140 research outputs found

    Erosive capacity of dry mouth treatments in the Nordic countries

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að mæla sýrustig efna sem notuð eru í meðhöndlun á munnþurrki á Norðurlöndunum og meta áhrif þeirra með tilliti til glerungseyðingar. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þrettán vörur á Norðurlandamarkaði sem notaðar eru við munnþurrki voru valdar fyrir rannsóknina og sýrustig þeirra mælt með pH mæli. Sítrónusafi var notaður sem jákvæð viðmiðunarlausn og kranavatn sem neikvæð viðmiðunarlausn. 14 krónuhlutar voru sagaðir í tvennt og vigtaðir. Hver krónuhluti var settur í 2mL lausn af efnunum sem sett var á veltigrind. Skipt var um lausnirnar á sólarhringsfresti og hver krónuhluti vigtaður eftir tvær vikur. Notast var við Spearmans fylgnistuðul til að meta samband sýrustigs og glerungseyðandi áhrifa lausnanna á þyngdarbreytingar á krónuhlutunum. Niðurstöður: Tvær vörur sýndu meiri glerungseyðandi áhrif en aðrar, GUM Hydral munnskol og úði, sem ollu 7.7% og 5.63% þyngdartapi. Af þeim 13 vörum sem rannsakaðar voru innihalda einungis GUM Hydral vörurnar sítrónusýru. HAp+ molarnir og Elmex sýndu litla glerungseyðingu miðað við lágt sýrustig en samspil innihaldsefnanna skipa þar stórt hlutverk. Sítrónusafinn mældist með sýrustig 2,3 og olli 64,86% þyngdartapi á tveim vikum á meðan kranavatn var með sýrustig 7,5 og olli engri eyðingu. Markverð neikvæð fylgni mældist milli sýrustigs og þyngdartaps (rs = −0.5456; p = 0.0289). Ályktanir: Flestar prófaðar vörur eru með öruggasta móti, með tveimur undantekningum (Gum Hydral munnskol og úði). Sjúklingar sem þjást af munnþurrki hafa skertar varnir gegn glerungseyðingu og tannátu. Því ætti hvorki að mæla með, né skrifa upp á, meðferð með efnum sem innihalda sítrónusýru.Introduction: The aim of this study was to measure pH values of moisturizers commonly used in the Nordic countries and medications used in dry mouth treatments and to evaluate their erosive capacity via gravimetric analysis. Materials and methods: A pH analysis was performed for 13 different available products on the market in the Nordic countries. Lemon juice and tap water were used as positive and negative controls. Crowns of 14 molars were sectioned with a low speed saw through the middle and thereafter each specimen was weighed. The specimens were submerged in 2 mL of each test product which was renewed every 24 hours for two weeks. After two weeks the specimens were rinsed, dried and weighed. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to assess the relationship between the pH values and the erosive potential. Results: Two products from GUM Hydral caused the most weight loss, the mouthwash 7.7% and spray 5.6%. The products from GUM Hydral were the only ones containing citric acid of all tested products. HAp+ and Elmex showed low erosive potential despite having pH values 3.4 and 4 which can be explained by the complex interplay of their ingredients. The lemon juice showed a pH value of 2.3 and caused 64.86% weight loss while the tap water showed a pH value of 7.5 and caused no erosion. A significant negative correlation exists between the pH value and the erosive potential of products (rs = −0.5456; p = 0.0289). Conclusion: Most products are relatively safe with two exceptions (GUM Hydral mouthwash and spray). Since patients suffering from dry mouth are more susceptible to caries and erosion, products containing low pH values should not be recommended if possible

    Clinical proteomics of myeloid leukemia

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    Myeloid leukemias are a heterogeneous group of diseases originating from bone marrow myeloid progenitor cells. Patients with myeloid leukemias can achieve long-term survival through targeted therapy, cure after intensive chemotherapy or short-term survival because of highly chemoresistant disease. Therefore, despite the development of advanced molecular diagnostics, there is an unmet need for efficient therapy that reflects the advanced diagnostics. Although the molecular design of therapeutic agents is aimed at interacting with specific proteins identified through molecular diagnostics, the majority of therapeutic agents act on multiple protein targets. Ongoing studies on the leukemic cell proteome will probably identify a large number of new biomarkers, and the prediction of response to therapy through these markers is an interesting avenue for future personalized medicine. Mass spectrometric protein detection is a fundamental technique in clinical proteomics, and selected tools are presented, including stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), as well as single cell determination. We suggest that protein analysis will play not only a supplementary, but also a prominent role in future molecular diagnostics, and we outline how accurate knowledge of the molecular therapeutic targets can be used to monitor therapy response

