21 research outputs found

    Корреляционные связи между уровнем дозы ветома  21.77 и массой, а также некоторыми гематологическими  показателями бройлеров

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    The research aims at revealing possible correlations among the dose of microbiological specimen vetom 21.77, body weight and concentration of erythrocytes and hematoglobulin in the poultry blood which received the specimen. The researchers arranged 5 groups: the control group and 4 experimental ones. Each group contained 20 broilers. The researchers used 5 chickens additionally in order to define critical hematological parameters before applying the specimens in the experimental groups. The specimen was applied when feeding the poultry from 1-4 experimental groups orally once a day dosed 2, 5, 50 and 300 μl / kg of weight, respectively, with food and water for 7 days. The chickens from the control group didn’t get the specimen. When analyzing the results obtained,  the digital data was visualized using the swing diagrams and correlation diagrams in order to detail the observed tendencies. At the final stage of the experiment, the average absolute weight of broilers which received vetom 21..77 in the investigated doses was on 0.2-1.4% higher in comparison with the same parameter in the control group. Median parameters   of the absolute  poultry weight which received the specimen dosed 50 and 300 μl / kg of body weight, were on 1.4 and 1.9% higher in the control group. The number of erythrocytes in the poultry blood which received vetom 21.77 at a dose of 300 μl / kg of mass was higher at the end of the experiment than in the control group on 6.3% (P <0.05). The median of the sample exceeded the median of the control group on 8.9%. The average parameters   of hematoglobulin concentration in the blood of chickens which  received the specimen at doses of 50 and 300 μl / kg of mass were on 3.4 (P <0.01) and 3.8% (P <0.01) higher. Medians of these groups were higher than those in the control group on 5%. The article highlights the correlations between the dose of the specimen and live body weight (P <0.001), and between the concentration of erythrocytes (P 0.001) and hematoglobulin (P 0.001) in the blood of experimental poultry.Настоящее исследование направлено на выявление возможных корреляционных связей между уровнем дозы микробиологического препарата ветом 21.77 и живой массой, а также содержанием эритроцитов и гемоглобина в крови птицы, получавшей препарат. Для реализации цели исследования были сформированы 5 групп птицы: контрольная и 4 опытные, по 20 голов в каждой. Дополнительно использовали 5 цыплят для определения пороговых гематологических показателей до применения препарата цыплятам опытных групп. Препарат назначали перорально 1 раз в сутки птице 1–4-й опытных групп в дозах 2, 5, 50 и 300 мкл/кг массы соответственно с кормом и водой в течение 7 суток. Цыплятам контрольной группы препарат не назначали. При анализе полученных результатов в целях детализации наблюдаемых тенденций цифровые данные визуализировали при помощи диаграмм размаха и корреляционных диаграмм. По окончании исследования средние значения абсолютной массы бройлеров, получавших ветом 21.77 в изучаемых дозах, были выше по сравнению с аналогичным показателем в контрольной группе на 0,2–1,4 %. Медианные значения абсолютной массы птиц, которым препарат назначали в дозах 50 и 300 мкл/кг массы, были выше относительно медианы в контроле на 1,4 и 1,9 % соответственно. Содержание эритроцитов в крови птицы, получавшей ветом 21.77 в дозе 300 мкл/кг массы, по окончании исследования было выше по сравнению с аналогичным показателем в контрольной группе на 6,3 % (P <0,05). Медиана данной выборки превышала медиану контроля на 8,9 %. Средние значения концентрации гемоглобина в крови цыплят, которым препарат назначали в дозах 50 и 300 мкл/кг массы, были выше относительно аналогов из контроля на 3,4 (P <0,01) и 3,8 % (P <0,01) соответственно. Медианы данных групп были выше таковой в контроле на 5 %. Выявлена тенденция к наличию достоверных корреляционных связей между уровнем дозы препарата и живой массой (P <0,001), а также содержанием эритроцитов (P <0,001) и гемоглобина (P <0,001) в крови опытной птицы

    Synthesis and Structure of Trinuclear W3S4 Clusters Bearing Aminophosphine Ligands and Their Reactivity toward Halides and Pseudohalides

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    The aminophosphine ligand (2-aminoethyl)- diphenylphosphine (edpp) has been coordinated to the W3(μ- S)(μ-S)3 cluster unit to afford trimetallic complex [W3S4Br3(edpp)3]+ (1+) in a one-step synthesis process with high yields. Related [W3S4X3(edpp)3]+ clusters (X = F−, Cl−, NCS−; 2+−4+) have been isolated by treating 1+ with the corresponding halide or pseudohalide salt. The structure of complexes 1+ to 4+ contains an incomplete W3S4 cubane-type cluster unit, and only one of the possible isomers is formed: the one with the phosphorus atoms trans to the capping sulfur and the amino groups trans to the bridging sulphurs. The remaining coordination position on each metal is occupied by X. Detailed studies using stopped-flow, 31P{1H} NMR, and ESI-MS have been carried out in order to understand the solution behavior and the kinetics of interconversion among species 1+, 2+, 3+, and 4+ in solution. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been also carried out on the reactions of cluster 1+ with the different anions. The whole set of experimental and theoretical data indicate that the actual mechanism of substitutions in these clusters is strongly dependent on the nature of the leaving and entering anions. The interaction between an entering F− and the amino group coordinated to the adjacent metal have also been found to be especially relevant to the kinetics of these reactions

    Landscape of somatic single nucleotide variants and indels in colorectal cancer and impact on survival

