442 research outputs found

    Computation of Electric Field and Thermal Properties of 3-Phase Cable

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    In this paper the electric field distribution, potential distribution and temperature distribution in a 3-phase underground cable in common ground enclosure is analyzed and presented. Unlike 3-Phase screened cable the stress distribution in a belted cable is not radial. A 3-phase high voltage power cable buried in soil can be used to investigate its electrical and thermal properties. In the present study the voltage distribution of an underground cable of 132 kV is analyzed using FEM and its ampacity and temperature distribution is calculated by analytical method. Further their performance parameter is verified using Comsol Multiphysics software. The results obtained using comsol software is also compared with the results of CSM model which is obtained through literature review

    Design of reinforced concrete seals for underground coal mines

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    The conventional \u27full-scale\u27 explosion test for seal evaluation is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, alternative methodologies must be developed for the design of mine seals to meet the new MSHA design standards. This dissertation employed advanced explicit finite element code, ABAQUS, to develop reinforced concrete (RC) seal models for addressing various design parameters related to the RC seal design.;Firstly, using back analysis of structural data available from NIOSH full-scale explosion tests on RC seals, a suitable RC seal model was developed with a proper concrete constitutive material. Secondly, the optimum rebar parameters such as rebar diameter, and vertical and horizontal spacing for reinforcing the concrete seal were determined. Thirdly, parametric analysis using the model with the optimum rebar parameters was performed. The parameters analyzed included entry height, entry width, surrounding rock strength, seal-rock/coal interface strength. A total of about 280 computer models were run. And finally, a RC seal design chart was developed for typical entry dimensions by analyzing the results of the numerical models.;Entry height is the dominating factor in RC seal design, whereas entry width has little effect. The tensile failure of concrete material on the outby surface of the seal dominates the seal failure mechanism. The reinforced steel rebars resist the high tensile stresses that may develop near the surface of the seal and prevent further tensile failure in the concrete material. It was also observed that simple tensile cracks in the concrete material on the surface of the seal do not significantly influence the overall stability of the seal. Various factors, such as, weighted average damage factor (WADF), tensile failure in the concrete, maximum lateral displacements, and axial forces in the steel rebars have been used to quantitatively assess the adequacy of the seal design.;This work also showed that various factors such as concrete constitutive behavior, roof-to-floor convergence, surrounding rock constitutive behavior, and explosion loading nature significantly influence the seal design. A very small amount of convergence on the seal could actually double the capacity of the seal, and this positive influence of convergence is valid only within certain limits. A weak surrounding rock deforms significantly under the rebar loading and could not provide sufficient anchorage for the seal, causing the concrete to fail extensively. It was shown in this dissertation that explosion pressures with instantaneous rise time and maintained for longer durations at peak values significantly influence the seal stability


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    Neonatal period is very crucial phase of life. One has to provide systematic, luxurious and sophisticated neonatal care. Ayurveda mentioned very scientific approach toward newborn care as Jatamatra Paricharya; means a protocol. Abhyanga is one of these care protocols. Neonatal massage with lubricant is in practice around the world and resembles with Ayurveda Abhyanga process. In vitally stable neonates Abhyanga can be done with particular precaution considering the indications and contraindications. Abhyanga and massage are not totally identical. Abhyanga increases the strength, nourishes body, improves skin texture and accelerates the healthy growth and development of newborn. Increased weight gain, reduced pain, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and enhanced immune function (increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity) are some advantages of newborn massage. During Abhyanga prevent harmful and painful practices and social taboos, like stretching of limbs, pulling of ear and nasal cartilages etc should not be practiced. Oil which is suitable for baby according to local conditions should be use. Bala Taila is one of the best oil among the all oil preparations in Ayurveda. Hence though Abhyanga is consider as complimentary and traditional ancient practice, it is very useful for the healthy newborn and contribution to modern health society. The present article is a systematic review of the neonatal massage across the world to establish the role of Ayurveda newborn care protocols having potential to contribute neonatal health, as key message to modern health world


