922 research outputs found


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    Indonesia adheres to a democratic system where the highest authority is held by the people, as stated in our constitution in Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia. As mentioned in that article, it emphasizes that sovereignty rests in the hands of the people and must be exercised in accordance with the Basic Law. The people have sovereignty, responsibility, rights, and obligations to democratically choose leaders who will govern and serve all layers of society, as well as to elect representatives to oversee the functioning of the government. In this research, the aim is to examine the existence of the Presidential Threshold from the perspective of sovereignty and its implications for democracy in Indonesia. In this research, it is expected to serve as a reference or contribute to the development in the field of interdisciplinary science. The researcher utilizes normative juridical research with descriptive analysis. Based on the author's analysis of the legal issues focused on in this study, the research results indicate that the implications of the Presidential Threshold or the threshold in the presidential candidacy have become a polemic in Indonesia. This is because it is considered to limit the candidacy of national leaders, as several rights, including those of political parties participating in elections, are hindered by the existence of a threshold that not all parties can meet. Furthermore, the choices available to the people will be increasingly limited because the presence of the Presidential Threshold will reduce the variety of options in the process of electing the President and Vice President, leading to implications for the democratic system that create polarization within society

    Phenomena of Juvenile Deliquency (Sociological Study on The Case Assisted by UPTD PPA Makassar City)

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    Cases of children dealing with the law in Makassar City will increase to 35% in 2022. Through this research, it is necessary to determine the factors that underlie children committing law violations at UPTD PPA Makassar City. Qualitative is used as an approach and case studies as its type. Data were collected through observation and interviews as well as documentation activities. Data were analyzed by reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Research informants consisted of ABH, ABH families, and UPTD PPA managers. This study found that the factors underlying children dealing with the law include: (1) Family conditions, unstable family conditions, frequent fights, broken homes, lack of support, and experiences of domestic violence (2) Psychology of the social environment; a social environment that tends to deviate, associates, and the urge to imitate. (3) Socio-economic disparities, basically the children in the case are those from underprivileged families. Their actions are also based on meeting their needs

    Perencanaan dan Studi Kelayakan PLTS Rooftop pada Gedung Fakultas Teknik UNG

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    Sebagian besar pembangkit tenaga listrik terpasang di Indonesia saat ini masih didominasi oleh pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar fosil. Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, perlu dikembangkan pembangkit listrik dari sumber energi terbarukan, salah satunya pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). Tujuan penelitian ini ialah merencanakan PLTS rooftop pada gedung C2 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo serta menganalisis kelayakannya dari aspek teknis dan ekonomis. Perencanaan PLTS rooftop pada penelitian ini terdiri dari tahap desain teknis dengan parameter akhir yang diharapkan ialah nilai performance ratio (PR) yang lebih besar dari 60% dan analisa kelayakan ekonomis menggunakan tiga metode analisis yakni, net present value (NPV), benefit cost ratio (BCR) dan payback period (PP). Dasar perhitunan dalam analisis ketiga metode tersebut menggunakan tarif listrik LWBP Rp735.00/kWh dan cost of energi (COE) Rp1,261.26/kWh. Hasil desain teknis diperoleh nilai PR sebesar 70% dan dari segi ekonomi dengan dasar perhitungan tarif LWBP diperoleh nilai NPV Rp(1,266,891,940.59), BCR 0,97 dan PP 26,1 tahun. Sedangkan dengan dasar perhitungan COE, diperoleh nilai NPV Rp488,730,414.17, BCR 1,77 dan PP 12,17 tahun. Kesimpulan akhir yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ialah bahwa sistem PLTS yang direncanakan layak (feasible) untuk diwujudkan.Most of the currently installed power plants in Indonesia are still dominated by fossil fuel power plants. The continuous use of fossil fuels can cause increasing environmental damage. Therefore, to reduce the use of fossil fuels, it is necessary to develop power plants from renewable energy sources, one of which is solar power plants (PLTS). This study aims to plan a rooftop solar power plant in the C2 building of Faculty of Engineering, State University of Gorontalo, as well as to analyze its feasibility from technical and economic aspects. The PLTS rooftop planning in this study consisted of a technical design stage with the final parameter expected to be a performance ratio (PR) value greater than 60%. Economic feasibility analysis uses there methods, including net present value (NPV), benefit cost ratio BCR) and payback period (PP). The basis of calculation un the analysis of the three methods uses the LWBP electricity tariff of IDR 735,00/kWh and the cost of energy (COE) of IDR 1.261,26/kWh. The result of the technical design obtains a PR value of 70%. In terms of economy, based on the calculation of the LWBP tariff, it obtains the NPV of IDR (1.266.891.940,59), BCR of 0.97 and PP of 16.1 years. Meanwhile, based on the COE calculation, it obtains the NPV of IDR 488.730.414,17, BCR of 1.77 and PP of 12,17 years. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the planned PLTS system is feasible to be realized