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a biologically heterogeneous disease. To characterize its mutational profile, we conduct targeted sequencing of 205 genes for 2,105 CRC cases with survival data. Our data shows several findings in addition to enhancing the existing knowledge of CRC. We identify PRKCI, SPZ1, MUTYH, MAP2K4, FETUB, and TGFBR2 as additional genes significantly mutated in CRC. We find that among hypermutated tumors, an increased mutation burden is associated with improved CRC-specific survival (HR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.21-0.82). Mutations in TP53 are associated with poorer CRC-specific survival, which is most pronounced in cases carrying TP53 mutations with predicted 0% transcriptional activity (HR=1.53, 95% CI: 1.21-1.94). Furthermore, we observe differences in mutational frequency of several genes and pathways by tumor location, stage, and sex. Overall, this large study provides deep insights into somatic mutations in CRC, and their potential relationships with survival and tumor features. Large scale sequencing study is of paramount importance to unravel the heterogeneity of colorectal cancer. Here, the authors sequenced 205 cancer genes in more than 2000 tumours and identified additional mutated driver genes, determined that mutational burden and specific mutations in TP53 are associated with survival odds

    Inner/Outer Nuclear Membrane Fusion in Nuclear Pore Assembly: Biochemical Demonstration and Molecular Analysis

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is characterized by a long-lived membrane-lined channel connecting the inner and outer nuclear membranes. This stabilized membrane channel, within which the nuclear pore is built, has little evolutionary precedent. In this report we demonstrate and map the inner/outer nuclear membrane fusion in NPC assembly


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    It is known that predatory Hyphomycetes fungi play an important role in measures taken for helminthic infestation prevention. There is little evidence on properties of compounds contained in predatory fungi and their effect on animals. Results of tests of "Vetom 21.77", new microbiological preparation based on Duddingtonia flagrans, for its effect on serum biochemical pattern of laboratory mice are presented. The preparation was administered to the animals at the dose of 2, 5, 50 and 300 µl/kg of body weight. The animals were examined for tested parameters prior and 2 and 7 days after daily administration of the preparation. The parameters remained within the normal physiological limits in all test group as well as in control group not given the preparation. The test results indicated safety of the said microbiological preparation. Significant increase in total protein and albumin contents was recorded in mice given the maximum dose of the preparation as compared with those of control group

    Disruption of Endothelial Cell Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Lambs with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow

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    Aims: The mitochondrial dysfunction in our lamb model of congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary blood flow (PBF) (Shunt) is associated with disrupted carnitine metabolism. Our recent studies have also shown that asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels are increased in Shunt lambs and ADMA increases the nitration of mitochondrial proteins in lamb pulmonary arterial endothelial cells (PAEC) in a nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent manner. Thus, we determined whether there was a mechanistic link between endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), ADMA, and the disruption of carnitine homeostasis in PAEC. Results: Exposure of PAEC to ADMA induced the redistribution of eNOS to the mitochondria, resulting in an increase in carnitine acetyl transferase (CrAT) nitration and decreased CrAT activity. The resulting increase in acyl-carnitine levels resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction and the disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics. Since the addition of l-arginine prevented these pathologic changes, we examined the effect of l-arginine supplementation on carnitine homeostasis, mitochondrial function, and nitric oxide (NO) signaling in Shunt lambs. We found that the treatment of Shunt lambs with l-arginine prevented the ADMA-mediated mitochondrial redistribution of eNOS, the nitration-mediated inhibition of CrAT, and maintained carnitine homeostasis. In turn, adenosine-5′-triphosphate levels and eNOS/heat shock protein 90 interactions were preserved, and this decreased NOS uncoupling and enhanced NO generation. Innovation: Our data link alterations in cellular l-arginine metabolism with the disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics and implicate altered carnitine homeostasis as a key player in this process. Conclusion: l-arginine supplementation may be a useful therapy to prevent the mitochondrial dysfunction involved in the pulmonary vascular alterations secondary to increased PBF. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 18, 1739–1752

    Assessment of nitric oxide signals by triiodide chemiluminescence

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    Nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity is mainly conveyed through reactions with iron and thiols, furnishing iron nitrosyls and S-nitrosothiols with wide-ranging stabilities and reactivities. Triiodide chemiluminescence methodology has been popularized as uniquely capable of quantifying these species together with NO byproducts, such as nitrite and nitrosamines. Studies with triiodide, however, have challenged basic ideas of NO biochemistry. The assay, which involves addition of multiple reagents whose chemistry is not fully understood, thus requires extensive validation: Few protein standards have in fact been characterized; NO mass balance in biological mixtures has not been verified; and recovery of species that span the range of NO-group reactivities has not been assessed. Here we report on the performance of the triiodide assay vs. photolysis chemiluminescence in side-by-side assays of multiple nitrosylated standards of varied reactivities and in assays of endogenous Fe- and S-nitrosylated hemoglobin. Although the photolysis method consistently gives quantitative recoveries, the yields by triiodide are variable and generally low (approaching zero with some standards and endogenous samples). Moreover, in triiodide, added chemical reagents, changes in sample pH, and altered ionic composition result in decreased recoveries and misidentification of NO species. We further show that triiodide, rather than directly and exclusively producing NO, also produces the highly potent nitrosating agent, nitrosyliodide. Overall, we find that the triiodide assay is strongly influenced by sample composition and reactivity and does not reliably identify, quantify, or differentiate NO species in complex biological mixtures