732 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengupas Kulit Buah Nanas Menggunakan Penggerak Motor Listrik

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            In general, the process of peeling pineapple skin in the community still uses traditional methods, where the traditional method has several drawbacks, namely a small work capacity where to peel one pineapple takes ± 1-2 minutes. Stripping in this traditional way still has many shortcomings and weaknesses, including requiring a large amount of energy, requiring people who have special skills, risk of being hit by a knife, taking a long time, and the stripping position is not ideal. Design and manufacture a pineapple peeling machine with variations for peeling pineapples of various sizes. To find out how efficient the pineapple peeling machine is. This research was carried out based on four stages, the first was field observation, the second was design and design, the third was machine assembly, and the last was testing. This pineapple peeling machine is driven by a 0.5 hp electric motor with 1380 rpm and with a fruit chuck and stainless steel blade so that the material does not rust. This machine is designed to simplify and speed up the pineapple peeling process with a capacity of 96 pieces/hour . The stripping shaft rotation is 138 rpm and the engine speed is 1380. The efficiency of the pineapple peeling machine with a hollow galvanized iron frame material measuring 3 x 3 cm is able to support the machine and components of the pineapple peeling machine so as not to affect the results of the pineapple peeling

    Tathbîqu Manhaji al-Dirâsî al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah ‘ala Asãsi Ma’ayîri al-Ithãri al-Ta’hilî al-Indonîsiyyi (IQF) bi al-Jãmi’ah al-Islãmiyah al-Hukûmiyah Pamekasan Madura

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    The Curriculum of a college that based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (IQF) is attempting to equate aspects of knowledge, expertise, and skills with achievement in the process of education, job training or experience at a certain level. This research tried to describe and analyze how the IQF based Curriculum implementation at the Arabic Teaching and Learning Department in the State Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan Madura. This was a qualitative approach with a case study research. This study revealed that: first, the planning process of the IQF based curriculum implementation at the Arabic Teaching and Learning Department in STAIN Pamekasan is in accordance with the implementation guidelines of the IQF based curriculum from the Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry. Second, the obstacles in IQF based curriculum implementation were: time, human resource, changes in courses that are not compatible with Arabic education programs, changes in the academic system, language constraints, and lack of intensive socialization. Third, the suggested solution to resolve the obstacles were by revitalizing the design of curriculum, adjusting the vision and mission, reinforce learning outcomes, graduate profile, the structure of the curriculum and providing intensive socialization of curriculum implementation to lecturers and students directly and indirectly. 

    Creating a more efficient financial system : challenges for Bangladesh

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    While Bangladesh has embarked on a path to reform its financial system, most prominently by privatizing its government-owned banks, the Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs), a sustainable long-term expansion of the financial system requires a more substantial change in the role of government. Using recent research and international comparisons, this paper argues that the government should move from its role as an operator and arbiter in the financial system to a facilitator role. This implies not only divestment from government-owned banks, but also de-politicization of the licensing process and a market-based bank failure resolution framework that focuses on intermediation and not on the rescue of individual institutions. Most important, the government should move away from the implicit guarantee for depositors and owners to applying the existing limited explicit deposit insurance for depositors, while simultaneously relying more on market participants to monitor and discipline banks instead of micro-managing financial institutions. This redefinition of government's role should not be limited to the banking system, but applies to other segments of the financial system, such as capital markets and the micro-finance sector, and should be seen as an essential element in the governance reform agenda and in the movement from a relationship-based economy to a market and arms-length economy.Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Intermediation,Investment and Investment Climate,Corporate Law


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    Globally, dyes are widely used in the pharmaceutical, food, textile, cosmetics, plastics, leather, paint, ink and paper industries. Eosin is an acidic orange-pink dye and has very strong staining properties. Haematoxylin and eosin Y (H&E) combination is the most common staining and primary diagnostic technique in histo-pathological laboratories. This review mainly discussed the utility of eosin dye in quality control laboratories as an ion pairing agent for drug analysis. Eosin Y is one the most common ion pairing agent and its mono and di anionic forms of eosin Y are capable of interacting with many drug molecules to form colored/fluorescent binary or ternary complexes that can be analyzed with or without extraction by spectrofluorimetry and/or spectrophotometry. Quenching fluorescence and advantages of spectrofluorimetry over spectrophotometry were also discussed. Fluorescence detection greatly enhances the sensitivity and providing a sensitive and relatively inexpensive instrumental method of analysis using eosin Y for various important drugs in pure, commercial dosage forms and biological fluid

    Evaluation of Synthetic CPT and Soil Boring Data by Various Spatial Interpolation Techniques

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    In order to incorporate the influence of collected in-situ data, the spatial correlation between the data and the foundation needs to be explored. However, risk and uncertainty are the characteristics of the soil that cannot be eliminated. Statistical information of the soil property can be estimated from available field data obtained from testing at discrete locations across the site. In this research, several well-established spatial interpolation methods like ordinary kriging (OK), simple kriging (SK), inverse distance weight (IDW), spline, natural neighbor (NaN) and universal kriging (UK) were incorporated to evaluate the best method. Six CPT (Cone penetration test) (Tip Resistance data) cases (Case 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9) and four soil boring (SU and SPT data) cases (Case 2, 7 ,8 and 10) were investigated in this research. According to the results, for Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10, if the first priority is given to bias factor followed by coefficient of variation (COV) and root mean square error (RMSE), the best three spatial interpolation techniques are IDW, OK and SK sequentially, based on their performance. For Case 5 (CPT data), the best three spatial interpolation techniques are OK, IDW and SK sequentially. For Case 6 (CPT data), the best three spatial interpolation techniques are SK, IDW and OK sequentially. For Case 8 (Soil Boring data), the best three spatial interpolation techniques are IDW, SK and OK sequentially. It can be concluded that the average COV of bias factor λ (for qc, SU and SPT data) for different spatial interpolation methods are less than the average measured COV of predicted average tip resistance and the measured COV of undrained shear strength and SPT (standard penetration test)

