43 research outputs found
Local Election and Reinforcement Democracy in the Indonesian State System
The direct election of Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head directly and democratically by the people is a political process of the Indonesian nation towards a more democratic, transparent, accountable and responsible political life and administration. Therefore, in order to ensure the implementation of election of Regional Heads and Regional Representatives at a time of quality and meet the degree of healthy competition, the requirements and procedures for election of Regional Head shall be stipulated in separate laws and regulations. In general it is said that the direct election of the regional head is more democratic. There are at least two reasons why the idea of direct election is considered necessary: First; to open the door for the appearance of the head of the region in accordance with the will of the majority of the people themselves. Second; to maintain government stability so as not to be easily dropped in the middle of the road. Practice during the regime of Law Number 22 Year 1999 regarding Regional Government, indicates that the election through DPRD mechanism is often opposed even not in accordance with the will of the majority of people in the region. In this connection, there are several reasons why the direct Election of Regional Head (Local Election) is important for the development of democracy in Indonesia are: First; direct regional head elections allow for the strengthening of democracy at the local level, in particular the development of political legitimacy. This is based on the assumption that the elected Head of Region has a strong mandate and legitimacy, because it has the support of the people's voice directly reflecting the configuration of political forces and the interests of the constituents of voters. This legitimacy is very important for the governing government. Second; Direct Regional Head Election is expected to be able to build and realize local accountability and strengthening of democratic values in Indonesian state administration system
Access To Justice Through Pro Bono Legal Aid
The concept of access to justice basically focuses on two basic objectives of the existence of a legal system, namely: First, the legal system shall be accessible to everyone from all walks of life. Second, the legal system shall be able to make fair provisions and decisions to all groups, both individually and in group. The basic idea to be prioritized in this concept is to achieve social justice for citizens of all walks of life. In this connection, the right to legal aid is a small part of the access to justice. The fulfillment of the right to legal aid as part of access to justice means that the state shall use all its resources to realize the rights to progressive legal aid
Access to Justice Through Pro Bono Legal Aid
The concept of access to justice basically focuses on two basic objectives of the existence of a legal system, namely: First, the legal system shall be accessible to everyone from all walks of life. Second, the legal system shall be able to make fair provisions and decisions to all groups, both individually and in group. The basic idea to be prioritized in this concept is to achieve social justice for citizens of all walks of life. In this connection, the right to legal aid is a small part of the access to justice. The fulfillment of the right to legal aid as part of access to justice means that the state shall use all its resources to realize the rights to progressive legal aid
Local Election and Reinforcement Democracy in the Indonesian State System
The direct election of Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head directly and democratically by the people is a political process of the Indonesian nation towards a more democratic, transparent, accountable and responsible political life and administration. Therefore, in order to ensure the implementation of election of Regional Heads and Regional Representatives at a time of quality and meet the degree of healthy competition, the requirements and procedures for election of Regional Head shall be stipulated in separate laws and regulations. In general it is said that the direct election of the regional head is more democratic. There are at least two reasons why the idea of direct election is considered necessary: First; to open the door for the appearance of the head of the region in accordance with the will of the majority of the people themselves. Second; to maintain government stability so as not to be easily dropped in the middle of the road. Practice during the regime of Law Number 22 Year 1999 regarding Regional Government, indicates that the election through DPRD mechanism is often opposed even not in accordance with the will of the majority of people in the region. In this connection, there are several reasons why the direct Election of Regional Head (Local Election) is important for the development of democracy in Indonesia are: First; direct regional head elections allow for the strengthening of democracy at the local level, in particular the development of political legitimacy. This is based on the assumption that the elected Head of Region has a strong mandate and legitimacy, because it has the support of the people\u27s voice directly reflecting the configuration of political forces and the interests of the constituents of voters. This legitimacy is very important for the governing government. Second; Direct Regional Head Election is expected to be able to build and realize local accountability and strengthening of democratic values in Indonesian state administration system
Kajian Psikosufistik terhadap Penciptaan Manusia dalam Islam
One of the most important information in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet is the creation of man. One of the Qur'an mentions, that humans are made from the essence of soil (Surah 23:12). Another verse mentions, dry clay from black mud formed (Surah 15:28). This study focuses on tracing the creation of humans through the works of previous researchers that have been published in reputable journals and also books that are in line with research needs. The research approach is qualitative. To unravel the psychological meaning of Sufism, the theory of maqam Nafs Shaykh Hakim Muinuddin Chisyti is used. The results of this study indicate that humans who are in the process of creation to become a baby are in a basic spiritual level, namely the level of the soul or maqam nafs. Babies who are in the womb and who have been born into the world do not have optimal awareness. He can only do something simple according to the fact of his thinking ability
