17 research outputs found

    Meedia kaudu seostatud ühiskond: meedia sisu ja kasutusmustrite analüüs süsteemiteoreetilisest perspektiivist

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Meediakommunikatsioonil on tänapäeva globaalses maailmas oluline roll kogu ühiskonnasüsteemi käigushoidmisel ja inimeste ühiskonnaga sidustamisel. Käesolevas töös analüüsitakse täpsemalt, kuidas meedia toetab integratsiooni nendel erinevatel tasanditel. Ühiskonna tasandi integratsiooni kohta on töös tehtud järeldused päevalehtede temaatiliste eelistuste, aja ja ruumi konstrueerimise analüüsi põhjal. Analüüs näitab, et hoolimata asjaolust, et tegemist on geograafiliselt ja ajalooliselt lähedalt seotud piirkondadega, on Eestis, Soomes ja Venemaal 20.sajandi vältel ajakirjandus täitnud erinevaid rolle demokraatia ja ühiskonnas aset leidvate muutuste toetajana. Ainult Soome puhul on märgata läbi sajandi esiplaanil olnud arutelu inimeste kooselu põhimõtete ja regulatsioonide üle, samal ajal kui Eestis ja Venemaal on meediakommunikatsiooni adressaate integreeritud hoopis teistel tasanditel – nii identiteedi kujundamise kui ka normatiivse teguri kaudu. Töö teises osas antakse ülevaade elanike meediakasutusest viimasel paaril kümnendil, et hinnata nende seotust meediakommunikatsiooniga. Analüüsiga kõnetatakse meediauurijate hirme inimeste kapseldumisest oma lemmikkanalite või -sisu ümber – tajutakse ohtu, et kui meediaruumis puuduvad kokkupuutepunktid ja seeläbi ka ühised jututeemad, on ühiskonna kui terviku eksistents küsimärgi all. Käesolevas töös osutatakse, et antud hirmudel ei ole alust – väga väikese osa Eesti elanike puhul on märgata ühe meediakanali kasutamise eelistust. Just erinevate kanalite ja mitmekülgse sisu kasutamise kaudu on inimesed seotud erinevate ühiskonna osadega, mida tänapäeva keeruka ühiskonna toimimine ka eeldab. Töö on oluline süsteemiteoreetiline vaade meedia ja integratsiooni küsimustele ning avab uued uurimisperspektiivid edaspidiseks.The main question of this dissertation is: How is integration supported by media communication? The preliminary condition for the constitution of a society is defined by the communicative bonds between different parts and levels of society. The mass media plays a central role in that it allows for different parts of society to be mutually informed, both on the very broad scale and on different levels. The answer the question of the dissertation will not only be applied to its application on the level of society as a whole, but also in terms of individual subjects. By illuminating the macro-structures of journalism content over long period in three countries the dissertation has shown that media communication can offer self-descriptions of society and cognitive world horizons for the system level. Based on the Finnish example conclusion is made that if the mass media can operate as an independent system in society, the most important element in a functionally differentiated contemporary society is the discussion surrounding the rules and norms that hold us/society together. In the periods of social changes, media communication becomes more pluralised, with intense discussions and more frequent references to the past and future – like it was the case in the Estonian and Russian newspapers during almost the whole 20th century. On the other side, individuals can contribute to the society through communication – this presupposes that the individual is ‘connected’ if he/she follows different media channels and -content. Different individuals, who are characterised by different interests, preferences, needs and skills, are based on the combinations of those aspects connected to the different media channels and –content. The audience fragmentation is not treated as the encapsulation. From the systems theoretical perspective it seems that fragmentation of media use is a strategy suitable for application to a hyper-complex society – it enables individuals to be connected to media communication in diverse ways. For the next empirical study the hypothesis will be raise that a hyper-complex society can only be managed through the communication of well-educated individuals

    How digital converges cross-media news typologies across countries: a comparative study of news consumption in Estonia and Portugal

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    In this article we argue for the relevance of the internet in the convergence of news consumption in cross-country research in Estonia and Portugal. Being different in their histories and media systems, the comparative research revealed similarities in people’s news repertoires in the two countries, which led to interesting conclusions about the changes in audiences’ news universes. In comparing the repertoires special attention was given to online journalism content: why people use this content, how they evaluate the credibility of the news, and how they make sense of their news selections. The results show that online news repertoires are converging across the two countries, especially in repertoires where consumers are focused on the quality of news, but also to some extent in cases where they mostly got news from social media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ülevaade meedia ja kommunikatsiooni teooriast

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    E-kursuse "Ülevaade meedia ja kommunikatsiooni teooriast" loengukonspek

    Tartu Ülikooli noorte õppejõudude ametialane enesemääratlus neoliberaalse ülikooli mõõdikute valguses