    Vibrating nanoneedle and lab-on-chip microfluidics system for single cell mechanics

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    Single cell mechanics is a vital part of single cell analysis. It has attracted great interest among scientists as cell mechanics can be linked to early diagnosis of diseases. To date, several great findings have been achieved in the study of single cell mechanics. Nevertheless, more work are required to enable the technology to be pushed to the frontier of single cell mechanics. Considering this objective, this work focuses on the technological development of two major parameters of single cell mechanics: Single Cell Wall (SCW) cutting operations (Phase 01) and Single Cell Mass (SCM) measurement (Phase 02). A saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell was used as a sample cell. In phase 01, a vibrating nanoneedle (tungsten) integrated with lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric actuator was used for SCW cutting operation. Two different frequencies of vibrating nanoneedle were used for cell wall cutting operation: 1 Hz and 10 Hz. For a constant penetration depth of 1.2 µm, the obtained cell nanoneedle’s velocities were 7 µm/s and 24 µm/s. Results show that faster nanoneedle causes less damage to the cell surface. In phase 02, a Lab-On-Chip microfluidics system was used for SCM measurement. SCM result was extracted from the relation between drag force applied on cell and Newton’s law of motion. Drag force on the cell has been generated by a pressure driven syringe micropump. This approach of measuring SCM was calibrated using a known mass (73.5 pico gram) of polystyrene particle of 5.2 µm diameter. Different sizes (2-7 µm diameter) of yeast cells were cultured in our laboratory. Mass of 4.4 µm diameter of yeast cell was measured as 2.12 pg. In addition, results show that single yeast cell mass increases exponentially with the increase of cell size. It is envisaged that this work i.e. combination of single cell cutting operation and single cell mass measurement system will add a significant contribution to the knowledge of cell mechanics and single cell analysis

    Convergence and Coexistence Among The Schools Of Islamic Law: a Methodology

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    Most of the texts of Shari'ah came in the form of fundamentalprinciples and general provisions. The texts are often general and flexible at alarge extent, so that it would not be narrowed for the people. In addition, thetexts, which encompass the partial and detailed provisions of Shari'ah, are draftedin such a way that can accommodate more than single understanding andparticular interpretation. Consequently, this leads to the presence of multipleSchools and standpoints in the Islamic law. Nevertheless, all these Schools of Most of the texts of Shari'ah came in the form of fundamentalprinciples and general provisions. The texts are often general and flexible at alarge extent, so that it would not be narrowed for the people. In addition, thetexts, which encompass the partial and detailed provisions of Shari'ah, are draftedin such a way that can accommodate more than single understanding andparticular interpretation. Consequently, this leads to the presence of multipleSchools and standpoints in the Islamic law. Nevertheless, all these Schools o


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    Dalam kondisi saat ini, dari semua alat transportasi yang ada, sepeda motor menjadi favorit masyarakat karena dianggap paling efektif dan efisien.dalam proses penyampaian produk kepada pelanggan dan untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan yang berupa penjualan produk yang optimal, maka kegiatan pemasaran dijadikan tolak ukur oleh setiap perusahaan. Sebelum meluncurkan produknya perusahaan harus mampu melihat atau mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor Harga dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan pembelian produk Sepeda Motor Honda Supra X 125. Responden ysng terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 98 responden, metode yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner kepada responden untuk menjawab pertanyaan dalam penelitian .Dengan menggunakan Harga (X1),Promosi (X2), dan Keputusan Pembelian (Y1) Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu PLS (Parsial Least Square). Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan secara simultan dan parsial variabel harga dan promosi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Berarti bahwa keputusan pembelian memang dipengaruhi oleh harga Dan Promosi Kata kunci : Harga dan Promosi Keputusan Pembelia

    Etiology and Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury: A Comprehensive Study in Four Tertiary Centers of Dhaka

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    Introduction: This study was conducted to determine the etiology and outcomes of AKI in 4 tertiary centers of Dhaka, Bangladesh irrespective of RRT requirement and the hospital setting in which they were treated. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was carried out in 4 tertiary care centers (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, National Institute of Kidney Disease and Urology, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, and Dhaka Medical College Hospital) and 3 NICUs (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka Shishu Hospital and Dhaka Medical College Hospital of Dhaka) from January 2013 to December 2014. For the purpose of this study, AKI was defined according to the pediatric RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, loss, and end stage) criteria. All children admitted to the Pediatric Nephrology Inpatient Department and NICU of these hospitals were enrolled in the study. Data were collected from the registry of the hospitals. Ethics approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board. Results: A total of 2285 patients in the Nephrology Ward and 3764 patients in the NICU were included in the study. About 8.1% (185) of the patients had AKI, and the death rate was 18.5%. Out of 3764 children in the NICU, 530 had AKI and 17.2% of the patients died.Conclusions: The renal cause of AKI was the most predominant causes in our setting in hospitalized patients and perinatal asphyxia was a predominant cause of AKI in neonates. The overall mortality rate was 13-26%, which is comparable to other South Asian countries. Keywords: Acute kidney injury; Etiology; Outcome; Child

    Assessment of Neonatal Renal Function A Clinical dilemma

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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bsmmuj.v4i2.8629 BSMMU J 2011; 4(2):5