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    Background: The subjects which are now a day brought in to light as scientific innovations are well described in background in the ancient Indian literature. Ayurveda, the indigenous system of medicine narrates about the genetic principles, embryology, antenatal care, post-partum care, and new born care in a systematic and stepwise manner in the eight chapters of Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana. Aim and Objectives: To throw a light on the some hidden facts from Charaka Samhita revealing their resemblance with today’s national medical practices and policies. Material and methods: Literature reviewed from different editions of Charaka Samhita, modern scientific literature on subjects like genetics, embryology, obstetrics and paediatrics have been reviewed. Discussion: Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana is constructed in a very logical manner, which narrates the law of formation of universe and human life, microscopic to macroscopic transformation, consciousness, salvation, importance of non-consanguineous marriage and Beeja Shuddhi to prevent genetic diseases and syndromes, principles of genetics, formation and month wise growth and development of embryo, organogenesis, teratogenicity potentials, anatomy of foetus and nutrition of foetus, daily regime for pregnant lady Garbhini Paricharya (antenatal care), Prasoota and Sutika Paricharya (post-partum care), Jatamatra Paricharya (new born care) in detailed, scientific and step wise manner in eight chapters thoroughly; and found to be time tested with today’s medical practices and national health policies. Conclusion: Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana elaborates the principles of genetics, embryology, reproductive care, antenatal care, post natal care and new born care as practised in ancient India in scientific way which resembles today’s RMNCH national program of Government of India

    Severe sepsis due to severe falciparum malaria and leptospirosis co-infection treated with activated protein C

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    Co-infection with falciparum malaria and leptospirosis is uncommon. The aim of this study is to report a case of severe sepsis secondary to dual infection with falciparum malaria and leptospirosis. The literature is also reviewed on the clinical course of such co-infections, and the possible mechanisms and treatment of patients with life-threatening malaria and leptospirosis with activated protein C. The patient was a 25-year old male admitted in the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (RICU) with fever, haemolysis, acute renal failure, hepatitis, acute lung injury (ALI) and altered sensorium. A syndromic evaluation was done and investigations revealed falciparum parasitaemia. He was treated with parenteral artesunate, ceftriaxone and doxycycline, and adjunctive therapies as for severe sepsis. Infusion of activated protein C was started 20 hours after onset of organ dysfunction, and intensive haemodialysis was instituted. Over the next four days the patient became afebrile with progressive resolution of ALI, renal failure and hepatitis. His Leptospira serology (requested as part of the evaluation) was reported positive on day 5. Dual infections are common and under-recognized in the tropics. Failure to treat potential co-infections may lead to poor outcomes. Acute lung injury in falciparum malaria has high mortality rates and therapy as for severe sepsis may improve survival. Adjunctive therapies, including activated protein C, cannot replace source eradication

    The protein interaction map of bacteriophage lambda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacteriophage lambda is a model phage for most other dsDNA phages and has been studied for over 60 years. Although it is probably the best-characterized phage there are still about 20 poorly understood open reading frames in its 48-kb genome. For a complete understanding we need to know all interactions among its proteins. We have manually curated the lambda literature and compiled a total of 33 interactions that have been found among lambda proteins. We set out to find out how many protein-protein interactions remain to be found in this phage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to map lambda's interactions, we have cloned 68 out of 73 lambda open reading frames (the "ORFeome") into Gateway vectors and systematically tested all proteins for interactions using exhaustive array-based yeast two-hybrid screens. These screens identified 97 interactions. We found 16 out of 30 previously published interactions (53%). We have also found at least 18 new plausible interactions among functionally related proteins. All previously found and new interactions are combined into structural and network models of phage lambda.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Phage lambda serves as a benchmark for future studies of protein interactions among phage, viruses in general, or large protein assemblies. We conclude that we could not find all the known interactions because they require chaperones, post-translational modifications, or multiple proteins for their interactions. The lambda protein network connects 12 proteins of unknown function with well characterized proteins, which should shed light on the functional associations of these uncharacterized proteins.</p