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    This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of transformational leadership style on turnover intention through organizational climate as a mediating variable. This type of research is explanatory research using a quantitative approach method. The sampling technique used total sampling with a total sample of 76 people. The data analysis technique used in this research is correlation analysis with the SmartPLS tool. The results of this research show that transformational leadership style has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention at PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada. Transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on organizational climate. Organizational climate has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Organizational climate can mediate the influence of transformational leadership style on turnover intention

    Hubungan parameter dosis 3-Dimensional Conformal RadioTherapy dengan kejadian dermatitis radiasi pada pasien kanker payudara setelah pembedahan

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    Latar Belakang Dermatitis radiasi menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara dan merupakan efek samping tersering pada pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani radiasi adjuvant. Penggunaan teknik 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT) memungkinkan dilakukan perhitungan parameter dosis dan sebaran dosis pada kulit dinding dada. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan parameter dosis 3DCRT dengan derajat dermatitis radiasi pada pasien kanker payudara setelah pembedahan Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi case-control dengan membagi kelompok dermatitis sedang berat sebagai kelompok case dan dermatitis ringan sebagai kelompokm control kemudian dilakukan penelusuran parameter dosis 3DCRT menggunakan “ECLIPS” treatment planning system (TPS). Parameter dosis yang dinilai adalah conformity index (CI), Homogeneity Index (HI) dan dose max sesuai perhitungan menurut standar internasional commission on radiation units and measurements-83 (ICRU-83) Hasil: Uji statistik pada  22 pasien kelompok case dan 22 pasien kontrol menggunakan spearman rho menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara parameter dosis 3DCRT dengan kejadian dermatitis pada pasien kanker payudara setelah pembedahan (p<0,05), OR untuk CI adalah 15,23 (p<0,05), OR untuk HI adalah 6,42 (p<0,05) dan OR untuk dmax adalah 20,25 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Parameter dosis 3DCRT berhubungan dengan derajat dermatitis radiasi dan dapat memperkirakan resiko kejadian dermatitis radiasi terutama untuk CI dan Dose max


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    Tradisi Lokal yang Melekat pada Masyarakat Melayu Seberang Kota Jambi ini berbentuk kegiatan Tradisi budaya hari Assyura, Tradisi perayaan Nisfu Sya’ban, Tradisi Makan Besamo, Tradisi budaya Ziarah Kubur. Nilai yang terkandung pada Tradisi Lokal tersebut yaitu nilai budaya, nilai Agama, dan nilai Karakter. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode etnografi dengan Pendekatan etnografi realis dimana dapat digunakan dalam mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai karakter dalam Tradisi Lokal yang bernuansa Islam pada Masyarakat Melayu Seberang Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini adalah Hasil wujud Tradisi Lokal yang bernuansa Islam yang Melekat pada Masyarakat Melayu Seberang Kota Jambi yang didapatkan pada artikel ini berbentuk kegiatan Tradisi budaya hari Assyura, Tradisi perayaan Nisfu Sya’ban, Tradisi Makan Besamo, Tradisi budaya Ziarah Kubur. nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam Tradisi Lokal tersebut meliputi dari nilai budaya, nilai Agama, dan nilai Karakter. Dengan dikenalnya Tradisi Lokal yang bernuansa Islam serta nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalamnya khususnya nilai karakter dalam tradisi Lokal tersebut pada Masyarakat Melayu Seberang Kota Jambi diharapkan dapat menginformasikan kepada masyarakat umum tentang tradisi Provinsi Jambi yang memiliki nilai-nilai pembentukan karakter


