125 research outputs found

    Microfluidics and Bio-MEMS for Next Generation Healthcare.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Women's employment in garment factories in Bangladesh : emancipation or exploitation?

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    Women's participation in export-oriented industries has been one of the most dominant features in many developing countries since the 1970s. Employment in waged jobs has often been viewed as a means of women's integration into development processes. Research showed that development efforts in Third World countries negatively affected women and displaced them from their productive activities. As such, there was an increasing demand from liberal feminists and women development practitioners to integrate women into development processes through employment generation. They stressed the need for women's access to resources as the way to emancipate them from subordination. Although generation of employment through the establishment of export-oriented industries has given women access to economic resources, their participation in waged labour has given rise to a persistent debate in literature in relation to the issue of their emancipation/exploitation. This ethnographic research examines the implications of waged employment for women participating in export-oriented garment factories in Bangladesh.Within a feminist and broader social science research methodology, this study employs both qualitative and quantitative research approaches and analyses the experiences of women as factory workers, as members of the household and as members of society actively involved in day-to-day interactions with other societal members. The findings of this study reveal that the implications of waged employment for Bangladeshi women are complex and contradictory. Analysis of women's perceptions as factory workers shows that they are exploited on the factory floor in different ways and experience new forms of patriarchal domination beyond their family. Exploration of their perceptions as household members shows that earnings improve their position within the family. Although they often do not control their wages and frequently bear the double burden of productive and reproductive activities, they enjoy autonomy and freedom from familial patriarchal domination to a certain degree. In addition, women's participation in the labour market and their constant presence in the male dominated spaces are incessantly contesting the traditional notions of gender practices and meanings in Bangladeshi society. This situation also influences women to challenge male authority to an extent. Even though the challenges are not widespread, these may create new possibilities for women in society

    Sistem Mikrokontroler Pada Plant Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hydro Untuk Pengendalian Level Pada Tangki

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    Konsumsi listrik di indonesia setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan dikarenakan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sehingga tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,dibutuhkan suatu alat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi yang ada salah satunya melalui Plant Micro Hydro Power Plant (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air).Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dibuat system pengendalian level pada PLTMH dengan memakai control berupa Atmega 128,dimana variable yang dikontrol berupa ketinggian air saat mencapai set point 35 cm MOV akan mengatur buka-an sebesar 80% dengan menggunakan sensor berupa ultrasonic,juga terdapat set point safety saat ketinggian air mencapai 45 cm dan 25 cm untuk menghindari kerusakan pada pompa,dari hasil tugas akhir diperoleh design pengendalian secara proportional dengan respone time 60 detik ,juga diperoleh nilai pengendalian yang kurang stabil namun memiliki sistem kerja yang baik dengan steady error 1.095%, akurasi 98.905% , sensitivitas 96,165 % dan linearitas 4.438%, serta safety system dengan preassure drop tidak boleh kurang dari 25.5 cm untuk levelnya, yang bekerja secara baik menggunakan relay.========================================================Demand of electrical power in indonesia has increased electricity consumption each year in line with increasing growth of national economy .It takes an apparate us to meet the needs of the energy that was one of them is plant micro hydro power plant ( hydroelectric power station ) .In this final project was made system control level in plant by use control atmega 128 where the variable controlled of the water level as it reaches set point 35 cm actuator will regulate valve by 80 % by means of sensors ultrasonic , there are also set point safety when the water level at 45 centimeters and 25 cm to avoid damage at the pumps , from the duty the end of obtained design control in proportional with respone time 60 seconds , also obtained value control less stable but having a system of good working with steady error 1.095 %, accuracy 98.905 % , sensitivity 96,165 %, and linearity 4.438 %. As well as safety system patients outside the system with preassure drop could not be less than 25.5 cm for level , whose work good use the relay

    A Recommender System for Adaptive Examination Preparation using Pearson Correlation Collaborative Filtering

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    Distance learning is any type of far-off instruction where the understudy isn't actually present for the exercise. It is blasting gratitude to the force of the Internet. Distance learning plays a vital role for examination preparation where multiple choice questions can be utilized to evaluate the performance of students. Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) is a type of question used in the examination to evaluate the performance of students accordingly where usually four options are given along with the question, and one has to choose the correct answer. This research includes a simulation model that has been built to keep the learners continue to learn the subjects they might be weak in. We have developed a methodology that may guide a student to update his/her area of weakness by using a recommender system based on Pearson Correlation Collaborative Filtering approach. The paper describes a recommender system that will keep track of a learner's profile and create an adaptive training mechanism using the performance matrix

