40 research outputs found

    A Novel Algorithm of Distance Calculation Based-on Grid-Edge-Depth-Map and Gyroscope for Visually-Impaired

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    This paper presented a new algorithm for determining the distance of an object in front of a stereo camera placed on a helmet. By using a stereo camera with a Sum of Absolute Difference with a Sobel edge detector, our previous Grid-Edge-Depth map algorithm could calculate the objects’ distance up to 500 cm. The problem started when a vision disability person used the device with an unfixed stereo camera angle. The unspecified angle caused by the helmet’s movement influenced the distance calculation result. This novel process started with calculating the distance from a Grid-Edge-Depth map considering unfixed angle data of the x-axis from a gyroscope sensor placed on the stereo camera using the trigonometry formula. The angle data used was the x-axis data. The distance measurement results by the system were then computed based on the unfixed angle compared to the actual distance. The test was carried out with three scenarios which required the user to stand at a distance of 100 cm, 125 cm, and 150 cm from a table, chair, or wall, with 30 tests for each scenario. The test results showed an average accuracy of 96.05% with three experimental scenarios, which meant that this machine was feasible to implement

    Early Model of Student's Graduation Prediction Based on Neural Network

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    Predicting  timing  of  student  graduation  would  be  a valuable  input  for  the  management  of  a  Department  at  a University. However, this is a difficult task if it is done manually.  With  the  help  of  learning  on  the  existing Artificial  Neural  Networks,  it  is  possible  to  provide training  with  a  certain  configuration,  in  which  based  on experience of previous graduate  data,  it would be possible to predict the time grouping of a student’s graduation. The input of  the system is the performance index  of  the first, second,  and  third  semester.  Based  on  testing  performed  on 166  data,  the  Artificial  Neural  Networks  that  have  been built were able to predict with up to 99.9% accuracy.

    Distance Estimation based on Color-Block: A Simple Big-O Analysis

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    This paper explains how the process of reading the data object detection results with a certain color. In this case the object is an orange tennis ball. We use a Pixy CMUcam5 connecting to the Arduino Nano with microcontroler ATmega328-based. Then through the USB port, data from Arduino nano re-read and displayed. It’s to ensure weather an orange object is detected or not. By this process it will be exactly known how many blocks object detected, including the X and Y coordinates of the object. Finally, it will be explained the complexity of the algorithms used in the process of reading the results of the detection orange object


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    Bidang pariwisata merupakan salah satu bidang industri terbesar di dunia dan telah memberikan kontribusi yang sangat besar terhadap ekonomi global, termasuk di Indonesia. Karawang merupakan sebuah kabupaten di Jawa Barat yang berdasarkan RKPD Kabupaten karawang 2023 mendeskripsikan bahwa terdapat permasalahan yang di alami Kab. Karawang yaitu salah satunya sarana dan prasarana pengelolaan sampah maupun dalam pengelolaan lingkungan yang belum memadai. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang di alami Kab. Karawang, maka program PKM dibuat untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan optimalisasi potensi eco travel dan pengembangan produk zero waste sehingga mampu meningkatkan potensi pariwisata dan bisa mengurangi jumlah limbah yang ada di Kab Karawang. Hal tersebut didukung juga oleh Indikator Kinerja Utama Kabupaten Karawang yaitu meningkatnya kontribusi sektor pariwisata dan indeks kualitas lingkungan hidup yang memadai. Pengabdian ini bertujuan membantu mitra dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berwirausaha di sektor sustainable development dan memberi pemahaman tentang eco travel dan penguasaan limbah pada pengelolaan wisata. Kegiatan ini mendukung transformasi pendidikan tinggi melalui indikator kinerja utama (IKU), adapun IKU yang akan di capai oleh pengabdian saat ini adalah dosen berkegiatan di luar kampus dan mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman di luar kampus


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana aliran rantai pasokan dalam industri rumahan penghasil tahu di Dusun I Desa Sidorukun Kabupaten Labuhanbatu dan penyebab terjadinya kelebihan produksi tahu beserta cara mengatasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dengan melakukan peninjauan langsung ke pabrik pembuatan tahu, dan data skunder yang diperoleh dari instansi maupun lembaga yang berkaitan. Data diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan, wawancara dan observasi di lapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan aliran rantai pasokan pada industri rumahan tahu di Dusun I Sidorukun ini memiliki 3 aliran yaitu aliran produk, aliran keuangan dan aliran informasi. Kelebihan produksi terjadi karena kurangnya informasi, ketidakmampuan pengecer dalam melakukan perencanaan yang tepat dalam mengukur permintaan pasar dan mengatur tingkat produksi yang sesuai dan adanya persaingan yang menyebabkan produsen tidak dapat menurunkan kapasitas produksinya. Solusi berdasarkan analisis yang telah penulis lakukan adalah melakukan komunikasi yang efektif dan pembagian informasi yang tepat, menambah jumlah pengecer dan juga melakukan diversifikasi turunan pada produk tahu


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    Good urban structure and activity require green open space to improve the ecological functions in it, but trees are not fully able to meet the important space in the urban vegetation while woody shrubs have the potential for it. Therefore, the objective of this study was to find out the potential of shrub as the component of urban vegetation so that it can be used as the information regarding the planning for land conversion in Cempaka subdistrict. Three sampling stations with 3 plots of 4x4 m at each station were determined on the basis of green open space data of shrubs in Cempaka subdistrict using a purposive sampling method. The shrub canopy was analyzed and environmental parameters were measured. Data were analyzed using the analysis of canopy volume, Pearson correlation analysis and analysis of Importance Value Index (IVI). The results of shrub vegetation estimation indicated that the volume of shrub vegetation canopy in Cempaka subdistrict was up to 22,462,878.50 m3 while the area with shrubs in the subdistrict was 5,675.116 hectares. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the canopy volume of shrubs in Cempaka subdistrict affected the changes in environmental factors. The most dominant shrub species was Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Bl with IVI value of 56.1%. It can be concluded that shrubs have potential as the component of the green space vegetation in urban areas

    The Proposed Development of Prototype with Secret Messages Model in Whatsapp Chat

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    Development of prototype at data security through secret messages is needed for disguising the messages sent in smartphone chatting application, WhatsApp (WA) Chat. We propose a model to disguise a plaintext message which is first encrypted by cryptosystem to change the plaintext message to ciphertext. Plaintext or plainimage entering the smartphone system is changed into encrypted text; receiver then can read the message by using similar key with the sender. The weakness of this proposal is the message random system is not planted directly in the chatting application; therefore message removing process from cryptosystem to WA application is still needed. The strength of using this model is the messages sent will not be easily re-encrypted by hacker and can be used at client computing section