22 research outputs found


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    Analisis Kualitas Puding dengan Penggunaan Ekstrak Wortel sebagai Pewarna Alami

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    This research was designed to analize the quality of the pudding made from carrot extract of 0% (X1), 25% (X2), 50% (X 3), 75% (X4) and 100% (X5) viewed from color, flavor, texture, and taste. This was a real experimental research which applied complete random design method and was done in three repetitions. To conduct the research, 5 experts were involved. Based on the result of the organoleptic test on the five treatments given, it was revealed that the quality of the color (orange) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,87 on the use of 100% carrot extract. The quality of the flavor (carrot) was in adequate category in which the highest score gotten was 3,93 on the use of 100% carrot extract. The quality of the texture (soft) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,00 on the use of 0% and 25% carrot extract. The quality of the taste (carrot) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,80 on the use of 100% carrot extract and the taste of sweet was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,33 on the use of 25% carrot extract

    Analisis Pelaporan Keuangan Segmentasi Pada PT. Mayora Indah Tbk

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    Disclosure of financial statements is one of the things that must be done by companies that have gone public. This study aims to analyze the performance of PT. Mayora Indah Tbk through its 2018-2022 financial statements which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with PSAK No. 5. This study uses qualitative methods while the sampling technique uses a porposive sampling technique. Sampling is based on data from the financial statements of the PT segment. Mayora Indah Tbk which is divided into three segments, namely packaged processed food, packaged processed drinks and financial services business. Based on research that has been carried out through a ten percent test on revenue, profit and loss, and assets of PT. Mayora Indah Tbk makes the processed food and packaged processed beverage segments reportable, while the financial services business segment cannot be reported because it does not meet the ten percent test conducted on the three business segments of PT. Mayora Indah Tbk


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    This dedication is entitled to instill the spirit and spirit of entrepreneurial competition to face in the era of globalization in teachers and parents of tutoring in the study of Bimba Pamulang, South Tangerang The purpose of this service is to help develop entrepreneurial potential in parents of students and teachers. At BimBA AIUEO PAmulang Permai, it is hoped that it can make positive social changes and improve the household economy. "According to Wisadirana (2004) the inclusion of women in the labor market or productive work affects household economic activity, resulting in changes in family economic structure." The method used is in the form of delivery of material, presentations, lectures, interactive question and answer and simulation games related to Entrepreneurship material and the importance of entrepreneurship. The conclusion of this dedication is that the counselors have understood but not yet maximized, only know the basic material about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in the era of globalizationKeyword: entrepreneurship, era of globalizatio


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    Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis teori maslahah Imam al-Ghazali terhadap Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun 2020 tentang penyelenggaraan ibadah dalam situasi terjadi wabah Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan skripsi ini merupakan kaedah kualitatif. Dokumentasi adalah instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Metode kajian pustaka telah digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini agar penulis dapat membahas serta menganalisis kajian ini secara detail dan terperinci. Penulis telah meneliti al-Mustasfa Min ‘Ilm Usul karya Imam al-Ghazali serta berbagai buku, jurnal ilmiah dan referensi lain untuk menganalisis teori maslahah Imam al-Ghazali terhadap Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun 2020. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dijalankan, peneliti mendapati bahwa teori maslahah yang dibawakan Imam al-Ghazali sangat sesuai dengan Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun 2020 yaitu maslahah dharuriyyah, maslahah hajiyyah, maslahah tahsiniyyah. Menurut Imam al-Ghazali, maslahah mestilah berasaskan kepada nas syarak dan bukannya berasaskan kepada akal semata. Beliau hanya menjadikan konsep tersebut sebagai metode dan bukanya dalil mutlak setelah al-Qur’an, al-Sunnah, ijmak, dan qiyas dalam penentuan hukum Islam. Aspek menjaga agama dan jiwa yang merupakan maslahah dharuriyyah seperti yang dirincikan oleh Imam al-Ghazali dapat dilihat pada Fatwa MUI Nomor No 14 Tahun 2020 yaitu memastikan umat Islam di Indonesia menjalankan aktivitas ibadah sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan agar bahaya COVID-19 dapat dijauhkan. Selain itu, fatwa ini juga memenuhi maslahah hajiyyah seperti memastikan masyarakat tetap memiliki akses kepada barang keperluan supaya kesulitan hidup tidak dialami. Di samping itu, maslahah tahsiniyyah juga dapat dilihat pada fatwa ini yaitu anjuran mendekatkan diri pada Allah Subhanahu wa ta`ala sebagai usaha mendapatkan perlindungan Allah Subhanahu wa ta`ala daripada COVID-19

