to evade complement-mediated lysis, thereby suggesting a strong evolutionary adaptation of this facultative intracellular pathogen to protect itself during its extracellular stage in the host

    Differential Expression Analysis on Schizophrenia Dataset Suggests Pseudogene RNU6-505P as under Selective Pressure

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    Schizophrenia is one of the 15 leading causes of disability worldwide. About 1% of the global population has schizophrenia, with 10% of premature mortality chance. Schizophrenia is therefore associated with significant health, social and economic concerns. In this context, thalamus and striatum areas play important roles as much in schizophrenia as processing information before reaching the conscious thought: step happening soon in the creativity action. Creativity is defined by psychological scientists as the generation of ideas or products that are both original and valuable. Creativity relies on imagination and this fundamental human ability remains understudied in comparison to other important psychological phenomena. It is natural to ask whether the gene expression profiling of samples from schizophrenic patients could highlight the activity of some genes specific to humans. Microarray analysis of the dataset GSE25673 revealed that the pseudogene RNU6-505P is expressed differentially in schizophrenic samples and correlates to CYP26A1, ARHGAP18, TSPAN12, HEY2 and TMEM132A genes. Ontological analysis showed that the RNU6-505P pseudogene is involved in brain development and certain neurological pathologies. Evolutionary analysis showed that the AGA 3-nucleotide sequence of RNU6-505P has been under positive selective pressure. Finally, the 1-nucleotide mutation prediction test revealed that variations on the AGA nucleotides could be fatal to the RNA structure of the sequence. We conclude that differential expression of the RNU6-505P pseudogene can be valid to diagnose schizophrenia and the RNU6-505P pseudogene may have a relevant function in the cerebral development and in the divergent evolution of humans from apes

    Association of Salmonella virulence factor alleles with intestinal and invasive serovars

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    Abstract Background The role of Salmonella virulence factor (VF) allelic variation in modulating pathogenesis or host specificity has only been demonstrated in a few cases, mostly through serendipitous findings. Virulence factor (VF) alleles from Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica genomes were compared to identify potential associations with the host-adapted invasive serovars Typhi, Dublin, Choleraesuis, and Gallinarum, and with the broad host-range intestinal serovars Typhimurium, Enteritidis, and Newport. Results Through a bioinformatics analysis of 500 Salmonella genomes, we have identified allelic variants of 70 VFs, many of which are associated with either one of the four host-adapted invasive Salmonella serovars or one of the three broad host-range intestinal serovars. In addition, associations between specific VF alleles and intra-serovar clusters, sequence types (STs) and/or host-adapted FimH adhesins were identified. Moreover, new allelic VF associations with non-typhoidal S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium (NTS) or invasive NTS (iNTS) were detected. Conclusions By analogy to the previously shown association of specific FimH adhesin alleles with optimal binding by host adapted Salmonella serovars, lineages or strains, we predict that some of the identified association of other VF alleles with host-adapted serovars, lineages or strains will reflect specific contributions to host adaptation and/or pathogenesis. The identification of these allelic associations will support investigations of the biological impact of VF alleles and better characterize the role of allelic variation in Salmonella pathogenesis. Most relevant functional experiments will test the potential causal contribution of the detected FimH-associated VF variants in host adapted virulence

    Toxicity of Graphene Shells, Graphene Oxide, and Graphene Oxide Paper Evaluated with Escherichia coli Biotests

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    The plate-like graphene shells (GS) produced by an original methane pyrolysis method and their derivatives graphene oxide (GO) and graphene oxide paper (GO-P) were evaluated with luminescent Escherichia coli biotests and additional bacterial-based assays which together revealed the graphene-family nanomaterials’ toxicity and bioactivity mechanisms. Bioluminescence inhibition assay, fluorescent two-component staining to evaluate cell membrane permeability, and atomic force microscopy data showed GO expressed bioactivity in aqueous suspension, whereas GS suspensions and the GO-P surface were assessed as nontoxic materials. The mechanism of toxicity of GO was shown not to be associated with oxidative stress in the targeted soxS::lux and katG::lux reporter cells; also, GO did not lead to significant mechanical disruption of treated bacteria with the release of intracellular DNA contents into the environment. The well-coordinated time- and dose-dependent surface charge neutralization and transport and energetic disorders in the Escherichia coli cells suggest direct membrane interaction, internalization, and perturbation (i.e., “membrane stress”) as a clue to graphene oxide’s mechanism of toxicity