664 research outputs found


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    This research aims at constructing an ideal learning model of bilingual class through immersion program. The objects of the research are students, parents, teachers, and the principal of SMPN 1 Bantul. Through several field observations, it is found that although the teachers of bilingual class have got several annual trainings, they still have major problems in managing the bilingual class. They are too preoccupied with the language of the instructions, and this makes the students less active since the learning process doesn’t run smoothly. After conducting a careful data analysis, it is obtained that this problem can be solved by constructing a model of training that can upgrade teachers’ ability of managing classroom learning process and motivate students to participate actively in classroom activities. FBS, 2007 (PEND. BHS INGGRIS

    Analisis Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Keterampilan Kognitif Siswa Melalui Metode Praktikum Biologi Pada Sub Materi Schizophyta Dan Thallophyta

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    The aims of the research are to analyze the science process skills and cognitive skills of students through practical activities in learning Schizophyta and Thallophyta. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Peusangan Selatan. The research is a quantitative and descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study was 30 students. Total sampling method was used in this study. Three instruments were used in this study, namely observation sheet, test, and questioner. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results showed that the students have good science process skills. Furthermore, the results also proved that there is positive effect of using practicum methods in learning Schizophyta and Thallophyta toward students understanding in Schizophyta and Thallophyta concepts. In addition, the research demonstrated the positive perspective in learning Schizophyta and Thallophyta concepts trough practicum methods

    Student Perception of ESP Business English Teaching Implementation in Makassar National Informatics Polytechnic

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    English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is currently a subject that must be followed by every student in every vocational or polytechnic tertiary institution throughout Indonesia, including in South Sulawesi. This study aims to find out in advance the students' perceptions of English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Business English teaching materials, and their perceptions of the teaching strategies adopted by ESP Business English teachers. In answering the research questions above, researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach. The method of data collection is done through semi-structured interviews using open-ended questions and analyzing them using an interpretative analysis approach. From the results of data analysis found 1) the material or textbooks that are used already meet the learning needs of students where the materials provided include Business English related words, the structure of Language/Grammar, and practical language teaching. However, students consider the design or appearance of the book to be less attractive making them less interested in using the book; 2) students show a variety of perceptions about the teaching strategies of their lecturers, found themes that show the teaching strategies preferred by students are supportive, create fun learning, provide games, be disciplined and assertive but feel not pressured, have an active professional knowledge component


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kepala sekolah mempunyai  peran besar bagi pembentukan pendidik yang berkualitas dan berkompetensi, kepala sekolah  mesti memberi pengarahan motivasi kerja, pembinaan, dan pengawasan  yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan kinerja pendidik, untuk meningkatkan kinerja, kepala sekolah mesti memperhatikan kinerja, kepala sekolah mesti memperhatikan  kompetensi  pendidik, di sini penulis akan meneliti tentang bagaimana peran kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan kompetensi pendidik akan berpengaruh kepada kinerja pendidik.Adapun peran kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru adalah sebagai educator, leader, innovator, motivator,  admistrator, dan supervisorKata Kunci :Peran Kepala Sekola

    Karakteristik Teknis Prioritas Proses Produksi Karung Goni Plastik dengan QFD

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    Woven sacks made of plastic are used by various businesses. One of these business sectors that use plastic woven sacks is rice refining company. During this time, the quality of the resulting plastic woven products is still low and inconsistent. The Company experienced many problems with product defects caused by the production process. This is demonstrated by the large number of plastic woven sacks is not elastic, cannot withstand the load and tear. Troubleshooting for plastic woven products can be solved by QFD as a tool for identifying the need for good production process and connecting them with technical characteristics. The main focus of this method is to engage customers and experts in the product development process. Results of QFD would be used to improve product design. The results of this study indicate that the thread rolling process is a major cause of problems

    Explaining Creep-Like Deformation in the Marmara Sea: Results from AVO-Derived Vp/Vs and Pore Pressure Analysis

