137 research outputs found

    A Combined Dual Leader and Relay Node Selection for Markov Cluster Based WSN Routing Protocol

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    The major challenge in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is to increase the node’s lifespan and decrease energy utilization. To avoid this issue, many Clustering Routing Protocols (CRPs) have been developed, where Cluster Head (CH) in each cluster accumulates the data from each other node and transfers it to the sink through Relay Nodes (RNs). But both CHs and RNs dissipate more energy to aggregate and transfer data. As a result, it is vital to choose the appropriate CHs and RNs concurrently to reduce energy utilization. Hence, this article proposes a Weighted Markov Clustering with Dual Leader and Relay node Selection based CRP (WMCL-DLRS-CRP) in WSNs. This protocol aims to lessen energy dissipation during inter- and intra-cluster communication. Initially, a Markov Clustering (MCL) algorithm is applied by the sink to create nodes into clusters based on a threshold distance. Then, a dual leader selection scheme is proposed to elect dual CHs in each cluster according to the node weighting factor that considers the node’s remaining energy, the distance between CHs and sink, the distance among all nodes, and abundance. Also, an RN selection scheme is proposed to choose the appropriate RNs based on a new Predicted Transmission Rate (PTR) factor. Moreover, the elected RNs transfer the data from the CHs to the sink, resulting in a tradeoff between the node’s energy utilization and lifetime. At last, extensive simulations illustrate that the WMCL-DLRS-CRP achieves better network performance compared to the existing protocols

    Analysis of medication errors in medicine ward of medical college teaching hospital, Mandya

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    Background: Medication errors are one of the most common types of medical error that is seen in hospitalised patients. Since medication error is one of the growing concerns of healthcare issue and have implications on patient safety, the purpose of this study was to identify medication error and in turn would help to create awareness among healthcare professionals and provide safety to the patients.Methods: Study was initiated after obtaining approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee. The study was done for a period of 1 year between June 2016 and May 2017. Clinical data and data regarding the medication that was prescribed, transcribed, dispensed, administered was collected and was analysed for various types of medication errors during the different stages of medication use process.Results: A total of 351 subjects were recruited in the study for assessing medication error. About 2,283 drugs were prescribed among 351 patients. Maximum number of drugs was administered through parenteral route (50.3%). Medication error was most common during the prescribing stage (51.4%) followed by transcribing stage (39.1%), administration stage (6.9%), and dispensing stage (2.6%). On an average 6 drugs were prescribed per patient. Total of about 5411 errors have occurred out of which 98.8% of errors were preventable, 1.2% of errors were non-preventable. Cardiovascular system (21.9%) and endocrine and renal system (21.9%) was commonly affected due to the medication errors.Conclusions: Medication errors are one of the commonest problems of the healthcare system should be identified and documented and their causes should be studied in order to develop systems that minimize the recurrence

    Adolescent Neuroblastoma of Lower Limb

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    Neuroblastoma is an embryonic tumour of neural crest origin, commonly seen in children with upper abdomen involvement. Rarely neuroblastomas present in adolescents and adults involving lower limb. Histopathologically neuroblastoma of lower limb can be confused with other small round cell tumour especially with Ewing’s sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. A 16 year old male presented with 15x11cm swelling, pain and multiple discharging sinuses of right leg since 4 months. Routine haematological and biochemical analysis were within normal limits. Radiology of right leg showed large soft tissue swelling encompassing the pathological fracture of tibia and bowing of fibula. Fine needle aspiration of the swelling revealed malignant small round cell tumour. Histopathology revealed poorly differentiated neuroblastoma of lower limb. The immunohistochemistry of Synaptophysin and Chromogranin were positive and CD 99 was negative. Neuroblastoma diagnosed at unusual site with uncommon age has poor prognosis. Hence, one must keep in mind the differential diagnosis of neuroblastoma as one of the differential diagnosis in evaluating the soft tissue tumours of lower limb

    Mean platelet volume as short-term follow-up biomarker in children with celiac disease

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    Objective: To assess the mean platelet volume (MPV) as a short-term follow-up biomarker in celiac disease (CD) and to compare it with anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody (TTGA) assay in Indian children. Material and Methods: Newly diagnosed 35 children aged <12 years who were positive for TTGA and further confirmed by intestinal biopsy with histological Grade 2 and 3 based on modified Marsh Classification were enrolled. TTGA, MPV, and clinical parameters were assessed at enrollment and after 3 months of gluten free diet (GFD). Results: Short stature (94.3%) and diarrhea (80%) were the most common presenting features. 33 (94.3%) children were found to have anemia. MPV reduced significantly from 9.28±1.88 fl to 8.55±1.10 fl after 3 months of GFD, (p<0.001). The mean TTG level reduced from 166.80±59.23 U/ml to 86.45±39.67 U/ml (p<0.001) after 3 months of GFD. Conclusion: MPV is one of the biomarkers that can be used to monitor dietary transgressions in CD in short term