AbstrakLiteratur bagi penyandang disabilitas sangatlah diperlukan sebagai sumber informasi keilmuan. Fasilitas yang tak mudah serta dukungan pihak lain yang minim membuat kekhawatiran tersendiri bagi kalangan difabel disaat gencarnya informasi dan data yang mudah diakses kaum non difabel. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pemanfaatan literatur hadis braille talkingbook riyadus shalihin di kalangan para pengguna tunanetra. Pengabdian ini juga sekaligus memberikan dukungan baik materi maupun partisipasi langsung dalam menemukan produk yang dapat memudahkan para difabel mengakses ilmu juga sebagai upaya mencetak difabel netra berkualitas yang mampu berkompetisi di dunia pendidikan formal maupun dunia kerja. Metode pengabdian ini menggunakan participation action research dengan menerapkan model evaluasi CIPP (context, input, process, product). Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa keberhasilan dalam menemukan produk seperti talkingbook riyadus shalihin yang membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan serta pengembangan potensi difabel netra terutama dalam bidang pendidikan dan dakwah inklusif. Dengan penggunaan literatur hadis braille talkingbook memungkinkan difabel netra di BLBI Abiyoso-Wiyata untuk mengakses dan memahami hadis-hadis secara mandiri. Mereka dapat membaca dan mendengarkan hadis-hadis penting dalam agama Islam melalui sentuhan dan pendengaran. Hal ini secara signifikan meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang ajaran agama dan memperkuat identitas keagamaan mereka. Penggunaan literatur hadis braille talkingbook juga memberikan dampak positif dalam hal pemberdayaan difabel netra. Mereka dapat belajar dan merenungkan hadis-hadis penting secara mandiri, tanpa perlu bergantung pada pihak lain. Ini meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, kemandirian, dan kemampuan mereka untuk mengambil peran aktif dalam komunitas keagamaan dan masyarakat secara umum. Program talkingbook riyadus shalihin ini sangat berperan banyak dalam membantu dan mendampingi difabel netra di berbagai lembaga dan komunitas difabel khususnya dalam bidang keislaman. Pengabdian ini dimulai dengan pembuatan instrumen penelitian, konsultasi, observasi, pengumpulan data wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Keberhasilan pengabdian ini dilihat dari respon setelah melakukan wawancara langsung dengan para difabel netra dalam menguji produk talkingbook riyadus shalihin. Dengan adanya pengabdian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk kemajuan bangsa dalam bidang keilmuan berupa literatur. Meski demikian terkait dengan talkingbook riyadus shalihin yang menjadi salah satu solusi literasi keagaamaan bagi tunanetra, selain itu perlu untuk dikembangkan, juga memerlukan penyuluhan lanjutan agar bisa sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diperlukan. AbstractLiterature for persons with disabilities is needed as a source of scientific information. Facilities that are not easy and minimal support from other parties creates a special concern for people with disabilities when information and data are incessantly accessible to non-disabled people. This service aims to examine the use of braille hadith literature talking book riyadus shalihin among blind users. This service also simultaneously provides material support and direct participation in finding products that can make it easier for people with disabilities to access knowledge as well as an effort to produce quality blind people who are able to compete in the world of formal education and the world of work. This service method uses participation action research by applying the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, product). The results of the dedication show that success in finding products such as the talkingbook riyadus shalihin which helps improve welfare and develop the potential of blind people, especially in the fields of education and inclusive da'wah. By using the hadith braille talkingbook literature, it is possible for the blind at BLBI Abiyoso-Wiyata to access and understand hadiths independently. They can read and listen to important hadiths in Islam through touch and hearing. This significantly increases their understanding of religious teachings and strengthens their religious identity. The use of braille talkingbook hadith literature also has a positive impact in terms of empowering blind people. They can learn and meditate on important hadiths independently, without the need to depend on other parties. This increases their self-confidence, independence and ability to take an active role in the religious community and society in general. The Riyadus Shalihin Talkingbook program has played a big role in assisting and assisting blind people in various institutions and communities with disabilities, especially in the Islamic field. This service begins with the creation of research instruments, consultations, observations, interview data collection, and documentation. The success of this service can be seen from the response after conducting direct interviews with blind people in testing the Talkingbook Riyadus Shalihin product. With this service, it can contribute to the progress of the nation in the scientific field in the form of literature. However, related to the Riyadus Shalihin Talkingbook, which is one of the solutions for religious literacy for the blind, apart from that it needs to be developed, it also requires further counseling so that it can suit the required needs
Diskursus Etnisitas dalam Studi Hadis: Mawali, Aktivisme dan Kesalehan
In early Islamic biographical dictionaries, mawālī (the plural form of mawla) appears as an essential term for recognizing ethnicity in early Islamic scholarship. Unfortunately, few hadith studies of contemporary scholars about what, how, and why mawālī is necessary to be studied in an interdisciplinary manner. The following article will examine Sa'id b. Jubayr (d. 95 hijriyah) mawālī from the tabiin generation, originally from Ethiopia (Habashah). The reason for choosing this character was due to two things. First, he was a pious type of person [the narrator of hadith]. Second, the activism he undertook to balance the Umayyad dynasty. Through sociological-geographic studies, the author traces biographical dictionaries and early books of Islamic history. The author reconstructs the discourse of ethnicity in the study of hadith and shows the role of non-Arabs in the early days of Islam in building Islamic scholarship. The author concludes that tyrannical citizenship politics encourages new non-Arab Muslims to carry out activism on the one hand and choose the intellectual path on the other to find social justice.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Praktik Kebersihan Perorangan Remaja di Asrama Tahun 2020
Perilaku mempengaruhi tingkat kesehatan seseorang. Kebersihan perorangan merupakan upaya menjaga individu dari penularan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan dengan praktik kebersihan perorangan remaja di asrama pada tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional study. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 37 Remaja yang tinggal di asrama. Seluruh populasi dijadikan sebagai sampel (total sampling). Pengumpulan data pengetahuan dan perilaku kebersihan perorangan dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan 37 remaja. Analisis statistik menggunakan Fisher Exact test dan diinterpretasikan dalam tabel dan narasi. Hasil penelitian diketahui remaja yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku kebersihan perorangan yang baik adalah 7 (43,8%), tingkat pengetahuan rendah dan perilaku baik adalah 9 (56,3%), tingkat pengetahuan baik dan perilaku rendah adalah 6 (28.% ), dan tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku yang baik adalah 15 (71,4%). Analisis menggunakan Fisher exact test diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,489 artinya tidak terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan kebersihan perseorangan pada remaja di asrama.