    Influence of cooking method on arsenic retention in cooked rice related to dietary exposure

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科物質情報解析Arsenic concentration in raw rice is not only the determinant in actual dietary exposure. Though there have been many reports on arsenic content in raw rice and different tissues of rice plant, little is known about arsenic content retained in cooked rice after being cooked following the traditional cooking methods employed by the people of arsenic epidemic areas. A field level experiment was conducted in Bangladesh to investigate the influence of cooking methods on arsenic retention in cooked rice. Rice samples were collected directly from a severely arsenic affected area and also from an unaffected area, to compare the results. Rice was cooked according to the traditional methods employed by the population of subjected areas. Arsenic concentrations were 0.40 ± 0.03 and 0.58 ± 0.12 mg/kg in parboiled rice of arsenic affected area, cooked with excess water and 1.35 ± 0.04 and 1.59 ± 0.07 mg/kg in gruel for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. In non-parboiled rice, arsenic concentrations were 0.39 ± 0.04 and 0.44 ± 0.03 mg/kg in rice cooked with excess water and 1.62 ± 0.07 and 1.74 ± 0.05 mg/kg in gruel for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. Total arsenic content in rice, cooked with limited water (therefore gruel was absorbed completely by rice) were 0.89 ± 0.07 and 1.08 ± 0.06 mg/kg (parboiled) and 0.75 ± 0.04 and 1.09 ± 0.06 mg/kg (non-parboiled) for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. Water used for cooking rice contained 0.13 and 0.01 mg of As/l for contaminated and non-contaminated areas, respectively. Arsenic concentrations in cooked parboiled and non-parboiled rice and gruel of non-contaminated area were significantly lower (p < 0.01) than that of contaminated area. The results imply that cooking of arsenic contaminated rice with arsenic contaminated water increases its concentration in cooked rice. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Effect of Corpora on Classification of Fake News using Naive Bayes Classifier

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    At the present world, one of the main sources of the news is an online platform like different websites and social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram and so on. However, due to the lack of proper knowledge or deliberate activity of some cunning people, fake news is spreading more than ever. People in general, struggling to filter which news to trust and which one to discard. Even the sly people take advantage of the situation by spreading false news and misleading the people. Natural Language Processing, one of the major branch of Machine Learning, the wealth of research is remarkable. However, new challenges underpinning this development. Here in this work, Naive Bayes Classifier, a Bayesian approach of Machine Learning algorithm has applied to identify the fake news. We showed, besides the algorithms, how the wealth of corpora can assist to improve the performance. The dataset collected from an open-source, has been used to classify whether the news is authenticated or not. Initially, we achieved classification accuracy about 87% which is higher than previously reported accuracy and then 92% by the same Naive Bayes Algorithm with enriched corpora

    COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Prediction Using Machine Learning

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is an infectious disease which is declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) have a noxious effect on the entire human civilization. Each and every day the number of infected people is going higher and higher and so the death toll. Many of country Italy, UK, USA was affected badly, yet since the identification of the first case, after a certain number of days, the scenario of infection rate has been reduced significantly. However, a country like Bangladesh couldn't keep the infection rate down. A number of algorithms have been proposed to forecast the scenario in terms of the number of infection, recovery and death toll. Here, in this work, we present a comprehensive comparison based on Machine Learning to predict the outbreak of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. Among Several Machine Learning algorithms, here we used Polynomial Regression (PR) and Multilayer Perception (MLP) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm and epidemiological model Susceptible, Infected and Recovered (SIR), projected comparative outcomes


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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic quickly surges throughout the world including Bangladesh from the beginning of 2020. To challenge the present detrimental situations, many countries are approving several preventive measures, e.g., international travel bans, isolated office activities, country lockdown, and most importantly social distancing, even though some medications are prescribed in some extent. The government of Bangladesh also took various preventive measures to limit the thunder of corona virus disease 20019 (COVID-19) pandemic. But, the actions are not adequate to face the challenges of COVID-19 in Bangladesh, particularly in the capital city Dhaka, remarkably because of the lower-middle-income economy with one of the world’s densest populations. In Dhaka city, based on the present populations, social distancing is difficult, and with the nominal resources it would be extremely challenging to implement the mitigation measures of COVID-19. Mobile sanitization facilities, temporary quarantine sites and healthcare facilities could help to improve the pandemic effect. A rapid, caring, and empathic collaboration between the government, citizens, and health experts, along with international assistance, can enable the country to minimize the impact of the pandemic. In this review, we summarize the occurrence (RT-PCR based test) and present scenarios of COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh, particularly in the Dhaka city analyzing available data in July and August’2020