59 research outputs found

    Antibacterial And Antioxidative Properties Of Essential Oils From Armoise (Artemisia Herba-Alba), Bay (Laurus Nobilis) And Rose Geranium (Pelargonium Capitatum X Radens) In Vitro

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    The prevalence of food contamination by pathogenic bacteria resulting in foodborne illness has raised concern to the food industry. In addition, oxidation in food, which affects the shelf life and quality of the food through the formation of off odor and off flavor, is another concern to the food industry. Nitrates, sulfates, benzoates of sodium and potassium, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are commonly used as preservatives in the food industry. However, long-term safety issues of synthetic preservatives in human health along with negative perception of consumers have lead researchers to find alternative natural preservatives. The purpose of this study is to find the most effective essential oil (EO) that has high inhibitory effect against pathogenic bacteria as well as high antioxidant activity among three commercially available EOs derived from armoise (Artemisia herba-alba), bay (Laurus nobilis) and rose geranium (Pelargonium capitatum x radens) plants

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny.M.G.S Umur 41 Tahun Di Puskesmas Pembantu Liliba Periode 21 Februari Sampai 26 Mei 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian di wilayah NTT terutama Kota Kupang terbilang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan data yang dilaporkan oleh Bidang Kesehatan Keluarga tercatat tahun 2017 AKI di Kota Kupang sebesar 49/100.000 KH. AKB di Kota Kupang tahun 2018 sebesar 22,23/1.000 KH. Dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil Trimester III sampai dengan perawatan masa nifas diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan : Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil Trimester III sampai dengan perawatan masa nifas dan KB. Metode : Studi kasus menggunakan metode penelaahan kasus, lokasi studi kasus di Puskesmas Pembantu Liliba, subjek studi kasus adalah Ny.M.G.S. dilaksanakan tanggal 21 Februari sampai 26 Mei 2019 dengan menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil dengan metode Varney dan pendokumentasian SOAP, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil:dilakukan penerapan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil sejak usia kehamilan 28 minggu dan usia kehamilan 37 minggu 3 hari. Asuhan pada persalinan dilakukan di RSU S.K. Lerik oleh bidan. Asuhan kebidanan pada masa nifas dilakukan kunjungan sebanyak tiga kali, pada hari kedua post partum (KF I), hari ke 6 post partum (KF II) dan hari ke 29 post partum (KF III). Asuhan pada bayi baru lahir diberikan tiga kali pada usia 2 hari (KN I), 6 hari (KN II), dan hari ke 14 (KN III). Ny. M.G.S selama masa kehamilannya dalm keadaan sehat, proses persalinan normal, pada masa nifas involusi berjalanan normal, Bayi baru lahir normal, konseling ber-KB ibu memilih metode IUD. Simpulan: Ny.M.G.S. selama masa kehamilannya dalam keadaan sehat, proses persalinan Normal, pada masa nifas involusi berjalan normal, Bayi baru lahir normal, konseling ber-KB ibu memilih metode IU


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The present study was carried out with the main objective of studying Terminalia catappa nut phyto-constituents through GC-MS/MS, aswell as its antibacterial, antifungal activities.Methods: The T. catappa nut collected was shade dried and extracted with ethanol, the obtained ethanol extract was used for the whole study- GCMS/MS, antimicrobial activity.Results: The results of GC-MS/MS showed 12 peaks. Among the 12 peaks obtained, the highest peak area percent of 48.58 for Propane, 1,1-diethoxyand24.36% for t-Butyl hydrogen phthalate followed by 3-Isopropoxy-1,1,1,7,7,7-hexamethyl-3,5,5-tris (trimethylsiloxy) tetrasiloxane showing 12.80as peak area percent and all the other compound was found to be moderate in peak area percent which was in the range of 3.52-1.10 except ƎĀ²-l-Arabinopyranoside methyl, and Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, oct-3-en-2-yl ester as its peak area percent was very low showing 0.08 and 0.13. Theantibacterial activity was good with Escherichia coli when compared to Staphylococcus aureus likewise, the antifungal activity was good with Candidaalbicans on comparison with Aspergillus niger.Conclusion: The naturally occurring non Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œnutrient plant chemicals called as phytochemicals especially phenolics Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ a natural antioxidant containedin T. catappa nut would have contributed for its antibacterial, antifungal properties by interfering with the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membraneand destroying the enzymes required for cellular processes ensuring its therapeutic potential. The variation in therapeutic potential depends on thenutrient content of the soil and other climatic conditions. This confirms the need, validity for phytochemical characterization via analytical methods.Keywords: Antimicrobial, Analytical, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/MS, Terminalia sp