    Positive breastfeeding experiences and facilitators in mothers of preterm and low birth weight infants: A meta-ethnographic review

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    Background Most qualitative research on breastfeeding the preterm or low-birth-weight (LBW) infant has focused on negative insights; there are no comprehensive insights into how, when and why mothers experience positive breastfeeding experiences. We aimed to address this knowledge gap by exploring what characterizes and facilitates a positive breastfeeding experience in mothers of preterm and/or LBW infants. Methods A systematic review using meta-ethnographic methods was conducted. Search strategies involved a comprehensive search strategy on six bibliographic databases, citation tracking and reference checking. The analysis involved a reciprocal level of translation and a line of argument synthesis. Results Searches identified 1774 hits and 17 articles from 14 studies were included, representing the views of 697 mothers. A positive breastfeeding experience was identified as being ‘attuned’. Three themes and eight sub-themes were developed to describe what characterizes attuned breastfeeding. ‘ Trusting the body and what it can do’, concerned how attuned breastfeeding was facilitated through understanding the bodily responses and capacity and feeling comfortable with holding the infant and to breastfeed. ‘ Being emotionally present – in the here and now ’ described the importance of feeling relaxed and reassured. ‘ Experiencing mutual positive responses’, illuminated how attunement was related to feelings of mutuality - when the mother recognises the infant’s cues, responds to these signals and receives a positive response from the infant. The key factors to facilitate attuned breastfeeding were opportunities for prolonged close physical contact with the infant, positive relationships with and support from staff and peers, and being facilitated to breastfeed when the infant showed feeding cues. Conclusions This study provides new insights into what characterizes a positive breastfeeding experience and how staff can facilitate and enable mothers to achieve attuned breastfeeding. Improvements in units’ design, such as for rooming-in and having prolonged skin-to-skin contact, and care provided by knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging staff and peers, are crucial. The mother’s physical and emotional states and the infant's behavioural responses and physiological signals should guide the process towards positive breastfeeding practices

    Positive breastfeeding experiences and facilitators in mothers of preterm and low birth weight infants: a meta-ethnographic review

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    Background: Most qualitative research on breastfeeding the preterm or low-birthweight (LBW) infant has focused on negative insights; there are no comprehensive insights into how, when and why mothers experience positive breastfeeding experiences. We aimed to address this knowledge gap by exploring what characterizes and facilitates a positive breastfeeding experience in mothers of preterm and/or LBW infants.Methods: A systematic review using meta-ethnographic methods was conducted. Search strategies involved a comprehensive search strategy on six bibliographic databases, citation tracking and reference checking. The analysis involved a reciprocal level of translation and a line of argument synthesis.Results: Searches identified 1774 hits and 17 articles from 14 studies were included, representing the views of 697 mothers. A positive breastfeeding experience was identified as being 'attuned'. Three themes and eight sub-themes were developed to describe what characterizes attuned breastfeeding. 'Trusting the body and what it can do', concerned how attuned breastfeeding was facilitated through understanding the bodily responses and capacity and feeling comfortable with holding the infant and to breastfeed. 'Being emotionally present - in the here and now' described the importance of feeling relaxed and reassured. 'Experiencing mutual positive responses', illuminated how attunement was related to feelings of mutuality - when the mother recognises the infant's cues, responds to these signals and receives a positive response from the infant. The key factors to facilitate attuned breastfeeding were opportunities for prolonged close physical contact with the infant, positive relationships with and support from staff and peers, and being facilitated to breastfeed when the infant showed feeding cues.Conclusions: This study provides new insights into what characterizes a positive breastfeeding experience and how staff can facilitate and enable mothers to achieve attuned breastfeeding. Improvements in units' design, such as for rooming-in and having prolonged skin-to-skin contact, and care provided by knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging staff and peers, are crucial. The mother's physical and emotional states and the infant's behavioural responses and physiological signals should guide the process towards positive breastfeeding practices.</p