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini berupa pengungkapan adanya gangguan psikologis terhadap teori kebutuhan bertingkat Abraham Maslow terhadap tokoh Queen, Tiwi, dan Ebi dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena Karya Zhaenal Fanani. Mulai dari Fisiologis kebutuhan dasar manusia sampai dengan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri yakni kepuasan akan dirinya sendiri untuk mencapai puncak potensinya. Terdapat lima pembahasan dalam penelitian ini, Yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan rasa aman ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan rasa cinta dan dimiliki ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan penghargaan ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani, kebutuhan aktualisasi diri ke tiga tokoh dalam novel Bulan di Langit Athena karya Zhaenal Fanani. Setiap pembahasan akan diuraikan sesuai dengan teori yang digunakan yaitu teori hierarki bertingkat Abraham Maslow yang telah di tetapkan.Kata Kunci: Hierarki Bertingkat, Penyesalan, Pencapaian.AbstractThe results of this study are in the form of disclosure of a psychological disturbance on Abraham Maslows theory of multilevel needs of figures Queen, Tiwi, and Ebi in the novel Bulan di Langit Athena by Zhaenal Fanani. Starting from Physiological basic human needs up to the needs of self-actualization, namely satisfaction with his own desires to reach the peak of his potential. There are five discussions in this study, namely the physiological needs of the three characters in the Athena Moon novel by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for security for the three characters in the Athena Bulan novel Langit Zhaenal Fanani, the need for love and belonging to the three characters in the Bulan novel in Langit Athena by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for the award of three figures in the Athena Moon in Langit novels by Zhaenal Fanani, the need for self-actualization in three figures in the Athena Moon in Langit novel by Zhaenal Fanani. Each discussion will be described in accordance with the theory used, namely Abraham Maslows multilevel hierarchy theory that has been determined. Key Words: Multilevel Hierarchy, Regret, Achievement, Nove


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    Media began to monitor technological developments related to the shift of media consumption habits to digital media as an impact of the development of information and communication technology. The purpose of this research is to find out the media convergence efforts made by Tribun Kaltim in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. This descriptive qualitative research uses case study approach, where the researcher identifies and analyzes one specific issue. The data is obtained from interviews with resource persons, books, articles, and other related literature. By using the concept of media convergence from Siapera and Veglis, according to this research, Tribun Kaltim uses four types of interconnected media convergence: a) Technological convergence by managing online mediaTribunKaltim. co, e-paper and being present on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and Facebook, b) Business convergence with unlimited connectivity on the internet by adding business partners (advertisers) who are not only from East Kalimantan but can be from all over Indonesia; c) Professional convergence by preparing human resources who can produce and distribute various kinds of content needed based on the platform; d) by combining the forms of writing, photos and videos on the online version of Tribun Kaltim

    Gambaran Karakteristik dan Status Gizi Anak yang Melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 di UPT Puskesmas Kayon Kota Palangka Raya

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    Achievement of the COVID 19 vaccination target, especially for children who received dose 2, has only reached 58.7%. One of the obstacles to achieving the vaccination target is the delay in vaccination because the child is sick. Health conditions at the time of vaccination are sought to be healthy and optimal. Nutritional status has an important role in determining the body's immune response. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and nutritional status of children vaccinated against COVID-19 at UPT Puskesmas Kayon, Palangka Raya City. This type of research is a descriptive method, with a cross-sectional design, using a purposive sampling technique, for 3 months from July to September 2022. The research instruments used were a questionnaire and examination of nutritional status. The results showed that the number of respondents was 40 people, 52.5% female and 47.5% male. Age distribution from 6-11 years. Vaccination history at dose 1 20% and dose 2 80%. The nutritional status of the dominant respondents had a normal nutritional status of 67.5%, 20% less nutrition and 12.5% more nutritional status. The conclusion of this study shows that the age distribution of the most respondents is 11 years with the dominant nutritional status of respondents with normal nutritional status.Achievement of the COVID 19 vaccination target, especially for children who received dose 2, has only reached 58.7%. One of the obstacles to achieving the vaccination target is the delay in vaccination because the child is sick. Health conditions at the time of vaccination are sought to be healthy and optimal. Nutritional status has an important role in determining the body's immune response. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and nutritional status of children vaccinated against COVID-19 at UPT Puskesmas Kayon, Palangka Raya City. This type of research is a descriptive method, with a cross-sectional design, using a purposive sampling technique, for 3 months from July to September 2022. The research instruments used were a questionnaire and examination of nutritional status. The results showed that the number of respondents was 40 people, 52.5% female and 47.5% male. Age distribution from 6-11 years. Vaccination history at dose 1 20% and dose 2 80%. The nutritional status of the dominant respondents had a normal nutritional status of 67.5%, 20% less nutrition and 12.5% more nutritional status. The conclusion of this study shows that the age distribution of the most respondents is 11 years with the dominant nutritional status of respondents with normal nutritional status
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