    Rancang Bangun dan Uji Kerja Pengering Ikan Asin Sepat Rawa (Trichogaster trichopterus) Sistem Batch Tipe Rak Bertingkat

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    Ikan sepat rawa (Trichogastern trichopterus) memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi, selain dijual dalam keadaaan segar di pasar, ikan sepat rawa kerap diawetkan dalam bentuk ikan asin. Sejauh ini, ikan asin sepat dibuat dengan pengeringan konvensional (sun drying). Hasil rancang bangun pengering terdiri dari ruang pengering, ruang pindah panas, ruang penukar panas dan ruang pembakaran serta blower. Uji kerja pengering pada lama pengeringan 6 jam didapatkan produk ikan asin sepat sebanyak 1,1 kg, sebaran suhu rata-rata sebesar 63,1oC, laju pengeringan 46,16%bk/jam dengan efisiensi sebesar 1,47%. Sedangkan pada lama pengeringan 8 jam didapatkan produk ikan asin sepat sebanyak 0,9 kg, sebaran suhu rata-rata sebesar 62oC, laju pengeringan 36,21%bk/jam dengan efisiensi sebesar 1,22%. Kualitas produk ikan asin sepat pada lama pengeringan 6 jam memiliki kadar air akhir rata-rata sebesar 27,54%, hasil pengujian organoleptik didapatkan ada perbedaan signifikan di tiap rak pada ruang pengering terhadap aspek tekstur dan aroma dan tidak berbeda signifikan pada aspek warna. Sedangkan kualitas produk ikan asin sepat pada lama pengeringan 8 jam memiliki kadar akhir rata-rata sebesar 20,20%, dari pengujian organoleptik untuk aspek warna dan tekstur ada perbedaan signifikan ditiap rak dan tidak berbeda signifikan pada aspek aroma. Biaya produksi ikan asin sepat pada lama pengeringan 6 jam sebesar Rp37.644,43/kg, sedangkan pada lama pengeringan 8 jam sebesar Rp50.850,33/kg

    Apakah Pembelajaran Menggunakan Teknologi dapat Meningkatkan Literasi Manusia pada Generasi Z di Indonesia?

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    Learning methods using technology such as e-learning, online-learning or blended learning have begun to be applied. In the context of facing the 4.0 Indonesian Revolution, Indonesia is trying to improve three new literacies, namely technology literacy to understand the workings of machines, technology applications (Coding / Programming, Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Principles), data literacy for reading, analyzing, and using information (Big Data) in the digital world and human literacy for communication skills, collaboration, critical thinking, creative and innovative as well as having leadership skills, team work and so on. The Ministry of Higher Education (Dikti) also launched the Indonesian Online Learning System (SPADA) to improve access to quality higher education in Indonesia. Generation Z is the generation currently in tertiary education, so they automatically become the main target in the implementation of SPADA and the increase in the three literacies. Generation Z has certain characteristics that are different from other generations. This literature review research aims to find out whether the application of learning by using technology can increase or even lower human literacy in Generation Z in Indonesia. The method used in this research is literature review. The results show that the use of technology in learning is still difficult to be able to increase human literacy in Generation Z because they tend to have difficulty communicating directly, instantly and fading cultural and religious values