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    Recent studies suggest that high pore pressures have caused seafloor creep-like deformation and slope failure in the Marmara Sea (e.g. Shillington et al., 2012). Stratigraphic analysis provides evidence for creep-like deformation in Marmara Sea sediments, however, no detailed quantitative geophysical analysis has been conducted to determine whether elevated fluid pressures exist in the Marmara Sea sediments today, or if these sediments are potentially near-critically stressed. If fluid pressures are high and the sediments are close to failure, only minor ground accelerations from earthquakes along the active Northern Anatolian Fault might trigger failure. For this study, I use high resolution multichannel 2D seismic data collected in the Marmara Sea to estimate indirectly P-wave and S-wave velocities that I then use to detect both possible gas accumulations and zones of high pore pressure. Specifically, I integrate interval P-wave velocities (using Dix equation), rock physics models, and Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) methods to estimate Vs velocities. With Vp and Vs constrained, I then estimate where elevated fluid pressures in shallow (\u3c500 \u3embsf) sediment might exist in sediments on the southern margin of the Marmara Sea where pressure-driven creep-like deformation is hypothesized. I first characterize using forward models what normal versus overpressured AVO and Vp/Vs response should be like in the environment. Then, I compare model predictions with observations in a zone where creep-like deformation exists. The final product provides evidence for both if and where elevated pore pressure likely exists along the zone of noted sediment creep. I conclude by noting how sediment mineralogy and sedimentation rates likely play an important role in characterizing pore pressure evolution along this margin

    Tanggapan Pengelola Butik Kota Banda Aceh terhadap Kompetensi Mahasiswa Prakerin Konsentrasi Tata Busana Fkip Unsyiah

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    Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin) adalah mata kuliah wajib pada Konsentrasi Tata Busana FKIP Unsyiah, yang merupakan suatu upaya mewujudkan visi dan misi Prodi PKK Unsyiah untuk menyiapkan tenaga kependidikan yang unggul serta wirausaha yang berkualitas. Pada pelaksanaan prakerin lembaga pendidikan dan pengelola USAha sudah memiliki kesepakatan tertentu. Jika ditinjau mahasiswa prakerin sudah memiliki bekal yang cukup untuk praktik lapangan, begitu juga halnya pengelola USAha yang sudah memiliki pengetahuan dalam menjalankan USAha. Dalam hal ini kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa prakerin sangat berpengaruh dengan pelaksanaan prakerin. Pelaksanaan prakerin pada penelitian ini yaitu di butik yang berada di Kota Banda Aceh. Butik adalah toko yang menjual busana dan pelengkapnya dengan kualitas tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang, yang semuanya merupakan pengelola butik Kota Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan hasil analisis temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan bahwa kecakapan mendesign, membuat pola, memotong bahan, menjahit dan finishing yang dimiliki mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan prakerin di ketiga butik sudah baik. Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa model USAha yang dikembangkan oleh ketiga butik adalah USAha perseorangan; kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa prakerin Konsentrasi Tata Busana FKIP Unsyiah sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan butik; program prakerin sangat bermanfaat baik bagi mahasiswa yang melaksanakan prakerin maupun bagi butik; Tidak ada faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan program prakerin

    Analysis of Communitybased Aspects as Social Education For Successful Management of Cultural Tourism Objects After the Covid 19 Pandemic in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province

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    This study seeks to examine community-based aspects as social education for the success of managing cultural tourism objects after the COVID-19 pandemic. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Informants in this study are key informants, namely managers of cultural tourism objects, geucik, visitors and the community around cultural tourism objects. Informant retrieval technique using snowball sampling technique. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the community-based aspect as a successful tourism object management strongly supports the sustainability of tourism in Bireuen district both in terms of the role of outsiders, justice, conflict resolution, empowerment, knowledge and awareness, and sustainable use. In addition, the need for collaboration in the development of cultural tourism objects that are effective in advancing a common vision in the development of cultural tourism objects in a sustainable manner. One of the recommendations is that the authorities should pay more attention to the implementation of better tourism policies and services and maximize the benefit of local communities
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