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    Viimastel kümnenditel on uurijate tähelepanu keskpunktis olnud neoliberaalne pööre kõrghariduses, mille olulisemate ilmingutena nähakse orienteerumist "turu" nõuetele, tudengite muutumist klientideks, projektipõhisust. Neoliberaalne pööre mõjutab ka õppejõudude ametialast enesemääratlust, mille üheks tulemuseks on mõõdikute rolli suurenemine õppejõu töö hindamisel. Artikli eesmärk on analüüsida, millist tähendust omistavad õppejõud mõõdikutele oma ametialase enesemääratluse eri tasanditel: individuaalsel, organisatoorsel ning riigi tasandil. Selleks tehti poolstruktureeritud intervjuud Tartu Ülikooli alla 40-aastaste kaasprofessoritega. Intervjuud näitasid, et õppejõud tajuvad teravalt mõõdikute mõju – individuaalsel tasandil tekitab see pingeid ning stressi, organisatsiooni tasandil on probleemiks lineaarne karjäärimudel ja liigne ühtlustamine ning riigi tasandil kõrghariduse rahastusega kaasnev probleemistik.  Summar

    Media and Journalism Research in Small European Countries

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    Big and small states all function as comprehensive entities: they require state apparatuses, the ability to provide services for citizens, the capacity to protect themselves, and appropriate media systems to guarantee a deliberative communication space for democratic processes. Investigating media, in turn, is important since it informs us about risks and opportunities for media transformations. To examine the impact of smallness on monitoring and research capabilities in news media and journalism, we have compared four small European countries with contrasting historical backgrounds and different types of media systems: Austria, Croatia, Estonia, and Latvia. While earlier research has mainly focused on Western European countries, the current study broadens the perspective to Central and Eastern European countries. The analysis shows that smallness can influence research capabilities in different ways, with advantages and disadvantages for media and journalism research. Fewer national resources can foster internationalisation, with the side effect of less attention to country-specific problems. In the situation of growing specialisation in media and journalism research, small countries may be less capable of providing sufficient infrastructure for knowledge exchange. The article builds on research performed within the framework of the H2020 project Mediadelcom

    The Centrality of Culture in the 20 th Century Estonian Press A Longitudinal Study in Comparison with Finland and Russia

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    The present article highlights the importance of the comparative longitudinal study of mass- mediated content in comparing the evolution of public spheres in neighbouring countries. In order to contextualize our research on the Estonian media system, we simultaneously conducted a similar study on Finnish and Russian newspapers of the same period. The 20 th century was a period of rapid change in Estonian society and, compared with Finnish and Russian newspapers, Estonian newspapers paid more attention to issues that were labelled as “cultural”. In the Estonian press the understanding that ‘culture’ is important prevailed, as it was one of the most stable elements of content throughout the century. The significance of governance-politics and economics depended on the political situation and historical context. The interpretation of data is based on the binaries “centre” vs. “periphery” and “self-reference” vs. “other-reference”

    Trends in Estonian media landscape in 2000–2012

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    Estonian media landscape changed radically together with Estonian society as a whole during the years of political breakthrough in 1987-1991, the years of constituting a new political, economic and social order in 1991-1995, and the economic stabilisation in 1995-2000 (see Hoyer, Lauk & Vihalemm, 1993; Lauristin & Vihalemm, 2002). However, changes in media system and media use continued also over the first decade of the new century due to the continuing societal transformation and rapid development of information and communication technologies

    CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship: pilot Questionnaires: Estonia

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    The data set was generated within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions (CATCH-EyoU) funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme - Grant Agreement No 649538. The data set is a truncated version of the adolescents’ and young adults’ survey that was carried out in Estonia from May to June 2016. It merges results of two polls (16-18 and 20-26 year olds). Survey was conducted by University of Tartu (UT) within the WP7 research activity which aims at testing processes influencing societal and political engagement of young people

    CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth's Construction of Active EU Citizenship: Pilot Questionnaires: Estonia

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    The data set was generated within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions (CATCH-EyoU) funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme - Grant Agreement No 649538. The data set is a truncated version of the adolescents’ and young adults’ survey that was carried out in Estonia from May to June 2016. It merges results of two polls (16-18 and 20-26 year olds). Survey was conducted by University of Tartu (UT) within the WP7 research activity which aims at testing processes influencing societal and political engagement of young people

    CATCH-EyoU: Public Authorities engaging with youth: Survey Data: Estonia: Wave1

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    The data set was generated within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme http://www.catcheyou.eu Grant Agreement No 649538Quantitative survey data was collected in Estonia by the University of Tartu (UT) team. Participants A total of 1087 respondents participated in survey. 574 of them filled adolescents’ questionnaire and 513 young adults’ questionnaire. Respondents at regional/local level were approached from four Estonian regions, including the North (Tallinn), North-East (Ida-Virumaa), South-East (Tartu) and South (Valgamaa), in order to capture a range of different opinions across Estonia. To capture ethnic minorities, Russian version of questionnaire was created. 76% of respondents were Estonians and 34% preferred to fill Russian version. 63% of participants were females and 37% men. The mean age of adolescents was 16,7 years (SD = 0,81; range 15-22) and the mean age of young adults was 21,3 years (SD = 3,55; range 16-44). Methodology Data collection procedure All participants filled online questionnaire. To enhance involvement of ethnic minorities, Russian questionnaire version was created. Members of ethnic minority had possibility to choose between Estonian and Russian versions.The data set was generated within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions (CATCH-EyoU) funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme - Grant Agreement No 649538. The data set is a truncated version of the adolescents’ and young adults’ survey that was carried out in Estonia from October to December 2016. It merges results of two polls (15-19 and 20-30 year olds). Survey was conducted by University of Tartu (UT) within the WP7 research activity which aims at testing processes influencing societal and political engagement of young people