    Consumers' experiences and values in conventional and alternative medicine paradigms: a problem detection study (PDS)

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    Background: This study explored consumer perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and relationships with CAM and conventional medicine practitioners. A problem detection study (PDS) was used. The qualitative component to develop the questionnaire used a CAM consumer focus group to explore conventional and CAM paradigms in healthcare. 32 key issues, seven main themes, informed the questionnaire (the quantitative PDS component - 36 statements explored using five-point Likert scales.

    Symptoms of depression in parents after discharge from NICU associated with family-centred care

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    AimsThe aim of this study was to examine the potential association of family-centred care as perceived by parents during a NICU stay with parents’ depressive symptoms at discharge and at 4 months corrected for infant age.DesignA longitudinal, multicentre cohort study was conducted from 2018 to 2020 in 23 NICUs across 15 countries.MethodsParents (n = 635 mothers, n = 466, fathers) of infants (n = 739) born before 35 weeks of gestation and admitted to the participating NICUs were enrolled to the study during the first weeks of their infants’ hospitalizations. They responded to Digi-FCC daily text messages inquiring about their perception of family-centred care provided by NICU staff. In addition, they completed a questionnaire assessing their overall perception of family-centred care at discharge. Parents’ depressive symptoms were measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale at discharge and again after discharge when their infants were at 4 months corrected for age.ResultsThe mothers’ and the fathers’ perceptions of family-centred care were associated with their depressive symptoms at discharge and at 4 months corrected age, controlling for gestational age, multiple birth, parent education and relationship status. Parents’ participation in infant care, care-related decisions and emotional support provided to parents by staff explained the variation in the parents’ perceptions of family-centred care. The factors facilitating the implementation of family-centred care included unlimited access to the unit for the parents and for their significant others, as well as amenities for parents.ConclusionsOur study shows that family-centred NICU care associates with parents’ depressive symptoms after a NICU stay.ImpactDepression is common in parents of preterm infants. The provision of family-centred care may protect the mental well-being of parents of preterm infants.</p

    Immediate and short-term pain relief by acute sciatic nerve press: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite much research, an immediately available, instantly effective and harmless pain relief technique has not been discovered. This study describes a new manipulation: a "2-minute sciatic nerve press", for rapid short-term relief of pain brought on by various dental and renal diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial ran in three hospitals in Anhui Province, China, with an enrollment of 66 out of 111 solicited patients aged 16 to 74 years. Patients were recruited sequentially, by specific participating physicians at their clinic visits to three independent hospitals. The diseases in enrolled dental patients included dental caries, periodontal diseases and dental trauma. Renal diseases in recruits included kidney infections, stones and some other conditions. Patients were randomly assigned to receive the "2-minute sciatic nerve press" or the "placebo press". For the "2-minute sciatic nerve press", pressure was applied simultaneously to the sciatic nerves at the back of the thighs, using the fists while patients lay prone. For the "placebo press", pressure was applied simultaneously to a parallel spot on the front of the thighs, using the fists while patients lay supine. Each fist applied a pressure of 11 to 20 kg for 2 minutes, after which, patients arose to rate pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The "2-minute sciatic nerve press" produced greater pain relief than the "placebo press". Within the first 10 minutes after sciatic pressure, immediate pain relief ratings averaged 66.4% (p < 0.001) for the dental patients, versus pain relief of 20% for the placebo press, and, 52.2% (p < 0.01) for the renal patients, versus relief of 14% for the placebo press, in median. The method worked excellently for dental caries and periodontal diseases, but poorly for dental trauma. Forty percent of renal patients with renal colic did not report any pain relief after the treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Two minutes of pressure on both sciatic nerves can produce immediate significant conduction analgesia, providing a convenient, safe and powerful way to overcome clinical pain brought on by dental diseases and renal diseases for short term purposes.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ACTR 12606000439549</p