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    Ulcer occurs when stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Many pharmacological activities such as antiulcer activity can act against ulcer. Medicinal plants like Mimosa pudica and Vachellia nilotica has the antiulcer activity in a wide range. To study the antiulcer activity in medicinal plants using insilco studies by comparing the phytocompounds of plants with histamine 2 receptor as a binding protein, which is present in the stomach lining of homosapiens. Histamine 2 receptor was modelled using Swiss model and the ligand structures are obtained from PUB-CHEM, viewed easily via PYMOL. All the phytocompounds showed good binding energy with modelled protein on the docking methodology. Specifically ascorbic acid exhibited the lower binding energy of value -3.24 kcal/mol, indole and catechin shows highest binding energy of value -4.99 kcal/mol and -4.98 kacl/mol respectively. The results can be useful for the design and development of phytocompounds having better inhibitory activity against several types of ulcer

    Indian Peanut Clump Virus Isolates: Host Range, Symptomatology, Serological Relationships, and Some Physical Properties

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    The symptomatology of Indian peanut clump virus (IPCV) isolates collected from five different geographical locations, Bapatla (B), Chinnaganjam (C), Hyderabad (H), Ludhiana (L), and Talod (T), differed. B-IPCV and C-IPCV were indistinguishable by host range but could be distinguished from the other isolates by symptoms on Canavalia ensiformis, Nicotiana clevelandii Ă— glutinosa, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Vigna unguiculata. B-IPCV, C-IPCV, and T-IPCV were related serologically, but could be distinguished from H-IPCV and L-IPCV isolates in serological tests. The five isolates could not be distinguished on the basis of particle size. Each isolate contained two RNA species of 1.90 Ă— 106 and 1.65 Ă— 106 Mr estimated under nondenaturing conditions and a single polypeptide of 24 Ă— 103 Mr. Significance of these findings for the diagnosis of IPCV and for screening of peanut genotypes for resistance is discussed

    Probing galaxy evolution through HI 21-cm emission and absorption: current status and prospects with the Square Kilometre Array

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    One of the major science goals of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is to understand the role played by atomic hydrogen (HI) gas in the evolution of galaxies throughout cosmic time. The hyperfine transition line of the hydrogen atom at 21-cm is one of the best tools to detect and study the properties of HI gas associated with galaxies. In this article, we review our current understanding of HI gas and its relationship with galaxies through observations of the 21-cm line both in emission and absorption. In addition, we provide an overview of the HI science that will be possible with SKA and its pre-cursors and pathfinders, i.e. HI 21-cm emission and absorption studies of galaxies from nearby to high redshifts that will trace various processes governing galaxy evolution.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, accepted on 27 May 2022 for publication in the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (to appear in the special issue on "Indian participation in the SKA"), figure 4 has been update

    Peanut Chlorotic Streak Virus, a New Caulimovirus Infecting Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) in India

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    Peanut (Arachis hypogaea [groundnut]) plants with reduced leaflets, chlorotic streaks, and stunting were observed during surveys for diseases caused by peanut viruses in India. These peanut plants were infected with a new caulimovirus designated peanut chlorotic streak virus (PClSV). PClSV was mechanically transmissible to several plants in Leguminosae and Solanaceae but was not transmitted by Aphis craccivora or Myzus persicae. Purified from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves, PClSV contained isometric particles 52 ± 3 nm in diameter. The virus was not related to cauliflower mosaic, figwort mosaic, or soybean chlorotic mottle viruses. Inclusion bodies similar to those produced by caulimoviruses were observed in the cytoplasm of infected Nicotiana rustica and A. hypogaea leaves. Purified PClSV contained two polypeptides with relative molecular masses of 58 and 51 kDa. The size of double-stranded DNA was estimated as approximately 8.1 kbp, which contained two single-stranded discontinuities. The physical map of the PClSV genome was distinctly different from those of other caulimoviruses

    Screening Peanut Germ Plasm Lines by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Seed Transmission of Peanut Mottle Virus

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    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was successfully employed for detecting peanut mottle virus (PMV) in peanut seed. Virus could be detected in extracts of infected cotyledons and embryos at dilutions of up to I {3,600, although sensitivity was reduced when infected and healthy seed were mixed. PMV was detected in the testa of about 30% o(infected seed. Complete correlation was observed· among ELISA, in fectivity assays, and growing-out tests for all four· peanut cultivars tested .. PMV was seed-transmitted in all but two-namely EC 76446 (292) and NC AC 17133 (RF)-of 283 peanut germ plasm lines screened

    Metal-enriched halo gas across galaxy overdensities over the last 10 billion years

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    We present a study of metal-enriched halo gas traced by Mg II and C IV absorption at z 1. It is clear from our results that environmental processes have a significant impact on the distribution of metals around galaxies and need to be fully accounted for when analysing correlations between gaseous haloes and galaxy properties
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