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    The goal of this comprehensive literature review is to show the importance of using multicultural and international childrenā€™s and young adult literature as a needed resource within classrooms across grade levels in order to develop and maintain societies of people around the globe who are knowledgeable of, empathetic toward, and accepting and understanding of one another. A second goal is to show students who work collaboratively using multiple sign systems express their understandings of literature, have encouraged critical thinking skills and are enabled to develop their cultural strengths and talents. This study researched and analyzed the reported importance of the use of multicultural and international childrenā€™s and young adultsā€™ literature and promoted awareness of the need for pre-service teachers to be prepared to use this literature in their future classrooms. Numerous dissertations with the topic of cultural literature were rigorously studied and selected or deselected according to questions pre-chosen by the researcher. The fieldnotes taken from two prominent International Literature conferences were meticulously examined as well, for the input of the need for forth coming teachers to be prepared in using this literature in their classrooms. The findings and conclusions found it to be necessary for pre-service teachers to be prepared on using cultural literature in the most efficient ways according to a conglomeration of award winning authors, illustrators, and prestigious professors who specialize in the area of multicultural and international childrenā€™s and young adultā€™s literature. Implications prevail heavily that detailed preparation for pre-service teachers in the implementation of the use of this literature is imperative

    Look, Think, Act: Using Critical Action Research to Sustain Reform in Complex Teaching/Learning Ecologies

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    This paper argues that educators interested in sustainability should look to complexity science for guiding principles. When we view our classrooms and campuses as living, dynamic ecologies, we can, as insiders, make sense of what might otherwise seem chaotic or meaningless. This perspective enables us not only to describe and explain what is happening around us, but also to use our findings to influence emerging patterns across our classrooms, campuses, or our larger communities. We suggest that educators use a Look, Think, Act cycle recommended by Ernie Stringer to encourage and support sustainable school reform

    Prenatal Buprenorphine/Naloxone or Methadone Use on Neonatal Outcomes in Michigan

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    Background: Maternal opioid exposure during pregnancy has various effects on neonatal health. Buprenorphine/naloxone and methadone are examples of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) used for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). Research comparing the impacts of these MOUD modalities on neonatal outcomes when used to treat pregnant people with OUD remains limited. We evaluated the differences in outcomes between neonates with in-utero exposure to buprenorphine/naloxone versus methadone. Methodology: We performed a retrospective cohort chart review between October 15, 2008, and October 15, 2019, evaluating mother/neonate dyads at two medical centers in Michigan. The charts of female patients, aged 18+, with OUD and buprenorphine/naloxone or methadone treatment, were examined. The charts of the corresponding neonates were also examined. Multiple regression analysis was performed. Results: In total, 343 mother/infant dyads were included: 99 patients were treated with buprenorphine/naloxone and 232 patients were treated with methadone. The buprenorphine/naloxone group had significant differences in maternal age, hepatitis status, asthma, gestational age in weeks, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) length of stay (LOS), neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) peak score, birth head circumference, and birth weight compared to the methadone group at baseline. Adjusted multivariable regression analysis demonstrated neonates with exposure to buprenorphine/naloxone had a NOWS peak score 3.079 points less (95% confidence interval (CI): -4.525, 1.633; p = 0.001) and NICU LOS 8.955 days less (95% CI: -14.399, -3.511; p = 0.001) than neonates exposed to methadone. Conclusions: Neonates with in-utero exposure to buprenorphine/naloxone had significantly lower NOWS scores and shorter NICU LOS compared to neonates with in-utero exposure to methadone. These findings demonstrate that buprenorphine/naloxone is potentially a more favorable treatment for the reduction in metrics representing adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnant people with OUD than methadone


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    O atual estudo se destina a analisar o fenĆ“meno do Compliance nas organizaƧƵes empresariais e na AdministraĆ§Ć£o PĆŗblica, Ć  luz do paradigma da prevenĆ§Ć£o de riscos, ao invĆ©s da tradicional leitura que parte do pressuposto do dano. Aliado a isso, necessĆ”ria a implementaĆ§Ć£o da cultura da governanƧa responsĆ”vel em meio a sĆ©rie de normatizaƧƵes advinda do paradigma da responsabilidade (Lei anticorrupĆ§Ć£o, LGPD ...), de modo a se estabelecer um equilĆ­brio entre a eficĆ”cia dos programas de integridade e os direitos e garantias fundamentais previstos na ConstituiĆ§Ć£o da RepĆŗblica Federativa do Brasil.

    The Usage and Meaning of the Verb Aspects in the Russian and Latvian Languages: The Example of I. Goncharov's Novel "The Precipice" and Its Latvian Translation.