Home industry BAROKAH merupakan industri rumah tangga yang bergerak dalam bidang pangan terutama sentra olahan hasil laut yang menghasilkan abon ikan. Home industry BAROKAH berdiri sejak tahun 2010 dengan alamat Desa Dullah, Kecamatan Dulah Utara, Kota Tual. Kondisi lingkungan kerja pada home industry BAROKAH belum tertata dengan rapi sehingga diperlukan perbaikan agar dapat mengatur lingkungan kerja, mulai dari bahan baku hingga menjadi produk yang siap jual, tidak terkecuali pada proses pengemasan abon ikan. Home industry BAROKAH belum memiliki waktu baku proses produksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis masalah studi gerakan, menghitung waktu standar dan produktivitas pada proses pengemasan abon ikan di Home industry BAROKAH. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Stopwatch time study, Motion Time Study (MTM) untuk mengukur waktu baku yang diperlukan pada proses pengemasan dan takt time untuk menghitung produktivitas kerja. Hasil Pengukuran waktu baku di proses pengemasan abon ikan menggunakan metode jam henti, diperoleh total waktu yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan satu kemasan abon ikan siap dipasarkan adalah dengan waktu siklus 58,4 detik, waktu normal 61,32 detik dan waktu baku 71.74 detik. Produktivitas pekerja pengemasan abon ikan menggunakan metode takt time adalah 12 kemasan/jam dengan waktu baku menghasilkan sebanyak 50 kemasan/jam, sehingga total output dari 100 menjadi 400 kemasan
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah Pendekatan
Keterampilan Proses Kelas III SDN Menteng Atas 06 Pagi Jakarta Selatan
dengan 2 siklus pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
perolehan data yaitu pada siklus I sebesar 58% dari jumlah siswa sebanyak
24 siswa yang telah mencapai skor sikap ilmiah belajar IPA ≥ 75. Pada siklus
II ini sebesar 82% dari jumlah siswa, sebanyak 33 siswa sudah mencapai
skor sikap ilmiah belajar IPA ≥ 75. Peningkatan hasil siklus II ini membuktikan
bahwa pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses membawa
dampak positif bagi peningkatan Sikap Ilmiah siswa pada pembelajaran IPA
terutama tentang benda dan sifatnya. Pembelajaran lebih bermakna dengan
memperoleh dan memproses informasi secara langsung. Dengan berbagai
keterampilan seperti mengamati, menggolongkan, menafsirkan,
mengaplikasi, mengkomunikasi dan menyimpulan mampu munumbuhkan
sikap ingin tahu, ketekunan, tidak putus asa, kerjasama, bertanggung jawab
dan terbuka. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pendektan
keterampilan proses dapat dijadikan salah satu alternative pendekatan
pembelajaran yang efektif untuk meningkatkan sikap ilmiah siswa pada
pembelajaran IPA.
The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the approach Process
Skills Class III SDN Menteng Atas 06 Pagi South Jakarta with 2 cycles of
learning. These results indicate that the acquisition of the data that is in the
first cycle by 58% of the number of students as many as 24 students who
have reached a scientific attitude to learn science scores ≥ 75. In this second
cycle was 82% of the total number of students, as many as 33 students have
reached a scientific attitude scores learn science ≥ 75. Improved results of the
second cycle of this proves that the process of learning the skills approach
had a positive impact on the improvement of Scientific Attitude students
learning science, especially of objects and nature. Learning is more
meaningful to acquire and process information directly. With a variety of skills
such as observing, classifying, interpreting, applying, communicate and
menyimpulan able munumbuhkan curiosity, perseverance, not despair,
cooperation, responsible and open. Implications of these results is that
pendektan process skills can be one effective alternative learning approaches
to improve the scientific attitude of students in learning scienc