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    Cerebral palsy appear in early childhood due to damage of developing parts of the brain that control the movement, balance, posture and other functions of the body. The early diagnosis of CP is based on the symptoms of poor head control, poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscle, tremors and gross motor developmental delay. As per Ayurveda, all functional activity of the body is regulated by the Vata Dosha. Vitiated Vata shows same symptoms like cerebral palsy due to its Ruksha, Sheeta and Khara gunas. So that the aim of treatment is to pacifying the vitiated Vata Dosha by Panchakarma procedures with normal Murcchita Tila Taila; and assess their effect on spasticity, range of movement and in quality of life in children. Murcchita Tila Taila shows significant response at the end of trail/therapy. In this study, the effect of Panchakarma therapy with Mucchita Tila Taila has shown 78.58% patients with mild response I and 21.42% patients with mild response II on both Modified Ashworth scale and Gross Motor Function Manual Scale, 85.71% patients with mild response I and 14.29% patient with no response on Quality of life scale


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    Computer Vision Syndrome is the new nomenclature to the visual, ocular, and systemic symptoms arising due to the long time and improper working on the computer. Computer Vision Syndrome is a repetitive strain disorder as defined by the American Optometric. With progressive increase in the usage of computers, the term Repeated Stress Injury has found a place in contemporary medical science. The ocular complaints experienced by computer users typically include eyestrain, eye fatigue, burning sensations, irritation, redness, blurred vision, and dry eyes, among others. This group of symptoms is called Asthenopia. The incidence of Computer Vision Syndrome is as high as 50% to 90% among the employees of computer occupation. The causes for the inefficiencies and the visual symptoms are a combination of individual visual problems and poor office ergonomics. Material &amp; Methods: In this clinical study on CVS, 60 patients were registered from Shalakya tantra OPD, and all of them completed the treatment. In Group A, 30 patients were prescribed&nbsp;Abhijeet Taila for Pratimarsha Nasya and in Group B, 30 patients were prescribed Haritaki Modak tablets internally and Abhijeet Taila for Pratimarsha Nasya. Results: In total, 20% and 33.33% patients got completely cured in Group A and B respectively. Discussion: Both the drugs were effective in managing the condition, but it was observed they were more effective when given together. Multi-centric studies with larger sample size on the same drugs should be carried out to evaluate the effect of the drugs and, also so that the observations can be noted well and can be better suggested


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    Ayurveda is the major systems of indigenous medicines and as all of us know it is a science of life. The ancient sages discovered different kinds of Ayurvedic medicines after continuous study, observations, experiments, reflections, trials and judgments. Ayurveda gives us this knowledge of health. Unlike many diseases, which can be attributed to the life style of modern man, asthma is an ancient illness. Childhood Bronchial Asthma has multifactor causation Geographical location, environmental, racial, as well as factors related to behaviors and life-styles are associated with the disease. Tamaka Shwasa is a disease described in Ayurvedic texts that shows close resemblance with bronchial asthma on the basis of clinical manifestations. There is no cure for Asthma as per the Conventional Medical Science. Ayurvedic medicines can be a potential and effective alternative for the treatment against the bronchial asthma. Ayurvedic medicines are used for the treatment of diseases globally so that people all over the world can keep faith on it on the basis of scientific evidences. The present study was a review on the management of Tamaka-Shwasa (Childhood bronchial asthma) who were being managed through Ayurvedic approach that includes a combination of Shodhana Chikista, Ayurvedic drugs, lifestyle management and wholesome diet. Ayurvedic drugs include the respiratory tonics and naturally occurring bronchodilator and immune-modulator. Thus, study result concluded that the Shodhana, Shaman, herbal and herbo-minerals compound drug has got significant anti asthmatic properties
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