948 research outputs found

    Ketepatan Klasifikasi Status Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Menggunakan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) dan Algoritma C4.5 di Kabupaten Sragen

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    The progress of a nation influenced and determined by the level of public health, the indicator of the level of health is determined by nutritional status. Nutrition can be given early, namely breastfeeding to infants. This research aims to compare the classification of exclusive breastfeeding and nonexclusive breastfeeding. It used two methods for classifying a breastfeeding to babies in Sragen subdistrict on 2014, the methods are Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and C4.5 Algorithm. MARS is nonparametric regression method that use to overcome the high dimension of data that produces accurate prediction and continuous models on knot. C4.5 Algorithm is a way of classifying methods from data mining that use to construct a decision tree. To evaluate the result of classification use Apparent Error Rate (APER) calculation. The best classification result using MARS method is by using the combination of Basis Function (BF)=40, Maximum Interaction (MI)=3, Minimum Obsevation (MO)=3 because it will result on the smallest Generalized Cross Validation (GCV). Classification result using MARS method obtained APER is 19,7674% and 80,2326% of accuracy. Classification result using C4.5 Algorithm obtained APER is 18,6047% and 81,3953% of accuracy. From proportion test, concluded classification that formed by MARS is as good as by C4.5 Algorithm. Keywords: Breastfeeding, Classification, MARS, C4.5 Algorith

    Vaksinasi Massal Covid-19 sebagai Sebuah Upaya Masyarakat dalam Melaksanakan Kepatuhan Hukum (Obedience Law)

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    Pasca ditemukannya vaksin yang dikembangkan beberapa negara di dunia, World Health Organization (WHO) merekomendasikan kepada seluruh negara untuk melakukan vaksinasi secara massal. Indonesia melalui Perpres 99 tahun 2020 dan Permenkes 2020 telah menuangkannya menjadi sebuah peraturan tertulis. Namun dalam hal ini terjadi pro (dari kelompok obedience law) dan kontra (kelompok disobedience law), padahal hal ini merupakan sebuah langkah positif demi perbaikan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu metode yang menggambarkan hak warga negara untuk mematuhi hukum (Obedience law) dalam melakukan vaksinasi covid 19. Kemudian dalam merespon kebijakan ini banyak kelompok masyarakat yang melakukan penolakan/pembangkangan terhadap anjuran vaksinasi yang penulis sayangkan, padahal ini seharusnya disambut baik oleh masyarakat dan ikut mematuhi (obedience law) anjuran ini secara sadar dan fair demi terciptanya sebuah perbaikan keadaan. Pembangkangan terhadap hukum yang dilakukan, disadari karena adanya rasa kekhawatiran atas vaksin yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah saat ini (sinovac), yang memiliki nilai efikasi hanya 65% ketika dilakukan uji klinis di indonesia. Namun tetap saja sebaiknya hal ini harus ditempuh sebagai sebuah upaya dan kontribusi dari masyarakat untuk ikut bekerjasama dalam hal memutus mata rantai penyebaran sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Perpres no 99 tahun 2020 yang kemudian dirubah ke dalam PerPres Nomor 14 Tahun 202


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    E-Biliu adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Badan Keuangan Kota Gorontalo guna menghadapi permasalahan pada wajib pajak dan memudahkan pengguna terkait informasi pelayanan wajib pajak, pendaftaran, pelaporan dan pembayaran SPT. Namun demikian, belum pernah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah kesuksesan sistem informasi wajib pajak (E-Biliu) tersebut. Maka peneliti akan melakukan analisis terhadap aplikasi E-Biliu menggunakan metode kesuksesan sistem informasi yang dikembangkan oleh DeLone dan McLean (DM is success Model, 2003). Hasil penelitian dari tiga hipotesis diajukan menunjukan Hipotesis 1 menyatakan bahwa kualitas sistem(SQ) Berpengaruh signifikan terhadap manfaat bersih(NB), Hipotesis 2 menyatakan bahwa kualitas informasi(IQ) Berpengaruh signifikan terhadap manfaat bersih(NB). Hipotesis tiga menyatakan bahwa kualitas layanan (SEQ) Berpengaruh signifikan terhadap manfaat bersih (NB)

    Comparative studies of the rain attenuation predictions for tropical regions

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    The radio waves propagating through the earth atmosphere will be attenuated due to the presence of atmosphere particles, such as water vapor, water drops and the ice particles. Meanwhile, the atmospheric gases and rain will both absorb and scatter the radio waves, and consequently degrade the performance of the link. The results of various studies conducted in temperate and tropical regions have been published in research papers. This paper presents the summary of comparative studies on different rain attenuation prediction methods for terrestrial microwave links tropical regions. Basically the models described in this paper include those of the ITU-R, revised Moupfouma, revised Silva Mello and Lin model. The objective of this study is to reveal the most suitable rain attenuation prediction model for the Malaysian tropical region. This paper will provide useful information for microwave engineers and researchers in making decision over the choice of most suitable rain attenuation prediction for terrestrial links operating in a tropical region. Even though the ITU-R model underestimates the rain attenuation at higher frequencies, the test results have clearly indicated that it is most suitable for predicting terrestrial rain attenuation in tropical Malaysia, compared to others