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    Darbs ir veltÄ«ts darbÄ«bas vārda veidu kategoriju nozÄ«mes un lietoÅ”anas problēmām krievu un latvieÅ”u valodās, ņemot kā piemēru Ŕīs svarÄ«gās kategorijas funkcionÄ“Å”anu I. Gončarova romānā ā€žKraujaā€ un tā tulkojumā latvieÅ”u valodā. PētÄ«juma pamatā ir salÄ«dzinoŔās pazÄ«mes darbÄ«bas vārdu pāriem abās valodās, iekļaujot pilnÄ«gas un nepilnÄ«gas darbÄ«bas vārdus, kuri identificēti uz romāna un tā tulkojuma analÄ«zes pamata. Romāna valoda spilgti parāda krievu valodas darbÄ«bas vārdu funkcionālās-semantiskās iezÄ«mes, bet romāna tulkojuma teksts, ko veikuÅ”i ElÄ«na ZālÄ«te un Pauls Dāle, kuri ir latvieÅ”u valodas zinātāji, nodroÅ”ina salÄ«dzināŔanai nepiecieÅ”amo pamatu. Darbā ir divas daļās. Pirmajā daļā tiek apskatÄ«ti teorētiskie jautājumi, kuri ir saistÄ«ti ar darbÄ«bas vārda veida problemātiku abās valodās, kā arÄ« mākslinieciskās runas jautājumiem tulkojuma aspektā. SekojoÅ”i otrajā daļā, saskaņā ar noteikto uzdevumu tiek apskatÄ«ts salÄ«dzinoÅ”ais pilnÄ«go un nepilnÄ«go darbÄ«bas vārdu pāru apraksts. Å is pētÄ«jums bÅ«s noderÄ«gs lingvistiem un filologiem, kuri nodarbojas ar darbÄ«bas vārdu veidu problemātiku salÄ«dzinoŔā aspektā, kā arÄ« I. Gončarova romānu valodas Ä«patnÄ«bām un to tulkojumiem.This master thesis is dedicated to the matter of use and meaning of Russian and Latvian verb forms category by the example of functioning of this category in ā€œThe Precipiceā€ by Ivan Goncharov and in its Latvian translation. The research is based on comparative characteristic of both languagesā€™ verbal pairs, which include perfective and imperfective verb forms that were identified during the analysis of the text and its translation. The language of the novel brightly reveals functional and semantic features of Russian verb forms categories, but the Latvian translation of the novel, made by native Latvian speakers ā€” Elina Zalite and Pauls Dale, give us the necessary basis for comparison. The master thesis includes two chapters. The first chapter displays the basic theoretical issues of perfective and imperfective verb forms of both Russian and Latvian languages; as well the chapter shows artistic speech issues in the translation aspect. According to the set goals, the second chapter displays comparative description of perfective and imperfective verb forms. This research might raise interest of linguists that make research on problematics of verb forms in comparative aspect and for philologists, who study the language features of Ivan Goncharov novels and its translations

    Lexical Peculiarities of the Language of the Russian Diaspora in Latvia: The Use of Expressive Ethnonyms.

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    Darbs ir veltÄ«ts leksikas Ä«patnÄ«bu un ekspresÄ«vo etnonÄ«mu vārdu veidoÅ”anai krievu diasporas valodā Latvijā. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ā€“ lingvistiskā un semantiskā ekspresÄ«vo entonÄ«mu analÄ«ze, kas tiek lietoti krievu valodā Latvijas teritorijā. Autors pēc aprakstoŔās un etimoloÄ£iskās metodes un funkcionālās analÄ«zes veic ekspresÄ«vo etnonÄ«mu veidojoÅ”o vārdu analÄ«zi. Darbs ir sadalÄ«ts trÄ«s daļās. Pirmajā un otrajā daļā tiek apskatÄ«ti pamata teorētiskie jautājumi, kuri ir nepiecieÅ”ami analizÄ“Å”anai. TreÅ”ajā daļā atbilstoÅ”i izvirzÄ«tajiem mērÄ·iem tiek veikta lingvistiskā un semantiskā ekspresÄ«vo etnonÄ«mu analÄ«ze. Å is pētÄ«jums var interesēt filologus, kas strādā ar lÄ«dzÄ«gam problēmām, kā arÄ« visus lasÄ«tājus kam interesē Ŕī tēma.The work is dedicated to the study of word formation and lexical features expressive ethnonyms in the language of the Russian diaspora in Latvia. The purpose of the study - linguistic and semantic analysis of expressive etnonim occurring in the Russian language in Latvia. Author, by following descriptive etymological methods and functional analysis,conducts analysis of derivation ethnonyms. The work is divided into three parts. In the first and second covers the basic theoretical questions, which are necessary for the analysis, in the third part, in accordance with the tasks, performed a linguistic and semantic analysis of expressive ethnonyms. This study may be interested philologists dealing with similar issues, as well as all those interested in this issue readers

    Immigration Stories: Students Write about Their Journeys to America

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    This material published in WOW Stories is made available by the Worlds of Words: Center of Global Literacies and Literatures, College of Education at the University of Arizona, and the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact [email protected], (520) 621-9340
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