    Jadwal Induk dan Kapasitas Produksi Menggunakan MPS dan RCCP di PT. XYZ

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jadwal induk produksi dan kapasitas produksi pada PT. XYZ . Produk yang dibuat terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu Produk pintu, kusen dan Pintu geser. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini manufacturing resousce planning (MRP II) mulain dari dari perencanaan aggregate sampai dengan jadwal induk Produksi dan perhitungan kapasitas produksi atau Rought cut capacity planning (RCCP). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah tersercanakannya jadwal induk produksi dan kapasitas produksi. Analisa dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara kapasitas yang dibutuhkan dalam perencanaan dan kapasitas tersedia diperoleh hasil kapasitas yang tersedia melebihi kapasitas yang dibutuhkan sehingga penyesuainan sumberdaya yang dimiliki. Mengetahui hasil dari perbandingan dari RCCP dengan kapasitas tersedia kemudian adanya perbaikan kapasitas tersedia untuk tidak melebihi kapasitas. dengan menggunakan metode perencanaan kapasitas produksi (RCCP)


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    This paper proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation will determine the tendency of a product of interpretation and has the potential to reduce the meaning of a text and even reject other interpretations. The product of such interpretation is only more concerned with the process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes as well as tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidel" Muslims who are not in line, intolerant of differences of opinion, partial and fanatical which are full of radical ideologies. The findings in this article prove that the construction of Rokhmat S. Labib's interpretation is more of a process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes with tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidels" Muslims who are impartial, intolerant of differences, partial and fanatical. . The interpretation is often separated from the context of the verse, which causes this work to be inconsistent in taking references even though it does not ignore the historical context of the verse. This article also proves that the author's background determines ideological tendencies and interests in an interpretation

    The Quran and Muslim Minority Scholar’s Perspective: A Comparative Study of Abdullah Saeed and Farid Esack

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    This article discusses an alternative perspective in understanding the content of the Qur’an i.e., the perspective of minority Muslim scholars. The object of this study is the thought of tafsir Abdullah Saeed and Farid Esack who are positioned as Muslim scholars of Western institutions living as a minority, how their views of the Qur’an and how they develop interpretive methodologies according to the context of the environment in which they live. This article shows that the construction of the thought of Abdullah Saeed and Farid Esack positioned as minority scholars can represent its own contemporary model of interpretation. Abdullah Saeed with the idea of contextual interpretation laid out three bases of interpretive methodology: hierarchical values, contextual meaning, and systematic contextual interpretation. The three bases of the methodology are used to see the extent to which verses on ethical law can be understood and practiced in contemporary contexts while remaining grounded in the substance of the values carried when they are derived. While Farid Esack with his idea of liberative exegesis tried to break conservatism in South Africa with three methodological foundations: progressive revelation, reception hermeneutics, and the liberation theology of the Qur’an. The foundation of this methodology was used as a basis for value and legitimacy in supporting the agenda of popular solidarity between Muslims and non-Muslims in South Africa to overthrow the apartheid regime

    Consumer Preference of Broiler Meat Attributes in Traditional Markets

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    Meat needs (Broilers) have increased and meat consumption is influenced by consumer preferences caused by shifting consumption patterns, and is supported by low prices compared to beef.  The shift is influenced by prices, substitute goods, tastes, season, age, education, number of dependents, income, and increasing population so that preferences, and attributes that consumers consider in buying broiler meat in traditional markets need to be studied.  The study used a purposive sampling method, with the criteria of the Adji Dilayas Sanggam Market,  Senja Market, and the Milono Market in Berau Regency, having broiler meat traders.  Determination of respondents using proportional sampling techniques, each market 12 respondents (36 respondents), meet the smallest number of traders considered to meet the minimum sample criteria.  Sources of data obtained from primary data and secondary data.  The results showed that broiler meat that has a golden color, clean skin, medium carcass size, physically not bruised, fresh meat, and especially the chest.  Chi Square analysis showed that all attributes were significantly different (p <0.05), meaning that there were differences in preferences for the attributes of broiler meat in traditional markets.  Fishbein Multiatribute Analysis proves that meat freshness, flesh color, carcass physicality, skin cleanliness, carcass size, and carcass portion are the most considered, and or not considered attributes
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